Nehemiah 9 (BOKHWOG)

1 Mweri-inĩ o ro ũcio, mũthenya wa mĩrongo ĩĩrĩ na ĩna, andũ a Isiraeli makĩũngana hamwe mehingĩte kũrĩa irio na makehumba nguo cia makũnia, o na makeitĩrĩria tĩĩri mĩtwe yao. 2 Arĩa maarĩ a rũciaro rwa andũ a Isiraeli nĩmeyamũranĩtie na ageni othe. Makĩrũgama o andũ handũ hao, makiumbũra mehia mao na waganu wa maithe mao. 3 Makĩrũgama o ro hau maarĩ, magĩthoma Ibuku rĩa Watho wa Jehova Ngai wao ihinda rĩa gĩcunjĩ gĩa kana kĩa mũthenya, na magĩtũmĩra gĩcunjĩ o kĩngĩ gĩa kana makiumbũra mehia na magĩthathaiyagia Jehova Ngai wao. 4 Na rĩrĩ, ngathĩ-inĩ nĩ haarũgamĩte Alawii, nĩo Jeshua, na Bani, na Kadimieli, na Shebania, na Buni, na Sherebia, na Bani, na Kenani, nao magakayagĩra Jehova Ngai wao na mĩgambo maanĩrĩire. 5 Nao Alawii nĩo Jeshua, na Kadimieli, na Bani, na Hashabineia, na Sherebia, na Hodia, na Shebania, na Pethahia, makiuga atĩrĩ, “Rũgamai mũgooce Jehova Ngai wanyu, ũcio ũtũũraga tene na tene.” “Kũrathimwo nĩ rĩĩtwa rĩaku rĩrĩ riiri, narĩo rĩrotũũgĩrio gũkĩra ũgooci na irathimo ciothe. 6 Wee wiki nowe Jehova. Nĩwe wombire igũrũ, o igũrũ kũrĩa kũraya mũno, na ũkĩũmba mbũtũ cia njata ciakuo, na thĩ na kĩrĩa gĩothe kĩrĩ kuo, na maria na indo ciothe iria irĩ thĩinĩ wamo. Nĩwe ũheaga indo ciothe muoyo, nacio mbũtũ cia igũrũ nĩigũthathaiyagia. 7 “Wee nĩwe Jehova Ngai, ũrĩa wathuurire Aburamu ũkĩmũruta Uri-ya-Akalidei na ũkĩmũtua rĩĩtwa rĩngĩ Iburahĩmu. 8 Nĩwonire atĩ ngoro yake nĩyakwĩhokete, nawe ũkĩgĩa na kĩrĩkanĩro nake atĩ nĩũkahe njiaro ciake bũrũri wa Akaanani, na wa Ahiti, na wa Aamori, na wa Aperizi, na wa Ajebusi, na wa Agirigashi. Nĩũhingĩtie kĩĩranĩro gĩaku nĩ tondũ ũrĩ mũthingu. 9 “Nĩwonire ũrĩa maithe maitũ ma tene maathĩĩnĩkire marĩ bũrũri wa Misiri; ũkĩigua kĩrĩro kĩao marĩ hau Iria-inĩ Itune. 10 Ũkĩringa ciama na morirũ, na ũgĩũkĩrĩra Firaũni, na anene ake othe, na andũ a bũrũri wake othe, nĩgũkorwo nĩwamenyete ũrĩa andũ a Misiri metĩĩaga makĩmahinyĩrĩria. Nawe ũkĩĩgĩĩra igweta, rĩrĩa rĩtũũraga nginya ũmũthĩ. 11 Nĩwagayanirie Iria Itune mbere yao, nĩ ũndũ ũcio magĩtuĩkanĩria iria gatagatĩ harĩa haatuĩkĩte thĩ nyũmũ, no arĩa maamaingatithĩtie ũkĩmaikia kũu kũriku o ta ihiga rĩikĩtio maaĩ-inĩ mariku mũno. 12 Mũthenya wamatongoragia na gĩtugĩ gĩa itu, naguo ũtukũ ũkamatongoria na gĩtugĩ kĩa mwaki gĩa kũmamũrĩkĩra njĩra ĩrĩa mekũgera. 