Colossians 2 (NBVTP)
1 Nigana mmanyai chanihenga lihengu chakukangamala ndava yinu, ndava ya vandu va Laodikea na ndava ya vandu voha vevangakonganeka na nene. 2 Nikita chenichi muni kwa kuvakangamalisa mitima kangi kuletwa pamonga muuganu muni mumemeswa mota za kumanya uchakaka. Muni muhotola kumanya mambu gegafiyiki na Chapanga, mambu ago ndi Kilisitu mwene. 3 Mugati yaki mwene vifiyiki vindu vyamahele na luhala na umanya wa Chapanga. 4 Hinu, nikuvajovela, mkoto kuyidikila kukongwa na mundu yoyoha kwa malovi ga udese hati ngati ga kuchenjela. 5 Muni, pamonga na nene kuvya patali na nyenye kwa higa, nambu nivili pamonga na nyenye mumtima, ukuvaholalela neju, na niheka kulola mambu ginu chegihamba bwina na kuyima musadika yinu kwa Kilisitu. 6 Muni nyenye mumyidikili Yesu Kilisitu mweavili Bambu, muyendelela kutama mukuwungana nayu. 7 Muyendelela kumsadika ngati kusopa mikiga mugati yaki na kuujenga wumi waki na kuvya kuyima mukukangamala musadika ngati chamwawuliwi. Mvya vandu vakusengusa. 8 Mlola, hinu, mundu akotoka kuvayagisa kwa kuvakonga muluhala lwa chimundu wewihuma mumawuliwu ga vandu vevapewili na vagogo vavi na mizuka yeyilongosa pamulima, na lepi Kilisitu mwene! 9 Muni, mugati ya Kilisitu umundu waki, uvi utimilifu woha wa Chapanga, 10 na nyenye mpewili wumi weudandasiki mukuwungana Kilisitu. Mwene avi na uhotola panani ya mizuka yoha na vakulu voha. 11 Mukuwungana na Kilisitu nyenye mwadumwili jandu, nambu lepi yeyikitiwa na vandu, ndi yeyikitiwa na Kilisitu mwene. Na yeniyo ndi lihengu la kuvagombola vandu kuhuma mnogo wavi uhakau wewavelikwi nawu mukumbudila Chapanga. 12 Muni pemwabatizwi mwazikiwi pamonga na Kilisitu na mukubatiziwa kwenuko mweayukiswi kwa kusadika makakala ga Chapanga gegamuyukisi Kilisitu. 13 Lukumbi lumonga mwavili ngati vandu mwemwafwili ndava ya kumbudila Chapanga, na kubela kudumuliwa jandu muhiga zinu, ndava ya mnogo winu uhakau wemwavelekiwi nawu wavili wakona kuwusiwa. Nambu hinu Chapanga avapelili nyenye wumi pamonga na Kilisitu. Chapanga atilekekekisi kumbudila chapanga kwoha. 14 Awusili kutali balua yeyayandiki uhakau witu. Hati yeniyo ya malagizu gaki ndi Chapanga ngalihengili mukutihamula ndi ayiwusili chakaka kwa kuyigongomela pamsalaba. 15 Penapo pamsalaba Kilisitu avanyagili makakala gavi mizuka yeyitalalila na vakulu, avakitili kuvya chindu cha kuvapela soni palongolo ya vandu kuvalundusa ngati vandu vevakamuliwi kungondo kulangisa avahotwili. 16 Hinu ndi, mkoto kuyidakila kupewa malagizu na mundu yoyoha kuvala vyakulya na mnyweso, ligono la mselebuko, amala kukamulila mvelu wa ligono la mselebuko, kuvandama kwa mwehi amala Ligono la Kupumulila. 17 Mambu ngati ago ndi chimuwili cha gala gegibwela, uchakaka wene wa mambu goha ndi Kilisitu. 18 Mkoto kuyidakila kuhamuliwa na mundu yoyoha mwakujikita kuvya wabwina kwa gala geakugawona na kugahololela ngamwene na kukangamala ungolongondi wa udese na kumuyupa mtumu wa kunani kwa Chapanga. Mundu mwenuyo muyimu ndava ya mahalo gaki gegakumkonga gegihuma kwa vandu, 19 na alekili kujiwunga na Kilisitu mweavili mutu wa higa yeniyo. Kupitila Kilisitu higa yoha yisopewa makakala na yikamulini pamonga kwa viiwungu vyaki na misekete yaki, na vyene vikula ngati cheigana Chapanga. 20 Nyenye mfwili pamonga na Kilisitu na kugombolewa mumakakala ga mizuka yeyilongosa mulima. Ndava kyani mwakona mwitama ngati vandu va mulima uwu? Ndava kyani myidakila malagizu ngati aga? 21 “Mkoto kukamula ichi,” “Mkoto kumihyanga chila,” “Mkoto kupamisa chila!” 22 Mambu genago goha ndi ndava ya vindu vyavihalabika pevitumika ndu, genago ndi malagizu na mawuliwu ga vandu ndu. 23 Chakaka, malagizu genago gilolekana kuvya ngati yina luhala munjila ya kumuyupa Chapanga yemukujikitila mwavene. Kukangamalisa ungolongondi na kuyilongosa higa kwa ukali, nambu yangali mana mukubesa mnogo wa higa.
