Numbers 27 (BOKCV)
1 Binti za Selofehadi mwana wa Heferi, mwana wa Gileadi, mwana wa Makiri, mwana wa Manase, walikuwa wa koo za Manase mwana wa Yosefu. Majina ya hao binti yalikuwa Mahla, Noa, Hogla, Milka na Tirsa. Walikaribia 2 ingilio la Hema la Kukutania na kusimama mbele ya Mose, kuhani Eleazari, viongozi na kusanyiko lote, wakasema, 3 “Baba yetu alikufa jangwani. Hakuwa miongoni mwa wafuasi wa Kora, ambao walifungamana pamoja dhidi ya BWANA, lakini alikufa kwa ajili ya dhambi yake mwenyewe na hakuacha wana. 4 Kwa nini jina la baba yetu lifutike kutoka ukoo wake kwa sababu hakuwa na mwana? Tupatie milki miongoni mwa ndugu za baba yetu.” 5 Kwa hiyo Mose akalileta shauri lao mbele za BWANA, 6 naye BWANA akamwambia Mose, 7 “Wanachosema binti za Selofehadi ni sawa. Ni lazima kwa hakika uwape milki kama urithi miongoni mwa ndugu za baba yao, na kubadili urithi wa baba yao uwe wao. 8 “Waambie Waisraeli, ‘Ikiwa mtu atakufa naye hakuacha mwana, utampa binti yake urithi wake. 9 Ikiwa hana binti, wape ndugu zake wa kiume urithi wake. 10 Ikiwa hana ndugu wa kiume toa urithi wake kwa ndugu za baba yake. 11 Ikiwa baba yake hakuwa na ndugu wa kiume, toa urithi wake kwa ndugu wa karibu katika ukoo wake, ili aumiliki. Hili litakuwa dai la sheria kwa Waisraeli, kama BWANA alivyomwamuru Mose.’ ” 12 Kisha BWANA akamwambia Mose, “Panda juu ya mlima huu katika kilele cha Abarimu uione nchi ambayo nimewapa Waisraeli. 13 Baada ya kuiona, wewe pia utakusanywa pamoja na watu wako kama ndugu yako Aroni alivyokusanywa, 14 kwa kuwa jumuiya ilipoasi amri yangu kwenye maji katika Jangwa la Sini, wakati jumuiya ilipogombana nami, nyote wawili mliacha kuitii amri yangu ya kuniheshimu kama mtakatifu mbele ya macho yao.” (Haya yalikuwa maji ya Meriba huko Kadeshi, katika Jangwa la Sini.) 15 Mose akamwambia BWANA, 16 “BWANA, Mungu wa roho zote za wanadamu, na amteue mtu juu ya jumuiya hii 17 ili atoke na kuingia mbele yao, atakayewaongoza katika kutoka kwao na kuingia kwao, ili watu wa BWANA wasiwe kama kondoo wasio na mchungaji.” 18 Kwa hiyo BWANA akamwambia Mose, “Mchukue Yoshua mwana wa Nuni, mtu ambaye Roho yuko ndani yake, uweke mkono juu yake. 19 Msimamishe mbele ya kuhani Eleazari pamoja na kusanyiko lote, umpe maagizo mbele yao. 20 Mpe sehemu ya mamlaka yako ili jumuiya yote ya Waisraeli ipate kumtii. 21 Atasimama mbele ya kuhani Eleazari, ambaye atapokea maamuzi kwa ajili yake, kwa kuuliza mbele za BWANA kwa ile Urimu. Kwa amri yake, yeye na jumuiya yote ya Waisraeli watatoka, na kwa amri yake, wataingia.” 22 Mose akafanya kama BWANA alivyomwagiza. Akamtwaa Yoshua na kumsimamisha mbele ya kuhani Eleazari na kusanyiko lote. 23 Kisha akaweka mikono yake juu ya kichwa cha Yoshua na kumpa maagizo, kama vile BWANA alivyoelekeza kupitia kwa Mose.
