Mark 14 (PFNT)

1 Tawi, si balɗe ɗiɗi feƴƴii, *Juldeere Yawtaneede nden e *Juldeere Bireedi ɗe Aldaa e Lewen ɗen waɗay. Tawi hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e jannooɓe fii Sariya on ɓen no ɗaɓɓaynoo ko honno ɓe nangirta Iisaa ƴoyre, ɓe wara mo. 2 Tawi hiɓe wi'a: «Hinaa ka fewndo juldeere, fii wota murtaldu waɗu e hakkunde jamaa on.» 3 Nde tawnoo Iisaa no ka saare *Betanii ka suudu Sim'uunu oo nawnunooɗo ɗamajan, wa fewndo ko o jooɗii fii nafagol, debbo naati. Tawi on debbo no jogii tindohun hayre daneere tew angiri laaɓundi, satta-cogguuri, no wi'ee ‹naar›. On debbo fusi tindohun kun, o juuri angiri ndin ka hoore Iisaa. 4 Woɓɓe e taalibaaɓe ɓen seytini, ɓe wi'indiri: «Ko honɗun woni nafa bonnugol ndii angiri? 5 Ko fii en waawayno ndi yeeyude ɓuri *dinaruuji teemeɗɗe tati, okken miskinɓe ɓen!» Onsay ɓe feli debbo on. 6 Kono Iisaa wi'i: « Tertee mo! Ko fii honɗun sattinanton mo? Ko kuugal moƴƴal o waɗanimmi. 7 Miskinɓe ɓen kan, hiɗon wondi e maɓɓe soono woo, on waaway ɓe waɗande ko moƴƴi nde faalaɗon woo, kono min, on wondataa e an soono woo. 8 Kanko debbo on o waɗii ko o waawi kon: o urnii ɓandu an ndun ado ndu surreede. 9 Ka haqiiqa mi andinii on, kala ka oo Kibaaru Moƴƴo feɲɲinaa e aduna on, fii koo ko oo debbo waɗi kadi sifete, o anditanee.» 10 Onsay goɗɗo e *sahaabaaɓe Iisaa ɓen sappoo e ɗiɗo, ɗun ko Yudaasi Iskariiyu, yahi tawoyi hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen, fii no o wattira Iisaa e juuɗe maɓɓe. 11 Ɓe heɗii mo, ɓe weltori ɗun, ɓe fodi mo yeenugol mo kaalisi. Onsay, kanko Yudaasi, o woni e ɗaɓɓugol feere no o wattira Iisaa e juuɗe maɓɓe. 12 Ka ɲallal aranal Juldeere Bireedi ɗe Aldaa e Lewen ɗen, ɗun ko ɲande baalun kun hirsetee, taalibaaɓe Iisaa ɓen wi'i mo: «Ko honto faalaɗon yo men moƴƴinanoy on nafakka Juldeere Yawtaneede nden?» 13 Onsay o immini ɗiɗo e taalibaaɓe makko ɓen, o wi'i ɓe: «Yahee ka saare. On fottay e gorko rondiiɗo loonde ndiyan, on jokkay mo. 14 Ka o naatiri woo, on wi'ay jom ndun suudu: ‹Karamoko'en wi'ii men yo men lando on ko honto ɓe weerata, ɓe nafoda e taalibaaɓe maɓɓe ɓen nafakka Juldeere Yawtaneede nden?› 15 Ontuma o hollay on konkooru njanndu, weƴƴitaandu wertaa, ka koore dow. Ko ɗon moƴƴinton.» 16 Ɓay taalibaaɓe ɓen yahii, ɓe hewtoyii ka saare, ɓe tawroyi no o haalirannoo ɓe non, ɓe moƴƴini nafakka juldeere nden. 17 Ɓay niɓɓii, kanko Iisaa o ardi e sappoo e ɗiɗooɓe ɓen. 18 Wa fewndo ko ɓe jooɗii, hiɓe nafaade, kanko Iisaa o wi'i ɓe: «Ka haqiiqa mi andinii on, goɗɗo e mon, mo mi woni hawtidude, janfoto lan.» 19 Onsay ɓe fuɗɗii aanude fota, mo bee e maɓɓe woni e wi'ugol mo: «E hara ko min?» 20 O jaabii ɓe, o wi'i: «Ko goɗɗo e onon sappoo e ɗiɗooɓe ɓen, ɗun ko on mo mi yollidi jungo e miran gooto. 21 Awa *Ɓii-Aaden on no yahude wano fii makko windori non, kono bone wonanii on janfotooɗo Ɓii-Aaden on! Ko ɓurnoo moƴƴande on neɗɗo ko si o jibinanooka!» 