Genesis 25 (YAPE)

1 Miki le’engiy Abraham reb e bpin, ni Keturah fithingan. 2 Me diyannag boch e bitir rok Abraham ni Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak nge Shuah. 3 Jokshan e chitmangin Sheba nge Dedan. Ma pi’in owchen Dedan e Asshurim, Letushim nge Leummim. 4 Ma pagel ni fak Midian e Efah, Efer, Honoch, Abida nge Eldaah. Yad urngin u gubin ni yad e pi’in owchen Keturah. 5 Me thum’nag Abraham ngak Isak urngin e tin nib mil suwon ngak: 6 Machane nap’an ni dawri yim’ Abraham, mi i pi’ boch e tow’ath ngak boch e pagel ni fakrad yugboch e ppin rok. Me l’ograd ngranod ra pired ko binaw ni bay ko ngek, ni ngar paloggad rok Isak ni fak. 7 Arayrogon epi rran ko yafos rok Abraham ni 175 e duw. 8 Ma aram me aw e fan rok ni aram yangren, minfek ngak pi girdi’en ni kakrom. 9 Me k’eyag Isak nge Ishmael Abraham ni chitmangrow u lan e yiy nu Makpelah, u daken e flang rok Ephron ni fak Zohar nib Hittite, ni bay ngalan e ngak u Memre. 10 Ireram fare flang ni chuw’iy Abraham rok e Hittite; Abraham nge le’engin i Sarah e ni k’eyag row u rom. 11 Tomuren nike yim’ Abraham, me fal’eg Got wa’athan Isak ni fak Abraham, nima par u charen fare “Luwed rok Fa’nnem ni be Par Nib Fos Ma Be Guyeg.” 12 Ismael, ni fak Hagar nu Egypt ni sib rok Sarah, e ndiyennag rok Abraham, 13 irera’ e pi pagal, ni fak Ishmael ni tabab ko bin nganni’ nge mada’ ko bin wen: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam, 14 Mishma, Dumah, Massa, 15 Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Nafish nge Kedamah. 16 Yad e pi chitmangin ragag nge l’agruw e ganong, ma fithngarad e ni tunguy nga fithingan e binaw rorad nge yungi n’en ni ur n’ufed e tent rorad riy. 17 Me yim’ Ishmael nike gaman e 137 e duw rok. 18 Me par e pi’in owchen Ishmael u bang i binaw ni bay u thilin yu Havilan nge Shur, ni bay ko ngek u Egypt ni kanawo’ nga Assyria. Kar pired ni yad bpalog rok e tin ba’aram e girdi’ ni ku yad owchen Abraham. 19 Irera’ murung’agen Isak ni fak Abraham. 20 Isak e aningeg i ragag e duw yangren mi yow mabgol Rebekah, ni be’ ni bpin ni fak Bethuel, (ni ir reb fapi girdi’ ni kanog e Aramean ngorad, ni yad ma par u Mesopotamia) ma walagen Laban. 