1 Corinthians 12 (BNTLV)
1 Ti eshuwotso! ando S'ayin shayiro b́imet imuwotsi it dano geefe. 2 Ik'i ash woterawwotsi it teshor it danaw keewwotsn jisheyat noon keew falraw woteraw ik'uwots maants iti daamefok'o danfte. 3 Mansh Ik'i shayiron jisheyar Iyesusi c'ashetuwo konwor aaliye, mank'owere S'ayin shayiron jisheyarni bako «Iyesus doonze!» etetuwo konworu bí aalok'o itsh keewituwe. 4 K'osh k'osh S'ayin shayiri imuwots fa'ane, S'ayin shayironmó ike. 5 K'osh k'osh finuwots fa'ane, doonzonmó ike. 6 K'osh k'osh fini naaruwots fa'ane, ernmó jamo b́jamon finituwo ik Ik'oniye. 7 No ik iketsitse S'ayin shayiro be'eyat b́ fiinirye jametsi t'k'miyoshe. 8 S'ayin shayiro ik ashosh dani teleefi aap'o imetuwe, k'osh ashoshowere shayirman dani aap'o bí imeti, 9 Ik shayirman ikosh imnetiyo bí imeti, k'oshoshmó shodets kashiyit imo bí imeti, 10 Ikosho Ik'oke bek'on keewo, ikoshowere Shayirwotsi galde dano, ikosho k'osh naari noon keewo, k'oshoshowere imets k'osh noonon keewtso bits falo bí imeti, 11 Wotowa'ere jamán k'alituwo ik shayirmaniye, S'ayin shayiro b́ shunok'o ik ik ashosh k'osh k'osh imo b́ imeti. 12 Ash iko ayi atsi kayuwotsi detsfe, bí atsi kaywots ayi bowotefere bobeyir ik ash manatse. Hank'o Krstos ayi atsi kaywotsi detsts ik atsi kayok'owiye. 13 Ayhudi nowotiyalo Grik ash nowotiyalo, guutswotsi nowotiyalo, S'ayinwotsi nowotiyalor, ik ats wotosh ik shayiri S'ayinon guuperoone, noúnetswor shayir ikanitse úshrone. 14 Ik atso b́fiine ay atsi kaywotsatsna bako ik atsi kayo s'uzatsnaliye! 15 Tufo «Taa kish woto tk'aztsotse atsi kay taanaliye!» bíetal eshe hank'o bíettsosh atsi kay b́woto oorituwa? 16 Waazonuwere «Taa ááw woto tk'aztsotse atsi kay taanaliye» bíetal, eshe, hank'o bíettsosh atsi kay b́woto oorituwa? 17 Ats iko b́ jamon ááw b́wotink'ere eegneya shisho b́faliyank'oni? Ats iko b́ jamon waaz b́ wotink'ere eegneya shink'o b́faliti? 18 Andmó Ik'o b́ shunok'o ik ik atsi kayo atsotse bísh wotit beyokok b́beyoko deshde'er b́datseetuwok'o woshre. 19 Boúnetswor ik kayo s'uzi bowotink'ere ats jamo eewkneya b́ datseeyank'oni? 20 Andomó ay atsi kaywots bobeyalor atso ik s'uzee. 21 Aawo kishosh «Nee taash geyiratsne!» etosh falratse, tookonuwere tufosh «Nee taash geyiratsne!» etosh falratse, 22 Dab́nuwor bítsi maawkwotsi araat be'eyiru atsi kaywots iki bogshdek't geyiknee. 23 Mangi muk' detstswotsi araat noosh be'eyiru atsi kayuwots iki bog mango boosh imetuwone, bek'osh jitsik araat noosh be'eyiru atsi kaywotssh iki bog mango imaat boon nokotiriye, 24 Bek'osh sheengiru atsi kaywotsmó jaman boosh geyiratse, Ik'onmó s'ilosh jitsitu araat be'eyiru atsi kayuwotssh bog mango bo detsetwok'o woshdek'́t atsi kayuwotsi gonkire. 25 Hanowere b́k'al atsi kaywots dagotse k'osh k'osheyalo bo ats atseyo bogawetuwok'owe. 26 Ik atsi kayo b́ kic'iyal k'osh atsi kaywotsuwere jamon bíntoniye bo kic'iti, ik atsi kayonu mango b́ daatsor k'osh atsi kaywotswere bínton ikn bo geneúwiti. 27 It Krstos atsi kayi itne, it ik ikon bíatsi kay itne. 28 Mansh Ik'o ik ik asho Ik' mootse k'osh k'osh fino bodetsetuwok'o woshre, hank'on shino woshetswotsi, gitlo nebiyatiyotsi, kezlon danirwotsi naashire. Dabtnuwere adits finituwotsi, dabt shodtso kashiyo boosh imetswotsi, ashuwotsi t'ep'o boosh imetswotsi, jiishiruwotsnat k'osh k'osh noonon keewiru ashuwotsi woshre. 29 Jamwots wosheetswtsneya? Jamwots nebiyatiyotsneya? Jamwots danirwotsneya? Jamwots adits finirwotsneya? 30 Jamwots shodts kashiyo boosh imeknowa? Jamwots handr noonon keewo falfnowa? Jamwots handr noonon keewetso biitso falfnowa? 31 Eshe ayidek't bogf imo daatsosh gewoore.Dab and jamoniyere bog weerindo itsh kitsuna.
In Other Versions
1 Corinthians 12 in the ANGEFD
1 Corinthians 12 in the ANTPNG2D
1 Corinthians 12 in the BNTABOOT
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOATCB
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOATCB2
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOGWICC
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOHLNT
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOHNTLTAL
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOILNTAP
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOITCV
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOKCV2
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOKHWOG
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOKSSV
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOLCB2
1 Corinthians 12 in the BONUT2
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOPLNT
1 Corinthians 12 in the BOTLNT
1 Corinthians 12 in the KBT1ETNIK
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBIBS2
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBIIS2
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBIIS3
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBIKS2
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBITS2
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBITS3
1 Corinthians 12 in the SBITS4
1 Corinthians 12 in the TBIAOTANT
1 Corinthians 12 in the TBT1E2