Ezra 10 (YAPE)

1 Ngiyal’ nib garbug Ezra ni be meybil u mit fare Tempel, ni be yor ma be weliy e pi denen ney, me yib ba ulung nib ga’ u Israel ni — pumo’on, ppin, nge bitir — ngarabad ra liyeged u but’, ni yad be yor nib gel. 2 Ma aram me ga’ar Shekaniah nib mo’on ni fak Jehiel ni be’ ko fare ke girdi’ rok Elam ngak Ezra, “Da kug folgad rok Got kug le’engiyed e pi ppin ney nu bang. Machane yug aray rogon ma kabay e lagan’ rok yu Israel. 3 Ere chiney e thingar da micheged ngak e Got rodad ni bay da n’iged e pi ppin ney nge pifakrad ngar chuwgad u roy. Bay gu rin’ed e n’en ni ga be yog nge fa tinef e girdi’ ni riyul’ ni yad ma tay u gil’ e motochiyel rok Got e karoged ngomad ni nggu rin’ed ni aray rogon. Bay gu rin’ed e n’en ni bay ko motochiyel rok Got. 4 Ezra, I gur e maruwel rom ni ngam mithmith. Gamad bay u wuryal rom, ere mman ngam mu’nag.” 5 Ma aram me tabab Ezra i yog ngak e pi tayugang’ rok e prist, nge pi Levite, nge tin kabay e girdi’ ni ngar micheged ni yad ra rin’ e n’en nike yog Shekaniah. 6 Ma aram me yan u mit fare Tempel ngalan e gin nma par Jehohanan riy nib mo’on ni fak Eliashib, nge par u rom e re nep’ nem ni be yornag feni de yul’yul’ e pi girdi’ nem ni un kalbus nagrad u bang. De kay ma de unum ban’en. 7 Ni wereg bbugi thin u ga’ngin yu Jerusalem nge Judah ni gubin e pi’in kar sulod ko kalbus u wuru’ e nam ma ngar mu’ulunggad nga Jerusalem 8 nike yog e tayugang’ rok e pi girdi’ nem. Fa’anra yan dalip e rran ndawori m’ug be’, ma gubin e pin’en nib milfan ngak e go’ yira fek rok, ma yira fek rok mat’wun ni be par ni ir reb i girdi’en fare ulung. 9 U lan fa dalip i rran, ko rofen ni rliw’ ko pul ni mereb, ma gubin e pumo’on ni yad ma par u lan e gin nib milsuwon ngak Judah nge Benjamin e go’ rabad nga Jerusalem ngarbad ra mu’ulunggad ngalan e yoror ko fare Tempel. Ma be aw e n’uw nib gel, ma bochan e lang nga feni ga’fan fare mu’ulung ma yad gubin ni yad be t’on. 10 Me sak’iy Ezra ni prist ngalang nge non ngorad. I ga’ar, “Gimed e ka mu th’abed e motochiyel rok Got ka mu girngiyed e kireb nga daken yu Israel ni ga’ngin ko mabgol ni ka mu ted e ppin nu bang! 11 Ere chiney e ngam weliyed e kireb romed ngak SOMOL, ni fare Got rok e pi ga’ romed, mi gimed rin’ e tin ni bfel’ u wan’. Mu pithged gimed rok e girdi’ nu boch e nam ni yad be par u lan e nam rodad mi gimed n’ag pi le’engimed ni girdi’ nu bang.” 12 Me fulweg fapi girdi’ ni yad be tolul, “Demturug e tin ga ra yog ma gamad ra rin’.” 13 Machane miki lungurad, “Kay gi ga’ ere ulung ney, ma be aw e n’uw nib gel. Dabkiyag ni ngu’ud sak’iygad u roy u wean ni aray rogon. Ren’ey e gathi ban’en nrayag ni ngan mu’nag u lan reb e rran fa l’agruw, ni bochan e bo’or i gadad e ke rin’ e re denen ney. 14 Mu pag e pi tolang romad ngar pired u Jerusalem nge milfan e re pa’ i oloboch ney ngorad. Ma aram e en ni le’engin reb e bpin nu bang e nge yib ko ngiyal’ ni kanog, ngar mada’gad e pi tayugang’ nge pi tapuf oloboch u lan e binaw rok. Aray rogon kanawo’en me chuw e damumuw rok Got ko re oloboch ney.” 15 Dariy be’ ni togopluw nga rogon ni ngan rin’ e ren’ey, kemus ni Jonathan nib mo’on ni fak Asahel nge Jahzeyah nib mo’on ni fak Tikvah, me tay Meshullam nge Shabbethai tangirow ni l’agruw i Levite. 