Proverbs 19 (CUV)

1 行為純正的貧窮人、勝過乖謬愚妄的富足人。 2 心無知識的、乃為不善.腳步急快的、難免犯罪。 3 人的愚昧、傾敗他的道.他的心也抱怨耶和華。 4 財物使朋友增多.但窮人朋友遠離。 5 作假見證的、必不免受罰.吐出謊言的、終不能逃脫。 6 好施散的、有多人求他的恩情.愛送禮的、人都為他的朋友。 7 貧窮人弟兄都恨他.何況他的朋友、更遠離他.他用言語追隨、他們卻走了。 8 得著智慧的、愛惜生命、保守聰明的、必得好處。 9 作假見證的、不免受罰.吐出謊言的、也必滅亡。 10 愚昧人宴樂度日、是不合宜的.何況僕人管轄王子呢。 11 人有見識、就不輕易發怒.寬恕人的過失、便是自己的榮耀。 12 王的忿怒、好像獅子吼叫.他的恩典、卻如草上的甘露。 13 愚昧的兒子、是父親的禍患.妻子的爭吵、如雨連連滴漏。 14 房屋錢財、是祖宗所遺留的.惟有賢慧的妻、是耶和華所賜的。 15 懶惰使人沉睡.懈怠的人、必受飢餓。 16 謹守誡命的、保全生命.輕忽己路的、必致死亡。 17 憐憫貧窮的、就是借給耶和華.他的善行、耶和華必償還。 18 趁有指望、管教你的兒子.你的心不可任他死亡。 19 暴怒的人、必受刑罰.你若救他、必須再救。 20 你要聽勸教、受訓誨、使你終久有智慧。 21 人心多有計謀.惟有耶和華的籌算、纔能立定。 22 施行仁慈的、令人愛慕.窮人強如說謊言的。 23 敬畏耶和華的、得著生命.他必恆久知足、不遭禍患。 24 懶惰人放手在盤子裡.就是向口撤回、他也不肯。 25 鞭打褻慢人、愚蒙人必長見識.責備明哲人、他就明白知識。 26 虐待父親、攆出母親的、是貽羞致辱之子。 27 我兒、不可聽了教訓、而又偏離知識的言語。 28 匪徒作見證戲笑公平.惡人的口吞下罪孽。 29 刑罰是為褻慢人預備的.鞭打是為愚昧人的背預備的。

