Exodus 33 (BOLCB)
1 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, “Vva mu kifo kino ogende, ggwe n’abantu be waggya mu nsi y’e Misiri, olage mu nsi gye nalayirira Ibulayimu ne Isaaka, ne Yakobo, nga njogera nti, ‘Ndigiwa bazzukulu bammwe.’ 2 Ndiweereza malayika abakulemberenga; era ndigobamu Abakanani, n’Abamoli, n’Abakiiti, n’Abaperezi, n’Abakiivi n’Abayebusi. 3 Yambuka mu nsi ekulukutiramu amata n’omubisi gw’enjuki. Naye sijja kugenda nammwe; sirwa kubazikiririza mu kkubo, kubanga muli bantu ab’ensingo enkakanyavu.” 4 Abantu bwe baawulira amawulire ago ag’ennaku, ne bakungubaga ne watabaawo ayambala eby’omu matu wadde eby’oku mikono ebyokwewoomya. 5 Kubanga MUKAMA yali alagidde Musa nti, “Gamba abaana ba Isirayiri nti, ‘Mulina omutima omukakanyavu, era singa ntambula nammwe okumala akaseera wadde katono katya, nzija kubazikiriza. Kale kaakano mweyambulemu ebyokwewoomya byammwe, ndyoke ndabe kye nnaakola.’ ” 6 Bwe batyo abaana ba Isirayiri ne beeyambulamu eby’obugagga byabwe nga bali ku lusozi Kolebu. 7 Kale, Musa yaddiranga eweema n’agisimba ebweru w’olusiisira, ewala ddala n’olusiisira; n’agiyita Eweema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu. Ne buli eyeetaaganga MUKAMA, ng’agenda awali Eweema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, eyali ebweru w’olusiisira. 8 Era buli Musa lwe yafulumanga n’alaga eri Eweema, abantu bonna nga bayimirira mu miryango gy’eweema zaabwe ne batunuulira Musa okutuusa lwe yayingiranga mu Weema. 9 Musa bwe yayingiranga mu Weema, empagi ey’ekire n’ekka n’eyimirira mu mulyango gw’Eweema; MUKAMA n’alyoka ayogera ne Musa. 10 Abantu bwe baalabanga ng’empagi ey’ekire eyimiridde mu mulyango gw’Eweema, bonna ne basituka ne basinza, buli omu mu mulyango gw’eweema ye. 11 Bw’atyo MUKAMA bwe yayogeranga ne Musa nga batunulaganye, ng’omuntu bw’ayogera ne mukwano gwe. Musa bwe yaddangayo mu lusiisira, omuweereza we, omuvubuka Yoswa mutabani wa Nuuni, ye n’asigalayo mu Weema. 12 Musa n’agamba MUKAMA nti, “Obadde ontegeeza nti, ‘Kulembera abantu bano,’ naye omuntu gw’onontuma naye tomuntegeezezza. Ogambye nti, ‘Nkumanyi awamu n’erinnya lyo, era onsanyusizza.’ 13 Obanga nkusanyusizza, njigiriza amakubo go ndyoke nkumanye era nneeyongeranga okukusanyusa. Jjukira nti eggwanga lino be bantu bo.” 14 MUKAMA n’addamu nti, “Nnaagendanga naawe, era nnaakuwummuzanga.” 15 Musa n’amugamba nti, “Obanga toogende naffe, totuggya wano. 16 Kale abantu balitegeerera ku ki nga Nkusanyusizza, nze n’abantu bo? Si lwa kubanga onooba ogenze naffe, ne tuba ba njawulo, nze n’abantu bo, nga twawukana ku bantu bonna ab’oku nsi?” 17 Awo MUKAMA n’agamba Musa nti, “Nzija kukola ekyo kyennyini ky’osabye; onsanyusizza, era nkumanyi awamu n’erinnya lyo.” 18 Musa n’agamba nti, “Nkwegayiridde, ndaga ekitiibwa kyo.” 19 MUKAMA n’agamba nti, “Nzija kuggyayo obulungi bwange bwonna nga mbuyisa mu maaso go. Era nzija kukutegeeza erinnya lyange, MUKAMA. Buli gwe nnaayagalanga okukwatirwa ekisa, nnaamukwatirwanga ekisa, ne buli gwe nnaayagalanga okusaasira nnaamusaasiranga.” 20 Era n’agamba nti, “Naye toyinza kulaba maaso gange, kubanga tewali muntu antunulako n’aba mulamu.” 21 MUKAMA n’agamba nti, “Waliwo wano okumpi nange ekifo ku lwazi kw’onooyimirira. 22 Ekitiibwa kyange bwe kinaaba kiyitawo, nnaakuteeka mu mpataanya mu lwazi, ne nkubikkako omukono gwange okutuusa lwe nnaamala okuyitawo. 23 Oluvannyuma omukono gwange nnaaguggyawo, n’olaba amabega gange; naye tojja kulaba ku maaso gange.”
