Acts 16 (UGV3)

1 Chalte chalte wuh Dirbe pahuṅchā, phir Lustrā. Wahāṅ ek shāgird banām Tīmuthiyus rahtā thā. Us kī Yahūdī māṅ īmān lāī thī jabki bāp Yūnānī thā. 2 Lustrā aur Ikuniyum ke bhāiyoṅ ne us kī achchhī riporṭ dī, 3 is lie Paulus use safr par apne sāth le jānā chāhtā thā. Us ilāqe ke Yahūdiyoṅ kā lihāz karke us ne Tīmuthiyus kā ḳhatnā karwāyā, kyoṅki sab log is se wāqif the ki us kā bāp Yūnānī hai. 4 Phir shahr bashahr jā kar unhoṅ ne maqāmī jamātoṅ ko Yarūshalam ke rasūloṅ aur buzurgoṅ ke wuh faisle pahuṅchāe jin ke mutābiq zindagī guzārnī thī. 5 Yoṅ jamāteṅ īmān meṅ mazbūt huīṅ aur tādād meṅ roz baroz baṛhtī gaīṅ. 6 Rūhul-quds ne unheṅ sūbā Āsiyā meṅ kalām-e-muqaddas kī munādī karne se rok liyā, is lie wuh Farūgiyā aur Galatiyā ke ilāqe meṅ se guzare. 7 Mūsiyā ke qarīb ā kar unhoṅ ne shimāl kī taraf sūbā Bithuniyā meṅ dāḳhil hone kī koshish kī. Lekin Īsā ke Rūh ne unheṅ wahāṅ bhī jāne na diyā, 8 is lie wuh Mūsiyā meṅ se guzar kar bandargāh Troās pahuṅche. 9 Wahāṅ Paulus ne rāt ke waqt royā dekhī jis meṅ shimālī Yūnān meṅ wāqe sūbā Makiduniyā kā ek ādmī khaṛā us se iltamās kar rahā thā, “Samundar ko pār karke Makiduniyā āeṅ aur hamārī madad kareṅ!” 10 Jyoṅ hī us ne yih royā dekhī ham Makiduniyā jāne kī taiyāriyāṅ karne lage. Kyoṅki ham ne royā se yih natījā nikālā ki Allāh ne hameṅ us ilāqe ke logoṅ ko ḳhushḳhabrī sunāne ke lie bulāyā hai. 11 Ham Troās meṅ jahāz par sawār ho kar sīdhe Jazīrā-e-Samutrāke ke lie rawānā hue. Phir agle din āge nikal kar Nayāpulis pahuṅche. 12 Wahāṅ jahāz se utar kar ham Filippī chale gae. Jo sūbā Makiduniyā ke us zile kā sadr shahr thā aur Romī nauābādī thā. Is shahr meṅ ham kuchh din ṭhahre. 13 Sabat ke din ham shahr se nikal kar dariyā ke kināre gae. Jahāṅ hamārī tawaqqo thī ki Yahūdī duā ke lie jamā hoṅge. Wahāṅ ham baiṭh kar kuchh ḳhawātīn se bāt karne lage jo ikaṭṭhī huī thīṅ. 14 Un meṅ se Thuātīrā Shahr kī ek aurat thī jis kā nām Ludiyā thā. Us kā peshā qīmtī arġhawānī rang ke kapṛe kī tijārat thā aur wuh Allāh kī parastish karne wālī Ġhairyahūdī thī. Ḳhudāwand ne us ke dil ko khol diyā, aur us ne Paulus kī bātoṅ par tawajjuh dī. 15 Us ke aur us ke ghar wāloṅ ke baptismā lene ke bād us ne hameṅ apne ghar meṅ ṭhaharne kī dāwat dī. Us ne kahā, “Agar āp samajhte haiṅ ki maiṅ wāqaī Ḳhudāwand par īmān lāī hūṅ to mere ghar ā kar ṭhahreṅ.” Yoṅ us ne hameṅ majbūr kiyā. 16 Ek din ham duā kī jagah kī taraf jā rahe the ki hamārī mulāqāt ek launḍī se huī jo ek badrūh ke zariye logoṅ kī qismat kā hāl batātī thī. Is se wuh apne mālikoṅ ke lie bahut-se paise kamātī thī. 17 Wuh Paulus aur hamāre pīchhe paṛ kar chīḳh chīḳh kar kahne lagī, “Yih ādmī Allāh T'ālā ke ḳhādim haiṅ jo āp ko najāt kī rāh batāne āe haiṅ.” 18 Yih silsilā roz baroz jārī rahā. Āḳhirkār Paulus tang ā kar muṛā aur badrūh se kahā, “Maiṅ tujhe Īsā Masīh ke nām se hukm detā hūṅ ki laṛkī meṅ se nikal jā!” Usī lamhe wuh nikal gaī. 19 Us ke mālikoṅ ko mālūm huā ki paise kamāne kī ummīd jātī rahī to wuh Paulus aur Sīlās ko pakaṛ kar chauk meṅ baiṭhe iqtidār rakhne wāloṅ ke sāmne ghasīṭ le gae. 20 Unheṅ majisṭreṭoṅ ke sāmne pesh karke wuh chillāne lage, “Yih ādmī hamāre shahr meṅ halchal paidā kar rahe haiṅ. Yih Yahūdī haiṅ 21 aur aise rasm-o-riwāj kā prachār kar rahe haiṅ jinheṅ qabūl karnā aur adā karnā ham Romiyoṅ ke lie jāyz nahīṅ.” 