3 John 1 (PFNT)
1 Salminaango an min oo ardotooɗo, haa e maa an oo yiɗaaɗo an Gayuusi, mo mi yiɗi e nder goonga. 2 Giɗo an, e nooneeji ɗin fow miɗo yelani-maa moƴƴere e cellal ɓandu, wano wonkii maa kin selliri non. 3 Mi weltike fota, fewndo musiɓɓe goo ari, ɓe seeditii fii ko humiɗaa e goonga on kon e ko wuurirɗaa goonga on kon. 4 Mi alaa weltaare mawnde ɓuri nanugol no wi'ee wonde fayɓe an ɓen no jokki goonga on. 5 Giɗo an, hiɗa waɗirde no feewiri e nder ko wonɗaa waɗande musiɓɓe ɓen kon, hay ɓe a andaa ɓen. 6 Ɓe seeditike fii giggol maa ngol yeeso *moftal ngal. Haray a waɗii ko moƴƴi si a faaborii ɓe ko haani e nder yaadu maɓɓe ndun, hara ko noone no welirta Alla, 7 ɓay ko fii innde *Almasiihu on ɓe yahi, e ɓaawo hendagol hay huunde e juuɗe ɓe gomɗinaa ɓen. 8 Hiɗen haani jaɓɓaade sifa ɓen yimɓe, fii no gollidiren e maɓɓe fii goonga on. 9 Mi windanii moftal ngal konguɗi seeɗa, kono oo wi'eteeɗo Diyoteriifa, yiɗuɗo wonude arano e hakkunde maɓɓe on, jaɓanaa men. 10 Ko ɗun waɗi, nde mi aroyi, mi humpitoyay on fii kuuɗe makko ɗen, konguɗi bonɗi ɗi o woni ɲo'ude men ɗin. Nde tawnoo ɗun yonanaali mo, o salii wernude musiɓɓe ɓen, o fannani faalaaɓe waɗude ɗun ɓen kadi, o raɗii ɓe ka moftal. 11 Awa yo giɗo an, wota a ɲembu ko boni, kono ɲembu ko moƴƴi. Kala on waɗuɗo ko moƴƴi, haray ko mo Alla, kala non on waɗuɗo ko boni, haray andaali Alla. 12 Yimɓe ɓen fow no joganii Dimitiriyuusa kongol moƴƴol, hay goonga on tigi, menen kadi meɗen seeditanaade mo ɗun. Hiɗa andi-le seeditoore amen nden ko goonga. 13 Miɗo mari buy ko mi windane, kono mi faalaaka waɗirde ɗun ndaha e karambol. 14 Miɗo tanƴinii yi'itugol ma ko woɗɗaa, onsay en yewtiray hunduko. 15 Yo ɓuttu wonane. Yiɓɓe ɓen salminii ma, min kadi mi salminirii yiɓɓe ɓen gooto gooto.
In Other Versions
3 John 1 in the ANGEFD
3 John 1 in the ANTPNG2D
3 John 1 in the AS21
3 John 1 in the BAGH
3 John 1 in the BBPNG
3 John 1 in the BBT1E
3 John 1 in the BDS
3 John 1 in the BEV
3 John 1 in the BHAD
3 John 1 in the BIB
3 John 1 in the BLPT
3 John 1 in the BNT
3 John 1 in the BNTABOOT
3 John 1 in the BNTLV
3 John 1 in the BOATCB
3 John 1 in the BOATCB2
3 John 1 in the BOBCV
3 John 1 in the BOCNT
3 John 1 in the BOECS
3 John 1 in the BOGWICC
3 John 1 in the BOHCB
3 John 1 in the BOHCV
3 John 1 in the BOHLNT
3 John 1 in the BOHNTLTAL
3 John 1 in the BOICB
3 John 1 in the BOILNTAP
3 John 1 in the BOITCV
3 John 1 in the BOKCV
3 John 1 in the BOKCV2
3 John 1 in the BOKHWOG
3 John 1 in the BOKSSV
3 John 1 in the BOLCB
3 John 1 in the BOLCB2
3 John 1 in the BOMCV
3 John 1 in the BONAV
3 John 1 in the BONCB
3 John 1 in the BONLT
3 John 1 in the BONUT2
3 John 1 in the BOPLNT
