Ezekiel 5 (BOSCB)
1 “Zvino, Mwanakomana womunhu, tora munondo unopinza ugoushandisa sechisvo chomugeri kuti uveure musoro wako nendebvu dzako. Ipapo utore zviyero zviviri ugokamura bvudzi. 2 Panopera mazuva okukomba kwako, upise nomoto chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu chebvudzi uri mukati meguta. Ugotora chimwe chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu uchiteme nomunondo uchipoteredza guta. Ugoparadzira chimwe chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu kumhepo. Nokuti ini ndichavadzingirira nomunondo wakavhomorwa. 3 Asi utore rimwe bvudzi shoma shoma uriise pamipendero yenguo dzako. 4 Uyezve, utore rimwe shoma racho urikande mumoto ugoripisa. Moto uchapararira kubva ipapo uchienda kuimba yose yaIsraeri. 5 “Zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Iri ndiro Jerusarema, randakaisa pakati pendudzi, nenyika dzakaripoteredza. 6 Asi pakuipa kwaro rakamukira mirayiro yangu nemitemo yangu kupfuura ndudzi nenyika dzakaripoteredza. Rakaramba mirayiro yangu uye harina kutevera mitemo yangu. 7 “Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Wanga usingazvidzori kupfuura ndudzi dzakakupoteredza uye hauna kutevera mitemo yangu kana kuchengeta mirayiro yangu. Hauna kana kumbotevedzera tsika dzendudzi dzakakupoteredza. 8 “Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe Jehovha: Ini iyeni ndinokurwisa iwe Jerusarema, uye ndichakuranga pamberi pedzimwe ndudzi. 9 Nokuda kwezvifananidzo zvako zvinonyangadza, ndichakuitira zvandisina kumboita kare uye handichazozviitizve. 10 Naizvozvo pakati pako madzibaba vachadya vana vavo, uye vana vachadya madzibaba avo. Ndichakuranga uye ndichaparadzira vakasara vako vose kumhepo zhinji. 11 Naizvozvo noupenyu hwangu zvirokwazvo, ndizvo zvinotaura Ishe Jehovha, nokuti wakasvibisa nzvimbo yangu tsvene nezvakaumbwa zvako zvinonyangadza uye namaitiro ako anosemesa, ini ndimene ndichabvisa nyasha dzangu kwauri handichakutarisi netsitsi kana kukuponesa. 12 Chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu chavanhu vako vachafa nehosha kana kufa nenzara mukati mako; chimwe chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu chichawa nokuda kwomunondo kunze kwamasvingo ako; uye chimwe chikamu chimwe chete kubva muzvitatu ndichachiparadzira kumhepo zhinji ndigochitevera nomunondo wakavhomorwa. 13 “Ipapo kutsamwa kwangu kuchapera uye hasha dzangu dzichabva pamusoro pavo, uye ndichange ndatsiva. Uye hasha dzangu padzichange dzapera pamusoro pavo, vachaziva kuti ini Jehovha ndazvitaura nokushingaira kwangu. 14 “Ndichakuita dongo nechinhu chinoshorwa pakati pendudzi dzakakupoteredza, pamberi pavose vanopfuura napo. 15 Uchava chinhu chinoshorwa nechiseko, yambiro nechinhu chinotyisa kundudzi dzakakupoteredza pandinokuranga mukutsamwa nehasha dzangu uye nechituko chinobaya. Ini Jehovha ndataura. 16 Pandinokupfura nemiseve yangu yenzara, inouraya uye inoparadza, ndichapfura kuti ndikuparadze. Ndichauyisa nzara pamusoro penzara pamusoro pako uye ndichamisa kupiwa kwako zvokudya. 17 Ndichatuma nzara nezvikara kuti zvizokurwisa, uye zvichakusiya usisina mwana. Denda nokuteuka kweropa zvichapfuura nomauri, uye ndichauyisa munondo pamusoro pako. Ini Jehovha ndataura.”
