Matthew 9 (TNFD)

1 Pen Jisas bot dɨl, ñɨg cheb tɨkɨl man ne kɨd adaŋ amjakak. 2 Pen bɨ ogɨnap, bɨ ñɨn tob kumak olap Jisas gek suŋ lɨnɨgab agɨl, yɨl adek lɨl dad yek ak owlak. Pen Jisas gos kɨli ak nɨŋɨd, bɨ ñɨn tob kumak anɨb ak nop agak, Ñɨ yad, gos sek yenɨmɨn agak. Tap si tap tɨmel gɨpan okok tɨg walɨg gɨyokebin agak. 3 Anɨb agek, bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep ogɨnap nɨŋɨd, nab kɨli okok nep agɨlak, Bɨ nɨm awl God nop agjulɨg agosup agɨlak. 4 Pen Jisas gos nɨgɨlak anɨb ak ne ke nɨŋɨd, anɨb agak, Nɨbi taynen yɨp gos tɨmel nɨgebɨm agak? 5 Yad tɨtay agen nɨbop tep gɨnɨgab agak? Bɨ anɨb ak nop tap si tap tɨmel gɨpan ak tɨg walɨg gɨyokebin agen nɨbop tep gɨnɨgab akaŋ, tɨkjakɨl amnoŋ agen nɨbop tep gɨnɨgab agak? Tay takaw nop agen nɨbop tep gɨnɨgab agak? 6 Pen nɨgtep yɨbɨl gɨnɨmɨb agak. Takaw nop apin anɨb ak jɨj mɨdeb agak. Bɨ Olap Ñɨne God kɨles ak dɨl lum awl apɨl, tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal ak tɨg walɨg gɨyokeb agak. Anɨb agɨl, bɨ ñɨn tob kumak anop agak, Tɨkjakɨl, mɨj nak ak wɨnɨg dad kal nad amnoŋ agak. 7 Agek, tɨkjakɨl mɨj wɨnɨg dad kal ne amnak. 8 Amek binɨb kuŋay yelak okok nɨŋɨd, pɨlɨkɨl God yɨb nop dad aplanɨlak. Aplanɨlɨg agɨlak, God ne agek, bɨ okok kɨles ne ak dɨl yɨb awl dɨpal agɨlak. 9 Pen Jisas wakay anɨb ak kelɨgɨl, amɨl nɨgak, bɨ takis dep ak, takis delɨgɨpal kal mɨgan besɨg yek. Yɨb ne ak Matyu. Jisas nop nɨŋɨd anɨb agak, Ape, yad ayɨp amnul agak. Agek, tɨkjakɨl ne ayɨp amnɨlek. 10 Pen Jisas amɨl kal mɨgan ak besɨgɨl tap ñɨŋaknɨŋ, bɨ takis dep okok sek, bɨ tap si tap tɨmel gɨlak okok sek kuŋay apelak, Jisas ayɨp bɨne okok ayɨp jɨmñɨl besɨgɨl tap ñɨŋɨlak. 11 Ñɨŋɨlaknɨŋ, bɨ Pelisi okok nɨŋɨd, Jisas bɨne okok kɨlop agɨlak, Tisa nɨbi ak, taynen bɨ takis dep mani si dɨpal okok sek, bɨ tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal okok sek ayɨp jɨmñɨl tap ñɨbebal agɨlak? 