Leviticus 10 (FBV)
1 Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, set light to their incense burners using ordinary fire and put in incense, and in this way offered forbidden fire in the Lord's presence, something he had not authorized. 2 Fire came out from the Lord's presence and burned them up. They died in the Lord's presence. 3 Moses explained to Aaron, “This is what the Lord was talking about when he said: ‘I will show my holiness to those who approach me; I will reveal my glory so everyone can see.” But Aaron didn't reply. 4 Moses called Mishael and Elzaphan, sons of Aaron's uncle Uzziel, and told them, “Come and carry away the bodies of your cousins and take them outside the camp, away from the front of the sanctuary.” 5 They came and picked them up by their clothes, and took them outside the camp, as Moses had ordered. 6 Then Moses told Aaron and his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Don't leave your hair uncombed, and don't tear your clothes in mourning, otherwise you will die, and the Lord will be angry with everyone. But your relatives and all the other Israelites may mourn for those the Lord killed by fire. 7 Don't go outside the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, or you will die, because you have been anointed by the Lord.” They did what Moses said. 8 The Lord told Aaron, 9 “You and your descendants must not drink wine or any other alcohol when you go in to the Tent of Meeting, otherwise you will die. This regulation is for all time and for all future generations. 10 You must realize the difference between the holy and the ordinary, between clean and unclean, 11 so you can teach the Israelites all the regulations that the Lord has given to them through Moses.” 12 Moses told Aaron and his two sons who were left, Eleazar and Ithamar, “Take the grain offering that is left over from the food offerings given to the Lord and eat it without yeast beside the altar, because it is most holy. 13 You must eat it in a holy place, because it is the share for you and your descendants from the food offerings given to the Lord. This is what I have been ordered. 14 You and your male and female descendants can eat the breast of the wave offering and the thigh contribution anywhere that is ceremonially clean, because you and your descendants have been given these as your share from the peace offerings of the Israelites. 15 The thigh contribution and the breast of the wave offering, as well as the fat portions of the food offerings made, they are to bring and wave as a wave offering before the Lord. They belong to you and your children forever as the Lord has ordered.” 16 Moses checked what had happened to the goat of the sin offering, and found out that it had been burned. He got angry with Eleazar and Ithamar, the sons Aaron had left, and asked them, 17 “Why didn't you take the sin offering and eat it in the holy place, because it is most holy and it was given to you to take away the people's guilt by making them right before the Lord. 18 As its blood was not taken into the holy place, you should have eaten it in the sanctuary area, as I ordered.” 19 So Aaron explained to Moses, “Look, it was today that they presented their sin offering and their burnt offering before the Lord. After all that's just happened to me, would the Lord have been pleased if I'd eaten the sin offering today?” 20 When Moses heard what Aaron had to say, he accepted the explanation.
In Other Versions
Leviticus 10 in the ANGEFD
Leviticus 10 in the ANTPNG2D
Leviticus 10 in the AS21
Leviticus 10 in the BAGH
Leviticus 10 in the BBPNG
Leviticus 10 in the BBT1E
Leviticus 10 in the BDS
Leviticus 10 in the BEV
Leviticus 10 in the BHAD
Leviticus 10 in the BIB
Leviticus 10 in the BLPT
Leviticus 10 in the BNT
Leviticus 10 in the BNTABOOT
Leviticus 10 in the BNTLV
Leviticus 10 in the BOATCB
Leviticus 10 in the BOATCB2
Leviticus 10 in the BOBCV
Leviticus 10 in the BOCNT
Leviticus 10 in the BOECS
