Romans 5 (PFNT)
1 Nde tawnoo en jogoraama feewuɓe sabu gomɗinal men ngal, hiɗen mari ɓuttu e Alla rewrude e Iisaa Almasiihu Joomi men on. 2 Ko sabu makko heɓirɗen, iwrude e gomɗinal ngal, naatirgal e oo sulfu, mo wonɗen e mun, tabituɗen. Hiɗen mantorde on tama'u mo marɗen fii mangural Alla ngal. 3 Ko ɓeyditii e ɗun, hiɗen mantorde hay e nder tampereeji ɗin, e hoore andugol wonde tampereeji ɗin rimay ŋaɲɲagol, 4 ŋaɲɲagol ngol kadi ardoo haa e jikku timmuɗo, jikku timmuɗo on kadi adda tama'u. 5 E hin-le tama'u on hersinoytaa, ko fii Alla juuriri giggol makko ngol ka ɓerɗe men *Ruuhu Seniiɗo mo yeɗaɗen on. 6 Ko fii fewndo tawnoo en maraa doole, e saa'i toɗɗaaɗo on *Almasiihu on mayno fii ɓe rewataa Alla ɓen. 7 Ko karahan goɗɗo jaɓirta maayande aaden feewuɗo, kono no gasa ka goɗɗo wakkiloo maayangol neɗɗo moƴƴo. 8 Kono e nder ɗun, Alla ɓanginii giggol mun ngol fii men: wa fewndo wonnoɗen junuubankeeɓe, Iisaa Almasiihu on mayno fii men. 9 Jooni, ɓay en jogoraama feewuɓe sabu ƴiiƴan makko ɗan, haray ko honno ronkirten dandireede tikkere nden sabu makko? 10 Si tawii fewndo wonnoɗen ayɓe makko kanko Alla, o moƴƴintinirii hakkunde men e makko sabu mayde Ɓiɗɗo makko on, haray ko haa honto non dandirteɗen ngurndan makko ɗan, enen moƴƴintinidaaɓe e makko kanko Alla ɓen! 11 Ko ɓeyditii e ɗun, hiɗen mantorde Alla sabu Iisaa Almasiihu Joomi men on, on wonɗo sabu moƴƴintingol hakkunde men e Alla. 12 Ko ɗun waɗi, ko wano non, sabu aaden gooto, junuubu naatiri e aduna on, e sabu on junuubu kadi mayde nden ari, ko wano non kadi mayde nden rewiri e hoore yimɓe ɓen fow, ko fii fow waɗii junuubu. 13 Ko fii, haa fewndo addegol Sariya on, hari junuubu on no e nder aduna on, kono junuubu ndaaretaake si sariya alaa. 14 Kono mayde nden laamii gila e *Aadama haa e Muusaa, hay e hoore ɓe waɗaano junuubu ɓen wa bonnere Aadama nden, on mo tawata ko mbaadi Aroyoowo on. 15 Kono bonnere Aadama nden e dokkal Alla ngal wonaa gootun. Si tawii buy maayii sabu bonnere aaden gooto, ɗun ko Aadama, haray ko haa honto non moƴƴere Alla nden, e dokkal iwrungal e moƴƴere on aaden gooto, ɗun ko Iisaa Almasiihu on, layirta haa heewa e hoore ɗuuɗuɓe! 16 Ko wano non, battane junuubu aaden gooto e dokkal Alla ngal wonaa gootun. Ko fii ɲaawoore nden ɓawto junuubu gooto ko addi ko donkineede, e hin-le dokkal ngal ɓawto bonnereeji ɗuuɗuɗi ko addi ko jogoreede wa feewuɓe. 17 Si tawii, sabu bonnere aaden gooto, ɗun ko Aadama, mayde nden laamorii immorde e makko kanko tun, haray ko haa honto heɓuɓe moƴƴere heewunde e dokkal peewal ɓen laamotoo ka ngurndan, sabu oo gooto, ɗun ko Iisaa Almasiihu on! 18 Ko ɗun waɗi, si tawii donkinannde bonnere aaden gooto hewtii yimɓe ɓen fow, ko wano non kadi, ko sabu kuugal feewungal gootal, peewal yeɗayngal ngurndan ngal hewtiri yimɓe ɓen fow. 19 Nde tawnoo ɗuuɗuɓe laatike junuubankeeɓe sabu angal ɗoftaare aaden gooto, ɗun ko Aadama, ko wano non kadi ɗuuɗuɓe laatortoo feewuɓe sabu ɗoftaare aaden gooto, ɗun ko Iisaa Almasiihu on. 20 E hin-le ko Sariya on arani, ko fii yo bonnereeji ɗin ɓeydo. Kono ka junuubu on ɓeydii ɗon, ko ɗon sulfu on ɓeydii ɓeydaadee. 21 Ko wano junuubu on ɓanginiri bawgal mun mayde non, ko wano non kadi sulfu Alla on ɓanginiri bawgal mun ngal peewal nawrayngal e *ngurndan poomayankejan ɗan immorde e Iisaa Almasiihu Joomi men on.