12 Agelak, Jisas takaw anɨb ak nɨŋɨd anɨb agak, Binɨb suŋ mɨdobun apal okok, dokta nop ma suk apal agak. Binɨb tap gup okok nep chɨnop gel suŋ laŋ agɨl, dokta okok kɨlop suk agel opal agak. 13 Pen God takaw ñu kɨl tɨkɨlak olap, nɨbi am takaw jɨj ak nɨgtep gɨl nɨgɨlɨg yenɨmɨb agak. God ne anɨb agup, Yɨp tap sɨbog ñɨnɨmɨb agɨl gos ma nepin agup agak. Binɨb okok kɨlop mapen nɨgɨnɨmɨb agɨl gos nepin agup agak. Binɨb gɨtep gɨlɨg mɨdebal okok kɨlop suk agɨnɨg ma opin agak. Binɨb tap si tap tɨmel gɨpal okok kɨlop suk agɨnɨg opin agak. 14 Ñɨn anɨb ak, Jon Bɨ Ñɨg Pakñeb ak bɨne okok, kɨli Jisas yek ak apɨl agɨlak, Chɨn ayɨp bɨ Pelisi okok ayɨp, ñɨn ogɨnap God gos anep nɨŋɨd tap ma ñɨbun ak pen, bɨ nad okok taynen anɨb ma gɨpal agɨlak? 15 Agelak, Jisas kɨlop agak, Juda binɨb gɨpun adek ak, bɨ bin dɨnɨg gɨnɨgab olap, ne apɨl nonɨm nap okok ayɨp mɨdɨl, chaŋ lɨlɨg tap ñɨŋeb kelɨgɨnɨgabal tek akaŋ agak? Mel yɨbɨl agak. Pen kɨdek ñɨn olap bɨ anɨb ak, bɨ ogɨnap nop dad amel, binɨb ne okok kɨli tap ma ñɨŋɨnɨgabal agak. 16 Pen chech ned nɨb ak talɨkek, chech kɨdeyɨl nɨb olap tɨg talɨkɨl dap ñag ma dɨpal agak. Anɨgɨpal, keke yɨbɨl lɨl, chech ak tapɨn nep pugɨlɨkek amnɨgab agak. 17 Pen ñɨg wayn ak abe agak. Ñɨg wayn koŋɨm ak dɨl, chag meme wak mɨlep mɨgan ak ma sopal agak. Taynen? Sogɨl kɨmjen ñenɨgabal, ak tan aplanel, bɨŋ tɨmel yɨbɨl agɨl puglɨkɨl sogɨnɨgab agak. Sogek, chag meme wak ak tɨmel gɨnɨgab agak. Anɨb ak nɨŋɨd, ñɨg wayn koŋɨm ak dɨl, chag meme wak koŋɨm mɨgan ak nep sog lep agak. 18 Jisas takaw anɨb ak agaknɨŋ, Juda bɨawl olap yek sɨŋak apɨl kɨgom yɨmɨl agak, Pay yad ak pɨsnep kumosup ak pen, nad am nop dɨnɨge, tepayaŋ tɨkjakɨl amnɨgab agak. 19 Agek, Jisas tɨkjakɨl, bɨne ayɨp bɨ anɨb ak kɨdek gɨlak. 20 20-21 Pen bin olap, bin kanɨb padɨkaknɨŋ yek, sap yeb anep umɨgan amnak. Anɨgek, gos ne anep nɨŋɨd, Jisas chech palawl lak ak nep dɨnɨgen yɨp suŋ lɨnɨgab agɨl, Jisas amnaknɨŋ kud okok yɨl apɨl, chech nop bad day okok dɨnɨgak. 22 Dɨnɨŋɨd kelɨgek, Jisas tɨg adɨkɨl bin anɨb ak nop nɨŋɨd anɨb agak, Pay yad, nad gos sek yenɨmɨn agak. Yɨp gos gos lɨnepan tek, nep gek suŋ lup agak. Agek, tap nop golɨgup ak won anɨb ak nep suŋ lak. 23 Pen Jisas am am, bɨawl kal ak amjakɨl nɨgak, akɨl pugɨlɨg, kɨli kuŋay chag lɨlɨg takaw pug kuŋay yɨbɨl agelak. 