Philippians 4 (GGMNT)

1 Ta intena dosizato, ta intena laamotizayto, ta ufayssaynne ta ootho zawude gidida ta ishato Godan minni eqqite. 2 Inte qofay Godan issino gidana mala Ewodanene Sinxxekey ba garisan siiqistana mala ta istta woossays. 3 Ero neon, tanara issife ammanetida oothanchazo, mishiracho qaala yootos tanarane Qalamenxxosara qasseka istta sunththay deyo maxaafen xaafetida hanko tanara ootho lagistara issife waayidayta he macashata ne maadana mala ta nena woossays. 4 Ay wodeka Godan ufa7etite. Qasseka ta intena ufa7ettite gayss. 5 Inte kiyatethi asa wursio achchan e reto. Goday yaana matides. 6 Haniza yoon wursion galatarn, woossanine gaanatethan Xoossa sinththi shiiqite attin ay mishanka hirigofite. 7 Asa qofape bollara diza Xoossa sarotethi inte wozinane inte qofa wursii Yesus kiristoosan naagees. 8 Wurisietha bolla ta ishato tumu gidida yoo wursi, boncho gidida yoo wursi, adda gidida yoo wursi, geeshi gidida yoo wursi, dosetida miishi wursi, lo7o gidida yoo wursi, lo7otethi gidinika galataka haytantta milatiza wursi qopite. 9 Inte taape tamaridayssa woykko inte taape ekkidayssane siyidayssa woykko beyidayssa ay gidiko wursi oothite. Goday intenara gidana. 10 Daro wodepe guye ooratha qofara inte ta gishshi qofo oykidista. Hessika Goda baggara tana keehi ufaysses. Tumuka inte taas qofo aggibeykistashin inte qopida mala oothanas intes hano ixxides. 11 Tani hessa gizay tana mettida gishshi gidena. Gaasoyka ta ay hankoka “Dizayssi taas gidana” guusu tamaradis. 12 Tapacceka ta erays; demmadaka erayss; ta gafadaka, kalladaka erayss; diinikka dhaynika erayss; ay gidikkoka taas dizay taas gidana guusa xuura ta lo7etha erayss. 13 Taas woliqa immiza kiristoosa tani wuriso miishe oothanas danda7ayss. 14 Gidikoka inte tana ta waayen maadida gishshi lo7o oothidista. 15 Inte Piliphisiyosa asati hessafe bollara inte erizay koyro mishiracho qaala inte ekkida wode tani Maqidoniyape dendashe intefe attin gede immidika haa ekkidika maadetidine maadidi giza woossa keethi taas deena. 16 Haray atto shin ta kase Teselonqqen di za wodeka tani metotin inte zaari zaari taas maado yedidista. 17 Ta hessa gizaytte immida gishshi intes anjjoy darana mala gaada attin ta intefe maado ekkanas amotada gidena. 18 Taas koshizayssane tana koshizayssafeka bollara ekkadis. Inte taas yedida imota Afirodixo kushepe ekkin ta paccey kumides. Hayssi darope Xoossa achchan eketida daro lo7o sawiza yarsho malako. 19 Xoossi ba duretetha gina intena koshshizayssa Goda Yesus kiristoosa baggara intes kunththana. 20 Nu Aawasine nu Xoossas medhinape medhinas bonchoy gido amin7i. 21 Ammaniza asa wursi Yesus kiristoosa sunththan saro giite. Tanara diza ishati wurikka intena saro geetes. 22 Ammanizayti wuri harapeka Qessareso asaape ammanizayti wurikka intena saro geetes. 23 Goda Yesus kiristoosa aadho kiyatethi intenara gido. Amin7i.

In Other Versions

Philippians 4 in the ANGEFD

Philippians 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Philippians 4 in the AS21

Philippians 4 in the BAGH

Philippians 4 in the BBPNG

Philippians 4 in the BBT1E

Philippians 4 in the BDS

Philippians 4 in the BEV

Philippians 4 in the BHAD

Philippians 4 in the BIB

Philippians 4 in the BLPT

Philippians 4 in the BNT

Philippians 4 in the BNTABOOT

Philippians 4 in the BNTLV

Philippians 4 in the BOATCB

Philippians 4 in the BOATCB2

Philippians 4 in the BOBCV

Philippians 4 in the BOCNT

Philippians 4 in the BOECS

Philippians 4 in the BOGWICC

Philippians 4 in the BOHCB

Philippians 4 in the BOHCV

Philippians 4 in the BOHLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Philippians 4 in the BOICB