22 E nder ko ɓe ɲaamata kon, Iisaa ƴetti bireedi. Ɓay o gaynii du'aade, o taƴiti, o jonni ɓe, e hoore himo wi'a: «Jaɓee ɲaamon, ɗunɗoo ko ɓandu an ndun nii.» 23 O ƴetti kadi jardukun waɗorkun njaram, o jarni Alla, o jonni ɓe, ɓe fow ɓe yari. 24 O wi'i ɓe kadi: «Ɗunɗoo ko ƴiiƴan an ɗan nii, ƴiiƴan *ahadi hibboyteeɗan fii ɗuuɗuɓe. 25 Ko fii ka haqiiqa mi andinii on, mi yaritataa hande kadi njaram ɓiɓɓe *wiiɲu haa ɲande mi yaritoyta njaram wiiɲu kesan ka *laamateeri Alla.» 26 Ɓay wonii ɓe beytii beyti Zabuura, ɓe yahi ka Fello *Zaytuuni. 27 Onsay Iisaa wi'i ɓe: «On fow on selay lan, ko fii no windii: ‹Mi waray ngaynaako on, wuro baali ngon saakoo.› 28 Kono tuma mi immintinaa, mi hikkanto on yeeso, tawoyon mi Jaliilu.» 29 Petruusu wi'i mo: «Hay si fow selay on, min ɗun wonantaa lan!» 30 Onsay Iisaa jaabii mo, wi'i: «Ka haqiiqa mi andinii ma, hande e oo jemma tigi, ado ndonto ƴoggude laabi ɗiɗi, haray a yeddii fii an laabi tati.» 31 Kono Petruusu tentini fota, o wi'i: «Hay si tawii bee mi maayida e mon, mi yeddataa fii mon few!» Ɓeya fow kadi wi'iri non. 32 Ɓawto ɗun ɓe yahi e ndee nokkuure wi'eteende *Jatsaymaani. Kanko Iisaa o wi'i taalibaaɓe makko ɓen: «Jooɗee ɗoo haa mi toroyoo.» 33 O naɓori Petruusu e Yaaquuba e Yuuhanna. Onsay, o fuɗɗii heɓude annde e sokola, 34 o wi'i ɓe: «Wonkii an kin no aani haa e mayde. Wonee ɗoo, hiiren.» 35 O yahi yeeso seeɗa, o sujji, o torii, o wi'i: «Si no gasa yo oo saa'i yawtan.» 36 O wi'i kadi: «Abba*, Baaba an, hiɗa waawi kala huunde. Yo kun jardukun tampere pottito lan. Kono non wota faale an on waɗu, kono yo faale maa on waɗu.» 37 O artoyi e taalibaaɓe ɓen, o tawi ɓe ɗaanike. O wi'i Petruusu: «Sim'uunu, a ɗaanike? Jaka a waawaali hiirude hay saa'i gooto? 38 Hiiree toroɗon fii wota on naatu e jarrabi. Wonkii kin no yiɗi waɗugol ko moƴƴi, kono ɓandu ndun no lo'i.» 39 O woɗɗitii ɓe kadi ɗimmun, o torii, o fillitii ɗiya konguɗi. 40 O artoyi kadi, o tawi ɓe ɗaanike, ko fii hari gite maɓɓe ɗen teddii. Tawi ɓe andaa ko ɓe wi'a mo. 41 O artoyi tammun, o wi'i ɓe: «E on ɗaani kadi, fowtiɗon? Jooni yonii, saa'i on hewtii. Awa Ɓii-Aaden on no watteede e juuɗe junuubanke'en. 42 Immee mahen, ko fii wonɗo janfaade lan on ɓadike!» 43 E nder ko o yewtata kon, hawrondiri Yudaasi, tawdaaɗo e sappoo e ɗiɗooɓe ɓen, hewtidii e jamaa jogiiɗo kaafaaje e bedi, immorde e hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e jannooɓe fii Sariya on ɓen e mawɓe ɓen. 44 Tawi wonɗo mo janfaade on waɗaniino ɓe ndee maande ɗoo, o wi'i: «Mo mi hirbii woo, haray ko on. Nangee mo, naɓon, aynon mo fota.» 45 Tun o hewti, o ɓadii Iisaa, e hoore himo wi'a: «Karamoko'en!» Onsay o hirbii mo. 46 Onsay ɓen yimɓe fawi Iisaa juuɗe, ɓe nangi mo. 47 Tun goɗɗo e wonnooɓe ɗon ɓen sorti kaafa mun kan, o soppi kurkaadu yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on, o itti mo nowru ndun. 48 Onsay Iisaa wi'i: «Hiɗon ardi e kaafaaje e bedi fii nangugol lan wa si ko ngujjo aranɗon? 