Isaiah 44 (BONCB)

1 “Kodwa khathesi lalela, wena Jakhobe,nceku yami, Israyeli, engikukhethileyo. 2 Nanku akutshoyo UTHIXO,yena owakwenzayo, owakubumba esiswini,njalo yena ozakusiza, uthi:Ungesabi, wena Jakhobe, nceku yami,Jeshuruni engikukhethileyo. 3 Ngoba ngizathela amanzi elizweni elomileyo,lezifula emhlabathini owomileyo.Ngizathela uMoya wami phezu kwenzalo yakholezibusiso zami phezu kwezizukulwane zakho. 4 Zizahluma njengotshani emadlelweni,lanjengeminyezane ezifuleni ezigelezayo. 5 Omunye uzakuthi, ‘Mina NGINGOKATHIXO’;lomunye azibize ngebizo likaJakhobe;omunye laye uzaloba esandleni sakhe ukuthi, ‘OKATHIXO,’azinike ibizo lika-Israyeli.” 6 “Nanku akutshoyo UTHIXO,iNkosi loMhlengi ka-Israyeli, UTHIXO uSomandla:Mina ngingowokuqala njalo ngingowokucina;ngaphandle kwami kakho uNkulunkulu. 7 Pho ngubani onjengami? Kakumemezele lokho.Katsho, achaze phambi kwamiokwenzakalayo kusukela ekubekeni kwami abantu bami bendulo;akutsho lokuzakwenzakala;yebo, kakuqambe okuzayo. 8 Lingaqhaqhazeli, lingesabi.Lokhu angikutshongo ngabika ngakho kudala na?Lina lingofakazi bami. Kulomunye uNkulunkulu ngaphandle kwami na?Hatshi, kalikho elinye iDwala; kalikho engilaziyo.” 9 Bonke abenza izithombe kabasilutho,lezinto abaziqakathekisayo ziyize.Labo abangabakhulumela bayiziphofu,kabazi lutho, kulihlazo kubo. 10 Ngubani obaza unkulunkulu abumbe isithombe,okungeke kumsize ngalutho? 11 Yena labanjengaye bazayangiswa;izingcitshi kazisilutho, ngabantu nje.Kaziqoqane zonke zime ndawonye;bazakuba lokwesaba kanye lehlazo. 12 Umkhandi uthatha insimbiayifake emalahleni;enze isithombe ngezando,asikhande ngengalo yakhe elamandla.Uyalamba aphelelwe ngamandla.Anganathi manzi, amandla aphele. 13 Umbazi welula intambo yokulinganisaasidwebe ngosungulo,asibaze ngetshizela,asidwebe ngensimbi ecijileyo,abaze umfanekiso womuntu,umuntu olobuhle bonke,ukuba sihlale endlini yokukhonzela. 14 Ugamula isihlahla somsedari,loba athathe umsayiphresi kumbe umʼOkhi.Uyasikhulisa phakathi kwezihlahla zegusu,kumbe ahlanyele iphayini, izulu lisikhulise. 