Numbers 7 (BOSCB)

1 Mozisi akati apedza kumisa tabhenakeri, akaizodza akaitsaura pamwe chete nemidziyo yayo yose. Akazodzawo nokutsaura aritari nemidziyo yayo yose. 2 Ipapo vatungamiri veIsraeri, vakuru vedzimba avo vakanga vari vatungamiri vamarudzi vari vatariri vavaya vakanga vaverengwa, vakapa zvipiriso. 3 Vakauyisa sezvipiriso zvavo pamberi paJehovha, ngoro nhanhatu dzakafukidzirwa nenzombe gumi nembiri, nzombe kubva kumutungamiri mumwe nomumwe uye ngoro kubva kuvaviri vaviri. Izvi zvakaiswa pamberi petabhenakeri. 4 Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi, 5 “Gamuchira izvi kubva kwavari kuti zvigoshandiswa mubasa paTende Rokusangana. Uzvipe kuvaRevhi maererano nebasa romunhu mumwe nomumwe.” 6 Saka Mozisi akatora ngoro nenzombe akazvipa kuvaRevhi. 7 Akapa kuvaGerishoni ngoro mbiri nenzombe ina, maererano nezvaidiwa pabasa ravo, 8 uye akapa ngoro ina nenzombe tsere kuvaMerari, maererano nezvaidiwa pabasa ravo. Vose vakanga vachirayirwa naItamari mwanakomana waAroni, muprista. 9 Asi Mozisi haana kupa chinhu kuvanakomana vaKohati, nokuti vaifanira kutakura zvinhu zvitsvene pamapfudzi avo, iri ndiro raiva basa ravo. 10 Aritari yakati yazodzwa, vatungamiri vakauya nezvipiriso zvavo zvokukumikidzwa kwayo vakazviisa pamberi pearitari. 11 Nokuti Jehovha akanga ati kuna Mozisi, “Zuva rimwe nerimwe, mutungamiri mumwe chete anofanira kuuya nechipiriso chake chokukumikidza aritari.” 12 Nashoni mwanakomana waAminadhabhi worudzi rwaJudha, ndiye akauya nechipiriso chake pazuva rokutanga. 13 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, uye mbiya imwe chete yokusasa yesirivha yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, rimwe nerimwe rizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 14 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 15 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete negwayana rimwe chete romukono wegore rimwe chete, zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 16 nhongo imwe chete yembudzi yechipiriso chechivi; 17 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chaiva chipiriso chaNashoni mwanakomana waAminadhabhi. 18 Pazuva rechipiri, Netaneri mwanakomana waZuari, mutungamiri waIsakari, akauya nechipiriso chake. 19 Chipiriso chaakauya nacho chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, uye mbiya imwe chete yokusasa yesirivha yairema makumi manomwe amashekeri, zvose zviri zviviri zvaiva zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo, maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene; 20 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 21 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete nomukono wegwayana regore rimwe chete, zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 22 nhongo imwe chete yembudzi yechipiriso chechivi; 23 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chaiva chipiriso chaNetaneri mwanakomana waZuari. 24 Pazuva rechitatu, Eriabhi mwanakomana waHeroni, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaZebhuruni, akauya nechipiriso chake. 25 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, uye mbiya imwe chete yokusasa yesirivha yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chechivi; 26 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 27 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete nomukono wegwayana regore rimwe chete zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 28 nhongo imwe chete yembudzi yechipiriso chechivi; 29 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chaiva chipiriso chaEriabhi mwanakomana waHeroni. 30 Pazuva rechina, Erizuri mwanakomana waShedheuri, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaRubheni, akauya nechipiriso chake. 31 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya imwe chete yokusasa yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 32 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 33 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete nomukono mumwe chete wegwayana regore rimwe chete zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 34 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 35 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chaiva chipiriso chaErizuri mwanakomana waShedheuri. 36 Pazuva rechishanu, Sherumieri mwanakomana waZurishadhai, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaSimeoni akauya nechipiriso chake. 37 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yakanga ichirema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 38 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 39 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye mukono wegwayana mumwe chete wegore rimwe chete zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 40 nhongo imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 41 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chaiva chipiriso chaSherumieri mwanakomana waZurishadhai. 42 Pazuva rechitanhatu, Eriasafi mwanakomana waDheueri, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaGadhi, akauya nechipiriso chake. 43 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri ndiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 44 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 45 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye mukono mumwe chete wegwayana regore rimwe chete, zvechipiriso chinopiswa; 46 nhongo imwe chete yembudzi yechipiriso chechivi; 47 nenzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaEriasafi mwanakomana waDheueri. 48 Pazuva rechinomwe, Erishama mwanakomana waAmihudhi, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaEfuremu, akauya nechipiriso chake. 