49 E hin-le miɗo wondi e mon ɲande woo ka *juulirde mawnde, miɗo janna, on nangaali lan. Kono ɗun waɗiri fii ko windanoo kon yo laato.» 50 Onsay ɓe o wondunoo ɓen fow acci mo ɗon, dogi. 51 Suka waaniiɗo suddaare tun jokki mo, ɓe nangi mo kanko kadi. 52 Kono o sortii, o acci ɗon suddaare nden, o dogi, o ɓornaaki. 53 Onsay ɓe naɓi Iisaa ka yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on, ka hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e mawɓe ɓen e jannooɓe fii Sariya on ɓen fow mottondiri ɗon. 54 Tawi Petruusu no iwtiri ɓaawo makko ka woɗɗitii haa ka nder tata yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on, o jooɗodi e aynooɓe ɓen, tawi himo iwlaade ka binde yiite. 55 Tawi hooreeɓe yottinooɓe sadaka ɓen e dental fewjooɓe ɓen fow no ɗaɓɓa seedeeji e hoore Iisaa fii no ɓe warira mo, kono laatii ɓe heɓaali. 56 Ko fii hari ɗuuɗuɓe no seeditoo penaale e hoore makko, kono tawi seedeeji maɓɓe ɗin yaadaa. 57 Kono woɓɓe immii, seeditii fenaande e hoore makko, tawi hiɓe wi'a: 58 «Men nanii himo wi'a o lancay ndee juulirde mawnde darniraande juuɗe yimɓe, o darna wonnde goo e nder balɗe tati, nde tawata hinaa darniraande juuɗe yimɓe.» 59 Tawi hay e hoore ɗun seedee maɓɓe on yaadaa. 60 Onsay yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on immii ka hakkunde dental, o landii Iisaa, o wi'i: «A jaabotaako hay huunde e ko ɓee woni seeditaade e hoore maa kon?» 61 Kono Iisaa fanki, o jaabaaki hay huunde.Yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on landii mo kadi, wi'i: «E hara ko an woni *Almasiihu on, ɗun ko *Ɓiɗɗo Alla Jom Barki on?» 62 Iisaa jaabii, wi'i: «Ko min. On yi'ay kadi Ɓii-Aaden on no jooɗii ka sengo ɲaamo Jom Bawgal on, no arda e duule iwrude ka kammu.» 63 Onsay yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on seeki conci mun ɗin, wi'i: «Ko seedeeji honɗi kadi faalaɗen? 64 On nanii hoyre makko nden. Ko honɗun fottanɗon e ɗun?»Fow happirani mo foddugol e mayde. 65 Woɓɓe woni e tuttugol mo, e buumugol mo yeeso ngon, e uttagol mo e hoore hiɓe wi'a mo: «Hotto!». Aynooɓe ɓen kadi jaɓɓori mo bante. 66 Fewndo ko Petruusu jooɗii ley ka nder tata, goɗɗo e rewɓe kurkaaduuɓe ka yottinoowo mawɗo sadaka on ari. 67 O yi'i Petruusu ka iwlotoo, o tenƴini mo, o wi'i mo: «An kadi, hiɗa wondunoo e Iisaa, oo jeyaaɗo Naasirata.» 68 O yeddi e hoore himo wi'a: «Mi andaa, mi faamaali ko honɗun wonɗaa wi'ude.» O yalti, o yaari ka ley jimbe, tun ndontoori ndin ƴoggi. 69 On debbo kurkaaduujo ndaari mo, wi'i wonnooɓe ɗon ɓen kadi: «Oo ko tawdaaɗo e maɓɓe.» 70 O yeddi kadi.Ɓay nettii seeɗa, wonnooɓe ɗon ɓen wi'i Petruusu: «Ko haqiiqa, an ko a goɗɗo e maɓɓe. Ko fii ko mo a Jaliilu.» 71 Onsay o woni e huɗitagol woonda, wi'a: «Mi andaa oo neɗɗo mo wonɗon wowlude fii mun!» 72 Tun ka ɗimmun ndontoori ndin ƴoggi. Petruusu anditi kisan kongol ngol Iisaa wi'unoo mo ngol: «Ado ndonto ƴoggude laabi ɗiɗi, haray a yeddii fii an laabi tati.» Onsay o ugginii o wulli.