3 John 1 in the BOSCB
3 John 1 in the BOSNC
3 John 1 in the BOTLNT
3 John 1 in the BOVCB
3 John 1 in the BOYCB
3 John 1 in the BPBB
3 John 1 in the BPH
3 John 1 in the BSB
3 John 1 in the CCB
3 John 1 in the CUV
3 John 1 in the CUVS
3 John 1 in the DBT
3 John 1 in the DGDNT
3 John 1 in the DHNT
3 John 1 in the DNT
3 John 1 in the ELBE
3 John 1 in the EMTV
3 John 1 in the ESV
3 John 1 in the FBV
3 John 1 in the FEB
3 John 1 in the GGMNT
3 John 1 in the GNT
3 John 1 in the HARY
3 John 1 in the HNT
3 John 1 in the IRVA
3 John 1 in the IRVB
3 John 1 in the IRVG
3 John 1 in the IRVH
3 John 1 in the IRVK
3 John 1 in the IRVM
3 John 1 in the IRVM2
3 John 1 in the IRVO
3 John 1 in the IRVP
3 John 1 in the IRVT
3 John 1 in the IRVT2
3 John 1 in the IRVU
3 John 1 in the ISVN
3 John 1 in the JSNT
3 John 1 in the KAPI
3 John 1 in the KBT1ETNIK
3 John 1 in the KBV
3 John 1 in the KJV
3 John 1 in the KNFD
3 John 1 in the LBA
3 John 1 in the LBLA
3 John 1 in the LNT
3 John 1 in the LSV
3 John 1 in the MAAL
3 John 1 in the MBV
3 John 1 in the MBV2
3 John 1 in the MHNT
3 John 1 in the MKNFD
3 John 1 in the MNG
3 John 1 in the MNT
3 John 1 in the MNT2
3 John 1 in the MRS1T
3 John 1 in the NAA
3 John 1 in the NASB
3 John 1 in the NBLA
3 John 1 in the NBS
3 John 1 in the NBVTP
3 John 1 in the NET2
3 John 1 in the NIV11
3 John 1 in the NNT
3 John 1 in the NNT2
3 John 1 in the NNT3
3 John 1 in the PDDPT
3 John 1 in the RMNT
3 John 1 in the SBIAS
3 John 1 in the SBIBS
3 John 1 in the SBIBS2
3 John 1 in the SBICS
3 John 1 in the SBIDS
3 John 1 in the SBIGS
3 John 1 in the SBIHS
3 John 1 in the SBIIS
3 John 1 in the SBIIS2
3 John 1 in the SBIIS3
3 John 1 in the SBIKS
3 John 1 in the SBIKS2
3 John 1 in the SBIMS
3 John 1 in the SBIOS
3 John 1 in the SBIPS
3 John 1 in the SBISS
3 John 1 in the SBITS
3 John 1 in the SBITS2
3 John 1 in the SBITS3
3 John 1 in the SBITS4
3 John 1 in the SBIUS
3 John 1 in the SBIVS
3 John 1 in the SBT
3 John 1 in the SBT1E
3 John 1 in the SCHL
3 John 1 in the SNT
3 John 1 in the SUSU
3 John 1 in the SUSU2
3 John 1 in the SYNO
3 John 1 in the TBIAOTANT
3 John 1 in the TBT1E
3 John 1 in the TBT1E2
3 John 1 in the TFTIP
3 John 1 in the TFTU
3 John 1 in the TGNTATF3T
3 John 1 in the THAI
3 John 1 in the TNFD
3 John 1 in the TNT
3 John 1 in the TNTIK
3 John 1 in the TNTIL
3 John 1 in the TNTIN
3 John 1 in the TNTIP
3 John 1 in the TNTIZ
3 John 1 in the TOMA
3 John 1 in the TTENT
3 John 1 in the UBG
3 John 1 in the UGV
3 John 1 in the UGV2
3 John 1 in the UGV3
3 John 1 in the VBL
3 John 1 in the VDCC
3 John 1 in the YALU
3 John 1 in the YAPE
3 John 1 in the YBVTP
3 John 1 in the ZBP