2 Kings 16 (BONCB)

1 Ngomnyaka wetshumi lesikhombisa kaPhekha indodana kaRemaliya, u-Ahazi indodana kaJothamu inkosi yakoJuda waqalisa ukubusa. 2 U-Ahazi wayeleminyaka engamatshumi amabili esiba yinkosi, yena wabusa eJerusalema okweminyaka elitshumi lesithupha. Wayengafanani loyise uDavida, ngoba kazange enze ukulunga phambi KUKATHIXO. 3 Wahamba ngezindlela zamakhosi ako-Israyeli waze wenza umnikelo wokutshiswa ngendodana yakhe, elandela izindlela zezizwe ezingamanyala UTHIXO ayezixotshe abako-Israyeli bengakangeni kulelolizwe. 4 Wanikela imihlatshelo njalo watshisa impepha ezindaweni zokukhonzela phezu kwamaqaqa langaphansi kwazo zonke izihlahla eziyizithingithingi. 5 Ngakho uRezini inkosi yama-Aramu kanye loPhekha indodana kaRemaliya inkosi yako-Israyeli basuka bayahlasela iJerusalema bavimbezela u-Ahazi, kodwa abazange bamehlule. 6 Ngalesosikhathi, uRezini inkosi yase-Aramu, wahluthuna i-Elathi wayibuyisela kuma-Aramu ngokududula abantu bakoJuda. Ama-Edomi ahle angena e-Elathi ahlala khona kuze kube lamuhla. 7 U-Ahazi wathuma izithunywa ukuthi ziyekuthi kuThigilathi-Philesa inkosi yase-Asiriya, “Ngiyinceku yakho lesichaka. Woza uzongikhulula esandleni senkosi yase-Aramu lasesandleni senkosi yako-Israyeli, amakhosi angihlaselayo.” 8 Ngakho u-Ahazi wathatha isiliva legolide elafunyanwa ethempelini LIKATHIXO lasezindlini zenotho zesigodlweni senkosi wakuthumela kwaba yisipho senkosi yase-Asiriya. 9 Inkosi yase-Asiriya yahle yamhlomulela ngokuhlasela iDamaseko yayithumba. Yakhupha ababehlala khona yabaxotshela eKhiri njalo uRezini yahle yambulala. 10 Ngakho inkosi u-Ahazi yasisiya eDamaseko ukuze ibonane loThigilathi-Philesa inkosi yase-Asiriya. Yabona i-alithari eDamaseko yasithumela umdwebo walelo alithare ku-Uriya umphristi lengcazelo egcweleyo yokwakhiwa. 11 Ngakho u-Uriya umphristi wasesakha i-alithari ngomdwebo owawuvela enkosini u-Ahazi eDamaseko waliqeda inkosi u-Ahazi ingakaphenduki. 12 Inkosi ithe isivela eDamaseko yabona i-alithari yahle yayanikela kulo. 13 Inkosi yanikela umnikelo wokutshiswa lomnikelo wamabele, yathela okunathwayo komnikelo, yachela igazi lomnikelo wobudlelwano e-alithareni. 14 I-alithari lethusi elalimi phambi KUKATHIXO yaliletha livela ngaphambili ethempelini, phakathi kwe-alithari elitsha lethempeli LIKATHIXO, yalifaka ngenyakatho ye-alithare elitsha. 15 Inkosi u-Ahazi yasilaya u-Uriya umphristi yathi, “Phezu kwe-alithari elikhulu elitsha, nikela umnikelo wokutshiswa wekuseni kuthi ntambama kube ngumnikelo wamabele, lomnikelo wabantu bonke elizweni, lomnikelo wabo wonke wamabele kanye lowokunathwayo. Chela i-alithari ngalo lonke igazi leminikelo yokutshiswa kanye lemihlatshelo. Kodwa ngizasebenzisa i-alithari lethusi ukucela iziqondiso.” 16 Ngakho u-Uriya umphristi wenza njengokulaywa kwakhe yinkosi u-Ahazi. 17 Inkosi u-Ahazi yasusa izinsimbi zenqodlana lemiganu phezulu, yethula uLwandle phezu kwenkabi zethusi ezazingaphansi kwalo, yalubeka phezu kwesisekelo selitshe. 18 Yasusa isembeso seSabatha esasakhiwe ethempelini, yavala intuba yokungena inkosi eyayiphandle kwethempeli LIKATHIXO, ivumela okwakufunwa yinkosi yase-Asiriya. 19 Ezinye izehlakalo ngombuso ka-Ahazi, kanye lokunye akwenzayo, akulotshwanga egwalweni lwembali yamakhosi akoJuda na? 20 U-Ahazi waya ekuphumuleni kubokhokho bakhe eMzini kaDavida. UHezekhiya indodana yakhe yathatha ubukhosi.