In Other Versions
Exodus 33 in the ANGEFD
Exodus 33 in the ANTPNG2D
Exodus 33 in the AS21
Exodus 33 in the BAGH
Exodus 33 in the BBPNG
Exodus 33 in the BBT1E
Exodus 33 in the BDS
Exodus 33 in the BEV
Exodus 33 in the BHAD
Exodus 33 in the BIB
Exodus 33 in the BLPT
Exodus 33 in the BNT
Exodus 33 in the BNTABOOT
Exodus 33 in the BNTLV
Exodus 33 in the BOATCB
Exodus 33 in the BOATCB2
Exodus 33 in the BOBCV
Exodus 33 in the BOCNT
Exodus 33 in the BOECS
Exodus 33 in the BOGWICC
Exodus 33 in the BOHCB
Exodus 33 in the BOHCV
Exodus 33 in the BOHLNT
Exodus 33 in the BOHNTLTAL
Exodus 33 in the BOICB
Exodus 33 in the BOILNTAP
Exodus 33 in the BOITCV
Exodus 33 in the BOKCV
Exodus 33 in the BOKCV2
Exodus 33 in the BOKHWOG
Exodus 33 in the BOKSSV
Exodus 33 in the BOLCB2
Exodus 33 in the BOMCV
Exodus 33 in the BONAV
Exodus 33 in the BONCB
Exodus 33 in the BONLT
Exodus 33 in the BONUT2
Exodus 33 in the BOPLNT
Exodus 33 in the BOSCB
Exodus 33 in the BOSNC
Exodus 33 in the BOTLNT
Exodus 33 in the BOVCB
Exodus 33 in the BOYCB
Exodus 33 in the BPBB
Exodus 33 in the BPH
Exodus 33 in the BSB
Exodus 33 in the CCB
Exodus 33 in the CUV
Exodus 33 in the CUVS
Exodus 33 in the DBT
Exodus 33 in the DGDNT
Exodus 33 in the DHNT
Exodus 33 in the DNT
Exodus 33 in the ELBE
Exodus 33 in the EMTV
Exodus 33 in the ESV
Exodus 33 in the FBV
Exodus 33 in the FEB
Exodus 33 in the GGMNT
Exodus 33 in the GNT
Exodus 33 in the HARY
Exodus 33 in the HNT
Exodus 33 in the IRVA
Exodus 33 in the IRVB
Exodus 33 in the IRVG
Exodus 33 in the IRVH
Exodus 33 in the IRVK
Exodus 33 in the IRVM
Exodus 33 in the IRVM2
Exodus 33 in the IRVO
Exodus 33 in the IRVP
Exodus 33 in the IRVT
Exodus 33 in the IRVT2
Exodus 33 in the IRVU
Exodus 33 in the ISVN
Exodus 33 in the JSNT
Exodus 33 in the KAPI
Exodus 33 in the KBT1ETNIK
Exodus 33 in the KBV
Exodus 33 in the KJV
Exodus 33 in the KNFD
Exodus 33 in the LBA
Exodus 33 in the LBLA
Exodus 33 in the LNT
Exodus 33 in the LSV
Exodus 33 in the MAAL
Exodus 33 in the MBV
Exodus 33 in the MBV2
Exodus 33 in the MHNT
Exodus 33 in the MKNFD
Exodus 33 in the MNG
Exodus 33 in the MNT
Exodus 33 in the MNT2
Exodus 33 in the MRS1T
Exodus 33 in the NAA
Exodus 33 in the NASB
Exodus 33 in the NBLA
Exodus 33 in the NBS
Exodus 33 in the NBVTP
Exodus 33 in the NET2
Exodus 33 in the NIV11
Exodus 33 in the NNT
Exodus 33 in the NNT2
Exodus 33 in the NNT3
Exodus 33 in the PDDPT
Exodus 33 in the PFNT
Exodus 33 in the RMNT
Exodus 33 in the SBIAS
Exodus 33 in the SBIBS
Exodus 33 in the SBIBS2
Exodus 33 in the SBICS
Exodus 33 in the SBIDS
Exodus 33 in the SBIGS
Exodus 33 in the SBIHS
Exodus 33 in the SBIIS
Exodus 33 in the SBIIS2
Exodus 33 in the SBIIS3
Exodus 33 in the SBIKS
Exodus 33 in the SBIKS2
Exodus 33 in the SBIMS
Exodus 33 in the SBIOS
Exodus 33 in the SBIPS
Exodus 33 in the SBISS
Exodus 33 in the SBITS
Exodus 33 in the SBITS2
Exodus 33 in the SBITS3
Exodus 33 in the SBITS4
Exodus 33 in the SBIUS
Exodus 33 in the SBIVS
Exodus 33 in the SBT
Exodus 33 in the SBT1E
Exodus 33 in the SCHL
Exodus 33 in the SNT
Exodus 33 in the SUSU
Exodus 33 in the SUSU2
Exodus 33 in the SYNO
Exodus 33 in the TBIAOTANT
Exodus 33 in the TBT1E
Exodus 33 in the TBT1E2
Exodus 33 in the TFTIP
Exodus 33 in the TFTU
Exodus 33 in the TGNTATF3T
Exodus 33 in the THAI
Exodus 33 in the TNFD
Exodus 33 in the TNT
Exodus 33 in the TNTIK
Exodus 33 in the TNTIL
Exodus 33 in the TNTIN
Exodus 33 in the TNTIP
Exodus 33 in the TNTIZ
Exodus 33 in the TOMA
Exodus 33 in the TTENT
Exodus 33 in the UBG
Exodus 33 in the UGV
Exodus 33 in the UGV2
Exodus 33 in the UGV3
Exodus 33 in the VBL
Exodus 33 in the VDCC
Exodus 33 in the YALU
Exodus 33 in the YAPE
Exodus 33 in the YBVTP
Exodus 33 in the ZBP