21 Ma de diyen le’engin Isak, ma aram me meybil Isak ngak SOMOL ni fan ngak le’engin. Me diyen Rebekah, ni aram taban e meybil rok Isak nike fulweg SOMOL. 22 I diyen nib athlog ma kayow bay u mayal ma yow ma wagey ngorow, me ga’ar fa en ni chitiningirow, “Mang nike buch e biney rog?” Me yan i meybil ni be de’eriy SOMOL. 23 Me ga’ar SOMOL ngak fare pin,“L’agruw e nam ni bay u yal rom,ni gal raba’ i girdi’ nem ni bay mu gargeleg e bay ur tagenginggow ngorow;bagayow e bayi par nib gel ngak bagayow,ma en nib ilal e bayi par ni ir e tapigpig rok e en nib bitir.” 24 Me taw nga nap’an ni nge gargel, me gargeleg l’agruw i athlog. 25 Bin som’on e pagel nni gargeleg e ba dake row, ma biyach u downgin e bod ba mad ni bay bunu’en, ma aram fan ntunguy fithingan ni Esau. 26 Ma fa’an nni gargeleg e bin ba’aram e pagel ni walagen, ma ke kol wurilen ay Esau nike chichi’iy pa’ riy, ma aram fan ntunguy fithingan ni Jakob. Mi Isak e nel’ i ragag e duw yangren nap’an nni gargelegrow. 27 Me ilal fa gali pagel, me par Esau ni ir be’ nib cheag ko mokol gamanman, ni be’ ni ba’adag e yan u daken e flang i yan, machane Jakob e be’ nder ma non ma yug ma par u tabinaw. 28 Mi Isak e ba t’uf Esau rok, ni bochan e ba’adag ni be longuy e gamanman ni be li’ Esau, machane Rebekah e ba t’uf Jakob rok. 29 Reb e rran ni be lith Jakob e sup ko mame, me sul Esau ko mokol gamanman, ma kri yim’ ko bilig 30 me ga’ar ngak Jakob, “Ku gum’ ko bilig; mpi’ buchuuw e pi n’ir nib row nggu way.” (Aram fan ntunguy Edom ngak.) 31 Machane me fulweg Jakob ni ga’ar, “Bay gu pi’ ngom ni fa’an ga ra pi’ ngog mat’wum ni gur e gab nganni’.” 32 Me ga’ar Esau, “Kefel’ ya ke chugur ni nggum’; susun e be mang e ren’en ni bfel’ nra rin’ mat’awug ngog?” 33 Me ga’ar Jakob, “Som’on e ngamog ngog u p’eowchen Got ni ngam pi’ ngog mat’awum.” Ma aram me yog Esau u p’eowchen Got ngak Jakob nike pi’ ngak mat’wun ni bay rok ni fan e ir e nganni’, ni aram e ke pi’ ni puluwon fapi ggan. 34 Me pi’ Jakob ngak e flowa nge mame nike lith. Me abich nge garbod, nge mu’ me yan. Kari mus e n’en nrib ga’fan u lanyan’ Esau, re mat’wun nem ni ir e ba nganni’.

