Lamentations 2 (TOMA)

1 Ee, Maliɠii ná-ziiɠaawanai zu,é Zeluzalɛme maalɔɔɠua ga tonaɓiingi!É Izilayɛle ná-lɛbiyai ɠulaa geezuʋɛ,é pili ya zooi ma!Siɛgi zu é yiiɠaawanani la Siyɔn laalɔɠɔma,é yeemani ga ná-kɔɠɔloma anii nɔ ʋe. 2 Maliɠii la maawɔinɠaa ɠɛɛni,é Zakɔɓe ná-pɛlɛyeɠeiti pɛ kpɔleni.É yɛni ná-ziiɠaawanai zu,é Zuda laa wolaiti pɛ koloɠolo, siɠigi ti ma,é masadai ta ma ɠundiɠiiti puuni ya zooi ma,é ɓaaɠula ti ma. 3 Ná-ziiɠaawana wolai zu,é Izilayɛle ná-zobogi pɛ koloɠoloni.É ɓɔɠɔ zoni, é la ti maalobonisiɛgi zu ti zili nuiti ti ʋaani la.É abui ɠaazoga ná-nuɓusɛiti pɔ bɛ,naa ti-maaɠoolii pɛ galani. 4 É ná-mɛɛin zumɛɛnga eɠɛ nu zili nui,é zeezai ʋɛɛ ma ga é ʋa pili.É ɓɔɠɔ lɛ ga gi zili nui ʋe,é naa kpein paa, nii nu ɠaazu ɠɛa ɠulazu ba.É ná-ziiɠaawanai ʋua eɠɛ abuiSiyɔn GALA sei ʋɛlɛi ma. 5 Maliɠii gi zoni eɠɛ gi zili nui,é Izilayɛle ɓɔlenita ná-pɛlɛ ʋapagiti pɛ,é ná-siɠigiti golowolo,é ziizoolɛi ta kidaaʋiligi lɔZuda nuɓusɛiti su adaʋɛ pɛ. 6 É ná-kpelei ma zasai ɠatani,ná-gaalɛba wosuʋɛ ná ga sei ʋɛlɛi, é miná ɠoloɠoloni.Siyɔn, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zeemai wonifɛti voloiti ma ta dooɠo foloiti.Ná-ziimaleʋei ma yiiɠaawanai zu,é ɓaaɠulani masagiti ma ta zalaɠa ɠula nuiti. 7 Maliɠii la mɔ ná-zalaɠa ɠulazuʋɛ ʋɔ,é ɠɛlɛa sei ʋɛlɛ ɲadegai ʋa,é zɛni ná, é loo sili nuiti zeezaama,Siyɔn ʋɛlɛ ʋapagiti ma ziɠigiti.Ti-wooi ɠa ɠulazu Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI zei ʋɛlɛi wueɠɛ fɛti voloi. 8 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI deveniga é Siyɔn ziɠigiti golo.É galui laani ma, gaa ʋa ɠɛ sɔli,é la inɛinɛni ga golo vai.É siɠi felegɔi pɛ doɠani,tama ti felegɔ pɛ ti ɠoloni. 9 Taai laaʋɛ ma ɓogiti ti ʋua ya,é ma zɔɠɔgiti suɓulukpuluni.Ná-masagi ta ná-kundiɠiiti ta zii ɠiligiti zeezu,tɔ ge la mɔ ná.Anɛɛ ná-GALA goo wo nuititi la mɔ kulakɛlɛma zɔlɔɔsu Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ya. 10 Siyɔn nuɓusɛiti ta-ɠɛwolaitita zeini zooi ma, ti maaɠɛ kpɔ,ti fufiligi ʋu tɔungi ma,ti saa wɔlɔ wo seɠeiti too ɠɔba.Zeluzalɛme anzalopoititi unpilɛga zooi ma. 11 Gàazuɠɛzɛiti ti ɓɔlɔa ga gɔlɔi,sàsu ɠana ɓali,kito nɔpɛ ge la mɔ bɛ̀,é lo maanɔɠɔi ʋa é zeelizu nà-nuɓusɛiti ma,tɔɔzei ɲiimiɓɔlegiti ta doungo ʋɛlɛʋɛlɛgiti ta zaazu ga kpɔɔle wɔintaazuʋɛ peleiti su. 12 Doungoiti ti ɗa ɠɛ ti-leeni ma:«Mini ɠa ani ná nu mi ɓaa nu kpɔle?»Naazu ti ɗa ɠɛ yɔɔɠɛ, eɠɛ nuiti ti maawanaaitaa zaamaʋɛ peleiti su,ti-yii loozu niinati-lee yeelokoiti su. 13 Zeluzalɛme, gè la kwɛɛ nii nà bo è ma,è ɠɛʋelei la ɠulani ga taɠili nɔpɛ nɔnɔ!