Deuteronomy 8 (BOKCV)
1 Uwe mwangalifu kufuata kila agizo ninalokupa wewe leo, ili mweze kuishi, kuongezeka na mweze kuingia mkamiliki nchi ambayo BWANA aliahidi kwa kiapo kwa baba zenu. 2 Kumbuka jinsi BWANA Mungu wenu alivyowaongoza katika njia yote katika jangwa kwa miaka hii arobaini, kukunyenyekeza na kukujaribu ili ajue lililoko moyoni mwako, kwamba utayashika maagizo yake au la. 3 Alikudhili na kukufanya uone njaa kisha akulishe kwa mana, ambayo wewe wala baba zako hamkuijua, awafundishe kuwa mwanadamu hataishi kwa mkate tu bali kwa kila neno litokalo katika kinywa cha BWANA. 4 Nguo zenu hazikuchakaa wala miguu yenu haikuvimba kwa miaka hii arobaini. 5 Mjue basi ndani ya mioyo yenu kama mtu anavyomwadibisha mwanawe, ndivyo BWANA Mungu wako atawaadibisha ninyi. 6 Shikeni maagizo ya BWANA Mungu wenu mtembee katika njia zake na kumheshimu. 7 Kwa kuwa BWANA Mungu wenu anawaleta katika nchi nzuri, nchi yenye vijito na mabwawa ya maji, yenye chemchemi zinazotiririka mabondeni na katika vilima; 8 nchi yenye ngano na shayiri, mizabibu na mitini, mikomamanga, mafuta ya zeituni na asali; 9 nchi ambayo chakula hakitapungua na hamtakosa chochote; nchi ambayo miamba yake ni chuma na mnaweza kuchimba shaba kutoka kwenye vilima. 10 Wakati mtakapokwisha kula na kushiba, msifuni BWANA Mungu wenu kwa ajili ya nchi nzuri aliyowapa. 11 Jihadharini msimsahau BWANA Mungu wenu, mkashindwa kushika maagizo yake, sheria na amri zake ambazo ninawapa leo. 12 Angalia wakati mtakapokuwa mmekula na kushiba, mkajenga nyumba nzuri na kukaa humo, 13 na wakati makundi yenu ya ngʼombe na mbuzi na kondoo yatakapoongezeka na fedha na dhahabu yenu itakapoongezeka na vyote mlivyo navyo vitakapozidishwa, 14 basi mioyo yenu isiwe na kiburi mkamsahau BWANA Mungu wenu aliyewatoa katika nchi ya Misri, kutoka nchi ya utumwa. 15 Aliwaongoza kupitia jangwa lile kubwa na la kutisha, nchi ile ya kiu isiyo na maji, yenye nyoka wa sumu na nge. Aliwatolea maji kutoka kwenye mwamba mgumu. 16 Aliwapa mana ya kula jangwani, kitu ambacho baba zenu hawakukijua, ili kuwanyenyekesha na kuwajaribu ninyi ili mwishoni apate kuwatendea mema. 17 Mnaweza kusema, “Uwezo wangu na nguvu za mikono yangu ndizo zilizonipatia utajiri huu.” 18 Lakini kumbukeni BWANA Mungu wenu, ndiye ambaye huwapa uwezo wa kupata utajiri, na hivyo kulithibitisha Agano lake, ambalo aliwaapia baba zenu, kama ilivyo leo. 19 Ikiwa mtamsahau BWANA Mungu wenu, mkaifuata miungu mingine, mkaiabudu na kuisujudia, ninashuhudia dhidi yenu leo kwamba hakika mtaangamizwa. 20 Kama mataifa BWANA aliyoyaangamiza mbele yenu, ndivyo ninyi mtakavyoangamizwa kwa kutokumtii BWANA Mungu wenu.
In Other Versions
Deuteronomy 8 in the ANGEFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the ANTPNG2D
Deuteronomy 8 in the AS21
Deuteronomy 8 in the BAGH
Deuteronomy 8 in the BBPNG
Deuteronomy 8 in the BBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the BDS
Deuteronomy 8 in the BEV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BHAD
Deuteronomy 8 in the BIB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BLPT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNTABOOT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNTLV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOATCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOATCB2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOBCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOCNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOECS
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOGWICC
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHNTLTAL
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOICB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOILNTAP
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOITCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKCV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKHWOG
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKSSV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOLCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOLCB2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOMCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONAV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONLT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONUT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOPLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOSCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOSNC
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOTLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOVCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOYCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BPBB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BPH
Deuteronomy 8 in the BSB
Deuteronomy 8 in the CCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the CUV
Deuteronomy 8 in the CUVS
Deuteronomy 8 in the DBT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DGDNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DHNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the ELBE
Deuteronomy 8 in the EMTV
Deuteronomy 8 in the ESV
Deuteronomy 8 in the FBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the FEB
Deuteronomy 8 in the GGMNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the GNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the HARY
Deuteronomy 8 in the HNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVA
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVB
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVG
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVH
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVK
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVM
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVM2
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVO
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVP
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVT
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVU
Deuteronomy 8 in the ISVN
Deuteronomy 8 in the JSNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the KAPI
Deuteronomy 8 in the KBT1ETNIK
Deuteronomy 8 in the KBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the KJV
Deuteronomy 8 in the KNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the LBA
Deuteronomy 8 in the LBLA
Deuteronomy 8 in the LNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the LSV
Deuteronomy 8 in the MAAL
Deuteronomy 8 in the MBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the MBV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the MHNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the MKNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNG
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the MRS1T
Deuteronomy 8 in the NAA
Deuteronomy 8 in the NASB
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBLA
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBS
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBVTP
Deuteronomy 8 in the NET2
Deuteronomy 8 in the NIV11
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT3
Deuteronomy 8 in the PDDPT
Deuteronomy 8 in the PFNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the RMNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIAS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIBS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIBS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBICS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIDS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIGS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIHS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS3
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIKS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIKS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIMS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIOS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIPS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBISS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS3
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS4
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIUS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIVS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the SCHL
Deuteronomy 8 in the SNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SUSU
Deuteronomy 8 in the SUSU2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SYNO
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBIAOTANT
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBT1E2
Deuteronomy 8 in the TFTIP
Deuteronomy 8 in the TFTU
Deuteronomy 8 in the TGNTATF3T
Deuteronomy 8 in the THAI
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIK
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIL
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIN
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIP
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIZ
Deuteronomy 8 in the TOMA
Deuteronomy 8 in the TTENT
Deuteronomy 8 in the UBG
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV3
Deuteronomy 8 in the VBL
Deuteronomy 8 in the VDCC
Deuteronomy 8 in the YALU
Deuteronomy 8 in the YAPE
Deuteronomy 8 in the YBVTP
Deuteronomy 8 in the ZBP