Philippians 4 (BOHCB)
1 Saboda haka ’yan’uwana, ku da nake ƙauna, nake kuma marmarin ganinku, ku da kuke farin cikina da kuma rawanina, ku dāge ga Ubangiji, ya ku ƙaunatattuna! 2 Ina roƙon Yuwodiya ina kuma roƙon Sintike, su yi zaman lafiya da juna saboda su na Ubangiji ne. 3 I, ina kuma roƙonka, abokin famata, ka taimaki matan nan waɗanda suka yi fama aikin bishara tare da ni, haka ma Kilemen da kuma sauran abokan aikina, waɗanda sunayensu suna cikin littafin rai. 4 Ku yi farin ciki a cikin Ubangiji kullum. Ina sāke gaya muku ku yi farin ciki! 5 Bari kowa yă kasance da sauƙinkai. Ubangiji ya yi kusan zuwa. 6 Kada ku damu game da kome sai dai a cikin abu duka, ku gabatar da roƙe-roƙenku ga Allah ta wurin addu’a da roƙo, tare da godiya. 7 Salamar Allah, wadda ta wuce dukan fahimta, za tă tsai da zukatanku da tunaninku cikin Kiristi Yesu. 8 A ƙarshe, ’yan’uwa, duk abin da yake na gaskiya, duk abin da yake na girmamawa, duk abin da yake daidai, duk abin da yake da tsarki, duk abin da yake kyakkyawa, duk abin da yake na sha’awa, in ma wani abu mafifici ne, ko ya cancanci yabo, ku yi tunani a kan irin abubuwan nan. 9 Duk abin da kuka koya ko kuka karɓa ko kuka ji daga wurina, ko kuka gani a cikina, ku yi aiki da shi. Allah na salama kuma zai kasance tare da ku. 10 Na yi farin ciki sosai ga Ubangiji don yanzu kun sāke nuna kun kula da ni. Ko da yake dā ma kun kula da ni sai dai ba ku sami dama ku nuna mini ba. 11 Ba na faɗin haka domin ina cikin bukata, gama na koya yadda zan gamsu a cikin kowane hali. 12 Na san mene ne zaman rashi, na kuma san mene ne zaman samu. Zan iya zama cikin kowane hali, ko cikin ƙoshi ko cikin yunwa, ko cikin yalwa ko kuma cikin fatara. 13 Ina iya yin kome ta wurin wannan wanda yake ba ni ƙarfi. 14 Duk da haka kun kyauta da kuka yi tarayya da ni cikin wahalolina. 15 Ban da haka, kamar yadda ku Filibbiyawa kuka sani, a farkon kwanakin da kuka ji bishara, sa’ad da na tashi daga Makidoniya, babu wata ikkilisiyar da tă yi tarayya da ni a fannin bayarwa da karɓa, sai ku kaɗai; 16 gama ko sa’ad da nake a Tessalonika ma, kun aiko mini da taimako sau da sau sa’ad da nake cikin bukata. 17 Ba cewa ina neman kyauta ba ne, sai dai ina neman abin da za a ƙara a kan ribarku. 18 An biya ni duka, biyan da ya wuce misali. Bukatata ta biya, da yake na karɓi kyautarku da kuka aiko ta hannun Afaforiditus. Baiwa mai ƙanshi, hadaya abar karɓa, mai faranta wa Allah rai. 19 Allahna kuma zai biya dukan bukatunku bisa ga ɗaukakar wadatarsa cikin Kiristi Yesu. 20 Ɗaukaka ta tabbata ga Allahnmu da Ubanmu har abada abadin. Amin. 21 Ku gai da dukan tsarkaka cikin Kiristi Yesu.’Yan’uwan da suke tare da ni suna gaishe ku. 22 Dukan tsarkaka suna gaishe ku, musamman waɗanda suke na gidan Kaisar. 23 Alherin Ubangiji Yesu Kiristi yă kasance da ruhunku. Amin.