22 Hujūm bhī ā milā aur Paulus aur Sīlās ke ḳhilāf bāteṅ karne lagā.Is par majisṭreṭoṅ ne hukm diyā ki un ke kapṛe utāre aur unheṅ lāṭhī se mārā jāe. 23 Unhoṅ ne un kī ḳhūb piṭāī karwā kar unheṅ qaidḳhāne meṅ ḍāl diyā aur dāroġhe se kahā ki ehtiyāt se un kī pahrādārī karo. 24 Chunāṅche us ne unheṅ jel ke sab se andarūnī hisse meṅ le jā kar un ke pāṅw kāṭh meṅ ḍāl die. 25 Ab aisā huā ki Paulus aur Sīlās ādhī rāt ke qarīb duā kar rahe aur Allāh kī tamjīd ke gīt gā rahe the aur bāqī qaidī sun rahe the. 26 Achānak baṛā zalzalā āyā aur qaidḳhāne kī pūrī imārat buniyādoṅ tak hil gaī. Fauran tamām darwāze khul gae aur tamām qaidiyoṅ kī zanjīreṅ khul gaīṅ. 27 Dāroġhā jāg uṭhā. Jab us ne dekhā ki jel ke darwāze khule haiṅ to wuh apnī talwār nikāl kar ḳhudkushī karne lagā, kyoṅki aisā lag rahā thā ki qaidī farār ho gae haiṅ. 28 Lekin Paulus chillā uṭhā, “Mat kareṅ! Apne āp ko nuqsān na pahuṅchāeṅ. Ham sab yihīṅ haiṅ.” 29 Dāroġhe ne charāġh mangwā liyā aur bhāg kar andar āyā. Larazte larazte wuh Paulus aur Sīlās ke sāmne gir gayā. 30 Phir unheṅ bāhar le jā kar us ne pūchhā, “Sāhibo, mujhe najāt pāne ke lie kyā karnā hai?” 31 Unhoṅ ne jawāb diyā, “Ḳhudāwand Īsā par īmān lāeṅ to āp aur āp ke gharāne ko najāt milegī.” 32 Phir unhoṅ ne use aur us ke tamām ghar wāloṅ ko Ḳhudāwand kā kalām sunāyā. 33 Aur rāt kī usī ghaṛī dāroġhe ne unheṅ le jā kar un ke zaḳhmoṅ ko dhoyā. Is ke bād us kā aur us ke sāre ghar wāloṅ kā baptismā huā. 34 Phir us ne unheṅ apne ghar meṅ lā kar khānā khilāyā. Allāh par īmān lāne ke bāis us ne aur us ke tamām ghar wāloṅ ne baṛī ḳhushī manāī. 35 Jab din chaṛhā to majisṭreṭoṅ ne apne afsaroṅ ko dāroġhe ke pās bhijwā diyā ki wuh Paulus aur Sīlās ko rihā kare. 36 Chunāṅche dāroġhe ne Paulus ko un kā paiġhām pahuṅchā diyā, “Majisṭreṭoṅ ne hukm diyā hai ki āp aur Sīlās ko rihā kar diyā jāe. Ab nikal kar salāmatī se chale jāeṅ.” 37 Lekin Paulus ne etarāz kiyā. Us ne un se kahā, “Unhoṅ ne hameṅ awām ke sāmne hī aur adālat meṅ pesh kie baġhair mār kar jel meṅ ḍāl diyā hai hālāṅki ham Romī shahrī haiṅ. Aur ab wuh hameṅ chupke se nikālnā chāhte haiṅ? Hargiz nahīṅ! Ab wuh ḳhud āeṅ aur hameṅ bāhar le jāeṅ.” 38 Afsaroṅ ne majisṭreṭoṅ ko yih ḳhabar pahuṅchāī. Jab unheṅ mālūm huā ki Paulus aur Sīlās Romī shahrī haiṅ to wuh ghabrā gae. 39 Wuh ḳhud unheṅ samjhāne ke lie āe aur jel se bāhar lā kar guzārish kī ki shahr ko chhoṛ deṅ. 40 Chunāṅche Paulus aur Sīlās jel se nikal āe. Lekin pahle wuh Ludiyā ke ghar gae jahāṅ wuh bhāiyoṅ se mile aur un kī hauslā-afzāī kī. Phir wuh chale gae.

