Acts 16 (TNFD)

1 Pol ne am am, taun Debi amɨl, taun Listla amjakak. Man anɨb ak, bɨ Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgak olap yek, yɨb ne Timoti. Bɨ anɨb ak, nonɨm ne Juda nɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgak, nap ne ak Glik nɨb. 2 Binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak taun Listla sek, taun Aykoniyam sek, Timoti ne bɨ tep yɨbɨl agɨlak. 3 Pen Pol, ne Timoti nop nɨgek tep gak. Nod ayɨp ajol agɨl nɨgak ak pen, nap Glik nɨb ak ñɨne wak ma tɨbɨlɨkak. Ma tɨbɨlɨkak tek, Juda binɨb man anɨb okok takaw nop ma nɨgɨnɨgun agɨnɨgel tek lɨnɨgab agɨl nɨgak. Nɨŋɨd, Timoti nop dad amɨl wak tɨbɨlɨkak. 4 Tɨkɨl, kɨdek kɨli taun okok ajɨlɨg, binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok kɨlop agɨlak, Bɨ Jisas takaw nop dad ameb okok sek, Jelusalem bɨ Klays binɨb ne okok kɨlop kod mɨdebal okok sek, kɨli apnan gɨl apal, Takaw Mosis ñu kɨl tɨkak ak mɨdupsek mel, kab olap nep dɨnɨmɨb apal agɨlak. Anɨb agɨl kɨlop agtep gɨlak. 5 Agtep gelak nɨm, binɨb Jisas yɨl yelak okok, nop gos kɨles lɨnɨŋɨd mɨdtep gɨlak. Anɨgel, mɨnek mɨnek binɨb ogɨnap sek tap tɨmel kelɨgɨl Jisas nop gos lɨnɨŋɨd kɨdek gɨlak. 6 Pol ayɨp bɨne okok ayɨp, God Kawnan ak kɨlop agak, Esiya plopens takaw tep ak kɨlop ma agñɨnɨmɨb agak. Anɨb agek, Piligiya plopens nab okok ajɨl, Galesiya plopens nab okok ajelak. 7 Apɨl Misiya plopens wulep wulep gɨlɨg, Bitiniya plopens amnun agɨlak. Agelak, Jisas Kawnan ak kɨlop agak, Ma amnɨmɨb agak. 8 Anɨb agek, Bitiniya plopens ma amnɨlak, Misiya plopens kelɨgɨl, taun Tlowas ayaŋ amnɨlak. 9 Amɨl, maynab ayaŋ Pol wɨsɨn nɨgak, bɨ Masedoniya plopens nɨb olap tɨkjakɨl, nop suk agɨlɨg agak, Chɨnop chɨb nɨŋɨd, ñɨg solwala tɨkɨl, pɨs awl Masedoniya ownɨmɨn agak. 10 Pol anɨgɨl wɨsɨn nɨgek, ak God nokom, Masedoniya binɨb kɨlop takaw teplep ak agñɨnɨmɨb agup agɨl, chɨn kasek sip dɨnɨg amnɨnok. 11 Chɨn taun Tlowas mɨdɨl, sip dɨl amnɨnok. Am am, man ñɨg tɨb kus gak Samotiles amjakɨnok. Mɨnek pen, taun Neyapolis amjakɨl, 12 sip ak kelɨgɨl, Masedoniya binɨb taun kɨli Pilipay amjakɨnok. Taun Pilipay anɨb ak, Lom binɨb kuŋay yɨbɨl ap mɨdɨl kod yelɨgɨpal. Ñɨn kab olap man anɨb okok yolɨgɨpun. 13 Mɨdɨl, Juda añɨŋ lep ñɨn awl ak apek, taun ak ñɨg gol ayɨm, God nop agnɨgep tep olap mɨdeb agɨl, taun anɨb ak kelɨgɨnok. Amɨl nɨgɨnok, bin ogɨnap ap yelak. Nɨŋɨd, anɨb sɨŋak besɨgɨl, kɨlop takaw agɨnok. 