16 Fa pi’in ni ur kalbusgad u bang ni kar sulod e m’ag u wan’rad fare puruy’, ere mel’eg Ezra ni prist e pi pumo’on u fithik’ e pi’in lolgen fa yuke girdi’ nge yoloy fithingrad. Me yan i rofen ni m’on ko pul ni ragag miyad tabab i gaweg e pi’in ni kar mabgolgad nga reb e nam 17 mu lan e dalip i pul ni migid e ra pir’eged murung’agen gubin e pumo’on ni bay le’engirad ni ppin nu boch e nam. 18 Ba’aray fithingan e pi pumo’on ni kar le’engiyed e ppin nu bang: Pi prist, nni yoloy ni ba kan e girdi nge ba kan:Fare ke girdi’ rok Joshua nge pi pumo’on ni walagen, pi pumo’on ni pifak Jehozadak: Maaseyah, Eliezer, Jarib, nge Gedaliah. 19 Yad e ra micheged ni yad radar pi le’engirad, ma yad ra pi’ ba saf ni pumo’on ni maligach ni fan ko denen rorad. 20 Fare ke girdi’ rok Immer: Hanani nge Zebadiah 21 Fare ke girdi’ rok Harim: Maaseyah, Elijah, Shemayah, Jehiel, nge Uzziah 22 Fare ke girdi’ rok Pashhur: Elioenai, Maaseyah, Ishmael, Nethanel, Jozabad, nge Elasah 23 Pi Levite:Jozabad, Shimei, Kelaiah (ni ku yima pining ni Kelita), Pethahiah, Judah, nge Eliezer 24 Girdi’en e Musik:EliashibMatnag u Tempel:Shallum, Telem, nge Uri 25 Nge Ku Boch:Fare ke girdi’ rok Parosh: Ramiah, Izziah, Malchijah, Mijamin, Eleazar, Malkijah, nge Benayah 26 Fare ke girdi’ rok Elam: Mattaniah, Zekariah, Jehiel, Abdi, Jeremoth, nge Elijah 27 Fare ke girdi’ rok Zattu: Elioenai, Eliashib, Mattaniah, Jeremoth, Zabad, nge Aziza 28 Fare ke girdi’ rok Bebai: Jehohanan, Hananiah, Zabbai, nge Athlai 29 Fare ke girdi’ rok Bani: Meshullam, Malluk, Adaiah, Jashub, Sheal, nge Jeremoth 30 Fare ke girdi’ rok Pahath Moab: Adna, Kelal, Benayah, Maaseyah, Mattaniah, Bezalel, Binnui, nge Manasseh 31 31-32 Fare ke girdi’ rok Harim: Eliezer, Isshijah, Malkijah, Shemayah, Shimeon, Benjamin, Malluk, nge Shemariah 33 Fare ke girdi’ rok Hashum: Mattenai, Mattattah, Zabad, Elifelet, Jeremai, Manasseh, nge Shimei 34 34-37 Fare ke girdi’ rok Bani: Maadai, Amram, Uel, Benayah, Bedeyah, Cheluhi, Vaniah, Meremoth, Eliashib, Mattaniah, Mattenai, nge Jaasu 38 38-42 Fare ke girdi’ rok Binnui: Shimei, Shelemiah, Nathan, Adayah, Maknadebai, Shashai, Sharai, Azarel, Shelemiah, Shemariah, Shallum, Amariah, nge Josef 43 Fare ke girdi’ rok Nebo: Jeyel, Mattithiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jaddai, Joel, nge Benayah 44 Gubin e pi pumo’on ney ni kar le’engiyed e ppin nu bang. Go’ rdargad pi le’engirad, miyad l’oeg pi le’engirad nge pifakrad ngar chuwgad u rom.

