Genesis 3 (TOMA)

1 Kaalii ɠeleɠelega ɠɛni de, é leʋe dɔɓɔ zuaiti kpein ba, niiti Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ti ɓɛtɛni. É ɠɛni anzanui ma: «GALA ge bogɛ nɛi ga ɠite, ga wo mina guluiti kpein ma waai mi, niiti ti kpelei zu?» 2 Anzanui kaalii wooɠaaʋoteni, é ɠɛ ma: «Gá zoo gi kpelei zu wuluiti ma waai ta mi. 3 Kɛlɛ nii é ga gului é loni kpelei zaamaʋɛ, naa ma waai, GALA ge ɠɛni ma: ‹À mina ta mi, wo mina vɔɔɠu ba, naa ɠa a kɛ wo mina za.› » 4 Kaalii ɠɛni anzanui ma: «Wo la zaa ɲɛgɛlɛin! 5 Kɛlɛ GALA ge kwɛɛ ga foloi nɔpɛ wo ta miizu la, wo-ɠaazuʋɛti ta zeɠe ma, wa ɠɛ eɠɛ GALA, wa faa ʋagɔi ta faa ɲɔi yɔɠɔzuɠwɛɛ.» 6 Anzanui kaani ga gului naa ma waaiti pɛtɛ ga maanɛɛʋɛ, ta pagɛ ga nu mi, fizɔgɛ ga é keleɠelegi ve nu ya. É ma waai ta ɠulani, é mi. Naa ʋolu é ta veeni sinigi ya, nii é ɠɛni koba, naa ɓalaa ge miini. 7 Ti felegɔ ti-ɠaazuʋɛti ti zeɠeni ma. Ti kwɛɛni ga ti ɠabei ʋe. Ti kooleɠoole gului ma laaiti daɠani, ti gili ɓɔɠɔ ma. 8 Kpɔkɔ lɛilɛigi, ti Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI lugi mɛnini, é ɗa ziɛziɛ kpelei zu. Zunui ta anzai ti lɔɔɠuni poun Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ʋa kpele zu wuluiti saama. 9 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zunui lolini, é ɠɛ ma: «Mini ɠa è ná?» 10 É gooɠaaʋoteni, é ɠɛ ma: «Gè è-lugi mɛnigɛ kpelei zu. Dùaʋɛ, mazɔlɔɔ kàbei ʋe, naa ɠa é kɛa gè lɔɔɠua.» 11 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɠɛni ma: «Ɓɛ ɠa kɛai è ma, è ɠabei ʋe? È gulu waai naa ta mia ɓaa, nii gè ɠɛni è ma, mina ta mi?» 12 Zunui gooɠaaʋoteni, é ɠɛ ma: «Anzanui nii è fea zèa, ga gi eteai ziɛ ʋɔɔma, naa ɠa é gulu waai vea zèa, gè ta mi.» 13 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɠɛni anzanui ma: «Leeni vaa zu è naa ɠɛai?» É gooɠaaʋoteni, é ɠɛ ma: «Kaalii ɠa é yàava, gè gulu waai ta mi.» 14 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɠɛni kaalii ma:«Tɛi è naa ɠɛa, gè è ɠotoa,toganiiti kpein ta dɔɓɔ zuaiti saama.