13 “Nĩwaikũrũkire Kĩrĩma-inĩ gĩa Sinai, ũkĩmaarĩria kuuma igũrũ. Nĩwamaheire mĩtabarĩre na mawatho ma kĩhooto na magĩrĩru, na kĩrĩra gĩaku gĩa kũrũmĩrĩrwo, o na maathani mega. 14 Nĩwamamenyithirie Thabatũ yaku theru na ũkĩmahe maathani, na kĩrĩra gĩaku gĩa kũrũmĩrĩrwo, na mawatho kũgerera kanua ka Musa ndungata yaku. 15 Hĩndĩ ya ngʼaragu nĩwamaheire irio kuuma igũrũ, na rĩrĩa maarĩ anyootu ũkĩmahe maaĩ kuuma rwaro-inĩ rwa ihiga; wamaathire mathiĩ makegwatĩre bũrũri ũrĩa wehĩtĩte woete guoko na igũrũ atĩ nĩũkamahe. 16 “No rĩrĩ, maithe maitũ ma tene magĩĩtĩĩa na makĩũmia ngoro ciao, makĩaga gwathĩkĩra maathani maku. 17 Makĩrega kũigua na makĩaga kũririkana ciama iria waringĩte gatagatĩ-inĩ kao. Nĩmoomirie ngingo, na tondũ wa ũremi wao magĩĩthuurĩra mũtongoria nĩgeetha macooke ũkombo-inĩ wao. No rĩrĩ, we ũrĩ Ngai ũrekanagĩra mehia, na ũrĩ mũtugi na mũigua tha, ndũhiũhaga kũrakara na ũiyũrĩtwo nĩ wendo. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio ndwamatiganĩirie, 18 o na rĩrĩa methondekeire mũhianano wa njaũ, makiuga atĩrĩ, ‘Ĩno nĩyo ngai yanyu ĩrĩa yamũrutire bũrũri wa Misiri,’ kana o na rĩrĩa meekire maũndũ mooru mũno ma gũkũruma. 19 “Tondũ wa tha ciaku nyingĩ, ndwamatiganĩirie kũu werũ-inĩ. Gĩtugĩ gĩa itu gĩtiagire kũmatongoria njĩra-inĩ yao mũthenya, kana gĩtugĩ kĩa mwaki gĩkĩaga kũmamũrĩkĩra ũtukũ njĩra ĩrĩa mekũgerera. 20 Wamaheire Roho waku mwega amarutage. Ndwagire kũmahe mana marĩe, kana ũkĩaga kũmahe maaĩ maanyoota. 21 Ihinda rĩa mĩaka mĩrongo ĩna nĩwamatũũririe werũ-inĩ; matiagire kĩndũ o nakĩ, ningĩ nguo ciao itiigana gũthira, kana magũrũ mao makĩimba. 22 “Nĩwamaheire mothamaki na ndũrĩrĩ, ũkĩmagaĩra o nginya mĩhaka-inĩ ya kũraya. Magĩtaha bũrũri wa Sihoni mũthamaki wa Heshiboni, na bũrũri wa Ogu mũthamaki wa Bashani. 23 Waingĩhirie ariũ ao o ta njata cia matu-inĩ na ũkĩmakinyia bũrũri ũrĩa werĩte maithe mao matoonye makawĩgwatĩre ũtuĩke wao. 24 Ariũ ao nĩmatoonyire, makĩĩgwatĩra bũrũri ũcio. Ũgĩtooria andũ a Kaanani arĩa maatũũraga bũrũri ũcio mbere yao; ũkĩneana andũ a Kaanani kũrĩ o, hamwe na athamaki ao na andũ a bũrũri ũcio, ũkĩmaneana moko-inĩ mao meke nao o ũrĩa mangĩendire. 25 Nĩmatunyanire matũũra maarĩ mairigĩre na thingo cia hinya, na mĩgũnda mĩnoru, makĩĩgwatĩra nyũmba ciaiyũrĩte indo njega cia mĩthemba yothe, na ithima iria cienjetwo, na mĩgũnda ya mĩthabibũ, na mĩgũnda ya mĩtamaiyũ, na mĩtĩ mĩingĩ mũno ya matunda. Makĩrĩa, nginya makĩhũũna na makĩagĩra mĩĩrĩ; magĩkenera wega waku mũingĩ. 26 “No nĩmagire gwathĩka, magĩkũremera, na makĩhutatĩra watho waku. Nĩmooragire anabii aku arĩa maamataaraga nĩguo mamacookie kũrĩ we; magĩĩka maũndũ mooru mũno ma gũkũruma. 