15 Lapho-ke siba zinkuni zomuntu zokubasa;okunye kwaso uyathatha othe,ubasa umlilo abhekhe izinkwa.Kodwa, njalo, wenza unkulunkulu amkhonze;abaze isithombe asikhothamele. 16 Ingxenye yezinkuni ubasa ngayo umlilo,apheke ngawo ukudla kwakhe.Ose inyama yakhe adle asuthe.Njalo uyotha umlilo athi,“Ha! Ngiyafudumala;ngiyawubona umlilo.” 17 Ngeziseleyo wenza unkulunkulu,isithombe sakhe; uyasikhothamela, asikhonze.Uyakhuleka kuso athi,“Ngisindisa, ungunkulunkulu wami.” 18 Kabazi lutho, kabaqedisisi lutho;amehlo abo abhadiwe ukuze bangabonilezingqondo zabo zivalekile ukuze bangaqedisisi. 19 Kakho oke ame acabange,kakho olokwazi loba ukuzwisisa ukuba athi,“Ingxenye yazo ngabasa ngayo umlilo;ngaze ngabhekha izinkwa emalahleni awo,ngosa inyama ngayidla.Ngokuseleyo ngizakwenza into enengisayo na?Ngizasikhothamela na isigodo nje?” 20 Udla umlotha, inhliziyo ekhohlisekileyo iyamlahla,angeke azihlenge, kumbe athi,“Into le esesandleni sami sokudla kayisimanga na?” 21 “Khumbula lezizinto, wena Jakhobe,ngoba uyinceku yami, wena Israyeli.Ngakubumba, uyinceku yami;wena Israyeli, angiyikukukhohlwa. 22 Ngesule iziphambeko zakho njengeyezi,ngesula izono zakho njengenkungu yekuseni.Buyela kimi,ngoba ngikuhlengile.” 23 Hlabelelani ngentokozo, lina mazulu,ngoba UTHIXO usekwenzile lokhu;hlaba umkhosi, wena mhlaba ngaphansi.Tshayani ingoma lina zintaba,lina mahlathi lazozonke izihlahla zenu,ngoba UTHIXO usemhlengile uJakhobe,ubonakalisa udumo lwakhe ko-Israyeli. 24 “Nanku akutshoyo UTHIXO,uMhlengi wakho, owakubumbayo esiswini: Mina NGINGUTHIXO,owenza izinto zonke,owenza amazulu eyedwa,owendlala umhlaba eyedwa, 25 ofubisa izibonakaliso zabaphrofethi bamanga,enze izanuse zibe yizithutha,ochitha ulwazi lwezihlakaniphialwenze lube yibuthutha, 26 ofeza amazwi ezinceku zakheaphelelise amacebo ezithunywa zakhe. Athi kulo iJerusalema, ‘Kuzahlalwa kulo,’ngamadolobho akoJuda athi, ‘Azakwakhiwa.’Ngamanxiwa awo uthi, ‘Ngizawavusa,’ 27 athi enzikini yamanzi, ‘Cima,ngizakomisa izifula zakho,’ 28 athi ngoKhurosi, ‘Ungumelusi wami,uzafeza konke engikufunayo;uzakuthi ngeJerusalema, “Kalakhiwe futhi,”ngethempeli athi, “Izisekelo zalo kazakhiwe.” ’ ”