49 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, uye mbiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo, 50 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 51 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye mukono wegwayana wegore rimwe chete, kuti zvive chipiriso chinopiswa; 52 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 53 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaErishama mwanakomana waAmihudhi. 54 Pazuva rorusere Gamarieri mwanakomana waPedhazuri, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaManase akauya nechipiriso chake. 55 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 56 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 57 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye mukono mumwe chete wegwayana regore rimwe chete, sechipiriso chinopiswa; 58 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 59 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu uye makwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaGamarieri mwanakomana waPedhazuri. 60 Pazuva repfumbamwe, Abhidhani mwanakomana waGidheoni mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaBhenjamini, akauya nechipiriso chake. 61 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, uye nembiya yesirivha yokusasa yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo. 62 Ndiro yegoridhe imwe chete yairema mashekeri gumi, izere nezvinonhuhwira; 63 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye mukono mumwe chete wegwayana regore rimwe chete, sechipiriso chinopiswa; 64 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 65 uye nzombe mbiri makondobwe mashanu, nhongo dzembudzi shanu namakwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaAbhidhani mwanakomana waGidheoni. 66 Pazuva regumi, Ahiezeri mwanakomana waAmishadhai, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaDhani, akauya nechipiriso. 67 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviri zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 68 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 69 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete nomukono mumwe chete wegwayana wegore rimwe chete, sechipiriso chinopiswa; 70 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 71 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi namakwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaAhiezeri mwanakomana waAmishadhai. 72 Pazuva regumi nerimwe, Pagieri mwanakomana waOkirani, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaAsheri, akauya nechipiriso chake. 73 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro imwe chete yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe, zvose zviri zviviri maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene, zvose zviviri zvakanga zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 74 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 75 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete nomukono wegwayana wegore rimwe chete, kuti zvive chipiriso chinopiswa; 76 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 77 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi namakwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete, kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaPagieri mwanakomana waOkirani. 78 Pazuva regumi namaviri, Ahira mwanakomana waEnani, mutungamiri wavanhu vokwaNafutari, akauya nechipiriso chake. 79 Chipiriso chake chakanga chiri chendiro imwe chete yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu, nembiya yesirivha yokusasa imwe chete yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe zvose zviri zviviri zvizere noupfu hwakatsetseka hwakavhenganiswa namafuta sechipiriso chezviyo; 80 dhishi rimwe chete regoridhe rairema mashekeri gumi, rizere nezvinonhuhwira; 81 hando duku imwe chete, gondobwe rimwe chete uye nomukono wegwayana wegore rimwe chete, kuti zvive chipiriso chinopiswa; 82 nhongo yembudzi imwe chete yechipiriso chechivi; 83 uye nzombe mbiri, makondobwe mashanu, nhongo shanu dzembudzi namakwayana makono mashanu egore rimwe chete kuti zvizobayirwa sechipiriso chokuwadzana.Ichi ndicho chakanga chiri chipiriso chaAhira mwanakomana waEnani. 84 Izvi ndizvo zvakanga zviri zvipiriso zvavatungamiri veIsraeri pakukumikidzwa kwearitari payakazodzwa;ndiro dzesirivha gumi nembiri, mbiya dzesirivha dzokusasa gumi nembiri namadhishi egoridhe gumi namaviri. 85 Ndiro imwe neimwe yesirivha yairema mashekeri zana namakumi matatu uye mbiya imwe neimwe yokusasa yairema mashekeri makumi manomwe. Pamwe chete madhishi esirivha airema zviuru zviviri namazana mana amashekeri, maererano neshekeri renzvimbo tsvene. 86 Madhishi egoridhe gumi namaviri akanga azere nezvinonhuhwira airema mashekeri zana namakumi maviri. 87 Uwandu hwezvipfuwo zvechipiriso chinopiswa pamwe chete hwaiti hando duku gumi nembiri, makondobwe gumi namaviri namakondobwe maduku egore rimwe chete gumi namaviri, pamwe chete nechipiriso chadzo chezviyo. Nhongo dzembudzi gumi nembiri dzakashandiswa pachipiriso chechivi. 88 Uwandu hwezvipfuwo zvechibayiro chokuwadzana pamwe chete hwaiti nzombe makumi maviri neina, makondobwe makumi matanhatu, nhongo dzembudzi makumi matanhatu namakondobwe maduku egore rimwe chete makumi matanhatu. Izvi ndizvo zvakanga zviri zvipiriso zvokukumikidzwa kwearitari shure kwokuzodzwa kwayo. 89 Mozisi akati apinda muTende Rokusangana kundotaura naJehovha, akanzwa inzwi richitaura naye richibva napakati pamakerubhi maviri pamusoro pechifukidzo cheareka yeChipupuriro. Uye akataura naye.