In Other Versions

2 Kings 16 in the ANGEFD

2 Kings 16 in the ANTPNG2D

2 Kings 16 in the AS21

2 Kings 16 in the BAGH

2 Kings 16 in the BBPNG

2 Kings 16 in the BBT1E

2 Kings 16 in the BDS

2 Kings 16 in the BEV

2 Kings 16 in the BHAD

2 Kings 16 in the BIB

2 Kings 16 in the BLPT

2 Kings 16 in the BNT

2 Kings 16 in the BNTABOOT

2 Kings 16 in the BNTLV

2 Kings 16 in the BOATCB

2 Kings 16 in the BOATCB2

2 Kings 16 in the BOBCV

2 Kings 16 in the BOCNT

2 Kings 16 in the BOECS

2 Kings 16 in the BOGWICC

2 Kings 16 in the BOHCB

2 Kings 16 in the BOHCV

2 Kings 16 in the BOHLNT

2 Kings 16 in the BOHNTLTAL

2 Kings 16 in the BOICB

2 Kings 16 in the BOILNTAP

2 Kings 16 in the BOITCV

2 Kings 16 in the BOKCV

2 Kings 16 in the BOKCV2

2 Kings 16 in the BOKHWOG

2 Kings 16 in the BOKSSV

2 Kings 16 in the BOLCB

2 Kings 16 in the BOLCB2

2 Kings 16 in the BOMCV

2 Kings 16 in the BONAV

2 Kings 16 in the BONLT

2 Kings 16 in the BONUT2

2 Kings 16 in the BOPLNT

2 Kings 16 in the BOSCB

2 Kings 16 in the BOSNC

2 Kings 16 in the BOTLNT

2 Kings 16 in the BOVCB

2 Kings 16 in the BOYCB

2 Kings 16 in the BPBB

2 Kings 16 in the BPH

2 Kings 16 in the BSB

2 Kings 16 in the CCB

2 Kings 16 in the CUV

2 Kings 16 in the CUVS

2 Kings 16 in the DBT

2 Kings 16 in the DGDNT

2 Kings 16 in the DHNT

2 Kings 16 in the DNT

2 Kings 16 in the ELBE

2 Kings 16 in the EMTV

2 Kings 16 in the ESV

2 Kings 16 in the FBV

2 Kings 16 in the FEB

2 Kings 16 in the GGMNT

2 Kings 16 in the GNT

2 Kings 16 in the HARY

2 Kings 16 in the HNT

2 Kings 16 in the IRVA

2 Kings 16 in the IRVB

2 Kings 16 in the IRVG

2 Kings 16 in the IRVH

2 Kings 16 in the IRVK

2 Kings 16 in the IRVM

2 Kings 16 in the IRVM2

2 Kings 16 in the IRVO

2 Kings 16 in the IRVP

2 Kings 16 in the IRVT

2 Kings 16 in the IRVT2

2 Kings 16 in the IRVU

2 Kings 16 in the ISVN

2 Kings 16 in the JSNT

2 Kings 16 in the KAPI

2 Kings 16 in the KBT1ETNIK

2 Kings 16 in the KBV

2 Kings 16 in the KJV

2 Kings 16 in the KNFD

2 Kings 16 in the LBA

2 Kings 16 in the LBLA

2 Kings 16 in the LNT

2 Kings 16 in the LSV

2 Kings 16 in the MAAL

2 Kings 16 in the MBV

2 Kings 16 in the MBV2

2 Kings 16 in the MHNT

2 Kings 16 in the MKNFD

2 Kings 16 in the MNG

2 Kings 16 in the MNT

2 Kings 16 in the MNT2

2 Kings 16 in the MRS1T

2 Kings 16 in the NAA

2 Kings 16 in the NASB

2 Kings 16 in the NBLA

2 Kings 16 in the NBS

2 Kings 16 in the NBVTP

2 Kings 16 in the NET2

2 Kings 16 in the NIV11

2 Kings 16 in the NNT

2 Kings 16 in the NNT2

2 Kings 16 in the NNT3

2 Kings 16 in the PDDPT

2 Kings 16 in the PFNT

2 Kings 16 in the RMNT

2 Kings 16 in the SBIAS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIBS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIBS2

2 Kings 16 in the SBICS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIDS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIGS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIHS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIIS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIIS2

2 Kings 16 in the SBIIS3

2 Kings 16 in the SBIKS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIKS2

2 Kings 16 in the SBIMS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIOS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIPS

2 Kings 16 in the SBISS

2 Kings 16 in the SBITS

2 Kings 16 in the SBITS2

2 Kings 16 in the SBITS3

2 Kings 16 in the SBITS4

2 Kings 16 in the SBIUS

2 Kings 16 in the SBIVS

2 Kings 16 in the SBT

2 Kings 16 in the SBT1E

2 Kings 16 in the SCHL

2 Kings 16 in the SNT

2 Kings 16 in the SUSU

2 Kings 16 in the SUSU2

2 Kings 16 in the SYNO

2 Kings 16 in the TBIAOTANT

2 Kings 16 in the TBT1E

2 Kings 16 in the TBT1E2

2 Kings 16 in the TFTIP

2 Kings 16 in the TFTU

2 Kings 16 in the TGNTATF3T

2 Kings 16 in the THAI

2 Kings 16 in the TNFD

2 Kings 16 in the TNT

2 Kings 16 in the TNTIK

2 Kings 16 in the TNTIL

2 Kings 16 in the TNTIN

2 Kings 16 in the TNTIP

2 Kings 16 in the TNTIZ

2 Kings 16 in the TOMA

2 Kings 16 in the TTENT

2 Kings 16 in the UBG

2 Kings 16 in the UGV

2 Kings 16 in the UGV2

2 Kings 16 in the UGV3

2 Kings 16 in the VBL

2 Kings 16 in the VDCC

2 Kings 16 in the YALU

2 Kings 16 in the YAPE

2 Kings 16 in the YBVTP

2 Kings 16 in the ZBP