14 Bin yelak anɨb okok, olap yɨb ne Lidiya. Ne chech muk okok gɨlek tawelɨgɨpal. Ne taun Tayatayla nɨb. God nop nokom kɨdek gɨl agnɨgolɨgup. Bin anɨb anop, Bɨawl gos tep ñek, Pol takaw agak ak nɨŋɨd agup agɨl dak. 15 Nop ñɨg pakñɨl, binɨb ne ayɨp kɨnɨlak okok kɨlop ñɨg pakñɨl gɨnok. Ñɨg pakɨl, bin Lidiya agak, Nɨbi yɨp nɨgem, Jisas nop gos lɨnepin tek lup ak, apɨl kal yad awl yenɨmɨb agak. Chɨnop anɨb agek, nɨŋɨd agup agɨl, am kal nop ak kɨnɨnok. 16 Pen chɨn mɨnek olap, God nop agnɨgep tep ak amɨl, pay wog gɨñeb olap nop nebeŋ pakɨnok. Pay anɨb anop kɨcheki abaŋ lek nɨm, tap tɨtay kɨdek gɨnɨgab ak, binɨb okok kɨlop agñek nop mani tawelɨgɨpal. Anɨgek, bɨ nop taw dad apel, wog kɨlop gɨñolɨgup okok, mani awl delɨgɨpal. 17 Chɨn amnɨnoknɨŋ, pay anɨb ak chɨnop kɨdek gɨlɨg agak, Bɨ okol, God Bɨawl yɨbɨl adek alaŋ mɨdeb ak, wog nop gɨñelɨgɨpal agak. Nɨbi tay gem God nɨbop dɨnɨgab takaw ak agñebal agak. 18 Pen takaw anɨb ak tek, mɨnek mɨnek agek, mɨnek olap Pol nop yɨlɨk gek, adɨkɨl pay anɨb ak kɨcheki abaŋ lak anop agak, Jisas Klays yɨp gɨnɨmɨn agup tek, nep agebin, pay anop kelɨgɨl amnoŋ agak. Anɨb agaknɨŋ, kɨcheki nop abaŋ lak ak kelɨgɨl amnak. 19 Pen pay anɨb anop kod yelɨgɨpal bɨ okok, Pol kɨcheki agyokak takaw ak nɨgɨlak. Nɨŋɨd, mani awl dɨpun ak, kɨdek ma dɨnɨgabun agɨl, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp kɨlop lɨpɨg dad amɨl, bɨawl apnan gɨ yelak ak amnɨlak. 20 Amɨl, bɨawl kɨlop agɨlak, Juda nɨb bɨ omɨŋal awl, apɨl man chɨnop awl monmon gebil ak, yepɨs agebil agɨlak. 21 Chɨn Lom binɨb, takaw nedil adek ak ke mɨdeb ak pen, kɨli tay gɨnɨg, takaw kɨdeyɨl ak nɨgɨlaŋ agɨl aglebil agɨlak. 22 Binɨb kuŋay yelak okok abe, takaw adek anɨb anep agelak, bɨawl okok tɨkjakɨl, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp chech kɨlop okok kasek tɨg asɨkɨl agɨlak, Kul dɨl pakɨm agɨlak. 23 Agelak, kul dɨl pak adɨk madɨk gɨl, dam kalabus mɨgan ak yokɨl, bɨ kalabus kod yek anop agɨlak, Kɨlop omɨŋal nɨg yenɨmɨn agɨlak. 24 Agelak, bɨ kalabus kod yek ak, kɨlopmɨŋal poŋɨd dam kal mɨgan yɨbɨl ayaŋ lɨl, tob kɨd kɨlop omɨŋal ak dɨl mab awl mɨgan ak agek lɨgel amnak. 25 Pen maynab awl ayaŋ, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp God nop agɨlɨg kɨmep ogɨnap agɨleknɨŋ, bɨ ned nag lɨlak okok nɨg yelak. 26 Anɨgɨl nɨg yelaknɨŋ, day monmon awl dɨl, kalabus kal ak dad awl adaŋ gɨl, kanɨb okok mɨdupsek yɨkɨlɨg, kalabus kay kɨlop tun gɨlak nag kɨles tɨmel okok mɨdupsek asɨkak. 