Ɗa ɗa ɓokpo è-ɠogi ma,è ɗa pɔlɔi mi, è-zii ma voloi pɛ su. 15 Nà kpaai lɔ wo yɔɠɔzu wa anzanui,naa ɠa ɠɛ mavofodai ta ɗɔnɔiti zɔɠɔzu.Nɔnɔi ɠa ɗɔungi maawana,ɗɔun ɗa kɔɠɔ libiligi maawana.» 16 É ɠɛni anzanui ma:«Nà ta la ɗa-ɓɔlɔi ma, kogi a ɠɛna è ma,ɗa ɓɔlɔ pɛ, ɗa ʋa dointi sɔlɔɔ.È yiima vai ɠa è mɛɛn è-zinigi ʋɔ pelei,toɠa zei è unda.» 17 É ɠɛni zunui ma:«Tɛi è woiloga è-anzai wooi ma,è gulu waai mi, nii gè ɠɛni è mina mi,zooi ɠa ɠoto è maaʋele ma.Kɛni è zuvikɛi ɠula, è ɓɔlɔ pɛ,é ʋa leɠa è-laamianigi zɔlɔɔ, è-zii ma voloi pɛ su. 18 Toɠa ɠaingiti pɔnɔ è laalɔɠɔma.Ɗa ɠɛ zooi ɠa lufaiti miizu. 19 Ɗa è-laamianigi zɔlɔɔ,kɛlɛ kɛni fɔdɔi ɠula è-loʋalaʋɛ,eyɛsu è ɠale ma zooi wu,ʋɛ è zeɠeai ná.Mazɔlɔɔ è ɓɛtɛʋɛ ga pɔlɔi,ɗa ɠale ma pɔlɔi zu.» 20 Adama anzai laasei pɛɛni ga Ɛve, mazɔlɔɔ tɔ ɠa é ɠɛni ga nu vuluiti kpein ti-lee. 21 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI sua ɠɔlɔi ɓɛtɛni ga seɠei Adama ta anzai ʋɛ, é too ti ɠɔba. 22 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɠɛni ma: «Pɛtɛ, zunui ɠɛa eɠɛ ade taɠila, faa ʋagɔi ta faa ɲɔi yɔɠɔzuɠwɛɛ fai zu. Ade pele leʋe tuɠɔ niina, é mina yeemaale, é ʋa zɛnvu wului ma waai ɠula, a ʋa mi, a ʋa yɛ vulua ɠɔoɠɔ.» 23 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zunui ɠulani Edɛn kpelei ʋa, ga é ɗa zooi woli, ʋɛ kulaai ná. 24 É zunui ɓɛai ma, geezuɠeelaiti ti-laaseigi ga seeluɓɛin, é naati toni Edɛn kpelei zu folo ɠulazu ʋelei, ta boɠa zɔkpɔi nii abui ba, é ɗa lati, ti ɗa zɛnvu wului ma ʋelei makɛ.