27 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio, ũkĩmaneana moko-inĩ ma thũ ciao, nacio ikĩmahinyĩrĩria. No rĩrĩa maahinyĩrĩirio, magĩgũkaĩra. Ũkĩmaigua kuuma igũrũ, na tondũ wa tha ciaku nyingĩ ũkĩmahe andũ a kũmahonokia, nao makĩmateithũra kuuma moko-inĩ ma thũ ciao. 28 “No maarĩkia kũgĩa na ũhurũko, magĩcookerera gwĩka maũndũ mooru maitho-inĩ maku. Hĩndĩ ĩyo ũkĩmatiganĩria moko-inĩ ma thũ ciao nĩgeetha imaathe. Na rĩrĩa maagũkaĩire rĩngĩ, ũkĩmaigua ũrĩ o kũu igũrũ, na tondũ wa tha ciaku nĩwamahonokagia kaingĩ. 29 “Nĩwamataarire macookerere watho waku, no-o magĩĩtĩĩa na makĩrega gwathĩkĩra maathani maku. Makĩĩhia nĩkũregana na mawatho maku marĩa mangĩtũũria mũndũ muoyo angĩmaathĩkĩra. Nĩ ũndũ wa kũngʼathia, magĩkũhutatĩra, makĩũmia ngingo, na makĩrega gũkũigua. 30 Nĩwamakirĩrĩirie mĩaka mĩingĩ. Na ũndũ wa Roho waku, nĩwamakaanagia na tũnua twa anabii aku. No matiigana gũkũigua, na nĩ ũndũ ũcio ũkĩmaneana moko-inĩ ma ndũrĩrĩ iria maariganĩtie nacio. 31 No tondũ wa tha ciaku nyingĩ, ndwamaniinire kana ũkĩmatiganĩria, nĩgũkorwo ũrĩ Mũrungu mũtugi na mũigua tha. 32 “Na rĩu-rĩ, Wee Ngai witũ, Mũrungu mũnene ũrĩ hinya na wa gwĩtigĩrwo, o wee ũhingagia kĩrĩkanĩro gĩaku kĩa wendo, ndũkareke moritũ maya moneke arĩ ũndũ mũnini maitho-inĩ maku, moritũ maya matũkorete, na magakora athamaki aitũ na atongoria aitũ, na magakora athĩnjĩri-Ngai na anabii aitũ, na magakora maithe maitũ na andũ aku othe, kuuma matukũ ma athamaki a Ashuri nginya ũmũthĩ. 33 Maũndũ-inĩ macio mothe matũkorete, wee ũkoretwo ũrĩ na kĩhooto; wĩkĩte maũndũ na wĩhokeku, o rĩrĩa ithuĩ tũhĩtĩtie. 34 Athamaki aitũ, na atongoria aitũ, na athĩnjĩri-Ngai aitũ na maithe maitũ, matiarũmĩrĩire watho waku; matiathikĩrĩirie maathani maku kana mataaro marĩa wamaheire. 35 O na rĩrĩa maarĩ ũthamaki-inĩ wao, magĩkenagĩra wega waku mũnene bũrũri-inĩ ũcio mwariĩ na mũnoru ũrĩa wamaheete, matiagũtungatĩire kana magĩtigana na njĩra ciao cia waganu. 36 “No rĩrĩ, ũmũthĩ ũyũ tũrĩ ngombo, ngombo bũrũri-inĩ ũrĩa waheire maithe maitũ ma tene nĩguo marĩĩage matunda maguo na indo iria ingĩ njega ikũraga kuo. 37 Tondũ wa mehia maitũ, magetha maguo maingĩ mathiiaga kũrĩ athamaki arĩa ũigĩte igũrũ riitũ. Maathaga mĩĩrĩ iitũ na ngʼombe ciitũ o ũrĩa mekwenda. Tũrĩ ahinyĩrĩrie mũno. 38 “Nĩ ũndũ wa ũguo-rĩ, nĩtũgũthondeka kĩrĩko gĩa gũtũũra na twandĩkanĩre, nao atongoria aitũ, na Alawii aitũ na athĩnjĩri-Ngai aitũ makĩhũũre mũhũũri.”

