Jeremiah 48 (BOICB)

1 Nke a dịrị Moab: Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile, bụ Chineke Izrel kwuru,“Ahụhụ dịrị Nebo! Nʼihi na a ga-emebi ya.A ga-emekwa ka ihere mee Kiriatem, e, a ga-adọta ya nʼagha.A ga-etipịa Misgab, mee ka ihere mee ya. 2 Ọ dịkwaghị ndị ga-eto Moab ọzọ,kama a ga-anọ na Heshbọn pịa ọpịpịa ọdịda ya.Ha ga-asị, ‘Bịanụ ka anyị bibie mba a, ka ọ ghara ịdịkwa.’Ọ bụladị gị bụ Madmen, ka a ga-eme ka i dere duu.A ga-ejikwa mma agha chụọ gị ọsọ. 3 Gee ntị nụrụ akwa na-ada na Horonaim,ọ bụ mkpu akwa oke mbibi na ịla nʼiyi. 4 A ga-etikpọ Moab,ụmụntakịrị ya ga-etikwa mkpu akwa. 5 Ha ga-eji oke ịkwa akwana-agbago ụzọ Luhit;a ga-anụkwa mkpu akwa nke ndị e bibiri ihe ha nʼụzọ na-agbada Horonaim.A ga-anụ akwa mwute nʼihi mbibi nke bịakwasịrị ha. 6 Gbalaganụ! Gbapụnụ ọsọ ndụ!Dịkwanụ ka osisi nta nke dị nʼọzara. 7 Ebe ọ bụ na unu na-atụkwasị obi nʼaka ọrụ unu, na nʼakụnụba unu,a ga-adọtakwa unu nʼagha.Ndị Kemosh ka a ga-eburu gaa mba ọzọ,ha na ndị nchụaja na ndịisi ọchịchị ya. 8 Onye mbibi ahụ ga-abịa megide obodo niile.O nwekwaghị obodo nke pụrụ ịgbanarị mbibi ya.A ga-ala ndagwurugwu niile nʼiyi,bibiekwa ebe dị elu nke dị larịị,nʼihi na ọ bụ okwu si nʼọnụ ONYENWE ANYỊ pụta. 9 Wụkwasị ala Moab nnu,nʼihi na a ga-eme ka ọ ghọọ ebe tọgbọrọ nʼefu.Obodo niile dị nʼime ya ga-aghọ mkpọmkpọ ebe,nke mmadụ ọbụla na-agaghị ebikwa nʼime ya. 10 “Ọbụbụ ọnụ dịrị onye ahụ ji aghụghọ na-arụ ọrụ ONYENWE ANYỊ.Ahụhụ dịrị onye na-ewezuga mma agha nʼebe iwusi ọbara dị. 11 “Onye na-anọ juu ka Moab bụ site na mgbe ọ bụ nwantakịrị,ọ dịka mmanya doro edo,nke a na-adịghị esi nʼotu udu wụgharịa ya nʼime udu ọzọ,o nwebeghị oge ọbụla e ji mee ka ọ ga biri nʼala ọzọ.Ọ bụ ya mere ụtọ ya adịghị agbanwe agbanwe,isisi ya agbanwekwaghị. 12 Ma ụbọchị ndị ahụ na-abịa,” otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara,“mgbe m ga-eziga ndị ikom ọrụ ha bụ ịwụpụ ihe site nʼite,ha ga-awụpụkwa ya.Ha ga-agbapụ ihe niile dị nʼite ya niile,tụwakwaa ite ya niile. 13 Mgbe ahụ, ihere Kemosh ga-eme Moab,dịka ihere si mee Izrelmgbe ha tụkwasịrị Betel obi ha. 14 “Unu si aṅaa ekwu sị, ‘Ndị dị ike nʼagha ka anyị bụ;anyị bụkwa dimkpa nʼagha’? 15 A ga-ebibi ala Moab, busokwa obodo ya niile agha.Ụmụ okorobịa ya niile ndị ahọrọ ahọ ga-ada nʼogbugbu ahụ.”Otu a ka Eze ahụ kwubiri, onye aha ya bụ ONYENWE ANYỊ, Onye pụrụ ime ihe niile. 16 “Ọdịda Moab dị nso;oke nhụju anya ya ga-abịakwa ọsịịsọ. 