In Other Versions

Genesis 3 in the ANGEFD

Genesis 3 in the ANTPNG2D

Genesis 3 in the AS21

Genesis 3 in the BAGH

Genesis 3 in the BBPNG

Genesis 3 in the BBT1E

Genesis 3 in the BDS

Genesis 3 in the BEV

Genesis 3 in the BHAD

Genesis 3 in the BIB

Genesis 3 in the BLPT

Genesis 3 in the BNT

Genesis 3 in the BNTABOOT

Genesis 3 in the BNTLV

Genesis 3 in the BOATCB

Genesis 3 in the BOATCB2

Genesis 3 in the BOBCV

Genesis 3 in the BOCNT

Genesis 3 in the BOECS

Genesis 3 in the BOGWICC

Genesis 3 in the BOHCB

Genesis 3 in the BOHCV

Genesis 3 in the BOHLNT

Genesis 3 in the BOHNTLTAL

Genesis 3 in the BOICB

Genesis 3 in the BOILNTAP

Genesis 3 in the BOITCV

Genesis 3 in the BOKCV

Genesis 3 in the BOKCV2

Genesis 3 in the BOKHWOG

Genesis 3 in the BOKSSV

Genesis 3 in the BOLCB

Genesis 3 in the BOLCB2

Genesis 3 in the BOMCV

Genesis 3 in the BONAV

Genesis 3 in the BONCB

Genesis 3 in the BONLT

Genesis 3 in the BONUT2

Genesis 3 in the BOPLNT

Genesis 3 in the BOSCB

Genesis 3 in the BOSNC

Genesis 3 in the BOTLNT

Genesis 3 in the BOVCB

Genesis 3 in the BOYCB

Genesis 3 in the BPBB

Genesis 3 in the BPH

Genesis 3 in the BSB

Genesis 3 in the CCB

Genesis 3 in the CUV

Genesis 3 in the CUVS

Genesis 3 in the DBT

Genesis 3 in the DGDNT

Genesis 3 in the DHNT

Genesis 3 in the DNT

Genesis 3 in the ELBE

Genesis 3 in the EMTV

Genesis 3 in the ESV

Genesis 3 in the FBV

Genesis 3 in the FEB

Genesis 3 in the GGMNT

Genesis 3 in the GNT

Genesis 3 in the HARY

Genesis 3 in the HNT

Genesis 3 in the IRVA

Genesis 3 in the IRVB

Genesis 3 in the IRVG

Genesis 3 in the IRVH

Genesis 3 in the IRVK

Genesis 3 in the IRVM

Genesis 3 in the IRVM2

Genesis 3 in the IRVO

Genesis 3 in the IRVP

Genesis 3 in the IRVT

Genesis 3 in the IRVT2

Genesis 3 in the IRVU

Genesis 3 in the ISVN

Genesis 3 in the JSNT

Genesis 3 in the KAPI

Genesis 3 in the KBT1ETNIK

Genesis 3 in the KBV

Genesis 3 in the KJV

Genesis 3 in the KNFD

Genesis 3 in the LBA

Genesis 3 in the LBLA

Genesis 3 in the LNT

Genesis 3 in the LSV

Genesis 3 in the MAAL

Genesis 3 in the MBV

Genesis 3 in the MBV2

Genesis 3 in the MHNT

Genesis 3 in the MKNFD

Genesis 3 in the MNG

Genesis 3 in the MNT

Genesis 3 in the MNT2

Genesis 3 in the MRS1T

Genesis 3 in the NAA

Genesis 3 in the NASB

Genesis 3 in the NBLA

Genesis 3 in the NBS

Genesis 3 in the NBVTP

Genesis 3 in the NET2

Genesis 3 in the NIV11

Genesis 3 in the NNT

Genesis 3 in the NNT2

Genesis 3 in the NNT3

Genesis 3 in the PDDPT

Genesis 3 in the PFNT

Genesis 3 in the RMNT

Genesis 3 in the SBIAS

Genesis 3 in the SBIBS

Genesis 3 in the SBIBS2

Genesis 3 in the SBICS

Genesis 3 in the SBIDS

Genesis 3 in the SBIGS

Genesis 3 in the SBIHS

Genesis 3 in the SBIIS

Genesis 3 in the SBIIS2

Genesis 3 in the SBIIS3

Genesis 3 in the SBIKS

Genesis 3 in the SBIKS2

Genesis 3 in the SBIMS

Genesis 3 in the SBIOS

Genesis 3 in the SBIPS

Genesis 3 in the SBISS

Genesis 3 in the SBITS

Genesis 3 in the SBITS2

Genesis 3 in the SBITS3

Genesis 3 in the SBITS4

Genesis 3 in the SBIUS

Genesis 3 in the SBIVS

Genesis 3 in the SBT

Genesis 3 in the SBT1E

Genesis 3 in the SCHL

Genesis 3 in the SNT

Genesis 3 in the SUSU

Genesis 3 in the SUSU2

Genesis 3 in the SYNO

Genesis 3 in the TBIAOTANT

Genesis 3 in the TBT1E

Genesis 3 in the TBT1E2

Genesis 3 in the TFTIP

Genesis 3 in the TFTU

Genesis 3 in the TGNTATF3T

Genesis 3 in the THAI

Genesis 3 in the TNFD

Genesis 3 in the TNT

Genesis 3 in the TNTIK

Genesis 3 in the TNTIL

Genesis 3 in the TNTIN

Genesis 3 in the TNTIP

Genesis 3 in the TNTIZ

Genesis 3 in the TTENT

Genesis 3 in the UBG

Genesis 3 in the UGV

Genesis 3 in the UGV2

Genesis 3 in the UGV3

Genesis 3 in the VBL

Genesis 3 in the VDCC

Genesis 3 in the YALU

Genesis 3 in the YAPE

Genesis 3 in the YBVTP

Genesis 3 in the ZBP