2 Timothy 4 (YAPE)
1 Ri gu be ta’chiylen ngom u p’eowchen Got nge Kristus Jesus ni ir e bayi pufthinnag urngin e girdi’, ni pi’in kayad bfos nge pi’in karm’ad: ere bochan e wub rok nge gagiyeg rok ma aram fan ni gu be ta’chiylen ngom 2 ni ngam machibnag e thin rok Got ko girdi’ ndemturug ko kari mab e kanawo’ ngom fa dawor; mu gguy rogon ni nge riyul’ u wun’rad, ma ga fal owcherad ko kireb ni yad be rin’, ma ga pi’ e athamgil nga lanin’rad, mu um fil e thin rok Got ngorad u fithik’ e gumaen’. 3 Ya bay ba ngiyal’ ni bayi taw ngay me dabuy e girdi’ ni ngar motoyilgad ko bin nib riyul’ e machib, miyad fol ko tin yad ba’adag, ma bay uranod ngu’ur gayed i yan e pi’in nge machib nagrad ni yad e bay ra machib niged ngorad e tin ir e yad be yim’ ni bochan ni ngar rung’aged. 4 Ma bay ra pi’ed keru’rad ko tin nib riyul’ ndab kur rung’aged me mang yat e ra tiyan’rad ngay. 5 Machane thingar mu par ni ga be filmunguyan’um u fithik’ urngin ban’en; mu um athamgiliy e gafgow ni beb ngom, ma ga rin’ e maruwel rok e tamchib ko fare Thin Ni Bfel’, ma ga ngongliy urngin e maruwel ni kan pi’ ngom nrogon e tapigpig rok Got. 6 Me gag e ke taw ko ngiyal’ ni nge thay e pogofan rog riy ni bochan Kristus; ke taw nga nap’an ni nggu chuw ko biney e tamilang. 7 Ya kug athamgiliy e tin nrayag rog ko sagreng, ma kug mil u n’umngin yang ni ngan mil riy, ya par e michan’ rog u gil’. 8 Me ere chiney e be son nigeg puluwog ko gel ni kug tay, ni aram fare te’eliyaw ko mat’aw ni ir e bayi pi’ fare Tapufthin nib mat’aw i Somol ngog e Chirofen nem — ni gathi go’ gag, ya bayi pi’ ngak urngin e pi’in nib t’uf Somol rorad ma yad be sonnag ni nge yib i m’ug. 9 Mu athamgiliy nga mub mu guyeg ni kane’. 10 Ya Demas e ke t’uf rok e ngongol nu roy u fayleng, ma ke pageg ke yan nga Thessalonika. Mi Krescens e ke yan nga Galatia, mi Titus e ke yan nga Dalmatia. 11 Kemus ni Luke e kabay rog. Mu non ngak Mark nge un ngom ngambow, ya rayag rok ni nge ayuwegneg ko maruwel. 12 Ku gol’oeg Tykikus nga Efesus. 13 Ma ga ra yib ma ga fek wuru’ e mad rog ni kug pag rok Karpus u Troas; mu kum fek fa yu ke babyor, ni fa tinem ni gu ma yoloy e ri ga ra fek. 14 I Alexander nma maruwel ko wasey e ba gel e kireb nike rin’ ngog; mi Somol e bayi pi’ puluwon ngak nrogon e tin ke ngongliy. 15 Ere mu ayuwegnem rok, ya ri be togopluw ko thin rok Got ni gadad be wereg. 16 Dariy be’ ni ayuwegneg ko yay nsom’on ni gu ayuwegneg u tafen e pufthin; ya yad urngin nra paged gag. Mang e yigi runguyrad Got nge n’ag fan u wan’! 17 Machane Somol e par rog nge pi’ gelngig, nge yag ni gu weliy urngin e thin rok Got nge rung’ag urngin e pi’in gathi yad yu Israel; me Somol e ayuwegneg nda kug wan ngalan l’ugun e layon. 18 Mi Somol e bayi chuwegeg u fithik’ urngin e gafgow, me thapegeg nga tharmiy ko gin nsuwon. Me ir e nganog e sorok ngak ndariy n’umngin nap’an! Amen. 19 Nge felan’ Got ngak Priska nge Aquila, nge girdi’en e tabinaw rok Onesiforus. 20 I Erastus e ke par u Korinth, mi Trofimus e kug pag u Miletus, ni fan e mm’ar. 21 Mu athamgiliy nga mub u m’on ko ngiyal’ ndawori taw e garbeb.Eubulus, nge Pudens, nge Linus, nge Klaudia nge urngin e tin kabay pi walagdad ni girdi’en Kristus e be lungurad e nge felan’ Got ngom. 22 I Somol e ngi i par u lanin’um.I Got e ngi i ayuwegmed ni gimed gubin.