In Other Versions

Nehemiah 9 in the ANGEFD

Nehemiah 9 in the ANTPNG2D

Nehemiah 9 in the AS21

Nehemiah 9 in the BAGH

Nehemiah 9 in the BBPNG

Nehemiah 9 in the BBT1E

Nehemiah 9 in the BDS

Nehemiah 9 in the BEV

Nehemiah 9 in the BHAD

Nehemiah 9 in the BIB

Nehemiah 9 in the BLPT

Nehemiah 9 in the BNT

Nehemiah 9 in the BNTABOOT

Nehemiah 9 in the BNTLV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOATCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOATCB2

Nehemiah 9 in the BOBCV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOCNT

Nehemiah 9 in the BOECS

Nehemiah 9 in the BOGWICC

Nehemiah 9 in the BOHCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOHCV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOHLNT

Nehemiah 9 in the BOHNTLTAL

Nehemiah 9 in the BOICB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOILNTAP

Nehemiah 9 in the BOITCV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOKCV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOKCV2

Nehemiah 9 in the BOKSSV

Nehemiah 9 in the BOLCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOLCB2

Nehemiah 9 in the BOMCV

Nehemiah 9 in the BONAV

Nehemiah 9 in the BONCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BONLT

Nehemiah 9 in the BONUT2

Nehemiah 9 in the BOPLNT

Nehemiah 9 in the BOSCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOSNC

Nehemiah 9 in the BOTLNT

Nehemiah 9 in the BOVCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BOYCB

Nehemiah 9 in the BPBB

Nehemiah 9 in the BPH

Nehemiah 9 in the BSB

Nehemiah 9 in the CCB

Nehemiah 9 in the CUV

Nehemiah 9 in the CUVS

Nehemiah 9 in the DBT

Nehemiah 9 in the DGDNT

Nehemiah 9 in the DHNT

Nehemiah 9 in the DNT

Nehemiah 9 in the ELBE

Nehemiah 9 in the EMTV

Nehemiah 9 in the ESV

Nehemiah 9 in the FBV

Nehemiah 9 in the FEB

Nehemiah 9 in the GGMNT

Nehemiah 9 in the GNT

Nehemiah 9 in the HARY

Nehemiah 9 in the HNT

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVA

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVB

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVG

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVH

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVK

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVM

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVM2

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVO

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVP

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVT

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVT2

Nehemiah 9 in the IRVU

Nehemiah 9 in the ISVN

Nehemiah 9 in the JSNT

Nehemiah 9 in the KAPI

Nehemiah 9 in the KBT1ETNIK

Nehemiah 9 in the KBV

Nehemiah 9 in the KJV

Nehemiah 9 in the KNFD

Nehemiah 9 in the LBA

Nehemiah 9 in the LBLA

Nehemiah 9 in the LNT

Nehemiah 9 in the LSV

Nehemiah 9 in the MAAL

Nehemiah 9 in the MBV

Nehemiah 9 in the MBV2

Nehemiah 9 in the MHNT

Nehemiah 9 in the MKNFD

Nehemiah 9 in the MNG

Nehemiah 9 in the MNT

Nehemiah 9 in the MNT2

Nehemiah 9 in the MRS1T

Nehemiah 9 in the NAA

Nehemiah 9 in the NASB

Nehemiah 9 in the NBLA

Nehemiah 9 in the NBS

Nehemiah 9 in the NBVTP

Nehemiah 9 in the NET2

Nehemiah 9 in the NIV11

Nehemiah 9 in the NNT

Nehemiah 9 in the NNT2

Nehemiah 9 in the NNT3

Nehemiah 9 in the PDDPT

Nehemiah 9 in the PFNT

Nehemiah 9 in the RMNT

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIAS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIBS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIBS2

Nehemiah 9 in the SBICS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIDS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIGS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIHS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIIS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIIS2

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIIS3

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIKS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIKS2

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIMS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIOS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIPS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBISS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBITS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBITS2

Nehemiah 9 in the SBITS3

Nehemiah 9 in the SBITS4

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIUS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBIVS

Nehemiah 9 in the SBT

Nehemiah 9 in the SBT1E

Nehemiah 9 in the SCHL

Nehemiah 9 in the SNT

Nehemiah 9 in the SUSU

Nehemiah 9 in the SUSU2

Nehemiah 9 in the SYNO

Nehemiah 9 in the TBIAOTANT

Nehemiah 9 in the TBT1E

Nehemiah 9 in the TBT1E2

Nehemiah 9 in the TFTIP

Nehemiah 9 in the TFTU

Nehemiah 9 in the TGNTATF3T

Nehemiah 9 in the THAI

Nehemiah 9 in the TNFD

Nehemiah 9 in the TNT

Nehemiah 9 in the TNTIK

Nehemiah 9 in the TNTIL

Nehemiah 9 in the TNTIN

Nehemiah 9 in the TNTIP

Nehemiah 9 in the TNTIZ

Nehemiah 9 in the TOMA

Nehemiah 9 in the TTENT

Nehemiah 9 in the UBG

Nehemiah 9 in the UGV

Nehemiah 9 in the UGV2

Nehemiah 9 in the UGV3

Nehemiah 9 in the VBL

Nehemiah 9 in the VDCC

Nehemiah 9 in the YALU

Nehemiah 9 in the YAPE

Nehemiah 9 in the YBVTP

Nehemiah 9 in the ZBP