Philippians 4 (CUVS)

1 我所亲爱所想念的弟兄们,你们就是我的喜乐,我的冠冕。我亲爱的弟兄,你们应当靠主站立得稳。 2 我劝友阿爹和循都基,要在主里同心。 3 我也求你这真实同负一轭的,帮助这两个女人,因为她们在福音上曾与我一同劳苦。还有革利免,并其余和我一同作工的。他们的名字都在生命册上。 4 你们要靠主常常喜乐。我再说,你们要喜乐。 5 当叫众人知道你们谦让的心。主已经近了。 6 应当一无挂虑,只要凡事借着祷告,祈求,和感谢,将你们所要的告诉神。 7 神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念。 8 弟兄们,我还有未尽的话。凡是真实的,可敬的,公义的,清洁的,可爱的,有美名的。若有什么德行,若有什么称赞,这些事你们都要思念。 9 你们在我身上所学习的,所领受的,所听见的,所看见的,这些事你们都要去行。赐平安的神,就必与你们同在。 10 我靠主大大地喜乐,因为你们思念我的心,如今又发生。你们向来就思念我,只是没得机会。 11 我并不是因缺乏说这话,我无论在什么景况,都可以知足,这是我已经学会了。 12 我知道怎样处卑贱,也知道怎样处丰富,或饱足,或饥饿,或有余,或缺乏,随事随在,我都得了秘诀。 13 我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能作。 14 然而你们和我同受患难,原是美事。 15 腓立比人哪,你们也知道我初传福音,离了马其顿的时候,论到授受的事,除了你们以外,并没有别的教会供给我。 16 就是我在帖撒罗尼迦,你们也一次两次的,打发人供给我的需用。 17 我并不求什么馈送,所求的就是你们的果子渐渐增多,归在你们的账上。 18 但我样样都有,并且有余。我已经充足,因我从以巴弗提受了你们的馈送,当作极美的香气,为神所收纳所喜悦的祭物。 19 我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。 20 愿荣耀归给我们的父神,直到永永远远。阿们。 21 请问在基督耶稣里的各位圣徒安。在我这里的众弟兄都问你们安。 22 众圣徒都问你们安。在该撒家里的人特特的问你们安。 23 愿主耶稣基督的恩常在你们心里。

In Other Versions

Philippians 4 in the ANGEFD

Philippians 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Philippians 4 in the AS21

Philippians 4 in the BAGH

Philippians 4 in the BBPNG

Philippians 4 in the BBT1E

Philippians 4 in the BDS

Philippians 4 in the BEV

Philippians 4 in the BHAD

Philippians 4 in the BIB

Philippians 4 in the BLPT

Philippians 4 in the BNT

Philippians 4 in the BNTABOOT

Philippians 4 in the BNTLV

Philippians 4 in the BOATCB

Philippians 4 in the BOATCB2

Philippians 4 in the BOBCV

Philippians 4 in the BOCNT

Philippians 4 in the BOECS

Philippians 4 in the BOGWICC

Philippians 4 in the BOHCB

Philippians 4 in the BOHCV

Philippians 4 in the BOHLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Philippians 4 in the BOICB

Philippians 4 in the BOILNTAP

Philippians 4 in the BOITCV

Philippians 4 in the BOKCV

Philippians 4 in the BOKCV2

Philippians 4 in the BOKHWOG

Philippians 4 in the BOKSSV

Philippians 4 in the BOLCB

Philippians 4 in the BOLCB2

Philippians 4 in the BOMCV

Philippians 4 in the BONAV

Philippians 4 in the BONCB

Philippians 4 in the BONLT

Philippians 4 in the BONUT2

Philippians 4 in the BOPLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOSCB

