Leviticus 15 (BOICB)

1 ONYENWE ANYỊ gwara Mosis na Erọn okwu sị ha, 2 “Gwa ụmụ Izrel okwu sị ha, ‘Nwoke ọbụla ihe nsọpụta si nʼahụ ya na-asọpụta, bụ onye rụrụ arụ. 3 Onye ahụ rụrụ arụ mgbe ihe ahụ si ya nʼahụ na-asọpụta, rụọkwa arụ mgbe ihe ahụ kwụsịrị ịsọ. Otu a ka ihe ọsụsọ ahụ si eme ka onye ahụ rụọ arụ. 4 “ ‘Ihe ọbụla onye ahụ ji anọdụ ala, maọbụ nke o ji dinaa bụ ihe rụrụ arụ. 5 Onye ọbụla metụrụ ihe ndina ya aka ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya, na ahụ ya mmiri. 6 Onye ọbụla nọdụrụ ala nʼihe onye ahụ nọdụrụ ala nʼoge ahụ ọ bụ onye rụrụ arụ, ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya, na ahụ ya mmiri. 7 “ ‘Onye ọbụla metụrụ nwoke ahụ ihe si nʼahụ ya na-asọpụta aka ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya mmiri, bụrụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 8 “ ‘Onye ọbụla dị ọcha nke onye ahụ bụsara ọnụ mmiri ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya mmiri. 9 “ ‘Ihe ọbụla onye ahụ ji anọkwasị nʼelu anụmanụ ọ na-agba ga-abụ ihe rụrụ arụ. 10 Onye ọbụla ga-eburu, maọbụ metụ ihe ọbụla o ji nọdụ ala aka ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya mmiri. 11 “ ‘Ọ bụrụ na nwoke ahụ rụrụ arụ ebughị ụzọ saa aka ya tupu o metụ mmadụ aka, onye ahụ o metụrụ aka ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya mmiri. 12 “ ‘A ga-etiwa ite aja ọbụla onye ahụ metụrụ aka, jiri mmiri ṅachaa ihe osisi ọbụla o metụrụ aka. 13 “ ‘Mgbe e mere ka onye ahụ bụrụ onye dị ọcha site nʼihe nsọpụta a, ọ ga-anọ ụbọchị asaa maka ịdị ọcha ya. Ọ ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya nʼime mmiri na-asọ asọ tupu ọ bụrụ onye dị ọcha. 14 Nʼụbọchị nke asatọ, ọ ga-ewere nduru abụọ maọbụ ụmụ kpalakwukwu abụọ bịa nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nzute, were ha nye onye nchụaja. 15 Onye nchụaja ga-eji ha chụọrọ ya aja nʼebe ahụ. Otu nʼime nnụnụ abụọ ahụ ga-abụ maka aja mmehie, nke ọzọ maka aja nsure ọkụ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ọ ga-ekpuchiri nwoke ahụ mmehie ya nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ nʼihi ihe ọsụsọ ahụ. 16 “ ‘Nwoke ọbụla mkpụrụ nwa ya si ya nʼamụ pụọ, ga-asa ahụ ya nke ọma, bụrụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 17 A ga-asacha ihe ọbụla mkpụrụ nwa ahụ metụrụ, maọbụ akwa maọbụ akpụkpọ anụ. Ha ga-abụ ihe rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 18 Mgbe nwoke na nwanyị dinakọrọ, ma nwoke ahụ anyụpụta mkpụrụ nwa, ha