In Other Versions

Acts 16 in the ANGEFD

Acts 16 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 16 in the AS21

Acts 16 in the BAGH

Acts 16 in the BBPNG

Acts 16 in the BBT1E

Acts 16 in the BDS

Acts 16 in the BEV

Acts 16 in the BHAD

Acts 16 in the BIB

Acts 16 in the BLPT

Acts 16 in the BNT

Acts 16 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 16 in the BNTLV

Acts 16 in the BOATCB

Acts 16 in the BOATCB2

Acts 16 in the BOBCV

Acts 16 in the BOCNT

Acts 16 in the BOECS

Acts 16 in the BOGWICC

Acts 16 in the BOHCB

Acts 16 in the BOHCV

Acts 16 in the BOHLNT

Acts 16 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 16 in the BOICB

Acts 16 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 16 in the BOITCV

Acts 16 in the BOKCV

Acts 16 in the BOKCV2

Acts 16 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 16 in the BOKSSV

Acts 16 in the BOLCB

Acts 16 in the BOLCB2

Acts 16 in the BOMCV

Acts 16 in the BONAV

Acts 16 in the BONCB

Acts 16 in the BONLT

Acts 16 in the BONUT2

Acts 16 in the BOPLNT

Acts 16 in the BOSCB

Acts 16 in the BOSNC

Acts 16 in the BOTLNT

Acts 16 in the BOVCB

Acts 16 in the BOYCB

Acts 16 in the BPBB

Acts 16 in the BPH

Acts 16 in the BSB

Acts 16 in the CCB

Acts 16 in the CUV

Acts 16 in the CUVS

Acts 16 in the DBT

Acts 16 in the DGDNT

Acts 16 in the DHNT

Acts 16 in the DNT

Acts 16 in the ELBE

Acts 16 in the EMTV

Acts 16 in the ESV

Acts 16 in the FBV

Acts 16 in the FEB

Acts 16 in the GGMNT

Acts 16 in the GNT

Acts 16 in the HARY

Acts 16 in the HNT

Acts 16 in the IRVA

Acts 16 in the IRVB

Acts 16 in the IRVG

Acts 16 in the IRVH

Acts 16 in the IRVK

Acts 16 in the IRVM

Acts 16 in the IRVM2

Acts 16 in the IRVO

Acts 16 in the IRVP

Acts 16 in the IRVT

Acts 16 in the IRVT2

Acts 16 in the IRVU

Acts 16 in the ISVN

Acts 16 in the JSNT

Acts 16 in the KAPI

Acts 16 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 16 in the KBV

Acts 16 in the KJV

Acts 16 in the KNFD

Acts 16 in the LBA

Acts 16 in the LBLA

Acts 16 in the LNT

Acts 16 in the LSV

Acts 16 in the MAAL

Acts 16 in the MBV

Acts 16 in the MBV2

Acts 16 in the MHNT

Acts 16 in the MKNFD

Acts 16 in the MNG

Acts 16 in the MNT

Acts 16 in the MNT2

Acts 16 in the MRS1T

Acts 16 in the NAA

Acts 16 in the NASB

Acts 16 in the NBLA

Acts 16 in the NBS

Acts 16 in the NBVTP

Acts 16 in the NET2

Acts 16 in the NIV11

Acts 16 in the NNT

Acts 16 in the NNT2

Acts 16 in the NNT3

Acts 16 in the PDDPT

Acts 16 in the PFNT

Acts 16 in the RMNT

Acts 16 in the SBIAS

Acts 16 in the SBIBS

Acts 16 in the SBIBS2

Acts 16 in the SBICS

Acts 16 in the SBIDS

Acts 16 in the SBIGS

Acts 16 in the SBIHS

Acts 16 in the SBIIS

Acts 16 in the SBIIS2

Acts 16 in the SBIIS3

Acts 16 in the SBIKS

Acts 16 in the SBIKS2

Acts 16 in the SBIMS

Acts 16 in the SBIOS

Acts 16 in the SBIPS

Acts 16 in the SBISS

Acts 16 in the SBITS

Acts 16 in the SBITS2

Acts 16 in the SBITS3

Acts 16 in the SBITS4

Acts 16 in the SBIUS

Acts 16 in the SBIVS

Acts 16 in the SBT

Acts 16 in the SBT1E

Acts 16 in the SCHL

Acts 16 in the SNT

Acts 16 in the SUSU

Acts 16 in the SUSU2

Acts 16 in the SYNO

Acts 16 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 16 in the TBT1E

Acts 16 in the TBT1E2

Acts 16 in the TFTIP

Acts 16 in the TFTU

Acts 16 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 16 in the THAI

Acts 16 in the TNFD

Acts 16 in the TNT

Acts 16 in the TNTIK

Acts 16 in the TNTIL

Acts 16 in the TNTIN

Acts 16 in the TNTIP

Acts 16 in the TNTIZ

Acts 16 in the TOMA

Acts 16 in the TTENT

Acts 16 in the UBG

Acts 16 in the UGV

Acts 16 in the UGV2

Acts 16 in the VBL

Acts 16 in the VDCC

Acts 16 in the YALU

Acts 16 in the YAPE

Acts 16 in the YBVTP

Acts 16 in the ZBP