In Other Versions
Ezekiel 5 in the ANGEFD
Ezekiel 5 in the ANTPNG2D
Ezekiel 5 in the AS21
Ezekiel 5 in the BAGH
Ezekiel 5 in the BBPNG
Ezekiel 5 in the BBT1E
Ezekiel 5 in the BDS
Ezekiel 5 in the BEV
Ezekiel 5 in the BHAD
Ezekiel 5 in the BIB
Ezekiel 5 in the BLPT
Ezekiel 5 in the BNT
Ezekiel 5 in the BNTABOOT
Ezekiel 5 in the BNTLV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOATCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BOATCB2
Ezekiel 5 in the BOBCV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOCNT
Ezekiel 5 in the BOECS
Ezekiel 5 in the BOGWICC
Ezekiel 5 in the BOHCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BOHCV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOHLNT
Ezekiel 5 in the BOHNTLTAL
Ezekiel 5 in the BOICB
Ezekiel 5 in the BOILNTAP
Ezekiel 5 in the BOITCV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOKCV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOKCV2
Ezekiel 5 in the BOKHWOG
Ezekiel 5 in the BOKSSV
Ezekiel 5 in the BOLCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BOLCB2
Ezekiel 5 in the BOMCV
Ezekiel 5 in the BONAV
Ezekiel 5 in the BONCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BONLT
Ezekiel 5 in the BONUT2
Ezekiel 5 in the BOPLNT
Ezekiel 5 in the BOSNC
Ezekiel 5 in the BOTLNT
Ezekiel 5 in the BOVCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BOYCB
Ezekiel 5 in the BPBB
Ezekiel 5 in the BPH
Ezekiel 5 in the BSB
Ezekiel 5 in the CCB
Ezekiel 5 in the CUV
Ezekiel 5 in the CUVS
Ezekiel 5 in the DBT
Ezekiel 5 in the DGDNT
Ezekiel 5 in the DHNT
Ezekiel 5 in the DNT
Ezekiel 5 in the ELBE
Ezekiel 5 in the EMTV
Ezekiel 5 in the ESV
Ezekiel 5 in the FBV
Ezekiel 5 in the FEB
Ezekiel 5 in the GGMNT
Ezekiel 5 in the GNT
Ezekiel 5 in the HARY
Ezekiel 5 in the HNT
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVA
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVB
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVG
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVH
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVK
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVM
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVM2
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVO
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVP
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVT
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVT2
Ezekiel 5 in the IRVU
Ezekiel 5 in the ISVN
Ezekiel 5 in the JSNT
Ezekiel 5 in the KAPI
Ezekiel 5 in the KBT1ETNIK
Ezekiel 5 in the KBV
Ezekiel 5 in the KJV
Ezekiel 5 in the KNFD
Ezekiel 5 in the LBA
Ezekiel 5 in the LBLA
Ezekiel 5 in the LNT
Ezekiel 5 in the LSV
Ezekiel 5 in the MAAL
Ezekiel 5 in the MBV
Ezekiel 5 in the MBV2
Ezekiel 5 in the MHNT
Ezekiel 5 in the MKNFD
Ezekiel 5 in the MNG
Ezekiel 5 in the MNT
Ezekiel 5 in the MNT2
Ezekiel 5 in the MRS1T
Ezekiel 5 in the NAA
Ezekiel 5 in the NASB
Ezekiel 5 in the NBLA
Ezekiel 5 in the NBS
Ezekiel 5 in the NBVTP
Ezekiel 5 in the NET2
Ezekiel 5 in the NIV11
Ezekiel 5 in the NNT
Ezekiel 5 in the NNT2
Ezekiel 5 in the NNT3
Ezekiel 5 in the PDDPT
Ezekiel 5 in the PFNT
Ezekiel 5 in the RMNT
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIAS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIBS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIBS2
Ezekiel 5 in the SBICS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIDS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIGS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIHS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIIS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIIS2
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIIS3
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIKS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIKS2
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIMS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIOS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIPS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBISS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBITS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBITS2
Ezekiel 5 in the SBITS3
Ezekiel 5 in the SBITS4
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIUS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBIVS
Ezekiel 5 in the SBT
Ezekiel 5 in the SBT1E
Ezekiel 5 in the SCHL
Ezekiel 5 in the SNT
Ezekiel 5 in the SUSU
Ezekiel 5 in the SUSU2
Ezekiel 5 in the SYNO
Ezekiel 5 in the TBIAOTANT
Ezekiel 5 in the TBT1E
Ezekiel 5 in the TBT1E2
Ezekiel 5 in the TFTIP
Ezekiel 5 in the TFTU
Ezekiel 5 in the TGNTATF3T
Ezekiel 5 in the THAI
Ezekiel 5 in the TNFD
Ezekiel 5 in the TNT
Ezekiel 5 in the TNTIK
Ezekiel 5 in the TNTIL
Ezekiel 5 in the TNTIN
Ezekiel 5 in the TNTIP
Ezekiel 5 in the TNTIZ
Ezekiel 5 in the TOMA
Ezekiel 5 in the TTENT
Ezekiel 5 in the UBG
Ezekiel 5 in the UGV
Ezekiel 5 in the UGV2
Ezekiel 5 in the UGV3
Ezekiel 5 in the VBL
Ezekiel 5 in the VDCC
Ezekiel 5 in the YALU
Ezekiel 5 in the YAPE
Ezekiel 5 in the YBVTP
Ezekiel 5 in the ZBP