abụọ ga-asa ahụ ha nke ọma, bụrụ ndị rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 19 “ ‘Mgbe ọbara si nwanyị nʼahụ pụọ dịka o kwesiri nʼoge a kara aka nʼọnwa ọbụla, nwanyị ahụ ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ụbọchị asaa. Onye ọbụla metụrụ ya aka nʼoge a ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 20 “ ‘Ihe ọbụla o dinara nʼelu ya nʼoge a, maọbụ ihe ọ nọkwasịrị nʼelu ya ga-arụ arụ. 21 Onye ọbụla metụrụ ihe ndina ya aka, ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya. Ọ ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 22 Onye metụrụ ihe o ji nọdụ ala aka ga-asa uwe ya na ahụ ya. Ọ ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 23 Ọ bụrụkwa na ọ bụ ihe ndina ya, maọbụ ihe ọzọ nke o ji nọdụ ala, onye ọbụla metụrụ ya aka ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. 24 “ ‘Nwoke dinakwuru nwanyị ọbara si nʼahụ ya na-apụta, ọ bụrụ na ọbara ahụ emetụ ya, ọ ga-abụ onye rụrụ arụ abalị asaa. Ihe ndina ọbụla o dinara nʼelu ya ga-abụ ihe rụrụ arụ. 25 “ ‘Ọ bụrụ na ọbara si nwanyị nʼahụ na-apụta agafee oge o kwesiri ịkwụsị maọbụ na ọ pụtara nʼoge ọ na-ekwesighị ịpụta, nwanyị ahụ ga-anọgide bụrụ onye rụrụ arụ ogologo ụbọchị ndị ahụ niile ọbara ahụ si ya nʼahụ na-apụta. 26 Ihe ọbụla o dinara nʼelu ya mgbe ọbara si ya nʼahụ na-apụta, maọbụ ihe ọbụla ọ nọdụrụ ala nʼelu ya, ga-abụ ihe rụrụ arụ, dịka mgbe ọbara nke oge a kara aka. 27 Onye ọbụla metụrụ ihe ndina ya maọbụ ihe ọ nọdụrụ ala nʼelu ya aka, ga-arụ arụ ruo uhuruchi. Ọ ga-asakwa uwe ya na ahụ ya mmiri. 28 “ ‘Mgbe ọbara ahụ kwụsịrị, ọ ga-agụ ụbọchị asaa site nʼoge ọ kwụsịrị. Mgbe abalị asaa ahụ zuru, ọ ga-abụ onye dị ọcha. 29 Nʼụbọchị nke asatọ, ọ ga-ewere nduru abụọ maọbụ ụmụ kpalakwukwu abụọ, nye onye nchụaja nʼọnụ ụzọ ụlọ nzute. 30 Onye nchụaja ahụ ga-eji otu chụọrọ ya aja mmehie, werekwa nke ọzọ chụọrọ ya aja nsure ọkụ. Nʼụzọ dị otu a, ọ ga-ekpuchiri ya mmehie ya nʼihu ONYENWE ANYỊ, nʼihi adịghị ọcha nke ihe ọsụsọ ya. 31 “ ‘Unu ga-ekewapụ ụmụ Izrel site nʼihe ndị ahụ na-emerụ ha, ka ha ghara ịnwụ nʼọnọdụ adịghị ọcha ha nʼihi imerụ ụlọ nzute m, nke dị nʼetiti ha.’ ” 32 Ndị a bụ usoro iwu gbasara ndị ikom ihe si nʼahụ ha na-asọpụta, na ndị ikom rụrụ arụ nʼihi mkpụrụ nwa si ha nʼahụ pụọ. 33 Ọ bụkwa iwu dịrị nwanyị ọbara si nʼahụ ya pụọ nʼoge a kara aka, na nwoke maọbụ nwanyị ọbụla ihe si nʼahụ ya na-asọpụta, na nke dịrị nwoke ọbụla ya na nwanyị ga-edinakọ nʼoge nwanyị ahụ bụ onye rụrụ arụ.