Philippians 4 in the BOILNTAP

Philippians 4 in the BOITCV

Philippians 4 in the BOKCV

Philippians 4 in the BOKCV2

Philippians 4 in the BOKHWOG

Philippians 4 in the BOKSSV

Philippians 4 in the BOLCB

Philippians 4 in the BOLCB2

Philippians 4 in the BOMCV

Philippians 4 in the BONAV

Philippians 4 in the BONCB

Philippians 4 in the BONLT

Philippians 4 in the BONUT2

Philippians 4 in the BOPLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOSCB

Philippians 4 in the BOSNC

Philippians 4 in the BOTLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOVCB

Philippians 4 in the BOYCB

Philippians 4 in the BPBB

Philippians 4 in the BPH

Philippians 4 in the BSB

Philippians 4 in the CCB

Philippians 4 in the CUV

Philippians 4 in the CUVS

Philippians 4 in the DBT

Philippians 4 in the DGDNT

Philippians 4 in the DHNT

Philippians 4 in the DNT

Philippians 4 in the ELBE

Philippians 4 in the EMTV

Philippians 4 in the ESV

Philippians 4 in the FBV

Philippians 4 in the FEB

Philippians 4 in the GNT

Philippians 4 in the HARY

Philippians 4 in the HNT

Philippians 4 in the IRVA

Philippians 4 in the IRVB

Philippians 4 in the IRVG

Philippians 4 in the IRVH

Philippians 4 in the IRVK

Philippians 4 in the IRVM

Philippians 4 in the IRVM2

Philippians 4 in the IRVO

Philippians 4 in the IRVP

Philippians 4 in the IRVT

Philippians 4 in the IRVT2

Philippians 4 in the IRVU

Philippians 4 in the ISVN

Philippians 4 in the JSNT

Philippians 4 in the KAPI

Philippians 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Philippians 4 in the KBV

Philippians 4 in the KJV

Philippians 4 in the KNFD

Philippians 4 in the LBA

Philippians 4 in the LBLA

Philippians 4 in the LNT

Philippians 4 in the LSV

Philippians 4 in the MAAL

Philippians 4 in the MBV

Philippians 4 in the MBV2

Philippians 4 in the MHNT

Philippians 4 in the MKNFD

Philippians 4 in the MNG

Philippians 4 in the MNT

Philippians 4 in the MNT2

Philippians 4 in the MRS1T

Philippians 4 in the NAA

Philippians 4 in the NASB

Philippians 4 in the NBLA

Philippians 4 in the NBS

Philippians 4 in the NBVTP

Philippians 4 in the NET2

Philippians 4 in the NIV11

Philippians 4 in the NNT

Philippians 4 in the NNT2

Philippians 4 in the NNT3

Philippians 4 in the PDDPT

Philippians 4 in the PFNT

Philippians 4 in the RMNT

Philippians 4 in the SBIAS

Philippians 4 in the SBIBS

Philippians 4 in the SBIBS2

Philippians 4 in the SBICS

Philippians 4 in the SBIDS

Philippians 4 in the SBIGS

Philippians 4 in the SBIHS

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS2

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS3

Philippians 4 in the SBIKS

Philippians 4 in the SBIKS2

Philippians 4 in the SBIMS

Philippians 4 in the SBIOS

Philippians 4 in the SBIPS

Philippians 4 in the SBISS

Philippians 4 in the SBITS

Philippians 4 in the SBITS2

Philippians 4 in the SBITS3

Philippians 4 in the SBITS4

Philippians 4 in the SBIUS

Philippians 4 in the SBIVS

Philippians 4 in the SBT

Philippians 4 in the SBT1E

Philippians 4 in the SCHL

Philippians 4 in the SNT

Philippians 4 in the SUSU

Philippians 4 in the SUSU2

Philippians 4 in the SYNO

Philippians 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Philippians 4 in the TBT1E

Philippians 4 in the TBT1E2

Philippians 4 in the TFTIP

Philippians 4 in the TFTU

Philippians 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Philippians 4 in the THAI

Philippians 4 in the TNFD

Philippians 4 in the TNT

Philippians 4 in the TNTIK

Philippians 4 in the TNTIL

Philippians 4 in the TNTIN

Philippians 4 in the TNTIP

Philippians 4 in the TNTIZ

Philippians 4 in the TOMA

Philippians 4 in the TTENT

Philippians 4 in the UBG

Philippians 4 in the UGV

Philippians 4 in the UGV2

Philippians 4 in the UGV3

Philippians 4 in the VBL

Philippians 4 in the VDCC

Philippians 4 in the YALU

Philippians 4 in the YAPE

Philippians 4 in the YBVTP

Philippians 4 in the ZBP