17 Kasịenụ ya obi, unu ndị niile gbara ya gburugburu,unu ndị niile maara na ọ bụ mba dị ukwuu.Kwupụtanụ sị, ‘Esi aṅa gbajie mkpanaka eze a, nke dị ike,lee ka e si gbajiekwa mkpanaka a nke dị ebube!’ 18 “Sitenụ nʼebe nsọpụrụ unu dị elu rịdata,bịa nọdụnụ nʼala kpọrọ nkụ,unu ndị bi nʼobodo bụ Ada Dibọn.Nʼihi na onye ahụ bibiri Moabga-abịa ibu agha megide unu,ọ ga-alakwa obodo unu niile e wusiri ike nʼiyi. 19 Guzonụ nʼakụkụ ụzọ, hụrụ ihe na-eme,unu ndị bi nʼime Aroea.Jụọnụ nwoke unu hụrụ na-agba ọsọ, na nwanyị nke na-ewezuga onwe ya ajụjụsị ha, ‘Gịnị mere?’ 20 E meela ka ihere mee Moab, nʼihi na a tụpịala ya.Kwasienụ akwa ike, tiekwanụ mkpu akwa.Kwupụta ya nʼAnọnna e bibiela Moab. 21 Oge a ga-ekpe ndị bi nʼala dị larịị ikpe abịala,bụ ndị bi na Họlọn, Jahaz na Mefaat, 22 Dibọn, Nebo na Bet-Diblataim, 23 Kiriatem, Bet-Gamul na Bet-Meon, 24 Keriọt na Bozra,na obodo niile dị nʼala Moab, ndị dị nso, na ndị nke dị anya. 25 E bipụla mpi Moab,a gbajiekwala ogwe aka ya,”otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara. 26 “Meenụ ya ka ọ ṅụbiga mmanya oke,nʼihi na o nupuru isi megide ONYENWE ANYỊ.Moab ga-atụrụ onwe ya nʼihe ọ gbọrọ.Ọ ga-aghọkwa ihe ọchị. 27 Izrel ọ bụghị ihe ọchị nye gị?Ọ bụ nʼetiti ndị na-ezu ohi ka e jidere ya,mere i ji na-efufere ya isimgbe ọbụla ị na-ekwu okwu banyere ya? 28 Sitenụ nʼobodo unu niile gbapụ ọsọ; jeenụ biri nʼetiti nkume,unu ndị bi nʼala Moab.Dịrịnụ ka nduru nke na-ewu akwụ yanʼakụkụ ọnụ ọgba nkume. 29 “Anyị anụla ihe banyere mpako Moab.Anyị anụla na mpako ahụ dị ukwuu,nụkwa ihe banyere oke mbuli elu nke ọ na-ebuli onwe ya,na oke nganga nke obi ya. 30 Amaara m ihe banyere mmụọ nke akpọghị onye ọzọ ihe ọbụla, nke dị nʼime ya, ma ọ gaghị abara ya uru ọbụla.Ịnya isi ya agaghị arụpụtakwa ihe ọbụla, otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya. 31 Nʼihi ya, aga m akwasị akwa ike nʼihi Moab,aga m eti mkpu akwa nʼihi ala Moab niile.Aga m asụ ude akwa nʼihi ndị Kia Hareset. 32 Akwa nke karịrị akwa Jeza ka m ga-akwa nʼihi gị,gị osisi vaịnị dị na Sibma.Alaka gị gbasara ruo nʼakụkụ osimiri,e, ha gbasara ruo nʼosimiri Jeza.Ma onye mbibi abịakwasịla mkpụrụ gị niile chara acha,e, ọ bịakwasịla mkpụrụ vaịnị gị niile. 33 Ọṅụ na obi ụtọ ka e wepụrụsite nʼubi vaịnị niile, na nʼala ubi niile nke Moab.E meela ka mmanya vaịnị kwụsị ịgbapụtakwa site nʼebe ịzọcha mmanya.