In Other Versions
Numbers 27 in the ANGEFD
Numbers 27 in the ANTPNG2D
Numbers 27 in the AS21
Numbers 27 in the BAGH
Numbers 27 in the BBPNG
Numbers 27 in the BBT1E
Numbers 27 in the BDS
Numbers 27 in the BEV
Numbers 27 in the BHAD
Numbers 27 in the BIB
Numbers 27 in the BLPT
Numbers 27 in the BNT
Numbers 27 in the BNTABOOT
Numbers 27 in the BNTLV
Numbers 27 in the BOATCB
Numbers 27 in the BOATCB2
Numbers 27 in the BOBCV
Numbers 27 in the BOCNT
Numbers 27 in the BOECS
Numbers 27 in the BOGWICC
Numbers 27 in the BOHCB
Numbers 27 in the BOHCV
Numbers 27 in the BOHLNT
Numbers 27 in the BOHNTLTAL
Numbers 27 in the BOICB
Numbers 27 in the BOILNTAP
Numbers 27 in the BOITCV
Numbers 27 in the BOKCV2
Numbers 27 in the BOKHWOG
Numbers 27 in the BOKSSV
Numbers 27 in the BOLCB
Numbers 27 in the BOLCB2
Numbers 27 in the BOMCV
Numbers 27 in the BONAV
Numbers 27 in the BONCB
Numbers 27 in the BONLT
Numbers 27 in the BONUT2
Numbers 27 in the BOPLNT
Numbers 27 in the BOSCB
Numbers 27 in the BOSNC
Numbers 27 in the BOTLNT
Numbers 27 in the BOVCB
Numbers 27 in the BOYCB
Numbers 27 in the BPBB
Numbers 27 in the BPH
Numbers 27 in the BSB
Numbers 27 in the CCB
Numbers 27 in the CUV
Numbers 27 in the CUVS
Numbers 27 in the DBT
Numbers 27 in the DGDNT
Numbers 27 in the DHNT
Numbers 27 in the DNT
Numbers 27 in the ELBE
Numbers 27 in the EMTV
Numbers 27 in the ESV
Numbers 27 in the FBV
Numbers 27 in the FEB
Numbers 27 in the GGMNT
Numbers 27 in the GNT
Numbers 27 in the HARY
Numbers 27 in the HNT
Numbers 27 in the IRVA
Numbers 27 in the IRVB
Numbers 27 in the IRVG
Numbers 27 in the IRVH
Numbers 27 in the IRVK
Numbers 27 in the IRVM
Numbers 27 in the IRVM2
Numbers 27 in the IRVO
Numbers 27 in the IRVP
Numbers 27 in the IRVT
Numbers 27 in the IRVT2
Numbers 27 in the IRVU
Numbers 27 in the ISVN
Numbers 27 in the JSNT
Numbers 27 in the KAPI
Numbers 27 in the KBT1ETNIK
Numbers 27 in the KBV
Numbers 27 in the KJV
Numbers 27 in the KNFD
Numbers 27 in the LBA
Numbers 27 in the LBLA
Numbers 27 in the LNT
Numbers 27 in the LSV
Numbers 27 in the MAAL
Numbers 27 in the MBV
Numbers 27 in the MBV2
Numbers 27 in the MHNT
Numbers 27 in the MKNFD
Numbers 27 in the MNG
Numbers 27 in the MNT
Numbers 27 in the MNT2
Numbers 27 in the MRS1T
Numbers 27 in the NAA
Numbers 27 in the NASB
Numbers 27 in the NBLA
Numbers 27 in the NBS
Numbers 27 in the NBVTP
Numbers 27 in the NET2
Numbers 27 in the NIV11
Numbers 27 in the NNT
Numbers 27 in the NNT2
Numbers 27 in the NNT3
Numbers 27 in the PDDPT
Numbers 27 in the PFNT
Numbers 27 in the RMNT
Numbers 27 in the SBIAS
Numbers 27 in the SBIBS
Numbers 27 in the SBIBS2
Numbers 27 in the SBICS
Numbers 27 in the SBIDS
Numbers 27 in the SBIGS
Numbers 27 in the SBIHS
Numbers 27 in the SBIIS
Numbers 27 in the SBIIS2
Numbers 27 in the SBIIS3
Numbers 27 in the SBIKS
Numbers 27 in the SBIKS2
Numbers 27 in the SBIMS
Numbers 27 in the SBIOS
Numbers 27 in the SBIPS
Numbers 27 in the SBISS
Numbers 27 in the SBITS
Numbers 27 in the SBITS2
Numbers 27 in the SBITS3
Numbers 27 in the SBITS4
Numbers 27 in the SBIUS
Numbers 27 in the SBIVS
Numbers 27 in the SBT
Numbers 27 in the SBT1E
Numbers 27 in the SCHL
Numbers 27 in the SNT
Numbers 27 in the SUSU
Numbers 27 in the SUSU2
Numbers 27 in the SYNO
Numbers 27 in the TBIAOTANT
Numbers 27 in the TBT1E
Numbers 27 in the TBT1E2
Numbers 27 in the TFTIP
Numbers 27 in the TFTU
Numbers 27 in the TGNTATF3T
Numbers 27 in the THAI
Numbers 27 in the TNFD
Numbers 27 in the TNT
Numbers 27 in the TNTIK
Numbers 27 in the TNTIL
Numbers 27 in the TNTIN
Numbers 27 in the TNTIP
Numbers 27 in the TNTIZ
Numbers 27 in the TOMA
Numbers 27 in the TTENT
Numbers 27 in the UBG
Numbers 27 in the UGV
Numbers 27 in the UGV2
Numbers 27 in the UGV3
Numbers 27 in the VBL
Numbers 27 in the VDCC
Numbers 27 in the YALU
Numbers 27 in the YAPE
Numbers 27 in the YBVTP
Numbers 27 in the ZBP