In Other Versions
Philippians 4 in the ANGEFD
Philippians 4 in the ANTPNG2D
Philippians 4 in the AS21
Philippians 4 in the BAGH
Philippians 4 in the BBPNG
Philippians 4 in the BBT1E
Philippians 4 in the BDS
Philippians 4 in the BEV
Philippians 4 in the BHAD
Philippians 4 in the BIB
Philippians 4 in the BLPT
Philippians 4 in the BNT
Philippians 4 in the BNTABOOT
Philippians 4 in the BNTLV
Philippians 4 in the BOATCB
Philippians 4 in the BOATCB2
Philippians 4 in the BOBCV
Philippians 4 in the BOCNT
Philippians 4 in the BOECS
Philippians 4 in the BOGWICC
Philippians 4 in the BOHCV
Philippians 4 in the BOHLNT
Philippians 4 in the BOHNTLTAL
Philippians 4 in the BOICB
Philippians 4 in the BOILNTAP
Philippians 4 in the BOITCV
Philippians 4 in the BOKCV
Philippians 4 in the BOKCV2
Philippians 4 in the BOKHWOG
Philippians 4 in the BOKSSV
Philippians 4 in the BOLCB
Philippians 4 in the BOLCB2
Philippians 4 in the BOMCV
Philippians 4 in the BONAV
Philippians 4 in the BONCB
Philippians 4 in the BONLT
Philippians 4 in the BONUT2
Philippians 4 in the BOPLNT
Philippians 4 in the BOSCB
Philippians 4 in the BOSNC
Philippians 4 in the BOTLNT
Philippians 4 in the BOVCB
Philippians 4 in the BOYCB
Philippians 4 in the BPBB
Philippians 4 in the BPH
Philippians 4 in the BSB
Philippians 4 in the CCB
Philippians 4 in the CUV
Philippians 4 in the CUVS
Philippians 4 in the DBT
Philippians 4 in the DGDNT
Philippians 4 in the DHNT
Philippians 4 in the DNT
Philippians 4 in the ELBE
Philippians 4 in the EMTV
Philippians 4 in the ESV
Philippians 4 in the FBV
Philippians 4 in the FEB
Philippians 4 in the GGMNT
Philippians 4 in the GNT
Philippians 4 in the HARY
Philippians 4 in the HNT
Philippians 4 in the IRVA
Philippians 4 in the IRVB
Philippians 4 in the IRVG
Philippians 4 in the IRVH
Philippians 4 in the IRVK
Philippians 4 in the IRVM
Philippians 4 in the IRVM2
Philippians 4 in the IRVO
Philippians 4 in the IRVP
Philippians 4 in the IRVT
Philippians 4 in the IRVT2
Philippians 4 in the IRVU
Philippians 4 in the ISVN
Philippians 4 in the JSNT
Philippians 4 in the KAPI
Philippians 4 in the KBT1ETNIK
Philippians 4 in the KBV
Philippians 4 in the KJV
Philippians 4 in the KNFD
Philippians 4 in the LBA
Philippians 4 in the LBLA
Philippians 4 in the LNT
Philippians 4 in the LSV
Philippians 4 in the MAAL
Philippians 4 in the MBV
Philippians 4 in the MBV2
Philippians 4 in the MHNT
Philippians 4 in the MKNFD
Philippians 4 in the MNG
Philippians 4 in the MNT
Philippians 4 in the MNT2
Philippians 4 in the MRS1T
Philippians 4 in the NAA
Philippians 4 in the NASB
Philippians 4 in the NBLA
Philippians 4 in the NBS
Philippians 4 in the NBVTP
Philippians 4 in the NET2
Philippians 4 in the NIV11
Philippians 4 in the NNT
Philippians 4 in the NNT2
Philippians 4 in the NNT3
Philippians 4 in the PDDPT
Philippians 4 in the PFNT
Philippians 4 in the RMNT
Philippians 4 in the SBIAS
Philippians 4 in the SBIBS
Philippians 4 in the SBIBS2
Philippians 4 in the SBICS
Philippians 4 in the SBIDS
Philippians 4 in the SBIGS
Philippians 4 in the SBIHS
Philippians 4 in the SBIIS
Philippians 4 in the SBIIS2
Philippians 4 in the SBIIS3
Philippians 4 in the SBIKS
Philippians 4 in the SBIKS2
Philippians 4 in the SBIMS
Philippians 4 in the SBIOS
Philippians 4 in the SBIPS
Philippians 4 in the SBISS
Philippians 4 in the SBITS
Philippians 4 in the SBITS2
Philippians 4 in the SBITS3
Philippians 4 in the SBITS4
Philippians 4 in the SBIUS
Philippians 4 in the SBIVS
Philippians 4 in the SBT
Philippians 4 in the SBT1E
Philippians 4 in the SCHL
Philippians 4 in the SNT
Philippians 4 in the SUSU
Philippians 4 in the SUSU2
Philippians 4 in the SYNO
Philippians 4 in the TBIAOTANT
Philippians 4 in the TBT1E
Philippians 4 in the TBT1E2
Philippians 4 in the TFTIP
Philippians 4 in the TFTU
Philippians 4 in the TGNTATF3T
Philippians 4 in the THAI
Philippians 4 in the TNFD
Philippians 4 in the TNT
Philippians 4 in the TNTIK
Philippians 4 in the TNTIL
Philippians 4 in the TNTIN
Philippians 4 in the TNTIP
Philippians 4 in the TNTIZ
Philippians 4 in the TOMA
Philippians 4 in the TTENT
Philippians 4 in the UBG
Philippians 4 in the UGV
Philippians 4 in the UGV2
Philippians 4 in the UGV3
Philippians 4 in the VBL
Philippians 4 in the VDCC
Philippians 4 in the YALU
Philippians 4 in the YAPE
Philippians 4 in the YBVTP
Philippians 4 in the ZBP