In Other Versions

Numbers 7 in the ANGEFD

Numbers 7 in the ANTPNG2D

Numbers 7 in the AS21

Numbers 7 in the BAGH

Numbers 7 in the BBPNG

Numbers 7 in the BBT1E

Numbers 7 in the BDS

Numbers 7 in the BEV

Numbers 7 in the BHAD

Numbers 7 in the BIB

Numbers 7 in the BLPT

Numbers 7 in the BNT

Numbers 7 in the BNTABOOT

Numbers 7 in the BNTLV

Numbers 7 in the BOATCB

Numbers 7 in the BOATCB2

Numbers 7 in the BOBCV

Numbers 7 in the BOCNT

Numbers 7 in the BOECS

Numbers 7 in the BOGWICC

Numbers 7 in the BOHCB

Numbers 7 in the BOHCV

Numbers 7 in the BOHLNT

Numbers 7 in the BOHNTLTAL

Numbers 7 in the BOICB

Numbers 7 in the BOILNTAP

Numbers 7 in the BOITCV

Numbers 7 in the BOKCV

Numbers 7 in the BOKCV2

Numbers 7 in the BOKHWOG

Numbers 7 in the BOKSSV

Numbers 7 in the BOLCB

Numbers 7 in the BOLCB2

Numbers 7 in the BOMCV

Numbers 7 in the BONAV

Numbers 7 in the BONCB

Numbers 7 in the BONLT

Numbers 7 in the BONUT2

Numbers 7 in the BOPLNT

Numbers 7 in the BOSNC

Numbers 7 in the BOTLNT

Numbers 7 in the BOVCB

Numbers 7 in the BOYCB

Numbers 7 in the BPBB

Numbers 7 in the BPH

Numbers 7 in the BSB

Numbers 7 in the CCB

Numbers 7 in the CUV

Numbers 7 in the CUVS

Numbers 7 in the DBT

Numbers 7 in the DGDNT

Numbers 7 in the DHNT

Numbers 7 in the DNT

Numbers 7 in the ELBE

Numbers 7 in the EMTV

Numbers 7 in the ESV

Numbers 7 in the FBV

Numbers 7 in the FEB

Numbers 7 in the GGMNT

Numbers 7 in the GNT

Numbers 7 in the HARY

Numbers 7 in the HNT

Numbers 7 in the IRVA

Numbers 7 in the IRVB

Numbers 7 in the IRVG

Numbers 7 in the IRVH

Numbers 7 in the IRVK

Numbers 7 in the IRVM

Numbers 7 in the IRVM2

Numbers 7 in the IRVO

Numbers 7 in the IRVP

Numbers 7 in the IRVT

Numbers 7 in the IRVT2

Numbers 7 in the IRVU

Numbers 7 in the ISVN

Numbers 7 in the JSNT

Numbers 7 in the KAPI

Numbers 7 in the KBT1ETNIK

Numbers 7 in the KBV

Numbers 7 in the KJV

Numbers 7 in the KNFD

Numbers 7 in the LBA

Numbers 7 in the LBLA

Numbers 7 in the LNT

Numbers 7 in the LSV

Numbers 7 in the MAAL

Numbers 7 in the MBV

Numbers 7 in the MBV2

Numbers 7 in the MHNT

Numbers 7 in the MKNFD

Numbers 7 in the MNG

Numbers 7 in the MNT

Numbers 7 in the MNT2

Numbers 7 in the MRS1T

Numbers 7 in the NAA

Numbers 7 in the NASB

Numbers 7 in the NBLA

Numbers 7 in the NBS

Numbers 7 in the NBVTP

Numbers 7 in the NET2

Numbers 7 in the NIV11

Numbers 7 in the NNT

Numbers 7 in the NNT2

Numbers 7 in the NNT3

Numbers 7 in the PDDPT

Numbers 7 in the PFNT

Numbers 7 in the RMNT

Numbers 7 in the SBIAS

Numbers 7 in the SBIBS

Numbers 7 in the SBIBS2

Numbers 7 in the SBICS

Numbers 7 in the SBIDS

Numbers 7 in the SBIGS

Numbers 7 in the SBIHS

Numbers 7 in the SBIIS

Numbers 7 in the SBIIS2

Numbers 7 in the SBIIS3

Numbers 7 in the SBIKS

Numbers 7 in the SBIKS2

Numbers 7 in the SBIMS

Numbers 7 in the SBIOS

Numbers 7 in the SBIPS

Numbers 7 in the SBISS

Numbers 7 in the SBITS

Numbers 7 in the SBITS2

Numbers 7 in the SBITS3

Numbers 7 in the SBITS4

Numbers 7 in the SBIUS

Numbers 7 in the SBIVS

Numbers 7 in the SBT

Numbers 7 in the SBT1E

Numbers 7 in the SCHL

Numbers 7 in the SNT

Numbers 7 in the SUSU

Numbers 7 in the SUSU2

Numbers 7 in the SYNO

Numbers 7 in the TBIAOTANT

Numbers 7 in the TBT1E

Numbers 7 in the TBT1E2

Numbers 7 in the TFTIP

Numbers 7 in the TFTU

Numbers 7 in the TGNTATF3T

Numbers 7 in the THAI

Numbers 7 in the TNFD

Numbers 7 in the TNT

Numbers 7 in the TNTIK

Numbers 7 in the TNTIL

Numbers 7 in the TNTIN

Numbers 7 in the TNTIP

Numbers 7 in the TNTIZ

Numbers 7 in the TOMA

Numbers 7 in the TTENT

Numbers 7 in the UBG

Numbers 7 in the UGV

Numbers 7 in the UGV2

Numbers 7 in the UGV3

Numbers 7 in the VBL

Numbers 7 in the VDCC

Numbers 7 in the YALU

Numbers 7 in the YAPE

Numbers 7 in the YBVTP

Numbers 7 in the ZBP