In Other Versions

Leviticus 15 in the ANGEFD

Leviticus 15 in the ANTPNG2D

Leviticus 15 in the AS21

Leviticus 15 in the BAGH

Leviticus 15 in the BBPNG

Leviticus 15 in the BBT1E

Leviticus 15 in the BDS

Leviticus 15 in the BEV

Leviticus 15 in the BHAD

Leviticus 15 in the BIB

Leviticus 15 in the BLPT

Leviticus 15 in the BNT

Leviticus 15 in the BNTABOOT

Leviticus 15 in the BNTLV

Leviticus 15 in the BOATCB

Leviticus 15 in the BOATCB2

Leviticus 15 in the BOBCV

Leviticus 15 in the BOCNT

Leviticus 15 in the BOECS

Leviticus 15 in the BOGWICC

Leviticus 15 in the BOHCB

Leviticus 15 in the BOHCV

Leviticus 15 in the BOHLNT

Leviticus 15 in the BOHNTLTAL

Leviticus 15 in the BOILNTAP

Leviticus 15 in the BOITCV

Leviticus 15 in the BOKCV

Leviticus 15 in the BOKCV2

Leviticus 15 in the BOKHWOG

Leviticus 15 in the BOKSSV

Leviticus 15 in the BOLCB

Leviticus 15 in the BOLCB2

Leviticus 15 in the BOMCV

Leviticus 15 in the BONAV

Leviticus 15 in the BONCB

Leviticus 15 in the BONLT

Leviticus 15 in the BONUT2

Leviticus 15 in the BOPLNT

Leviticus 15 in the BOSCB

Leviticus 15 in the BOSNC

Leviticus 15 in the BOTLNT

Leviticus 15 in the BOVCB

Leviticus 15 in the BOYCB

Leviticus 15 in the BPBB

Leviticus 15 in the BPH

Leviticus 15 in the BSB

Leviticus 15 in the CCB

Leviticus 15 in the CUV

Leviticus 15 in the CUVS

Leviticus 15 in the DBT

Leviticus 15 in the DGDNT

Leviticus 15 in the DHNT

Leviticus 15 in the DNT

Leviticus 15 in the ELBE

Leviticus 15 in the EMTV

Leviticus 15 in the ESV

Leviticus 15 in the FBV

Leviticus 15 in the FEB

Leviticus 15 in the GGMNT

Leviticus 15 in the GNT

Leviticus 15 in the HARY

Leviticus 15 in the HNT

Leviticus 15 in the IRVA

Leviticus 15 in the IRVB

Leviticus 15 in the IRVG

Leviticus 15 in the IRVH

Leviticus 15 in the IRVK

Leviticus 15 in the IRVM

Leviticus 15 in the IRVM2

Leviticus 15 in the IRVO

Leviticus 15 in the IRVP

Leviticus 15 in the IRVT

Leviticus 15 in the IRVT2

Leviticus 15 in the IRVU

Leviticus 15 in the ISVN

Leviticus 15 in the JSNT

Leviticus 15 in the KAPI

Leviticus 15 in the KBT1ETNIK

Leviticus 15 in the KBV

Leviticus 15 in the KJV

Leviticus 15 in the KNFD

Leviticus 15 in the LBA

Leviticus 15 in the LBLA

Leviticus 15 in the LNT

Leviticus 15 in the LSV

Leviticus 15 in the MAAL

Leviticus 15 in the MBV

Leviticus 15 in the MBV2

Leviticus 15 in the MHNT

Leviticus 15 in the MKNFD

Leviticus 15 in the MNG

Leviticus 15 in the MNT

Leviticus 15 in the MNT2

Leviticus 15 in the MRS1T

Leviticus 15 in the NAA

Leviticus 15 in the NASB

Leviticus 15 in the NBLA

Leviticus 15 in the NBS

Leviticus 15 in the NBVTP

Leviticus 15 in the NET2

Leviticus 15 in the NIV11

Leviticus 15 in the NNT

Leviticus 15 in the NNT2

Leviticus 15 in the NNT3

Leviticus 15 in the PDDPT

Leviticus 15 in the PFNT

Leviticus 15 in the RMNT

Leviticus 15 in the SBIAS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIBS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIBS2

Leviticus 15 in the SBICS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIDS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIGS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIHS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIIS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIIS2

Leviticus 15 in the SBIIS3

Leviticus 15 in the SBIKS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIKS2

Leviticus 15 in the SBIMS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIOS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIPS

Leviticus 15 in the SBISS

Leviticus 15 in the SBITS

Leviticus 15 in the SBITS2

Leviticus 15 in the SBITS3

Leviticus 15 in the SBITS4

Leviticus 15 in the SBIUS

Leviticus 15 in the SBIVS

Leviticus 15 in the SBT

Leviticus 15 in the SBT1E

Leviticus 15 in the SCHL

Leviticus 15 in the SNT

Leviticus 15 in the SUSU

Leviticus 15 in the SUSU2

Leviticus 15 in the SYNO

Leviticus 15 in the TBIAOTANT

Leviticus 15 in the TBT1E

Leviticus 15 in the TBT1E2

Leviticus 15 in the TFTIP

Leviticus 15 in the TFTU

Leviticus 15 in the TGNTATF3T

Leviticus 15 in the THAI

Leviticus 15 in the TNFD

Leviticus 15 in the TNT

Leviticus 15 in the TNTIK

Leviticus 15 in the TNTIL

Leviticus 15 in the TNTIN

Leviticus 15 in the TNTIP

Leviticus 15 in the TNTIZ

Leviticus 15 in the TOMA

Leviticus 15 in the TTENT

Leviticus 15 in the UBG

Leviticus 15 in the UGV

Leviticus 15 in the UGV2

Leviticus 15 in the UGV3

Leviticus 15 in the VBL

Leviticus 15 in the VDCC

Leviticus 15 in the YALU

Leviticus 15 in the YAPE

Leviticus 15 in the YBVTP

Leviticus 15 in the ZBP