In Other Versions

Proverbs 19 in the ANGEFD

Proverbs 19 in the ANTPNG2D

Proverbs 19 in the AS21

Proverbs 19 in the BAGH

Proverbs 19 in the BBPNG

Proverbs 19 in the BBT1E

Proverbs 19 in the BDS

Proverbs 19 in the BEV

Proverbs 19 in the BHAD

Proverbs 19 in the BIB

Proverbs 19 in the BLPT

Proverbs 19 in the BNT

Proverbs 19 in the BNTABOOT

Proverbs 19 in the BNTLV

Proverbs 19 in the BOATCB

Proverbs 19 in the BOATCB2

Proverbs 19 in the BOBCV

Proverbs 19 in the BOCNT

Proverbs 19 in the BOECS

Proverbs 19 in the BOGWICC

Proverbs 19 in the BOHCB

Proverbs 19 in the BOHCV

Proverbs 19 in the BOHLNT

Proverbs 19 in the BOHNTLTAL

Proverbs 19 in the BOICB

Proverbs 19 in the BOILNTAP

Proverbs 19 in the BOITCV

Proverbs 19 in the BOKCV

Proverbs 19 in the BOKCV2

Proverbs 19 in the BOKHWOG

Proverbs 19 in the BOKSSV

Proverbs 19 in the BOLCB

Proverbs 19 in the BOLCB2

Proverbs 19 in the BOMCV

Proverbs 19 in the BONAV

Proverbs 19 in the BONCB

Proverbs 19 in the BONLT

Proverbs 19 in the BONUT2

Proverbs 19 in the BOPLNT

Proverbs 19 in the BOSCB

Proverbs 19 in the BOSNC

Proverbs 19 in the BOTLNT

Proverbs 19 in the BOVCB

Proverbs 19 in the BOYCB

Proverbs 19 in the BPBB

Proverbs 19 in the BPH

Proverbs 19 in the BSB

Proverbs 19 in the CCB

Proverbs 19 in the CUVS

Proverbs 19 in the DBT

Proverbs 19 in the DGDNT

Proverbs 19 in the DHNT

Proverbs 19 in the DNT

Proverbs 19 in the ELBE

Proverbs 19 in the EMTV

Proverbs 19 in the ESV

Proverbs 19 in the FBV

Proverbs 19 in the FEB

Proverbs 19 in the GGMNT

Proverbs 19 in the GNT

Proverbs 19 in the HARY

Proverbs 19 in the HNT

Proverbs 19 in the IRVA

Proverbs 19 in the IRVB

Proverbs 19 in the IRVG

Proverbs 19 in the IRVH

Proverbs 19 in the IRVK

Proverbs 19 in the IRVM

Proverbs 19 in the IRVM2

Proverbs 19 in the IRVO

Proverbs 19 in the IRVP

Proverbs 19 in the IRVT

Proverbs 19 in the IRVT2

Proverbs 19 in the IRVU

Proverbs 19 in the ISVN

Proverbs 19 in the JSNT

Proverbs 19 in the KAPI

Proverbs 19 in the KBT1ETNIK

Proverbs 19 in the KBV

Proverbs 19 in the KJV

Proverbs 19 in the KNFD

Proverbs 19 in the LBA

Proverbs 19 in the LBLA

Proverbs 19 in the LNT

Proverbs 19 in the LSV

Proverbs 19 in the MAAL

Proverbs 19 in the MBV

Proverbs 19 in the MBV2

Proverbs 19 in the MHNT

Proverbs 19 in the MKNFD

Proverbs 19 in the MNG

Proverbs 19 in the MNT

Proverbs 19 in the MNT2

Proverbs 19 in the MRS1T

Proverbs 19 in the NAA

Proverbs 19 in the NASB

Proverbs 19 in the NBLA

Proverbs 19 in the NBS

Proverbs 19 in the NBVTP

Proverbs 19 in the NET2

Proverbs 19 in the NIV11

Proverbs 19 in the NNT

Proverbs 19 in the NNT2

Proverbs 19 in the NNT3

Proverbs 19 in the PDDPT

Proverbs 19 in the PFNT

Proverbs 19 in the RMNT

Proverbs 19 in the SBIAS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIBS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIBS2

Proverbs 19 in the SBICS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIDS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIGS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIHS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIIS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIIS2

Proverbs 19 in the SBIIS3

Proverbs 19 in the SBIKS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIKS2

Proverbs 19 in the SBIMS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIOS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIPS

Proverbs 19 in the SBISS

Proverbs 19 in the SBITS

Proverbs 19 in the SBITS2

Proverbs 19 in the SBITS3

Proverbs 19 in the SBITS4

Proverbs 19 in the SBIUS

Proverbs 19 in the SBIVS

Proverbs 19 in the SBT

Proverbs 19 in the SBT1E

Proverbs 19 in the SCHL

Proverbs 19 in the SNT

Proverbs 19 in the SUSU

Proverbs 19 in the SUSU2

Proverbs 19 in the SYNO

Proverbs 19 in the TBIAOTANT

Proverbs 19 in the TBT1E

Proverbs 19 in the TBT1E2

Proverbs 19 in the TFTIP

Proverbs 19 in the TFTU

Proverbs 19 in the TGNTATF3T

Proverbs 19 in the THAI

Proverbs 19 in the TNFD

Proverbs 19 in the TNT

Proverbs 19 in the TNTIK

Proverbs 19 in the TNTIL

Proverbs 19 in the TNTIN

Proverbs 19 in the TNTIP

Proverbs 19 in the TNTIZ

Proverbs 19 in the TOMA

Proverbs 19 in the TTENT

Proverbs 19 in the UBG

Proverbs 19 in the UGV

Proverbs 19 in the UGV2

Proverbs 19 in the UGV3

Proverbs 19 in the VBL

Proverbs 19 in the VDCC

Proverbs 19 in the YALU

Proverbs 19 in the YAPE

Proverbs 19 in the YBVTP

Proverbs 19 in the ZBP