In Other Versions
Romans 5 in the ANGEFD
Romans 5 in the ANTPNG2D
Romans 5 in the AS21
Romans 5 in the BAGH
Romans 5 in the BBPNG
Romans 5 in the BBT1E
Romans 5 in the BDS
Romans 5 in the BEV
Romans 5 in the BHAD
Romans 5 in the BIB
Romans 5 in the BLPT
Romans 5 in the BNT
Romans 5 in the BNTABOOT
Romans 5 in the BNTLV
Romans 5 in the BOATCB
Romans 5 in the BOATCB2
Romans 5 in the BOBCV
Romans 5 in the BOCNT
Romans 5 in the BOECS
Romans 5 in the BOGWICC
Romans 5 in the BOHCB
Romans 5 in the BOHCV
Romans 5 in the BOHLNT
Romans 5 in the BOHNTLTAL
Romans 5 in the BOICB
Romans 5 in the BOILNTAP
Romans 5 in the BOITCV
Romans 5 in the BOKCV
Romans 5 in the BOKCV2
Romans 5 in the BOKHWOG
Romans 5 in the BOKSSV
Romans 5 in the BOLCB
Romans 5 in the BOLCB2
Romans 5 in the BOMCV
Romans 5 in the BONAV
Romans 5 in the BONCB
Romans 5 in the BONLT
Romans 5 in the BONUT2
Romans 5 in the BOPLNT
Romans 5 in the BOSCB
Romans 5 in the BOSNC
Romans 5 in the BOTLNT
Romans 5 in the BOVCB
Romans 5 in the BOYCB
Romans 5 in the BPBB
Romans 5 in the BPH
Romans 5 in the BSB
Romans 5 in the CCB
Romans 5 in the CUV
Romans 5 in the CUVS
Romans 5 in the DBT
Romans 5 in the DGDNT
Romans 5 in the DHNT
Romans 5 in the DNT
Romans 5 in the ELBE
Romans 5 in the EMTV
Romans 5 in the ESV
Romans 5 in the FBV
Romans 5 in the FEB
Romans 5 in the GGMNT
Romans 5 in the GNT
Romans 5 in the HARY
Romans 5 in the HNT
Romans 5 in the IRVA
Romans 5 in the IRVB
Romans 5 in the IRVG
Romans 5 in the IRVH
Romans 5 in the IRVK
Romans 5 in the IRVM
Romans 5 in the IRVM2
Romans 5 in the IRVO
Romans 5 in the IRVP
Romans 5 in the IRVT
Romans 5 in the IRVT2
Romans 5 in the IRVU
Romans 5 in the ISVN
Romans 5 in the JSNT
Romans 5 in the KAPI
Romans 5 in the KBT1ETNIK
Romans 5 in the KBV
Romans 5 in the KJV
Romans 5 in the KNFD
Romans 5 in the LBA
Romans 5 in the LBLA
Romans 5 in the LNT
Romans 5 in the LSV
Romans 5 in the MAAL
Romans 5 in the MBV
Romans 5 in the MBV2
Romans 5 in the MHNT
Romans 5 in the MKNFD
Romans 5 in the MNG
Romans 5 in the MNT
Romans 5 in the MNT2
Romans 5 in the MRS1T
Romans 5 in the NAA
Romans 5 in the NASB
Romans 5 in the NBLA
Romans 5 in the NBS
Romans 5 in the NBVTP
Romans 5 in the NET2
Romans 5 in the NIV11
Romans 5 in the NNT
Romans 5 in the NNT2
Romans 5 in the NNT3
Romans 5 in the PDDPT
Romans 5 in the RMNT
Romans 5 in the SBIAS
Romans 5 in the SBIBS
Romans 5 in the SBIBS2
Romans 5 in the SBICS
Romans 5 in the SBIDS
Romans 5 in the SBIGS
Romans 5 in the SBIHS
Romans 5 in the SBIIS
Romans 5 in the SBIIS2
Romans 5 in the SBIIS3
Romans 5 in the SBIKS
Romans 5 in the SBIKS2
Romans 5 in the SBIMS
Romans 5 in the SBIOS
Romans 5 in the SBIPS
Romans 5 in the SBISS
Romans 5 in the SBITS
Romans 5 in the SBITS2
Romans 5 in the SBITS3
Romans 5 in the SBITS4
Romans 5 in the SBIUS
Romans 5 in the SBIVS
Romans 5 in the SBT
Romans 5 in the SBT1E
Romans 5 in the SCHL
Romans 5 in the SNT
Romans 5 in the SUSU
Romans 5 in the SUSU2
Romans 5 in the SYNO
Romans 5 in the TBIAOTANT
Romans 5 in the TBT1E
Romans 5 in the TBT1E2
Romans 5 in the TFTIP
Romans 5 in the TFTU
Romans 5 in the TGNTATF3T
Romans 5 in the THAI
Romans 5 in the TNFD
Romans 5 in the TNT
Romans 5 in the TNTIK
Romans 5 in the TNTIL
Romans 5 in the TNTIN
Romans 5 in the TNTIP
Romans 5 in the TNTIZ
Romans 5 in the TOMA
Romans 5 in the TTENT
Romans 5 in the UBG
Romans 5 in the UGV
Romans 5 in the UGV2
Romans 5 in the UGV3
Romans 5 in the VBL
Romans 5 in the VDCC
Romans 5 in the YALU
Romans 5 in the YAPE
Romans 5 in the YBVTP
Romans 5 in the ZBP