24 Anɨb ak nɨŋɨd kɨlop agak, Ke okok amnɨm agak. Pay anɨb awl ma kumub, yokɨp wɨsɨn kɨneb agak. Anɨb agek, nop yɨmel agelak ak pen, 25 kɨlop ag seŋ yokɨl, kal ñɨluk mɨgan ayaŋ amnak. Amɨl, pay kumak anop ñɨn kɨd ak dek, tepayaŋ tɨkjakak. 26 Pen Jisas anɨgek, takaw anɨb ak yɨg dad man okok mɨdupsek amnɨlak. 27 Pen Jisas wakay anɨb ak kelɨgɨl amnaknɨŋ, bɨ wɨdɨn koy omɨŋal ak nop kɨdek gɨlɨg suk agɨlɨg agɨlek, Depid Ñɨne, chɨlop mapen nɨŋɨd dɨtep gɨnɨmɨn agɨlek. 28 Anɨb agelek, Jisas ne kal mɨgan ak amek, bɨ omɨŋal anɨb ak Jisas yek ak apel, kɨlopmɨŋal agak, Ñɨli bɨ omɨŋal, chɨlop gek suŋ laŋ agɨl gos nepil akaŋ agak? Agek agɨlek, Yaw. Chɨl nopul, nad chɨlop genɨgaban suŋ lɨnɨgab agɨlek. 29 Agelek, Jisas wɨdɨn kɨlopmɨŋal ak dɨnɨŋɨd agak, Yɨp gos lɨnepil ak, apil tek gɨnɨmuŋ agak. 30 Agek, wɨdɨn kɨlopmɨŋal ak suŋ lek nɨgelek, kɨlopmɨŋal kɨles gɨl agak, Anɨgek chɨlop suŋ lup agɨl, binɨb okok takaw anɨb ak ma yɨbɨl agɨnɨmil agak. 31 Anɨb agak ak pen, kɨli omɨŋal amɨl binɨb man nab anɨb ak mɨdupsek agñɨlek. 32 Pen kɨli Jisas nop kelɨgɨleknɨŋ, binɨb ogɨnap kɨli bɨ kɨcheki abaŋ lek takaw agep tek ma lak olap, dad Jisas yek ak owlak. 33 Apelak, kɨcheki nop abaŋ lak anɨb ak agyokek, takaw agak. Anɨgek, binɨb kuŋay anɨb okok gos pal lɨl wal agɨl agɨlak, Man Yislel awl, tap anɨb ak tek ned ma yɨbɨl anɨgak agɨlak. 34 Pen bɨ Pelisi okok agɨlak, Ne kɨcheki walɨjpal tap okok bɨawl kɨli kɨles ak dɨl nɨm, kɨcheki okok agyokeb agɨlak. 35 Pen Jisas ne taun okok sek, man sɨkol okok sek mɨdupsek gɨ ajɨlɨg, Juda apnan gɨpal kal mɨgan okok amɨl takaw agñak. Agɨlɨg, God binɨb dɨl kɨlop kod yenɨgab takaw teplep ak agñɨlɨg, binɨb tap gak okok sek, mɨñak gak okok sek mɨdupsek gek suŋ laknɨŋ ajolɨgup. 36 Pen binɨb kuŋay anɨb okok kɨlop nɨgak, kɨli chag sipsip okok bɨ mukep kɨli olap ma mɨdeb tek ak yelak. Gos kuŋay nɨŋɨd koslam yelak, anɨb ak kɨlop chɨb nɨŋɨd, 37 bɨne okok kɨlop agak, Tap wog ak kuŋay yɨbɨl nep mɨdeb ak pen, binɨb tap pɨpag dad owep okok nep kuŋay ma mɨdebal agak. 38 Anɨb ak bɨ wog day nap nɨb anop agnɨgem, binɨb tap pɨpag dad owep ogɨnap agyokek, am pɨpag dad ownɨgel agak.