In Other Versions
Colossians 2 in the ANGEFD
Colossians 2 in the ANTPNG2D
Colossians 2 in the AS21
Colossians 2 in the BAGH
Colossians 2 in the BBPNG
Colossians 2 in the BBT1E
Colossians 2 in the BDS
Colossians 2 in the BEV
Colossians 2 in the BHAD
Colossians 2 in the BIB
Colossians 2 in the BLPT
Colossians 2 in the BNT
Colossians 2 in the BNTABOOT
Colossians 2 in the BNTLV
Colossians 2 in the BOATCB
Colossians 2 in the BOATCB2
Colossians 2 in the BOBCV
Colossians 2 in the BOCNT
Colossians 2 in the BOECS
Colossians 2 in the BOGWICC
Colossians 2 in the BOHCB
Colossians 2 in the BOHCV
Colossians 2 in the BOHLNT
Colossians 2 in the BOHNTLTAL
Colossians 2 in the BOICB
Colossians 2 in the BOILNTAP
Colossians 2 in the BOITCV
Colossians 2 in the BOKCV
Colossians 2 in the BOKCV2
Colossians 2 in the BOKHWOG
Colossians 2 in the BOKSSV
Colossians 2 in the BOLCB
Colossians 2 in the BOLCB2
Colossians 2 in the BOMCV
Colossians 2 in the BONAV
Colossians 2 in the BONCB
Colossians 2 in the BONLT
Colossians 2 in the BONUT2
Colossians 2 in the BOPLNT
Colossians 2 in the BOSCB
Colossians 2 in the BOSNC
Colossians 2 in the BOTLNT
Colossians 2 in the BOVCB
Colossians 2 in the BOYCB
Colossians 2 in the BPBB
Colossians 2 in the BPH
Colossians 2 in the BSB
Colossians 2 in the CCB
Colossians 2 in the CUV
Colossians 2 in the CUVS
Colossians 2 in the DBT
Colossians 2 in the DGDNT
Colossians 2 in the DHNT
Colossians 2 in the DNT
Colossians 2 in the ELBE
Colossians 2 in the EMTV
Colossians 2 in the ESV
Colossians 2 in the FBV
Colossians 2 in the FEB
Colossians 2 in the GGMNT
Colossians 2 in the GNT
Colossians 2 in the HARY
Colossians 2 in the HNT
Colossians 2 in the IRVA
Colossians 2 in the IRVB
Colossians 2 in the IRVG
Colossians 2 in the IRVH
Colossians 2 in the IRVK
Colossians 2 in the IRVM
Colossians 2 in the IRVM2
Colossians 2 in the IRVO
Colossians 2 in the IRVP
Colossians 2 in the IRVT
Colossians 2 in the IRVT2
Colossians 2 in the IRVU
Colossians 2 in the ISVN
Colossians 2 in the JSNT
Colossians 2 in the KAPI
Colossians 2 in the KBT1ETNIK
Colossians 2 in the KBV
Colossians 2 in the KJV
Colossians 2 in the KNFD
Colossians 2 in the LBA
Colossians 2 in the LBLA
Colossians 2 in the LNT
Colossians 2 in the LSV
Colossians 2 in the MAAL
Colossians 2 in the MBV
Colossians 2 in the MBV2
Colossians 2 in the MHNT
Colossians 2 in the MKNFD
Colossians 2 in the MNG
Colossians 2 in the MNT
Colossians 2 in the MNT2
Colossians 2 in the MRS1T
Colossians 2 in the NAA
Colossians 2 in the NASB
Colossians 2 in the NBLA
Colossians 2 in the NBS
Colossians 2 in the NET2
Colossians 2 in the NIV11
Colossians 2 in the NNT
Colossians 2 in the NNT2
Colossians 2 in the NNT3
Colossians 2 in the PDDPT
Colossians 2 in the PFNT
Colossians 2 in the RMNT
Colossians 2 in the SBIAS
Colossians 2 in the SBIBS
Colossians 2 in the SBIBS2
Colossians 2 in the SBICS
Colossians 2 in the SBIDS
Colossians 2 in the SBIGS
Colossians 2 in the SBIHS
Colossians 2 in the SBIIS
Colossians 2 in the SBIIS2
Colossians 2 in the SBIIS3
Colossians 2 in the SBIKS
Colossians 2 in the SBIKS2
Colossians 2 in the SBIMS
Colossians 2 in the SBIOS
Colossians 2 in the SBIPS
Colossians 2 in the SBISS
Colossians 2 in the SBITS
Colossians 2 in the SBITS2
Colossians 2 in the SBITS3
Colossians 2 in the SBITS4
Colossians 2 in the SBIUS
Colossians 2 in the SBIVS
Colossians 2 in the SBT
Colossians 2 in the SBT1E
Colossians 2 in the SCHL
Colossians 2 in the SNT
Colossians 2 in the SUSU
Colossians 2 in the SUSU2
Colossians 2 in the SYNO
Colossians 2 in the TBIAOTANT
Colossians 2 in the TBT1E
Colossians 2 in the TBT1E2
Colossians 2 in the TFTIP
Colossians 2 in the TFTU
Colossians 2 in the TGNTATF3T
Colossians 2 in the THAI
Colossians 2 in the TNFD
Colossians 2 in the TNT
Colossians 2 in the TNTIK
Colossians 2 in the TNTIL
Colossians 2 in the TNTIN
Colossians 2 in the TNTIP
Colossians 2 in the TNTIZ
Colossians 2 in the TOMA
Colossians 2 in the TTENT
Colossians 2 in the UBG
Colossians 2 in the UGV
Colossians 2 in the UGV2
Colossians 2 in the UGV3
Colossians 2 in the VBL
Colossians 2 in the VDCC
Colossians 2 in the YALU
Colossians 2 in the YAPE
Colossians 2 in the YBVTP
Colossians 2 in the ZBP