In Other Versions

Genesis 25 in the ANGEFD

Genesis 25 in the ANTPNG2D

Genesis 25 in the AS21

Genesis 25 in the BAGH

Genesis 25 in the BBPNG

Genesis 25 in the BBT1E

Genesis 25 in the BDS

Genesis 25 in the BEV

Genesis 25 in the BHAD

Genesis 25 in the BIB

Genesis 25 in the BLPT

Genesis 25 in the BNT

Genesis 25 in the BNTABOOT

Genesis 25 in the BNTLV

Genesis 25 in the BOATCB

Genesis 25 in the BOATCB2

Genesis 25 in the BOBCV

Genesis 25 in the BOCNT

Genesis 25 in the BOECS

Genesis 25 in the BOGWICC

Genesis 25 in the BOHCB

Genesis 25 in the BOHCV

Genesis 25 in the BOHLNT

Genesis 25 in the BOHNTLTAL

Genesis 25 in the BOICB

Genesis 25 in the BOILNTAP

Genesis 25 in the BOITCV

Genesis 25 in the BOKCV

Genesis 25 in the BOKCV2

Genesis 25 in the BOKHWOG

Genesis 25 in the BOKSSV

Genesis 25 in the BOLCB

Genesis 25 in the BOLCB2

Genesis 25 in the BOMCV

Genesis 25 in the BONAV

Genesis 25 in the BONCB

Genesis 25 in the BONLT

Genesis 25 in the BONUT2

Genesis 25 in the BOPLNT

Genesis 25 in the BOSCB

Genesis 25 in the BOSNC

Genesis 25 in the BOTLNT

Genesis 25 in the BOVCB

Genesis 25 in the BOYCB

Genesis 25 in the BPBB

Genesis 25 in the BPH

Genesis 25 in the BSB

Genesis 25 in the CCB

Genesis 25 in the CUV

Genesis 25 in the CUVS

Genesis 25 in the DBT

Genesis 25 in the DGDNT

Genesis 25 in the DHNT

Genesis 25 in the DNT

Genesis 25 in the ELBE

Genesis 25 in the EMTV

Genesis 25 in the ESV

Genesis 25 in the FBV

Genesis 25 in the FEB

Genesis 25 in the GGMNT

Genesis 25 in the GNT

Genesis 25 in the HARY

Genesis 25 in the HNT

Genesis 25 in the IRVA

Genesis 25 in the IRVB

Genesis 25 in the IRVG

Genesis 25 in the IRVH

Genesis 25 in the IRVK

Genesis 25 in the IRVM

Genesis 25 in the IRVM2

Genesis 25 in the IRVO

Genesis 25 in the IRVP

Genesis 25 in the IRVT

Genesis 25 in the IRVT2

Genesis 25 in the IRVU

Genesis 25 in the ISVN

Genesis 25 in the JSNT

Genesis 25 in the KAPI

Genesis 25 in the KBT1ETNIK

Genesis 25 in the KBV

Genesis 25 in the KJV

Genesis 25 in the KNFD

Genesis 25 in the LBA

Genesis 25 in the LBLA

Genesis 25 in the LNT

Genesis 25 in the LSV

Genesis 25 in the MAAL

Genesis 25 in the MBV

Genesis 25 in the MBV2

Genesis 25 in the MHNT

Genesis 25 in the MKNFD

Genesis 25 in the MNG

Genesis 25 in the MNT

Genesis 25 in the MNT2

Genesis 25 in the MRS1T

Genesis 25 in the NAA

Genesis 25 in the NASB

Genesis 25 in the NBLA

Genesis 25 in the NBS

Genesis 25 in the NBVTP

Genesis 25 in the NET2

Genesis 25 in the NIV11

Genesis 25 in the NNT

Genesis 25 in the NNT2

Genesis 25 in the NNT3

Genesis 25 in the PDDPT

Genesis 25 in the PFNT

Genesis 25 in the RMNT

Genesis 25 in the SBIAS

Genesis 25 in the SBIBS

Genesis 25 in the SBIBS2

Genesis 25 in the SBICS

Genesis 25 in the SBIDS

Genesis 25 in the SBIGS

Genesis 25 in the SBIHS

Genesis 25 in the SBIIS

Genesis 25 in the SBIIS2

Genesis 25 in the SBIIS3

Genesis 25 in the SBIKS

Genesis 25 in the SBIKS2

Genesis 25 in the SBIMS

Genesis 25 in the SBIOS

Genesis 25 in the SBIPS

Genesis 25 in the SBISS

Genesis 25 in the SBITS

Genesis 25 in the SBITS2

Genesis 25 in the SBITS3

Genesis 25 in the SBITS4

Genesis 25 in the SBIUS

Genesis 25 in the SBIVS

Genesis 25 in the SBT

Genesis 25 in the SBT1E

Genesis 25 in the SCHL

Genesis 25 in the SNT

Genesis 25 in the SUSU

Genesis 25 in the SUSU2

Genesis 25 in the SYNO

Genesis 25 in the TBIAOTANT

Genesis 25 in the TBT1E

Genesis 25 in the TBT1E2

Genesis 25 in the TFTIP

Genesis 25 in the TFTU

Genesis 25 in the TGNTATF3T

Genesis 25 in the THAI

Genesis 25 in the TNFD

Genesis 25 in the TNT

Genesis 25 in the TNTIK

Genesis 25 in the TNTIL

Genesis 25 in the TNTIN

Genesis 25 in the TNTIP

Genesis 25 in the TNTIZ

Genesis 25 in the TOMA

Genesis 25 in the TTENT

Genesis 25 in the UBG

Genesis 25 in the UGV

Genesis 25 in the UGV2

Genesis 25 in the UGV3

Genesis 25 in the VBL

Genesis 25 in the VDCC

Genesis 25 in the YALU

Genesis 25 in the YBVTP

Genesis 25 in the ZBP