Deuteronomy 8 (BOLCB)
1 Mugonderanga amateeka gonna ge nkulagira leero, mulyoke mubeerenga balamu era mwale, muyingire ensi MUKAMA Katonda gye yalayirira bajjajjammwe okugibawa mmwe ng’obutaka bwammwe. 2 Onojjukiranga emyaka gino gyonna amakumi ana MUKAMA Katonda gy’azze ng’akukulembera okukuyisa mu ddungu alyoke akugezese, akukakkanye obeere muwombeefu omwetoowaze, era yeekkaanye mu mutima gwo alabe obanga onookwatanga amateeka ge. 3 Era yakukkakkanya n’akulumya enjala, n’akuliisa emmaanu, gye wali tolabangako wadde bakadde bo okugiwulirako, alyoke akuyigirize nti omuntu taba mulamu na mmere yokka, wabula na buli kigambo ekiva mu kamwa ka MUKAMA Katonda. 4 Mu myaka gino gyonna amakumi ana, engatto zo tezaakukaddiwako n’ebigere byo tebyazimba. 5 Noolwekyo osaana okitegeere mu mutima gwo nti, Ng’omusajja bw’akangavvula mutabani we, ne MUKAMA Katonda wo bw’akukangavvula. 6 “Onookwatanga amateeka ga MUKAMA Katonda wo ng’otambuliranga mu makubo ge, era ng’omutya, ng’omussaamu ekitiibwa. 7 Kubanga MUKAMA Katonda wo akutwala mu nsi ennungi ennyo: ensi erimu emigga, n’ebidiba, n’ensulo ez’amazzi agakulukutira ku nsozi ne mu biwonvu. 8 Ensi omukula eŋŋaano ne sayiri, n’emitiini n’emikomamawanga, ensi ey’emizabbibu n’omubisi gw’enjuki; 9 ensi, emmere gy’eteebeerenga ya bbula, nga buli ky’oneetaaganga onookifunanga; ensi, ng’ebyuma ge mayinja gaayo, era gy’onoosimanga ekikomo mu nsozi zaayo. 10 Awo bw’onoolyanga n’okkuta, weebazenga MUKAMA Katonda wo olw’okukuwa ensi ennungi bw’etyo. 11 “Weegenderezenga nnyo olemenga kwerabiranga MUKAMA Katonda wo, ng’ogaananga okukwatanga amateeka ge, n’ebiragiro bye, bye nkulagira leero. 12 Si kulwa ng’onoolyanga n’okkuta, ne weezimbiranga amayumba amalungi, n’otereera; 13 amagana go n’ebisibo byo nga bigezze, ne zaabu yo ne ffeeza yo nga byaze, nga ne buli kintu ky’onoobanga nakyo nga kyeyongedde okwala, 14 kale olwo omutima gwo ne gujjangamu amalala, ne weerabiranga MUKAMA Katonda wo eyakuggya mu nsi ey’e Misiri mu nnyumba ey’obuddu. 15 Eyakukulemberanga n’akuyisanga mu ddungu eddene era ezzibu ennyo eritiisa, ekkalu omutali tuzzi, nga libunye emisota emikambwe egy’obusagwa, n’enjaba. Eyakuggyira amazzi mu lwazi. 16 Yakuliisanga emmaanu mu ddungu, emmere bajjajjaabo gye baali batalabangako. Yali ng’akwetoowazisa era nga bw’akugezesa, ku nkomerero biryoke bikugendere bulungi. 17 Weekuumenga, olemenga okulowoozanga mu mutima gwo nti, ‘Obugagga buno bwonna mbufunye olw’obuyinza bwange n’amaanyi g’emikono gyange.’ 18 Naye ojjukiranga MUKAMA Katonda wo, kubanga y’akuwa obuyinza okufuna obugagga, alyoke atuukirize endagaano ye gye yalayirira bajjajjaabo, nga bwe kiri leero. 19 “Bwe kanaakutandanga ne weerabiranga MUKAMA Katonda wo, n’ogobereranga bakatonda abalala, n’obasinzanga n’obavuunamiranga, mbategeeza mmwe leero nti ddala ddala mugenda kuzikirira. 20 Nga bwe mulaba amawanga MUKAMA g’azikiriza mu maaso gammwe, nammwe bwe mulizikirira bwe mutyo, bwe mutaligonderanga ddoboozi lya MUKAMA Katonda wammwe.”
