Deuteronomy 17 (BONCB)
1 “Lingenzi umhlatshelo KUTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu ngenkabi loba imvu elesici lesolekayo, ngoba lokho kuyisinengiso kuye. 2 Nxa kulendoda loba owesifazane ohlala phakathi kwenu kwelinye lamadolobho eliwaphiwa NGUTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu limfumana esona emehlweni KATHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu esephula isivumelwano, 3 njalo ngokwephula imilayo yami esezikhonzela abanye onkulunkulu, ebakhothamela loba ekhonza ilanga loba inyanga loba izinkanyezi zezulu, 4 kube kanti lokhu sekubikiwe kini, kutsho ukuthi kuzamele likuchwayisise ngokupheleleyo. Nxa kuliqiniso njalo sekubonakele ukuthi kuliqiniso lokhu okuyisinengiso okwenzakele ko-Israyeli, 5 thathani leyondoda loba owesifazane lowo owenze lesi senzo esibi limuse esangweni ledolobho lenu limkhande ngamatshe aze afe. 6 Ngobufakazi bababili loba abathathu indoda izabulawa, kodwa kakho ozabulawa ngobufakazi bomuntu oyedwa kuphela. 7 Akuthi ofakazi labo kube yibo abaqalisayo ukumkhanda, besekulandela bonke abanye abantu. Kumele lisuse ububi phakathi kwenu.” 8 “Nxa amacala eza phambi kwemithethwandaba yenu enzima ukuwahlulela, loba awokuchitha igazi, ukwephula imithetho loba awokuhlaselwa, athatheni liye lawo endaweni UTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu azayikhetha. 9 Hambani kubaphristi, abangabaLevi, kanye lakumahluleli osesikhundleni okwalesosikhathi. Buzani kibo bona bazalinika isigwebo esifaneleyo. 10 Lina-ke kumele lenze njengokucebisa kwabo endaweni UTHIXO azayikhetha. Linanzelele ukuthi lenza lokho kanye abaliqondisa ukuba likwenze. 11 Yenzani ngokomthetho njengalokho abalifundisa ngakho lezinqumo abalipha zona. Lingaphambuki kulokho abalitshela khona, liye kwesokudla loba kwesenxele. 12 Indoda etshengisela ukudelela iseyisa umahluleli loba umphristi owenza umsebenzi wokukhonza khonapho UTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu kumele ibulawe. Kumele lisuse bonke ububi phakathi kuka-Israyeli. 13 Bonke abantu bazakuzwa besabe, bangabe besadelela futhi.” 14 “Ekungeneni kwenu elizweni UTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu alinika lona selilithethe laba ngelenu njalo selihlezi kulo, njalo selisithi, ‘Asibekeni inkosi isibuse ukuze sifanane lezinye izizwe esakhelene lazo,’ 15 wobani leqiniso lokuthi libeka inkosi ekhethwe NGUTHIXO uNkulunkulu wenu. Kumele abe ngomunye wabafowenu. Lingafaki umuntu wezizweni ukuba alibuse, ongasiye wakini ko-Israyeli. 16 Inkosi njalo akumelanga izifuyele amabhiza amanengi loba ithume abantu babuyele eGibhithe ukuyazuza amanye khona ngoba UTHIXO ulitshelile wathi, ‘Lingaphindi liyihambe njalo leyondlela.’ 17 Kayingathathi abafazi abanengi funa inhliziyo yayo idukiswe. Kayingazinothisi ngesiliva langegolide elinengi kakhulu. 18 Nxa isithatha isihlalo sobukhosi bombuso wayo kayithathe umqulu izilobele kulo umthetho lo iwuthatha encwadini yabaphristi abangabaLevi. 19 Umqulu lowo kawuhlale ukuyo, ihlale iwubala zonke insuku zokuphila kwayo ukuze ifunde ukwesaba UTHIXO uNkulunkulu wayo, ilandele ngokunanzelela wonke amazwi omthetho lo lalezi izimiso, 20 njalo ukuze ingazenzi ongcono kulabanye abakibo, ingaphambuki emthethweni iye ngakwesokunene loba ngakwesokhohlo. Ngakho yona kanye lezizukulwane zayo bazabusa isikhathi eside embusweni wayo ko-Israyeli.”
