Revelation 22 (MBV2)

1 Anepo ayula malaika nkungulanguja muto wa medi la umi lang'anyîma muchi chilolo. Muto anewo úkulula medi kuhaloka pachiteng'u cha chifalume changa Nnungu na cha Mwana wanga Ungandolo. 2 Muto anewo úkuluja medi kulondola indila ing'ulu ya imanga aneyo. Na kila m'bali wa muto anewo úmedile nnandi wa umi, ûpa vihepo aina kumi na mbili, na nnandi anewo úpa vihepo myanda kumi na mbili kwa mwaka na mwanda umo kwa mwedi. Mahamba la aula nnandi nni la kuvalamya vanu va vilambo. 3 Na wala kukambekuva na laana kavila ya Nnungu.Chiteng'u cha chifalume changa Nnungu na changa Mwana wanga Ungandolo vìmbekuva muimanga aneyo, na vatumishi vake vàmbentumikila. 4 Vàmbekwona kumeho kwake, na lina lyake lìmbelembwa mmalyenye lavo. 5 Na wala kukambekuva na chilo kavila, wala vakambelembela nng'anje wa chibatali wala liduva, kwa kuva Nang'olo Nnungu àmbevalangajija, na vanang'o vàmbetawala, vyaka na vyaka. 6 Anepo ayula malaika nkunguhaulila kuchidoni, “Malove anelo nni la uhiu na la kukulupika. Na Nang'olo Nnungu avalôja manabii vake kwa Umumu wake, àntumile malaika wake unavalanguja vatumishi vake mambo àlalá lavêle pepi kuhumila.” 7 Yesu nkuhaula kuchidoni, “Lola, mbènkupiyanya kwida! Wasa munu woheyo akamûla malove la unabii lalembwîje nchitabu achino!” 8 Nangu nni Yohana, ngupilikêne na kulona mambo anelo. Pangupilikene na kulona, nangu nkuhunama uchinga nimwabudu malaika ayula angulangujîje mambo anelo. 9 Henga nang'e nkunguhaulila kuchidoni, “Ndulu, unatende uchocho! Nangu nni ntumishi muchi muuvelelee wako na anung'unuvako manabii chalumo na vammalele valakamûla malove lalembwîje nchitabu achino. Wako ùlembelewa chihi umwabudu Nnungu!” 10 Aneyo malaika nkunguhaulila kuchidoni, “Unachihunike kwa chihungo cha muhuli chitabu achino cha malove la unabii, kwa kuva, làvele pepi kuhumila. 11 Munu atênda lahakalenge àmbehweneha chihi kutenda lahakalenge, na munu atênda uhakwa àmbehweneha chihi kutenda uhakwa, na munu atênda lalalembela Nnungu àmbehalija chihi kutenda lalalembela Nnungu, na munu wanaswe àmbehalija chihi kuhahuka.” 12 Yesu nkuhaula kuchidoni, “Lola, nangu mbènkupiyanya kwida! Ndèmbeida na dinujo uchinga ninnipe kila munu kupapatana na matendo lake. 13 Nangu njo Alufa na Omega, Ntandiliko na Ntululilo.” 14 Wasa vanu avala vahahûla majoho lavo, kwa kuva, vàmbekuva na haki ya kulya vihepo vya nnandi wa umi na haki ya kuinjila muimanga aila kwa kupitila mmilango yake. 15 Henga pawelu imanga aneyo kùmbekuva na vanu najisi na ahavi na amalaya na vakúwalala na vaabûdu disanamu na kila munu atâmwa namene maisha la kulambila. 16 “Nangu nni Yesu, ngùntumile malaika wangu unanshuhudilanga mambo anelo mwenu makuwa la vanu vangukulupîla. Nangu ni wa nnikolo na wa nnukolo lwanga Nfalume Daudi. Nangu nni aila inondwa ya ulyamba ilangâja.” 17 Umumu Wanaswe na bibi alusi vàhaula kuchidoni, “Ida!” Na munu woheyo apilikâna ahaule kuchidoni, “Ida!” Na munu woheyo avêle na inyota na àlembela medi la umi, aide akumbile bule. 18 Nangu Yohana nìn'duma kila munu apilikâna malove la unabii wa chitabu achino kuva, munu woheyo akàyenjeja chinu chohecho mmalove anelo, Nnungu àmbennyenjejija vibaniho avila vilembwîje nchitabu achino. 19 Na munu woheyo ambeûsa chinu chohecho mmalove la unabii lalembwîje nchitabu achino, Nnungu àmbeiusa sehemu yake muavila vihepo vya nnandi wa umi na muaila imanga yanaswe itongolewîje nchitabu achino. 20 Na munu woheyo ahûmya ushuhuda wa malove anelo ahaule kuchidoni, “Elo, mbènkupiyanya kwida!”Amina! Ida wako Nang'olo Yesu! 21 Inema yanga Nang'olo Yesu ììve pamo na mwenu mmammalele. Amina.