27 Anɨgek, bɨ kalabus kod yek ak tɨkjakɨl nɨgak, kanɨb okok mɨdupsek yɨkɨl yek. Ne nɨŋɨd, kalabus kay kanɨb yɨkɨl pɨlɨk amdɨpal agɨl gos nɨŋɨd, baynat ak lɨpɨg dɨl, ne ke puŋɨl lɨnɨg gak. 28 Pol pen suk awl agak, Nak ke ma tɨbɨnɨmɨn agak. Chɨn ma pɨlɨk abun. Mɨdupsek mɨdobun agak. 29 Agek, bɨ kalabus kod yek ak suk agak, Sup ak kasek dowɨm agak. Agek, sup dad apelak, kasek dad kal mɨgan amɨl, jel gek jepjep dɨlɨg am Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp yelek tob agen sɨŋak kɨgom yɨmak. 30 Pen anɨgɨl kɨgom yɨmɨl tɨkjakɨl, kɨlop omɨŋal poŋɨd seŋayaŋ amɨl agak, Bɨawl omɨŋal. Yad tay gen, God yɨp tɨg asɨk dɨnɨgab agak? 31 Agek nop agɨlek, Bɨawl Jisas nop gos lɨnɨge, God nep tɨg asɨk dɨl, binɨb nad ayɨp kɨnɨban okok abe agɨlek. 32 Anɨb agɨl, bɨ anɨb ak sek, binɨb ne ayɨp kɨnɨlak okok sek, kɨlop Bɨawl takaw ak agñɨlek. 33 Kɨlopmɨŋal maynab ayaŋ nep dad amɨl, pakɨlak okok ñɨg lɨ yokak. Anɨgek, ne ayɨp binɨb ne ayɨp kɨlop mɨdupsek ñɨg pakñɨlek. 34 Ñɨg pakñelek, bɨ kalabus kod yek anɨb ak, bɨ omɨŋal poŋɨd kal ne amɨl, tap mɨdup ñek ñɨŋɨlek. Bɨ anɨb ayɨp, binɨb ne okok ayɨp, mɨñɨl God nop gos lɨnopun agɨl, mɨñmɨñ awl yɨbɨl gɨlak. 35 Mɨnek pen bɨawl okok, bɨ polis okok kɨlop agyokel, bɨ kalabus kod yek ak nop agɨlak, Bɨ kalabus mɨdebil omɨŋal ak kɨlop wɨsɨb yoke amnɨmil agɨlak. 36 Agelak, bɨ kalabus kod yek ak, takaw anɨb ak dad amɨl, Pol nop agak, Bɨawl okok kɨli apal, Bɨ omɨŋal kɨlop wɨsɨb yoke amnɨmil apal agak. Anɨb ak gos sek mɨdɨl mɨdtep gɨl amnɨmil agak. 37 Agek Pol agak, Chɨl abe bɨ Lom nɨb, anɨb ak tek taynen kot gɨpal won ak, takaw chɨlop tɨk asɨkɨl nɨgtep ma gɨpal agak? Binɨb nab ak mɨdol kɨli chɨlop kul dɨl pakɨl, dam nag lɨpal ak, tep ma gup agak. Anɨb ak chɨlop kɨmɨgel we gɨl agyokun agɨl agebal akaŋ agak? Mel yɨbɨl. Kɨli ke apɨl, chɨlop wɨsɨb yokɨnɨgabal agak. 38 Pol anɨgɨl agek, polis okok takaw anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, adɨkɨd am bɨawl okok kɨlop takaw anɨb ak agñɨlak. Agel, kɨli omɨŋal abe Lom nɨb agɨl, pɨlɨkɨlak. 39 Amɨl, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp kɨlop takaw saynsayn agɨl agɨlak, Chɨn ñɨlop taynen gɨ tɨmel gɨpun agɨlak. Agɨl, kɨlop dad seŋayaŋ amɨl agɨlak, Ñɨli man awl anɨb ak kelɨg amnɨmil agɨl gos nopun agɨlak. 40 Agelak, Pol ayɨp Saylas ayɨp kalabus kal ak kelɨgɨl, bin Lidiya kal ak am mɨdɨl, binɨb Jisas nop gos lɨnɨgɨlak okok kɨlop takaw agtep gɨl, amnɨlek.