Ọ dịkwaghị onye na-eji mkpu ọṅụ na-azọcha ha,Ọ bụ ezie na a na-anụ olu iti mkpu,ma ọ bụghị olu iti mkpu ọṅụ. 34 “A na-anụ ụda iti mkpu akwa hasite nʼobodo Heshbọn ruo Eleale, na Jehaz.A na-anụkwa ya site na Zoa ruo, ọ bụladị obodo ndị dị anya, dịka Horonaim, na Eglat Shelishiya.Nʼihi na mmiri niile nke Nimrim ataala. 35 Aga m eme ka ndị ahụ niile na-achụ aja nʼebe niile dị elu,na ndị ahụ niile na-achụrụ chi ha dị iche iche aja ihe nsure ọkụ na-esi isi ụtọ,hapụ ịdịkwa nʼala Moab,” otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 36 “Ụda akwa nke na-ada nʼime obi m nʼihi Moab dịka ụda ọja.Ụda akwa nke dịkwa ka ụda ọja na-adakwa nʼime obi m nʼihi ndị Kia Hareset.Akụ niile ha kpakọtara alaala nʼiyi. 37 A kpụchapụla agịrị isi niile,kpachakwa afụọnụ ha niile.E bipụkwala aka ha niile.Ọ bụkwa akwa mkpe ka e ji kpuchie ukwu niile. 38 Nʼelu ụlọ niile nke dị na Moab,nakwa nʼama egwuregwu niile,ọ dịghị ihe ọzọ karịa naanị iru ụjụ ka a na-ahụ.Nʼihi na e tiwaala m Moabdịka e si etiwa ite aja nke ọ dịghị onye bụla chọrọ ya,” otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwupụtara. 39 “Lee ka e si tipịa ya! Lee ka ha si akwasị akwa ike!Leekwa ka Moab si gbakụta azụ ya nʼihi ọnọdụ ihere ya!Moab aghọọla ihe ọchị,ọ ghọọla ihe iju anya nye ndị niile gbara ya gburugburu.” 40 Ihe ndị a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwuru,“Lee, ọ dị otu ugo na-efedata,nke gbasapụrụ nku ya kpuchie ala Moab niile. 41 A ga-adọta Keriọt nʼagha,meriekwa ebe ya niile e wusiri ike.Nʼụbọchị ahụ, obi ndị bụ dike nʼagha nʼala Moabga-adị ka obi nwanyị ime na-eme. 42 A ga-ebibi obodo Moab, mee ya ka ọ ghara ịdịkwa,nʼihi na ọ kagidere ONYENWE ANYỊ anya. 43 Oke egwu na olulu, na igbudu nke onye na-esi ọnya nọ na-eche unu,unu ndị Moab,”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri. 44 “Nʼoge ahụ, onye ọbụla gbapụrụ ọsọ site nʼihe oke egwuga-adaba nʼolulu.Onye ọbụla ga-esikwa nʼolulu rịpụtaka igbudu ga-ejide.Nʼihi na aga m eme ka afọ ahụ a kara akamaka ịta Moab ahụhụ bịakwasị ya,”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya. 45 “Nʼokpuru ndo Heshbọnka ndị ahụ gbapụrụ ọsọ ndụ guzoro, na-enweghị onye inyeaka.Nʼihi na ọkụ esitela na Heshbọn rere na-aga;ire ọkụ dị ukwuu esitela nʼetiti Saịhọn na-apụ,na-erepịa egedege ihu ndị Moab,na okpokoro isi ndị ahụ ji oke ụzụ na-anya isi. 46 Ahụhụ dịrị gị, gị Moab!Ebibiela ndị Kemosh niile.A dọtakwala ụmụ gị ndị ikomna ụmụ gị ndị inyom nʼagha, buru ha gaa mba ọzọ. 47 “Ma emesịa, nʼụbọchị ndị ahụ na-abịa,aga m eme ka ndị Moab a dọtara nʼagha lọghachi.”Otu a ka ONYENWE ANYỊ kwubiri ya.Nke a bụ ọgwụgwụ ikpe ọmụma dịrị Moab.