In Other Versions
Deuteronomy 8 in the ANGEFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the ANTPNG2D
Deuteronomy 8 in the AS21
Deuteronomy 8 in the BAGH
Deuteronomy 8 in the BBPNG
Deuteronomy 8 in the BBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the BDS
Deuteronomy 8 in the BEV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BHAD
Deuteronomy 8 in the BIB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BLPT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNTABOOT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BNTLV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOATCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOATCB2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOBCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOCNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOECS
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOGWICC
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOHNTLTAL
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOICB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOILNTAP
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOITCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKCV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKHWOG
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOKSSV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOLCB2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOMCV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONAV
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONLT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BONUT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOPLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOSCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOSNC
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOTLNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOVCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BOYCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BPBB
Deuteronomy 8 in the BPH
Deuteronomy 8 in the BSB
Deuteronomy 8 in the CCB
Deuteronomy 8 in the CUV
Deuteronomy 8 in the CUVS
Deuteronomy 8 in the DBT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DGDNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DHNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the DNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the ELBE
Deuteronomy 8 in the EMTV
Deuteronomy 8 in the ESV
Deuteronomy 8 in the FBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the FEB
Deuteronomy 8 in the GGMNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the GNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the HARY
Deuteronomy 8 in the HNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVA
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVB
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVG
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVH
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVK
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVM
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVM2
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVO
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVP
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVT
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the IRVU
Deuteronomy 8 in the ISVN
Deuteronomy 8 in the JSNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the KAPI
Deuteronomy 8 in the KBT1ETNIK
Deuteronomy 8 in the KBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the KJV
Deuteronomy 8 in the KNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the LBA
Deuteronomy 8 in the LBLA
Deuteronomy 8 in the LNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the LSV
Deuteronomy 8 in the MAAL
Deuteronomy 8 in the MBV
Deuteronomy 8 in the MBV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the MHNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the MKNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNG
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the MNT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the MRS1T
Deuteronomy 8 in the NAA
Deuteronomy 8 in the NASB
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBLA
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBS
Deuteronomy 8 in the NBVTP
Deuteronomy 8 in the NET2
Deuteronomy 8 in the NIV11
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT2
Deuteronomy 8 in the NNT3
Deuteronomy 8 in the PDDPT
Deuteronomy 8 in the PFNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the RMNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIAS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIBS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIBS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBICS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIDS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIGS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIHS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIIS3
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIKS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIKS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIMS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIOS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIPS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBISS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS3
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBITS4
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIUS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBIVS
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the SCHL
Deuteronomy 8 in the SNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the SUSU
Deuteronomy 8 in the SUSU2
Deuteronomy 8 in the SYNO
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBIAOTANT
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBT1E
Deuteronomy 8 in the TBT1E2
Deuteronomy 8 in the TFTIP
Deuteronomy 8 in the TFTU
Deuteronomy 8 in the TGNTATF3T
Deuteronomy 8 in the THAI
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNFD
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNT
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIK
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIL
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIN
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIP
Deuteronomy 8 in the TNTIZ
Deuteronomy 8 in the TOMA
Deuteronomy 8 in the TTENT
Deuteronomy 8 in the UBG
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV2
Deuteronomy 8 in the UGV3
Deuteronomy 8 in the VBL
Deuteronomy 8 in the VDCC
Deuteronomy 8 in the YALU
Deuteronomy 8 in the YAPE
Deuteronomy 8 in the YBVTP
Deuteronomy 8 in the ZBP