In Other Versions
Deuteronomy 17 in the ANGEFD
Deuteronomy 17 in the ANTPNG2D
Deuteronomy 17 in the AS21
Deuteronomy 17 in the BAGH
Deuteronomy 17 in the BBPNG
Deuteronomy 17 in the BBT1E
Deuteronomy 17 in the BDS
Deuteronomy 17 in the BEV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BHAD
Deuteronomy 17 in the BIB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BLPT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BNTABOOT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BNTLV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOATCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOATCB2
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOBCV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOCNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOECS
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOGWICC
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOHCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOHCV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOHLNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOHNTLTAL
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOICB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOILNTAP
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOITCV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOKCV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOKCV2
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOKHWOG
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOKSSV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOLCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOLCB2
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOMCV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BONAV
Deuteronomy 17 in the BONLT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BONUT2
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOPLNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOSCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOSNC
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOTLNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOVCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BOYCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BPBB
Deuteronomy 17 in the BPH
Deuteronomy 17 in the BSB
Deuteronomy 17 in the CCB
Deuteronomy 17 in the CUV
Deuteronomy 17 in the CUVS
Deuteronomy 17 in the DBT
Deuteronomy 17 in the DGDNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the DHNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the DNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the ELBE
Deuteronomy 17 in the EMTV
Deuteronomy 17 in the ESV
Deuteronomy 17 in the FBV
Deuteronomy 17 in the FEB
Deuteronomy 17 in the GGMNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the GNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the HARY
Deuteronomy 17 in the HNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVA
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVB
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVG
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVH
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVK
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVM
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVM2
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVO
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVP
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVT
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVT2
Deuteronomy 17 in the IRVU
Deuteronomy 17 in the ISVN
Deuteronomy 17 in the JSNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the KAPI
Deuteronomy 17 in the KBT1ETNIK
Deuteronomy 17 in the KBV
Deuteronomy 17 in the KJV
Deuteronomy 17 in the KNFD
Deuteronomy 17 in the LBA
Deuteronomy 17 in the LBLA
Deuteronomy 17 in the LNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the LSV
Deuteronomy 17 in the MAAL
Deuteronomy 17 in the MBV
Deuteronomy 17 in the MBV2
Deuteronomy 17 in the MHNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the MKNFD
Deuteronomy 17 in the MNG
Deuteronomy 17 in the MNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the MNT2
Deuteronomy 17 in the MRS1T
Deuteronomy 17 in the NAA
Deuteronomy 17 in the NASB
Deuteronomy 17 in the NBLA
Deuteronomy 17 in the NBS
Deuteronomy 17 in the NBVTP
Deuteronomy 17 in the NET2
Deuteronomy 17 in the NIV11
Deuteronomy 17 in the NNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the NNT2
Deuteronomy 17 in the NNT3
Deuteronomy 17 in the PDDPT
Deuteronomy 17 in the PFNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the RMNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIAS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIBS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIBS2
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBICS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIDS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIGS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIHS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIIS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIIS2
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIIS3
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIKS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIKS2
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIMS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIOS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIPS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBISS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBITS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBITS2
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBITS3
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBITS4
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIUS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBIVS
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBT
Deuteronomy 17 in the SBT1E
Deuteronomy 17 in the SCHL
Deuteronomy 17 in the SNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the SUSU
Deuteronomy 17 in the SUSU2
Deuteronomy 17 in the SYNO
Deuteronomy 17 in the TBIAOTANT
Deuteronomy 17 in the TBT1E
Deuteronomy 17 in the TBT1E2
Deuteronomy 17 in the TFTIP
Deuteronomy 17 in the TFTU
Deuteronomy 17 in the TGNTATF3T
Deuteronomy 17 in the THAI
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNFD
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNT
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNTIK
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNTIL
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNTIN
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNTIP
Deuteronomy 17 in the TNTIZ
Deuteronomy 17 in the TOMA
Deuteronomy 17 in the TTENT
Deuteronomy 17 in the UBG
Deuteronomy 17 in the UGV
Deuteronomy 17 in the UGV2
Deuteronomy 17 in the UGV3
Deuteronomy 17 in the VBL
Deuteronomy 17 in the VDCC
Deuteronomy 17 in the YALU
Deuteronomy 17 in the YAPE
Deuteronomy 17 in the YBVTP
Deuteronomy 17 in the ZBP