In Other Versions

Revelation 22 in the ANGEFD

Revelation 22 in the ANTPNG2D

Revelation 22 in the AS21

Revelation 22 in the BAGH

Revelation 22 in the BBPNG

Revelation 22 in the BBT1E

Revelation 22 in the BDS

Revelation 22 in the BEV

Revelation 22 in the BHAD

Revelation 22 in the BIB

Revelation 22 in the BLPT

Revelation 22 in the BNT

Revelation 22 in the BNTABOOT

Revelation 22 in the BNTLV

Revelation 22 in the BOATCB

Revelation 22 in the BOATCB2

Revelation 22 in the BOBCV

Revelation 22 in the BOCNT

Revelation 22 in the BOECS

Revelation 22 in the BOGWICC

Revelation 22 in the BOHCB

Revelation 22 in the BOHCV

Revelation 22 in the BOHLNT

Revelation 22 in the BOHNTLTAL

Revelation 22 in the BOICB

Revelation 22 in the BOILNTAP

Revelation 22 in the BOITCV

Revelation 22 in the BOKCV

Revelation 22 in the BOKCV2

Revelation 22 in the BOKHWOG

Revelation 22 in the BOKSSV

Revelation 22 in the BOLCB

Revelation 22 in the BOLCB2

Revelation 22 in the BOMCV

Revelation 22 in the BONAV

Revelation 22 in the BONCB

Revelation 22 in the BONLT

Revelation 22 in the BONUT2

Revelation 22 in the BOPLNT

Revelation 22 in the BOSCB

Revelation 22 in the BOSNC

Revelation 22 in the BOTLNT

Revelation 22 in the BOVCB

Revelation 22 in the BOYCB

Revelation 22 in the BPBB

Revelation 22 in the BPH

Revelation 22 in the BSB

Revelation 22 in the CCB

Revelation 22 in the CUV

Revelation 22 in the CUVS

Revelation 22 in the DBT

Revelation 22 in the DGDNT

Revelation 22 in the DHNT

Revelation 22 in the DNT

Revelation 22 in the ELBE

Revelation 22 in the EMTV

Revelation 22 in the ESV

Revelation 22 in the FBV

Revelation 22 in the FEB

Revelation 22 in the GGMNT

Revelation 22 in the GNT

Revelation 22 in the HARY

Revelation 22 in the HNT

Revelation 22 in the IRVA

Revelation 22 in the IRVB

Revelation 22 in the IRVG

Revelation 22 in the IRVH

Revelation 22 in the IRVK

Revelation 22 in the IRVM

Revelation 22 in the IRVM2

Revelation 22 in the IRVO

Revelation 22 in the IRVP

Revelation 22 in the IRVT

Revelation 22 in the IRVT2

Revelation 22 in the IRVU

Revelation 22 in the ISVN

Revelation 22 in the JSNT

Revelation 22 in the KAPI

Revelation 22 in the KBT1ETNIK

Revelation 22 in the KBV

Revelation 22 in the KJV

Revelation 22 in the KNFD

Revelation 22 in the LBA

Revelation 22 in the LBLA

Revelation 22 in the LNT

Revelation 22 in the LSV

Revelation 22 in the MAAL

Revelation 22 in the MBV

Revelation 22 in the MHNT

Revelation 22 in the MKNFD

Revelation 22 in the MNG

Revelation 22 in the MNT

Revelation 22 in the MNT2

Revelation 22 in the MRS1T

Revelation 22 in the NAA

Revelation 22 in the NASB

Revelation 22 in the NBLA

Revelation 22 in the NBS

Revelation 22 in the NBVTP

Revelation 22 in the NET2

Revelation 22 in the NIV11

Revelation 22 in the NNT

Revelation 22 in the NNT2

Revelation 22 in the NNT3

Revelation 22 in the PDDPT

Revelation 22 in the PFNT

Revelation 22 in the RMNT

Revelation 22 in the SBIAS

Revelation 22 in the SBIBS

Revelation 22 in the SBIBS2

Revelation 22 in the SBICS

Revelation 22 in the SBIDS

Revelation 22 in the SBIGS

Revelation 22 in the SBIHS

Revelation 22 in the SBIIS

Revelation 22 in the SBIIS2

Revelation 22 in the SBIIS3

Revelation 22 in the SBIKS

Revelation 22 in the SBIKS2

Revelation 22 in the SBIMS

Revelation 22 in the SBIOS

Revelation 22 in the SBIPS

Revelation 22 in the SBISS

Revelation 22 in the SBITS

Revelation 22 in the SBITS2

Revelation 22 in the SBITS3

Revelation 22 in the SBITS4

Revelation 22 in the SBIUS

Revelation 22 in the SBIVS

Revelation 22 in the SBT

Revelation 22 in the SBT1E

Revelation 22 in the SCHL

Revelation 22 in the SNT

Revelation 22 in the SUSU

Revelation 22 in the SUSU2

Revelation 22 in the SYNO

Revelation 22 in the TBIAOTANT

Revelation 22 in the TBT1E

Revelation 22 in the TBT1E2

Revelation 22 in the TFTIP

Revelation 22 in the TFTU

Revelation 22 in the TGNTATF3T

Revelation 22 in the THAI

Revelation 22 in the TNFD

Revelation 22 in the TNT

Revelation 22 in the TNTIK

Revelation 22 in the TNTIL

Revelation 22 in the TNTIN

Revelation 22 in the TNTIP

Revelation 22 in the TNTIZ

Revelation 22 in the TOMA

Revelation 22 in the TTENT

Revelation 22 in the UBG

Revelation 22 in the UGV

Revelation 22 in the UGV2

Revelation 22 in the UGV3

Revelation 22 in the VBL

Revelation 22 in the VDCC

Revelation 22 in the YALU

Revelation 22 in the YAPE

Revelation 22 in the YBVTP

Revelation 22 in the ZBP