Leviticus 10 in the BOGWICC
Leviticus 10 in the BOHCB
Leviticus 10 in the BOHCV
Leviticus 10 in the BOHLNT
Leviticus 10 in the BOHNTLTAL
Leviticus 10 in the BOICB
Leviticus 10 in the BOILNTAP
Leviticus 10 in the BOITCV
Leviticus 10 in the BOKCV
Leviticus 10 in the BOKCV2
Leviticus 10 in the BOKHWOG
Leviticus 10 in the BOKSSV
Leviticus 10 in the BOLCB
Leviticus 10 in the BOLCB2
Leviticus 10 in the BOMCV
Leviticus 10 in the BONAV
Leviticus 10 in the BONCB
Leviticus 10 in the BONLT
Leviticus 10 in the BONUT2
Leviticus 10 in the BOPLNT
Leviticus 10 in the BOSCB
Leviticus 10 in the BOSNC
Leviticus 10 in the BOTLNT
Leviticus 10 in the BOVCB
Leviticus 10 in the BOYCB
Leviticus 10 in the BPBB
Leviticus 10 in the BPH
Leviticus 10 in the BSB
Leviticus 10 in the CCB
Leviticus 10 in the CUV
Leviticus 10 in the CUVS
Leviticus 10 in the DBT
Leviticus 10 in the DGDNT
Leviticus 10 in the DHNT
Leviticus 10 in the DNT
Leviticus 10 in the ELBE
Leviticus 10 in the EMTV
Leviticus 10 in the ESV
Leviticus 10 in the FEB
Leviticus 10 in the GGMNT
Leviticus 10 in the GNT
Leviticus 10 in the HARY
Leviticus 10 in the HNT
Leviticus 10 in the IRVA
Leviticus 10 in the IRVB
Leviticus 10 in the IRVG
Leviticus 10 in the IRVH
Leviticus 10 in the IRVK
Leviticus 10 in the IRVM
Leviticus 10 in the IRVM2
Leviticus 10 in the IRVO
Leviticus 10 in the IRVP
Leviticus 10 in the IRVT
Leviticus 10 in the IRVT2
Leviticus 10 in the IRVU
Leviticus 10 in the ISVN
Leviticus 10 in the JSNT
Leviticus 10 in the KAPI
Leviticus 10 in the KBT1ETNIK
Leviticus 10 in the KBV
Leviticus 10 in the KJV
Leviticus 10 in the KNFD
Leviticus 10 in the LBA
Leviticus 10 in the LBLA
Leviticus 10 in the LNT
Leviticus 10 in the LSV
Leviticus 10 in the MAAL
Leviticus 10 in the MBV
Leviticus 10 in the MBV2
Leviticus 10 in the MHNT
Leviticus 10 in the MKNFD
Leviticus 10 in the MNG
Leviticus 10 in the MNT
Leviticus 10 in the MNT2
Leviticus 10 in the MRS1T
Leviticus 10 in the NAA
Leviticus 10 in the NASB
Leviticus 10 in the NBLA
Leviticus 10 in the NBS
Leviticus 10 in the NBVTP
Leviticus 10 in the NET2
Leviticus 10 in the NIV11
Leviticus 10 in the NNT
Leviticus 10 in the NNT2
Leviticus 10 in the NNT3
Leviticus 10 in the PDDPT
Leviticus 10 in the PFNT
Leviticus 10 in the RMNT
Leviticus 10 in the SBIAS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIBS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIBS2
Leviticus 10 in the SBICS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIDS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIGS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIHS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIIS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIIS2
Leviticus 10 in the SBIIS3
Leviticus 10 in the SBIKS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIKS2
Leviticus 10 in the SBIMS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIOS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIPS
Leviticus 10 in the SBISS
Leviticus 10 in the SBITS
Leviticus 10 in the SBITS2
Leviticus 10 in the SBITS3
Leviticus 10 in the SBITS4
Leviticus 10 in the SBIUS
Leviticus 10 in the SBIVS
Leviticus 10 in the SBT
Leviticus 10 in the SBT1E
Leviticus 10 in the SCHL
Leviticus 10 in the SNT
Leviticus 10 in the SUSU
Leviticus 10 in the SUSU2
Leviticus 10 in the SYNO
Leviticus 10 in the TBIAOTANT
Leviticus 10 in the TBT1E
Leviticus 10 in the TBT1E2
Leviticus 10 in the TFTIP
Leviticus 10 in the TFTU
Leviticus 10 in the TGNTATF3T
Leviticus 10 in the THAI
Leviticus 10 in the TNFD
Leviticus 10 in the TNT
Leviticus 10 in the TNTIK
Leviticus 10 in the TNTIL
Leviticus 10 in the TNTIN
Leviticus 10 in the TNTIP
Leviticus 10 in the TNTIZ
Leviticus 10 in the TOMA
Leviticus 10 in the TTENT
Leviticus 10 in the UBG
Leviticus 10 in the UGV
Leviticus 10 in the UGV2
Leviticus 10 in the UGV3
Leviticus 10 in the VBL
Leviticus 10 in the VDCC
Leviticus 10 in the YALU
Leviticus 10 in the YAPE
Leviticus 10 in the YBVTP
Leviticus 10 in the ZBP