Ɓɛ ná-faa ɠa nà bo è ma, gè è ɠaanɛɛnɛ la,Siyɔn nuɓusɛiti?Mazɔlɔɔ ɗa-nimizai zuwɔɔlɔʋɛ eɠɛ kpoloɗɛi,ɓɛ ɠa deɠɛmu a zoo é è ɠɛdɛ? 14 Ɗa-ƓALA goo wo nuiti ti ɠɛni è ʋɛga zɛɛ wo nuiti nɔ.Ti la ɠɛni ɗa-vaaɠaaza golai ɠulani kɛlɛma è ʋɛ,nii a kɛ è mina li duɔlai zu.Ti ɠɛni kulakɛlɛmaiti kaazu è ʋɛ,ti ga zɛɛ ɓɔɛiti, ta yaava vaiti nɔ. 15 Zɔiti pɛ ti leʋesu náʋɛta yealoɠazu ma tɔɔzei è ɠoloɠologa,ti ɗa foei vɛ, ti ɗa tɔungiti ɲiikpiga ti ɲɛɛɠula è zu, Zeluzalɛme:«Taa wolai ɠa nɛi, ti ɠɛni tolisu gapagi daazeeliai, eteai pɛ ná-koozunɛɛi?» 16 È zili nuiti pɛta laalaosu è laalɔɠɔma,ti ɗa foei vɛ, ti ɗa ɲiigaiti siɛ ga,ti ɗa ɠɛ ma: «Gi kpɔlea!Zaa voloi ɠa gi ɠɛa maaɓɔunsu,gi yeezeelia ma, gá ga ka.» 17 Nii Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI a bo, naa ɠa a ɗa kɛ,toɠa ɗa daawooi ʋilɛ sunii é boni kaite wɔlɔwɔlɔ,é goloni, maawɔinɠaa la su.Ɗa-nimiza vai ɠɛa ga è zili nuiti ta-ɠoozunɛɛi,é è-zakpeɲɔɠɔiti ta-wasogi wɔɔlɔa. 18 Nuɓusɛi ɓain gooi ɠa lɛɛzu Maliɠii ʋɔ pelei.Siyɔn ziɠigi,ɓe è-ɠaazuɗɛ ɓoigi ʋa,é ʋu folo ʋɛɛ kpidi ʋa.Mina lago pa dooɠo,maaleʋe mina ɠɛ ɗa-wɔlɔi ʋa. 19 Wuzeɠe, è maanɛɛnɛi wo kpidii,lɛlɛi ɠilagilagi pɛ tɔɔzeizuʋɛ!Kula yiimaʋɛMaliɠii ɠaazu.Yeezei bɛ ga maanɛɛnɛiè-lointi zɛnvui vaa zu,ti zaazu niina ga puluikoi yɔɠɔzu ʋelei pɛ su. 20 Wɛlɛ, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI, pɛtɛniiti è ti zosu ɠana!Anzanuiti ta zoo nɛi ti ti-lointi mi,niiti ti ti zogai ɠoozu, ti nɛai ti ʋɛ?Nu ɠa zoo nɛi é ɗa-zalaɠa ɠula nuiti ta GALA goo wo nuiti paa,Maliɠii è zei ʋɛlɛ ɲadegai wu? 21 Doungoiti ta nu wɔlɔitita ʋuuni zooi ma taazuʋɛ ná pɛ.Doun anzanuiti ta doun zunuiti ta laaniboɠa zɔkpɔi laaʋogi ti ʋa.È ti ʋaani ɗa-yiiɠaawana voloi,è ti ɠɔdaaleʋeni, maawɔinɠaa la su. 22 È dùaba nuɓusɛiti toliga mà,eɠɛ fɛti volo.Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI, ɗa-yiiɠaawana voloi,fulu nu la ɠulani, ɓaa pela gele.Dointi gè ti nɛɛni ʋɛ gola, gè ti ɠula su,sìli nui ti pɛ undaaʋiliga.