In Other Versions

Ezra 10 in the ANGEFD

Ezra 10 in the ANTPNG2D

Ezra 10 in the AS21

Ezra 10 in the BAGH

Ezra 10 in the BBPNG

Ezra 10 in the BBT1E

Ezra 10 in the BDS

Ezra 10 in the BEV

Ezra 10 in the BHAD

Ezra 10 in the BIB

Ezra 10 in the BLPT

Ezra 10 in the BNT

Ezra 10 in the BNTABOOT

Ezra 10 in the BNTLV

Ezra 10 in the BOATCB

Ezra 10 in the BOATCB2

Ezra 10 in the BOBCV

Ezra 10 in the BOCNT

Ezra 10 in the BOECS

Ezra 10 in the BOGWICC

Ezra 10 in the BOHCB

Ezra 10 in the BOHCV

Ezra 10 in the BOHLNT

Ezra 10 in the BOHNTLTAL

Ezra 10 in the BOICB

Ezra 10 in the BOILNTAP

Ezra 10 in the BOITCV

Ezra 10 in the BOKCV

Ezra 10 in the BOKCV2

Ezra 10 in the BOKHWOG

Ezra 10 in the BOKSSV

Ezra 10 in the BOLCB

Ezra 10 in the BOLCB2

Ezra 10 in the BOMCV

Ezra 10 in the BONAV

Ezra 10 in the BONCB

Ezra 10 in the BONLT

Ezra 10 in the BONUT2

Ezra 10 in the BOPLNT

Ezra 10 in the BOSCB

Ezra 10 in the BOSNC

Ezra 10 in the BOTLNT

Ezra 10 in the BOVCB

Ezra 10 in the BOYCB

Ezra 10 in the BPBB

Ezra 10 in the BPH

Ezra 10 in the BSB

Ezra 10 in the CCB

Ezra 10 in the CUV

Ezra 10 in the CUVS

Ezra 10 in the DBT

Ezra 10 in the DGDNT

Ezra 10 in the DHNT

Ezra 10 in the DNT

Ezra 10 in the ELBE

Ezra 10 in the EMTV

Ezra 10 in the ESV

Ezra 10 in the FBV

Ezra 10 in the FEB

Ezra 10 in the GGMNT

Ezra 10 in the GNT

Ezra 10 in the HARY

Ezra 10 in the HNT

Ezra 10 in the IRVA

Ezra 10 in the IRVB

Ezra 10 in the IRVG

Ezra 10 in the IRVH

Ezra 10 in the IRVK

Ezra 10 in the IRVM

Ezra 10 in the IRVM2

Ezra 10 in the IRVO

Ezra 10 in the IRVP

Ezra 10 in the IRVT

Ezra 10 in the IRVT2

Ezra 10 in the IRVU

Ezra 10 in the ISVN

Ezra 10 in the JSNT

Ezra 10 in the KAPI

Ezra 10 in the KBT1ETNIK

Ezra 10 in the KBV

Ezra 10 in the KJV

Ezra 10 in the KNFD

Ezra 10 in the LBA

Ezra 10 in the LBLA

Ezra 10 in the LNT

Ezra 10 in the LSV

Ezra 10 in the MAAL

Ezra 10 in the MBV

Ezra 10 in the MBV2

Ezra 10 in the MHNT

Ezra 10 in the MKNFD

Ezra 10 in the MNG

Ezra 10 in the MNT

Ezra 10 in the MNT2

Ezra 10 in the MRS1T

Ezra 10 in the NAA

Ezra 10 in the NASB

Ezra 10 in the NBLA

Ezra 10 in the NBS

Ezra 10 in the NBVTP

Ezra 10 in the NET2

Ezra 10 in the NIV11

Ezra 10 in the NNT

Ezra 10 in the NNT2

Ezra 10 in the NNT3

Ezra 10 in the PDDPT

Ezra 10 in the PFNT

Ezra 10 in the RMNT

Ezra 10 in the SBIAS

Ezra 10 in the SBIBS

Ezra 10 in the SBIBS2

Ezra 10 in the SBICS

Ezra 10 in the SBIDS

Ezra 10 in the SBIGS

Ezra 10 in the SBIHS

Ezra 10 in the SBIIS

Ezra 10 in the SBIIS2

Ezra 10 in the SBIIS3

Ezra 10 in the SBIKS

Ezra 10 in the SBIKS2

Ezra 10 in the SBIMS

Ezra 10 in the SBIOS

Ezra 10 in the SBIPS

Ezra 10 in the SBISS

Ezra 10 in the SBITS

Ezra 10 in the SBITS2

Ezra 10 in the SBITS3

Ezra 10 in the SBITS4

Ezra 10 in the SBIUS

Ezra 10 in the SBIVS

Ezra 10 in the SBT

Ezra 10 in the SBT1E

Ezra 10 in the SCHL

Ezra 10 in the SNT

Ezra 10 in the SUSU

Ezra 10 in the SUSU2

Ezra 10 in the SYNO

Ezra 10 in the TBIAOTANT

Ezra 10 in the TBT1E

Ezra 10 in the TBT1E2

Ezra 10 in the TFTIP

Ezra 10 in the TFTU

Ezra 10 in the TGNTATF3T

Ezra 10 in the THAI

Ezra 10 in the TNFD

Ezra 10 in the TNT

Ezra 10 in the TNTIK

Ezra 10 in the TNTIL

Ezra 10 in the TNTIN

Ezra 10 in the TNTIP

Ezra 10 in the TNTIZ

Ezra 10 in the TOMA

Ezra 10 in the TTENT

Ezra 10 in the UBG

Ezra 10 in the UGV

Ezra 10 in the UGV2

Ezra 10 in the UGV3

Ezra 10 in the VBL

Ezra 10 in the VDCC

Ezra 10 in the YALU

Ezra 10 in the YBVTP

Ezra 10 in the ZBP