In Other Versions

Acts 16 in the ANGEFD

Acts 16 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 16 in the AS21

Acts 16 in the BAGH

Acts 16 in the BBPNG

Acts 16 in the BBT1E

Acts 16 in the BDS

Acts 16 in the BEV

Acts 16 in the BHAD

Acts 16 in the BIB

Acts 16 in the BLPT

Acts 16 in the BNT

Acts 16 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 16 in the BNTLV

Acts 16 in the BOATCB

Acts 16 in the BOATCB2

Acts 16 in the BOBCV

Acts 16 in the BOCNT

Acts 16 in the BOECS

Acts 16 in the BOGWICC

Acts 16 in the BOHCB

Acts 16 in the BOHCV

Acts 16 in the BOHLNT

Acts 16 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 16 in the BOICB

Acts 16 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 16 in the BOITCV

Acts 16 in the BOKCV

Acts 16 in the BOKCV2

Acts 16 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 16 in the BOKSSV

Acts 16 in the BOLCB

Acts 16 in the BOLCB2

Acts 16 in the BOMCV

Acts 16 in the BONAV

Acts 16 in the BONCB

Acts 16 in the BONLT

Acts 16 in the BONUT2

Acts 16 in the BOPLNT

Acts 16 in the BOSCB

Acts 16 in the BOSNC

Acts 16 in the BOTLNT

Acts 16 in the BOVCB

Acts 16 in the BOYCB

Acts 16 in the BPBB

Acts 16 in the BPH

Acts 16 in the BSB

Acts 16 in the CCB

Acts 16 in the CUV

Acts 16 in the CUVS

Acts 16 in the DBT

Acts 16 in the DGDNT

Acts 16 in the DHNT

Acts 16 in the DNT

Acts 16 in the ELBE

Acts 16 in the EMTV

Acts 16 in the ESV

Acts 16 in the FBV

Acts 16 in the FEB

Acts 16 in the GGMNT

Acts 16 in the GNT

Acts 16 in the HARY

Acts 16 in the HNT

Acts 16 in the IRVA

Acts 16 in the IRVB

Acts 16 in the IRVG

Acts 16 in the IRVH

Acts 16 in the IRVK

Acts 16 in the IRVM

Acts 16 in the IRVM2

Acts 16 in the IRVO

Acts 16 in the IRVP

Acts 16 in the IRVT

Acts 16 in the IRVT2

Acts 16 in the IRVU

Acts 16 in the ISVN

Acts 16 in the JSNT

Acts 16 in the KAPI

Acts 16 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 16 in the KBV

Acts 16 in the KJV

Acts 16 in the KNFD

Acts 16 in the LBA

Acts 16 in the LBLA

Acts 16 in the LNT

Acts 16 in the LSV

Acts 16 in the MAAL

Acts 16 in the MBV

Acts 16 in the MBV2

Acts 16 in the MHNT

Acts 16 in the MKNFD

Acts 16 in the MNG

Acts 16 in the MNT

Acts 16 in the MNT2

Acts 16 in the MRS1T

Acts 16 in the NAA

Acts 16 in the NASB

Acts 16 in the NBLA

Acts 16 in the NBS

Acts 16 in the NBVTP

Acts 16 in the NET2

Acts 16 in the NIV11

Acts 16 in the NNT

Acts 16 in the NNT2

Acts 16 in the NNT3

Acts 16 in the PDDPT

Acts 16 in the PFNT

Acts 16 in the RMNT

Acts 16 in the SBIAS

Acts 16 in the SBIBS

Acts 16 in the SBIBS2

Acts 16 in the SBICS

Acts 16 in the SBIDS

Acts 16 in the SBIGS

Acts 16 in the SBIHS

Acts 16 in the SBIIS

Acts 16 in the SBIIS2

Acts 16 in the SBIIS3

Acts 16 in the SBIKS

Acts 16 in the SBIKS2

Acts 16 in the SBIMS

Acts 16 in the SBIOS

Acts 16 in the SBIPS

Acts 16 in the SBISS

Acts 16 in the SBITS

Acts 16 in the SBITS2

Acts 16 in the SBITS3

Acts 16 in the SBITS4

Acts 16 in the SBIUS

Acts 16 in the SBIVS

Acts 16 in the SBT

Acts 16 in the SBT1E

Acts 16 in the SCHL

Acts 16 in the SNT

Acts 16 in the SUSU

Acts 16 in the SUSU2

Acts 16 in the SYNO

Acts 16 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 16 in the TBT1E

Acts 16 in the TBT1E2

Acts 16 in the TFTIP

Acts 16 in the TFTU

Acts 16 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 16 in the THAI

Acts 16 in the TNT

Acts 16 in the TNTIK

Acts 16 in the TNTIL

Acts 16 in the TNTIN

Acts 16 in the TNTIP

Acts 16 in the TNTIZ

Acts 16 in the TOMA

Acts 16 in the TTENT

Acts 16 in the UBG

Acts 16 in the UGV

Acts 16 in the UGV2

Acts 16 in the UGV3

Acts 16 in the VBL

Acts 16 in the VDCC

Acts 16 in the YALU

Acts 16 in the YAPE

Acts 16 in the YBVTP

Acts 16 in the ZBP