Philippians 4 in the BOSNC

Philippians 4 in the BOTLNT

Philippians 4 in the BOVCB

Philippians 4 in the BOYCB

Philippians 4 in the BPBB

Philippians 4 in the BPH

Philippians 4 in the BSB

Philippians 4 in the CCB

Philippians 4 in the CUV

Philippians 4 in the DBT

Philippians 4 in the DGDNT

Philippians 4 in the DHNT

Philippians 4 in the DNT

Philippians 4 in the ELBE

Philippians 4 in the EMTV

Philippians 4 in the ESV

Philippians 4 in the FBV

Philippians 4 in the FEB

Philippians 4 in the GGMNT

Philippians 4 in the GNT

Philippians 4 in the HARY

Philippians 4 in the HNT

Philippians 4 in the IRVA

Philippians 4 in the IRVB

Philippians 4 in the IRVG

Philippians 4 in the IRVH

Philippians 4 in the IRVK

Philippians 4 in the IRVM

Philippians 4 in the IRVM2

Philippians 4 in the IRVO

Philippians 4 in the IRVP

Philippians 4 in the IRVT

Philippians 4 in the IRVT2

Philippians 4 in the IRVU

Philippians 4 in the ISVN

Philippians 4 in the JSNT

Philippians 4 in the KAPI

Philippians 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Philippians 4 in the KBV

Philippians 4 in the KJV

Philippians 4 in the KNFD

Philippians 4 in the LBA

Philippians 4 in the LBLA

Philippians 4 in the LNT

Philippians 4 in the LSV

Philippians 4 in the MAAL

Philippians 4 in the MBV

Philippians 4 in the MBV2

Philippians 4 in the MHNT

Philippians 4 in the MKNFD

Philippians 4 in the MNG

Philippians 4 in the MNT

Philippians 4 in the MNT2

Philippians 4 in the MRS1T

Philippians 4 in the NAA

Philippians 4 in the NASB

Philippians 4 in the NBLA

Philippians 4 in the NBS

Philippians 4 in the NBVTP

Philippians 4 in the NET2

Philippians 4 in the NIV11

Philippians 4 in the NNT

Philippians 4 in the NNT2

Philippians 4 in the NNT3

Philippians 4 in the PDDPT

Philippians 4 in the PFNT

Philippians 4 in the RMNT

Philippians 4 in the SBIAS

Philippians 4 in the SBIBS

Philippians 4 in the SBIBS2

Philippians 4 in the SBICS

Philippians 4 in the SBIDS

Philippians 4 in the SBIGS

Philippians 4 in the SBIHS

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS2

Philippians 4 in the SBIIS3

Philippians 4 in the SBIKS

Philippians 4 in the SBIKS2

Philippians 4 in the SBIMS

Philippians 4 in the SBIOS

Philippians 4 in the SBIPS

Philippians 4 in the SBISS

Philippians 4 in the SBITS

Philippians 4 in the SBITS2

Philippians 4 in the SBITS3

Philippians 4 in the SBITS4

Philippians 4 in the SBIUS

Philippians 4 in the SBIVS

Philippians 4 in the SBT

Philippians 4 in the SBT1E

Philippians 4 in the SCHL

Philippians 4 in the SNT

Philippians 4 in the SUSU

Philippians 4 in the SUSU2

Philippians 4 in the SYNO

Philippians 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Philippians 4 in the TBT1E

Philippians 4 in the TBT1E2

Philippians 4 in the TFTIP

Philippians 4 in the TFTU

Philippians 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Philippians 4 in the THAI

Philippians 4 in the TNFD

Philippians 4 in the TNT

Philippians 4 in the TNTIK

Philippians 4 in the TNTIL

Philippians 4 in the TNTIN

Philippians 4 in the TNTIP

Philippians 4 in the TNTIZ

Philippians 4 in the TOMA

Philippians 4 in the TTENT

Philippians 4 in the UBG

Philippians 4 in the UGV

Philippians 4 in the UGV2

Philippians 4 in the UGV3

Philippians 4 in the VBL

Philippians 4 in the VDCC

Philippians 4 in the YALU

Philippians 4 in the YAPE

Philippians 4 in the YBVTP

Philippians 4 in the ZBP