In Other Versions

Isaiah 44 in the ANGEFD

Isaiah 44 in the ANTPNG2D

Isaiah 44 in the AS21

Isaiah 44 in the BAGH

Isaiah 44 in the BBPNG

Isaiah 44 in the BBT1E

Isaiah 44 in the BDS

Isaiah 44 in the BEV

Isaiah 44 in the BHAD

Isaiah 44 in the BIB

Isaiah 44 in the BLPT

Isaiah 44 in the BNT

Isaiah 44 in the BNTABOOT

Isaiah 44 in the BNTLV

Isaiah 44 in the BOATCB

Isaiah 44 in the BOATCB2

Isaiah 44 in the BOBCV

Isaiah 44 in the BOCNT

Isaiah 44 in the BOECS

Isaiah 44 in the BOGWICC

Isaiah 44 in the BOHCB

Isaiah 44 in the BOHCV

Isaiah 44 in the BOHLNT

Isaiah 44 in the BOHNTLTAL

Isaiah 44 in the BOICB

Isaiah 44 in the BOILNTAP

Isaiah 44 in the BOITCV

Isaiah 44 in the BOKCV

Isaiah 44 in the BOKCV2

Isaiah 44 in the BOKHWOG

Isaiah 44 in the BOKSSV

Isaiah 44 in the BOLCB

Isaiah 44 in the BOLCB2

Isaiah 44 in the BOMCV

Isaiah 44 in the BONAV

Isaiah 44 in the BONLT

Isaiah 44 in the BONUT2

Isaiah 44 in the BOPLNT

Isaiah 44 in the BOSCB

Isaiah 44 in the BOSNC

Isaiah 44 in the BOTLNT

Isaiah 44 in the BOVCB

Isaiah 44 in the BOYCB

Isaiah 44 in the BPBB

Isaiah 44 in the BPH

Isaiah 44 in the BSB

Isaiah 44 in the CCB

Isaiah 44 in the CUV

Isaiah 44 in the CUVS

Isaiah 44 in the DBT

Isaiah 44 in the DGDNT

Isaiah 44 in the DHNT

Isaiah 44 in the DNT

Isaiah 44 in the ELBE

Isaiah 44 in the EMTV

Isaiah 44 in the ESV

Isaiah 44 in the FBV

Isaiah 44 in the FEB

Isaiah 44 in the GGMNT

Isaiah 44 in the GNT

Isaiah 44 in the HARY

Isaiah 44 in the HNT

Isaiah 44 in the IRVA

Isaiah 44 in the IRVB

Isaiah 44 in the IRVG

Isaiah 44 in the IRVH

Isaiah 44 in the IRVK

Isaiah 44 in the IRVM

Isaiah 44 in the IRVM2

Isaiah 44 in the IRVO

Isaiah 44 in the IRVP

Isaiah 44 in the IRVT

Isaiah 44 in the IRVT2

Isaiah 44 in the IRVU

Isaiah 44 in the ISVN

Isaiah 44 in the JSNT

Isaiah 44 in the KAPI

Isaiah 44 in the KBT1ETNIK

Isaiah 44 in the KBV

Isaiah 44 in the KJV

Isaiah 44 in the KNFD

Isaiah 44 in the LBA

Isaiah 44 in the LBLA

Isaiah 44 in the LNT

Isaiah 44 in the LSV

Isaiah 44 in the MAAL

Isaiah 44 in the MBV

Isaiah 44 in the MBV2

Isaiah 44 in the MHNT

Isaiah 44 in the MKNFD

Isaiah 44 in the MNG

Isaiah 44 in the MNT

Isaiah 44 in the MNT2

Isaiah 44 in the MRS1T

Isaiah 44 in the NAA

Isaiah 44 in the NASB

Isaiah 44 in the NBLA

Isaiah 44 in the NBS

Isaiah 44 in the NBVTP

Isaiah 44 in the NET2

Isaiah 44 in the NIV11

Isaiah 44 in the NNT

Isaiah 44 in the NNT2

Isaiah 44 in the NNT3

Isaiah 44 in the PDDPT

Isaiah 44 in the PFNT

Isaiah 44 in the RMNT

Isaiah 44 in the SBIAS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIBS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIBS2

Isaiah 44 in the SBICS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIDS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIGS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIHS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIIS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIIS2

Isaiah 44 in the SBIIS3

Isaiah 44 in the SBIKS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIKS2

Isaiah 44 in the SBIMS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIOS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIPS

Isaiah 44 in the SBISS

Isaiah 44 in the SBITS

Isaiah 44 in the SBITS2

Isaiah 44 in the SBITS3

Isaiah 44 in the SBITS4

Isaiah 44 in the SBIUS

Isaiah 44 in the SBIVS

Isaiah 44 in the SBT

Isaiah 44 in the SBT1E

Isaiah 44 in the SCHL

Isaiah 44 in the SNT

Isaiah 44 in the SUSU

Isaiah 44 in the SUSU2

Isaiah 44 in the SYNO

Isaiah 44 in the TBIAOTANT

Isaiah 44 in the TBT1E

Isaiah 44 in the TBT1E2

Isaiah 44 in the TFTIP

Isaiah 44 in the TFTU

Isaiah 44 in the TGNTATF3T

Isaiah 44 in the THAI

Isaiah 44 in the TNFD

Isaiah 44 in the TNT

Isaiah 44 in the TNTIK

Isaiah 44 in the TNTIL

Isaiah 44 in the TNTIN

Isaiah 44 in the TNTIP

Isaiah 44 in the TNTIZ

Isaiah 44 in the TOMA

Isaiah 44 in the TTENT

Isaiah 44 in the UBG

Isaiah 44 in the UGV

Isaiah 44 in the UGV2

Isaiah 44 in the UGV3

Isaiah 44 in the VBL

Isaiah 44 in the VDCC

Isaiah 44 in the YALU

Isaiah 44 in the YAPE

Isaiah 44 in the YBVTP

Isaiah 44 in the ZBP