In Other Versions

Mark 14 in the ANGEFD

Mark 14 in the ANTPNG2D

Mark 14 in the AS21

Mark 14 in the BAGH

Mark 14 in the BBPNG

Mark 14 in the BBT1E

Mark 14 in the BDS

Mark 14 in the BEV

Mark 14 in the BHAD

Mark 14 in the BIB

Mark 14 in the BLPT

Mark 14 in the BNT

Mark 14 in the BNTABOOT

Mark 14 in the BNTLV

Mark 14 in the BOATCB

Mark 14 in the BOATCB2

Mark 14 in the BOBCV

Mark 14 in the BOCNT

Mark 14 in the BOECS

Mark 14 in the BOGWICC

Mark 14 in the BOHCB

Mark 14 in the BOHCV

Mark 14 in the BOHLNT

Mark 14 in the BOHNTLTAL

Mark 14 in the BOICB

Mark 14 in the BOILNTAP

Mark 14 in the BOITCV

Mark 14 in the BOKCV

Mark 14 in the BOKCV2

Mark 14 in the BOKHWOG

Mark 14 in the BOKSSV

Mark 14 in the BOLCB

Mark 14 in the BOLCB2

Mark 14 in the BOMCV

Mark 14 in the BONAV

Mark 14 in the BONCB

Mark 14 in the BONLT

Mark 14 in the BONUT2

Mark 14 in the BOPLNT

Mark 14 in the BOSCB

Mark 14 in the BOSNC

Mark 14 in the BOTLNT

Mark 14 in the BOVCB

Mark 14 in the BOYCB

Mark 14 in the BPBB

Mark 14 in the BPH

Mark 14 in the BSB

Mark 14 in the CCB

Mark 14 in the CUV

Mark 14 in the CUVS

Mark 14 in the DBT

Mark 14 in the DGDNT

Mark 14 in the DHNT

Mark 14 in the DNT

Mark 14 in the ELBE

Mark 14 in the EMTV

Mark 14 in the ESV

Mark 14 in the FBV

Mark 14 in the FEB

Mark 14 in the GGMNT

Mark 14 in the GNT

Mark 14 in the HARY

Mark 14 in the HNT

Mark 14 in the IRVA

Mark 14 in the IRVB

Mark 14 in the IRVG

Mark 14 in the IRVH

Mark 14 in the IRVK

Mark 14 in the IRVM

Mark 14 in the IRVM2

Mark 14 in the IRVO

Mark 14 in the IRVP

Mark 14 in the IRVT

Mark 14 in the IRVT2

Mark 14 in the IRVU

Mark 14 in the ISVN

Mark 14 in the JSNT

Mark 14 in the KAPI

Mark 14 in the KBT1ETNIK

Mark 14 in the KBV

Mark 14 in the KJV

Mark 14 in the KNFD

Mark 14 in the LBA

Mark 14 in the LBLA

Mark 14 in the LNT

Mark 14 in the LSV

Mark 14 in the MAAL

Mark 14 in the MBV

Mark 14 in the MBV2

Mark 14 in the MHNT

Mark 14 in the MKNFD

Mark 14 in the MNG

Mark 14 in the MNT

Mark 14 in the MNT2

Mark 14 in the MRS1T

Mark 14 in the NAA

Mark 14 in the NASB

Mark 14 in the NBLA

Mark 14 in the NBS

Mark 14 in the NBVTP

Mark 14 in the NET2

Mark 14 in the NIV11

Mark 14 in the NNT

Mark 14 in the NNT2

Mark 14 in the NNT3

Mark 14 in the PDDPT

Mark 14 in the RMNT

Mark 14 in the SBIAS

Mark 14 in the SBIBS

Mark 14 in the SBIBS2

Mark 14 in the SBICS

Mark 14 in the SBIDS

Mark 14 in the SBIGS

Mark 14 in the SBIHS

Mark 14 in the SBIIS

Mark 14 in the SBIIS2

Mark 14 in the SBIIS3

Mark 14 in the SBIKS

Mark 14 in the SBIKS2

Mark 14 in the SBIMS

Mark 14 in the SBIOS

Mark 14 in the SBIPS

Mark 14 in the SBISS

Mark 14 in the SBITS

Mark 14 in the SBITS2

Mark 14 in the SBITS3

Mark 14 in the SBITS4

Mark 14 in the SBIUS

Mark 14 in the SBIVS

Mark 14 in the SBT

Mark 14 in the SBT1E

Mark 14 in the SCHL

Mark 14 in the SNT

Mark 14 in the SUSU

Mark 14 in the SUSU2

Mark 14 in the SYNO

Mark 14 in the TBIAOTANT

Mark 14 in the TBT1E

Mark 14 in the TBT1E2

Mark 14 in the TFTIP

Mark 14 in the TFTU

Mark 14 in the TGNTATF3T

Mark 14 in the THAI

Mark 14 in the TNFD

Mark 14 in the TNT

Mark 14 in the TNTIK

Mark 14 in the TNTIL

Mark 14 in the TNTIN

Mark 14 in the TNTIP

Mark 14 in the TNTIZ

Mark 14 in the TOMA

Mark 14 in the TTENT

Mark 14 in the UBG

Mark 14 in the UGV

Mark 14 in the UGV2

Mark 14 in the UGV3

Mark 14 in the VBL

Mark 14 in the VDCC

Mark 14 in the YALU

Mark 14 in the YAPE

Mark 14 in the YBVTP

Mark 14 in the ZBP