In Other Versions

Jeremiah 48 in the ANGEFD

Jeremiah 48 in the ANTPNG2D

Jeremiah 48 in the AS21

Jeremiah 48 in the BAGH

Jeremiah 48 in the BBPNG

Jeremiah 48 in the BBT1E

Jeremiah 48 in the BDS

Jeremiah 48 in the BEV

Jeremiah 48 in the BHAD

Jeremiah 48 in the BIB

Jeremiah 48 in the BLPT

Jeremiah 48 in the BNT

Jeremiah 48 in the BNTABOOT

Jeremiah 48 in the BNTLV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOATCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BOATCB2

Jeremiah 48 in the BOBCV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOCNT

Jeremiah 48 in the BOECS

Jeremiah 48 in the BOGWICC

Jeremiah 48 in the BOHCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BOHCV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOHLNT

Jeremiah 48 in the BOHNTLTAL

Jeremiah 48 in the BOILNTAP

Jeremiah 48 in the BOITCV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOKCV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOKCV2

Jeremiah 48 in the BOKHWOG

Jeremiah 48 in the BOKSSV

Jeremiah 48 in the BOLCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BOLCB2

Jeremiah 48 in the BOMCV

Jeremiah 48 in the BONAV

Jeremiah 48 in the BONCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BONLT

Jeremiah 48 in the BONUT2

Jeremiah 48 in the BOPLNT

Jeremiah 48 in the BOSCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BOSNC

Jeremiah 48 in the BOTLNT

Jeremiah 48 in the BOVCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BOYCB

Jeremiah 48 in the BPBB

Jeremiah 48 in the BPH

Jeremiah 48 in the BSB

Jeremiah 48 in the CCB

Jeremiah 48 in the CUV

Jeremiah 48 in the CUVS

Jeremiah 48 in the DBT

Jeremiah 48 in the DGDNT

Jeremiah 48 in the DHNT

Jeremiah 48 in the DNT

Jeremiah 48 in the ELBE

Jeremiah 48 in the EMTV

Jeremiah 48 in the ESV

Jeremiah 48 in the FBV

Jeremiah 48 in the FEB

Jeremiah 48 in the GGMNT

Jeremiah 48 in the GNT

Jeremiah 48 in the HARY

Jeremiah 48 in the HNT

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVA

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVB

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVG

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVH

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVK

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVM

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVM2

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVO

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVP

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVT

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVT2

Jeremiah 48 in the IRVU

Jeremiah 48 in the ISVN

Jeremiah 48 in the JSNT

Jeremiah 48 in the KAPI

Jeremiah 48 in the KBT1ETNIK

Jeremiah 48 in the KBV

Jeremiah 48 in the KJV

Jeremiah 48 in the KNFD

Jeremiah 48 in the LBA

Jeremiah 48 in the LBLA

Jeremiah 48 in the LNT

Jeremiah 48 in the LSV

Jeremiah 48 in the MAAL

Jeremiah 48 in the MBV

Jeremiah 48 in the MBV2

Jeremiah 48 in the MHNT

Jeremiah 48 in the MKNFD

Jeremiah 48 in the MNG

Jeremiah 48 in the MNT

Jeremiah 48 in the MNT2

Jeremiah 48 in the MRS1T

Jeremiah 48 in the NAA

Jeremiah 48 in the NASB

Jeremiah 48 in the NBLA

Jeremiah 48 in the NBS

Jeremiah 48 in the NBVTP

Jeremiah 48 in the NET2

Jeremiah 48 in the NIV11

Jeremiah 48 in the NNT

Jeremiah 48 in the NNT2

Jeremiah 48 in the NNT3

Jeremiah 48 in the PDDPT

Jeremiah 48 in the PFNT

Jeremiah 48 in the RMNT

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIAS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIBS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIBS2

Jeremiah 48 in the SBICS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIDS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIGS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIHS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIIS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIIS2

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIIS3

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIKS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIKS2

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIMS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIOS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIPS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBISS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBITS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBITS2

Jeremiah 48 in the SBITS3

Jeremiah 48 in the SBITS4

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIUS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBIVS

Jeremiah 48 in the SBT

Jeremiah 48 in the SBT1E

Jeremiah 48 in the SCHL

Jeremiah 48 in the SNT

Jeremiah 48 in the SUSU

Jeremiah 48 in the SUSU2

Jeremiah 48 in the SYNO

Jeremiah 48 in the TBIAOTANT

Jeremiah 48 in the TBT1E

Jeremiah 48 in the TBT1E2

Jeremiah 48 in the TFTIP

Jeremiah 48 in the TFTU

Jeremiah 48 in the TGNTATF3T

Jeremiah 48 in the THAI

Jeremiah 48 in the TNFD

Jeremiah 48 in the TNT

Jeremiah 48 in the TNTIK

Jeremiah 48 in the TNTIL

Jeremiah 48 in the TNTIN

Jeremiah 48 in the TNTIP

Jeremiah 48 in the TNTIZ

Jeremiah 48 in the TOMA

Jeremiah 48 in the TTENT

Jeremiah 48 in the UBG

Jeremiah 48 in the UGV

Jeremiah 48 in the UGV2

Jeremiah 48 in the UGV3

Jeremiah 48 in the VBL

Jeremiah 48 in the VDCC

Jeremiah 48 in the YALU

Jeremiah 48 in the YAPE

Jeremiah 48 in the YBVTP

Jeremiah 48 in the ZBP