In Other Versions

Lamentations 2 in the ANGEFD

Lamentations 2 in the ANTPNG2D

Lamentations 2 in the AS21

Lamentations 2 in the BAGH

Lamentations 2 in the BBPNG

Lamentations 2 in the BBT1E

Lamentations 2 in the BDS

Lamentations 2 in the BEV

Lamentations 2 in the BHAD

Lamentations 2 in the BIB

Lamentations 2 in the BLPT

Lamentations 2 in the BNT

Lamentations 2 in the BNTABOOT

Lamentations 2 in the BNTLV

Lamentations 2 in the BOATCB

Lamentations 2 in the BOATCB2

Lamentations 2 in the BOBCV

Lamentations 2 in the BOCNT

Lamentations 2 in the BOECS

Lamentations 2 in the BOGWICC

Lamentations 2 in the BOHCB

Lamentations 2 in the BOHCV

Lamentations 2 in the BOHLNT

Lamentations 2 in the BOHNTLTAL

Lamentations 2 in the BOICB

Lamentations 2 in the BOILNTAP

Lamentations 2 in the BOITCV

Lamentations 2 in the BOKCV

Lamentations 2 in the BOKCV2

Lamentations 2 in the BOKHWOG

Lamentations 2 in the BOKSSV

Lamentations 2 in the BOLCB

Lamentations 2 in the BOLCB2

Lamentations 2 in the BOMCV

Lamentations 2 in the BONAV

Lamentations 2 in the BONCB

Lamentations 2 in the BONLT

Lamentations 2 in the BONUT2

Lamentations 2 in the BOPLNT

Lamentations 2 in the BOSCB

Lamentations 2 in the BOSNC

Lamentations 2 in the BOTLNT

Lamentations 2 in the BOVCB

Lamentations 2 in the BOYCB

Lamentations 2 in the BPBB

Lamentations 2 in the BPH

Lamentations 2 in the BSB

Lamentations 2 in the CCB

Lamentations 2 in the CUV

Lamentations 2 in the CUVS

Lamentations 2 in the DBT

Lamentations 2 in the DGDNT

Lamentations 2 in the DHNT

Lamentations 2 in the DNT

Lamentations 2 in the ELBE

Lamentations 2 in the EMTV

Lamentations 2 in the ESV

Lamentations 2 in the FBV

Lamentations 2 in the FEB

Lamentations 2 in the GGMNT

Lamentations 2 in the GNT

Lamentations 2 in the HARY

Lamentations 2 in the HNT

Lamentations 2 in the IRVA

Lamentations 2 in the IRVB

Lamentations 2 in the IRVG

Lamentations 2 in the IRVH

Lamentations 2 in the IRVK

Lamentations 2 in the IRVM

Lamentations 2 in the IRVM2

Lamentations 2 in the IRVO

Lamentations 2 in the IRVP

Lamentations 2 in the IRVT

Lamentations 2 in the IRVT2

Lamentations 2 in the IRVU

Lamentations 2 in the ISVN

Lamentations 2 in the JSNT

Lamentations 2 in the KAPI

Lamentations 2 in the KBT1ETNIK

Lamentations 2 in the KBV

Lamentations 2 in the KJV

Lamentations 2 in the KNFD

Lamentations 2 in the LBA

Lamentations 2 in the LBLA

Lamentations 2 in the LNT

Lamentations 2 in the LSV

Lamentations 2 in the MAAL

Lamentations 2 in the MBV

Lamentations 2 in the MBV2

Lamentations 2 in the MHNT

Lamentations 2 in the MKNFD

Lamentations 2 in the MNG

Lamentations 2 in the MNT

Lamentations 2 in the MNT2

Lamentations 2 in the MRS1T

Lamentations 2 in the NAA

Lamentations 2 in the NASB

Lamentations 2 in the NBLA

Lamentations 2 in the NBS

Lamentations 2 in the NBVTP

Lamentations 2 in the NET2

Lamentations 2 in the NIV11

Lamentations 2 in the NNT

Lamentations 2 in the NNT2

Lamentations 2 in the NNT3

Lamentations 2 in the PDDPT

Lamentations 2 in the PFNT

Lamentations 2 in the RMNT

Lamentations 2 in the SBIAS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIBS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIBS2

Lamentations 2 in the SBICS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIDS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIGS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIHS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIIS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIIS2

Lamentations 2 in the SBIIS3

Lamentations 2 in the SBIKS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIKS2

Lamentations 2 in the SBIMS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIOS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIPS

Lamentations 2 in the SBISS

Lamentations 2 in the SBITS

Lamentations 2 in the SBITS2

Lamentations 2 in the SBITS3

Lamentations 2 in the SBITS4

Lamentations 2 in the SBIUS

Lamentations 2 in the SBIVS

Lamentations 2 in the SBT

Lamentations 2 in the SBT1E

Lamentations 2 in the SCHL

Lamentations 2 in the SNT

Lamentations 2 in the SUSU

Lamentations 2 in the SUSU2

Lamentations 2 in the SYNO

Lamentations 2 in the TBIAOTANT

Lamentations 2 in the TBT1E

Lamentations 2 in the TBT1E2

Lamentations 2 in the TFTIP

Lamentations 2 in the TFTU

Lamentations 2 in the TGNTATF3T

Lamentations 2 in the THAI

Lamentations 2 in the TNFD

Lamentations 2 in the TNT

Lamentations 2 in the TNTIK

Lamentations 2 in the TNTIL

Lamentations 2 in the TNTIN

Lamentations 2 in the TNTIP

Lamentations 2 in the TNTIZ

Lamentations 2 in the TTENT

Lamentations 2 in the UBG

Lamentations 2 in the UGV

Lamentations 2 in the UGV2

Lamentations 2 in the UGV3

Lamentations 2 in the VBL

Lamentations 2 in the VDCC

Lamentations 2 in the YALU

Lamentations 2 in the YAPE

Lamentations 2 in the YBVTP

Lamentations 2 in the ZBP