In Other Versions

Matthew 9 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 9 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 9 in the AS21

Matthew 9 in the BAGH

Matthew 9 in the BBPNG

Matthew 9 in the BBT1E

Matthew 9 in the BDS

Matthew 9 in the BEV

Matthew 9 in the BHAD

Matthew 9 in the BIB

Matthew 9 in the BLPT

Matthew 9 in the BNT

Matthew 9 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 9 in the BNTLV

Matthew 9 in the BOATCB

Matthew 9 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 9 in the BOBCV

Matthew 9 in the BOCNT

Matthew 9 in the BOECS

Matthew 9 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 9 in the BOHCB

Matthew 9 in the BOHCV

Matthew 9 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 9 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 9 in the BOICB

Matthew 9 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 9 in the BOITCV

Matthew 9 in the BOKCV

Matthew 9 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 9 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 9 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 9 in the BOLCB

Matthew 9 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 9 in the BOMCV

Matthew 9 in the BONAV

Matthew 9 in the BONCB

Matthew 9 in the BONLT

Matthew 9 in the BONUT2

Matthew 9 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 9 in the BOSCB

Matthew 9 in the BOSNC

Matthew 9 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 9 in the BOVCB

Matthew 9 in the BOYCB

Matthew 9 in the BPBB

Matthew 9 in the BPH

Matthew 9 in the BSB

Matthew 9 in the CCB

Matthew 9 in the CUV

Matthew 9 in the CUVS

Matthew 9 in the DBT

Matthew 9 in the DGDNT

Matthew 9 in the DHNT

Matthew 9 in the DNT

Matthew 9 in the ELBE

Matthew 9 in the EMTV

Matthew 9 in the ESV

Matthew 9 in the FBV

Matthew 9 in the FEB

Matthew 9 in the GGMNT

Matthew 9 in the GNT

Matthew 9 in the HARY

Matthew 9 in the HNT

Matthew 9 in the IRVA

Matthew 9 in the IRVB

Matthew 9 in the IRVG

Matthew 9 in the IRVH

Matthew 9 in the IRVK

Matthew 9 in the IRVM

Matthew 9 in the IRVM2

Matthew 9 in the IRVO

Matthew 9 in the IRVP

Matthew 9 in the IRVT

Matthew 9 in the IRVT2

Matthew 9 in the IRVU

Matthew 9 in the ISVN

Matthew 9 in the JSNT

Matthew 9 in the KAPI

Matthew 9 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 9 in the KBV

Matthew 9 in the KJV

Matthew 9 in the KNFD

Matthew 9 in the LBA

Matthew 9 in the LBLA

Matthew 9 in the LNT

Matthew 9 in the LSV

Matthew 9 in the MAAL

Matthew 9 in the MBV

Matthew 9 in the MBV2

Matthew 9 in the MHNT

Matthew 9 in the MKNFD

Matthew 9 in the MNG

Matthew 9 in the MNT

Matthew 9 in the MNT2

Matthew 9 in the MRS1T

Matthew 9 in the NAA

Matthew 9 in the NASB

Matthew 9 in the NBLA

Matthew 9 in the NBS

Matthew 9 in the NBVTP

Matthew 9 in the NET2

Matthew 9 in the NIV11

Matthew 9 in the NNT

Matthew 9 in the NNT2

Matthew 9 in the NNT3

Matthew 9 in the PDDPT

Matthew 9 in the PFNT

Matthew 9 in the RMNT

Matthew 9 in the SBIAS

Matthew 9 in the SBIBS

Matthew 9 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 9 in the SBICS

Matthew 9 in the SBIDS

Matthew 9 in the SBIGS

Matthew 9 in the SBIHS

Matthew 9 in the SBIIS

Matthew 9 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 9 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 9 in the SBIKS

Matthew 9 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 9 in the SBIMS

Matthew 9 in the SBIOS

Matthew 9 in the SBIPS

Matthew 9 in the SBISS

Matthew 9 in the SBITS

Matthew 9 in the SBITS2

Matthew 9 in the SBITS3

Matthew 9 in the SBITS4

Matthew 9 in the SBIUS

Matthew 9 in the SBIVS

Matthew 9 in the SBT

Matthew 9 in the SBT1E

Matthew 9 in the SCHL

Matthew 9 in the SNT

Matthew 9 in the SUSU

Matthew 9 in the SUSU2

Matthew 9 in the SYNO

Matthew 9 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 9 in the TBT1E

Matthew 9 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 9 in the TFTIP

Matthew 9 in the TFTU

Matthew 9 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 9 in the THAI

Matthew 9 in the TNT

Matthew 9 in the TNTIK

Matthew 9 in the TNTIL

Matthew 9 in the TNTIN

Matthew 9 in the TNTIP

Matthew 9 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 9 in the TOMA

Matthew 9 in the TTENT

Matthew 9 in the UBG

Matthew 9 in the UGV

Matthew 9 in the UGV2

Matthew 9 in the UGV3

Matthew 9 in the VBL

Matthew 9 in the VDCC

Matthew 9 in the YALU

Matthew 9 in the YAPE

Matthew 9 in the YBVTP

Matthew 9 in the ZBP