In Other Versions
2 Timothy 4 in the ANGEFD
2 Timothy 4 in the ANTPNG2D
2 Timothy 4 in the AS21
2 Timothy 4 in the BAGH
2 Timothy 4 in the BBPNG
2 Timothy 4 in the BBT1E
2 Timothy 4 in the BDS
2 Timothy 4 in the BEV
2 Timothy 4 in the BHAD
2 Timothy 4 in the BIB
2 Timothy 4 in the BLPT
2 Timothy 4 in the BNT
2 Timothy 4 in the BNTABOOT
2 Timothy 4 in the BNTLV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOATCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOATCB2
2 Timothy 4 in the BOBCV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOCNT
2 Timothy 4 in the BOECS
2 Timothy 4 in the BOGWICC
2 Timothy 4 in the BOHCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOHCV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOHLNT
2 Timothy 4 in the BOHNTLTAL
2 Timothy 4 in the BOICB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOILNTAP
2 Timothy 4 in the BOITCV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOKCV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOKCV2
2 Timothy 4 in the BOKHWOG
2 Timothy 4 in the BOKSSV
2 Timothy 4 in the BOLCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOLCB2
2 Timothy 4 in the BOMCV
2 Timothy 4 in the BONAV
2 Timothy 4 in the BONCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BONLT
2 Timothy 4 in the BONUT2
2 Timothy 4 in the BOPLNT
2 Timothy 4 in the BOSCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOSNC
2 Timothy 4 in the BOTLNT
2 Timothy 4 in the BOVCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BOYCB
2 Timothy 4 in the BPBB
2 Timothy 4 in the BPH
2 Timothy 4 in the BSB
2 Timothy 4 in the CCB
2 Timothy 4 in the CUV
2 Timothy 4 in the CUVS
2 Timothy 4 in the DBT
2 Timothy 4 in the DGDNT
2 Timothy 4 in the DHNT
2 Timothy 4 in the DNT
2 Timothy 4 in the ELBE
2 Timothy 4 in the EMTV
2 Timothy 4 in the ESV
2 Timothy 4 in the FBV
2 Timothy 4 in the FEB
2 Timothy 4 in the GGMNT
2 Timothy 4 in the GNT
2 Timothy 4 in the HARY
2 Timothy 4 in the HNT
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVA
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVB
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVG
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVH
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVK
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVM
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVM2
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVO
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVP
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVT
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVT2
2 Timothy 4 in the IRVU
2 Timothy 4 in the ISVN
2 Timothy 4 in the JSNT
2 Timothy 4 in the KAPI
2 Timothy 4 in the KBT1ETNIK
2 Timothy 4 in the KBV
2 Timothy 4 in the KJV
2 Timothy 4 in the KNFD
2 Timothy 4 in the LBA
2 Timothy 4 in the LBLA
2 Timothy 4 in the LNT
2 Timothy 4 in the LSV
2 Timothy 4 in the MAAL
2 Timothy 4 in the MBV
2 Timothy 4 in the MBV2
2 Timothy 4 in the MHNT
2 Timothy 4 in the MKNFD
2 Timothy 4 in the MNG
2 Timothy 4 in the MNT
2 Timothy 4 in the MNT2
2 Timothy 4 in the MRS1T
2 Timothy 4 in the NAA
2 Timothy 4 in the NASB
2 Timothy 4 in the NBLA
2 Timothy 4 in the NBS
2 Timothy 4 in the NBVTP
2 Timothy 4 in the NET2
2 Timothy 4 in the NIV11
2 Timothy 4 in the NNT
2 Timothy 4 in the NNT2
2 Timothy 4 in the NNT3
2 Timothy 4 in the PDDPT
2 Timothy 4 in the PFNT
2 Timothy 4 in the RMNT
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIAS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIBS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIBS2
2 Timothy 4 in the SBICS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIDS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIGS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIHS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIIS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIIS2
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIIS3
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIKS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIKS2
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIMS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIOS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIPS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBISS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBITS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBITS2
2 Timothy 4 in the SBITS3
2 Timothy 4 in the SBITS4
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIUS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBIVS
2 Timothy 4 in the SBT
2 Timothy 4 in the SBT1E
2 Timothy 4 in the SCHL
2 Timothy 4 in the SNT
2 Timothy 4 in the SUSU
2 Timothy 4 in the SUSU2
2 Timothy 4 in the SYNO
2 Timothy 4 in the TBIAOTANT
2 Timothy 4 in the TBT1E
2 Timothy 4 in the TBT1E2
2 Timothy 4 in the TFTIP
2 Timothy 4 in the TFTU
2 Timothy 4 in the TGNTATF3T
2 Timothy 4 in the THAI
2 Timothy 4 in the TNFD
2 Timothy 4 in the TNT
2 Timothy 4 in the TNTIK
2 Timothy 4 in the TNTIL
2 Timothy 4 in the TNTIN
2 Timothy 4 in the TNTIP
2 Timothy 4 in the TNTIZ
2 Timothy 4 in the TOMA
2 Timothy 4 in the TTENT
2 Timothy 4 in the UBG
2 Timothy 4 in the UGV
2 Timothy 4 in the UGV2
2 Timothy 4 in the UGV3
2 Timothy 4 in the VBL
2 Timothy 4 in the VDCC
2 Timothy 4 in the YALU
2 Timothy 4 in the YBVTP
2 Timothy 4 in the ZBP