Mark 11 (TNFD)

1 Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp am am Jelusalem wulep wulep gɨlɨg, man sɨkol Betpage sek, Betani sek amjakɨlak. Man omɨŋal dum Olip nokom yelak. Pen amjakɨl, Jisas bɨne omɨŋal ned agyokɨl agak, 2 Man sɨkol wakay adaŋ amɨl kasek nɨgɨnɨgayl, chag donki malep binɨb ma dad ajɨpal olap, tunɨg lel yenɨgab agak. Nɨŋɨd, wɨsɨb dad ownɨmil agak. 3 Binɨb ogɨnap ñɨlop taynen anɨgebil agenɨgel agɨnɨmil, Bɨawl ak wog olap gɨl, tepayaŋ yokek ownɨgab agɨnɨmil agak. 4 Anɨb agek, amɨl nɨgɨlek, donki malep ak, kal kanɨbtub gol sɨŋak tunɨg lel yek. Wɨsɨb gɨleknɨŋ, 5 binɨb yep wulep anɨb okok jak yelak okok agɨlak, Tay gɨnɨg, donki malep anɨb ak wɨsɨbebil agɨlak? 6 Agelak, Jisas agak tek agelek, yaw agɨlak. 7 Yaw agel, donki malep anɨb ak dad Jisas yek ak owlek. Apɨl, chech palawl kɨli adek alaŋ lɨlek okok tɨg asɨkɨl, dɨl donki adek lelek, Jisas adek anɨb ak besɨgak. 8 Pen binɨb okok, ogɨnap chech palsek kɨli okok tɨg asɨk kanɨbtam adek ak lɨlɨg, ogɨnap tap wɨj okok tɨpag dap lɨlɨg, nop dɨ nab lɨlak. 9 Binɨb ogɨnap ned gɨl, ogɨnap kɨdek gɨl, suk awl agɨlɨg agɨlak, Hosana, God nop tep yɨbɨl agɨnɨgun agɨlak. Bɨ anɨb ak Bɨawl ne agyokek owup ak, Bɨawl nop gɨtep gɨnɨmuŋ agɨlak. 10 Bɨnonɨm nɨm ak ownɨgab ak, ne based Depid bɨnonɨm mɨdɨl binɨb kod yolɨgup tek ak yenɨgab agɨlak. God ne bɨnonɨm anɨb anop gɨtep gɨnɨmuŋ agɨlak. God man ne alaŋ mɨdeb ak, nop tep yɨbɨl agɨnɨgun agɨlak. 11 Jisas anɨgɨl Jelusalem amɨl, God agnɨgep kal awl kab wali kus gɨl yek ak mɨgan ayaŋ amɨl, tap okok nɨg ajaknɨŋ, sub saŋɨd amek nɨŋɨd, bɨne anep umɨgan ak ayɨp adɨkɨd man sɨkol Betani amnɨlak. 12 Mɨnek pen, man sɨkol Betani nɨb adɨkɨd kanɨb nab okok amnɨlaknɨŋ, Jisas nop yuwan gek, 13 pal chɨm nɨgak, mab pik bɨd olap wɨj ne kuŋay yek. Mɨdup ogɨnap pulɨl mɨdeb akaŋ agɨl amɨl nɨgak, ma pulak, wɨj nep yek. Taynen? Mɨdup ne pulep ñɨn ak ma owak. 14 Anɨgek, Jisas agak, Mab bɨd anɨgup ak, kɨdek ma pulek ñɨŋɨnɨgabal agak. Anɨb agek, bɨne okok mɨdupsek nɨgɨlak. 15 Jisas bɨne okok poŋɨd Jelusalem amɨl, God agnɨgep kal awl kab wali kus gɨl yek ak mɨgan ayaŋ amɨl, binɨb sɨkim gɨ yelak okok, kɨlop agyokɨnɨg gak. Penpen kamɨl dɨlɨg, yawl dap lel tawlɨg gɨ yelak bog adek okok tɨg adɨkɨl, binɨb sɨkim gɨlɨg tap tawlɨg gɨ yelak okok mɨdupsek yuk seŋ yokak. 16 Yuk yokɨl agak, Binɨb olap tap sɨkim gep ogɨnap, dad God agnɨgep kal awl kab wali kus gɨl yek nab awl ma padɨkɨnɨmɨb agak. 17 Anɨb agɨlɨg agak, Buk Baybol ñu kɨl tɨkɨl agɨlak, God ne agup, Kal yad ak, binɨb man okok mɨdupsek apɨl yɨp agnɨgɨnɨgabal agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. Pen nɨbi anɨgem, bɨ tap si dɨl weyɨg mɨdebal kal olap tek lup agup agɨl tɨkɨlak agak. 18 Anɨb agek, bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep okok sek takaw anɨb ak nɨgɨlak. Nɨŋɨd, nop paklun agɨl gos nɨgɨlak ak pen, binɨb yokɨp okok mɨdupsek takaw nop nɨŋɨd gos pal awl yɨbɨl lɨlak tek, kɨli nop nɨŋɨd pɨlɨkɨlak. Anɨgɨl nop taydɨl paklɨnɨgun agɨl gos ogɨnap nɨgɨlak. 19 Pen dugep won ak, Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp Jelusalem kelɨgɨl amnɨlak. 20 Mɨnek Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp, kɨli adɨkɨd kanɨb nab okok apɨl nɨgɨlak, mab pik anɨb ak mɨlep gak. Kɨdɨl ne ak sek wɨj ne ak sek pɨsnep mɨlep gak. 21 Nɨŋɨd Pita ne agak, Tisa, nɨgan. Mab pik bɨd kɨdek ma pulek ñɨŋɨnɨgabal agɨnak awl, pɨsnep mɨlep gɨ yowup agak. 22 Agek pen Jisas agak, Nɨbi God nop gos lɨnɨgɨnɨmɨb agak. 23 Yad nɨbop nɨŋɨd yɨbɨl agebin agak. Binɨb dum awl nop agɨnɨgel, Dum ak, nad tɨkjakɨl, ñɨg solwala ayaŋ pɨdeg lan agenɨgel, kɨli God ne gek ñɨg ayaŋ amnɨgab agɨl, agɨnɨgabal tek gɨnɨgab agak. Pen gɨnɨgab akaŋ ma gɨnɨgab agɨl gos nɨgɨnɨgabal ak, ma gɨnɨgab agak. 24 Anɨb ak tek nɨbop agebin agak. Nɨbi God nop agnɨgem, tap nɨm akal gos anɨb ak dɨnɨgun agɨl nepɨm ak, agɨnɨgabɨm tek gɨnɨgab agak. 25 25-26 Pen jakɨl God nop agnɨgenɨmɨb, binɨb tap tɨmel ogɨnap nɨbop gɨpal okok kɨlop nɨŋɨd kelɨgem. Nɨŋɨd kelɨgem nɨm, Bapi nɨbi man ne alaŋ mɨdeb ak, tap si tap tɨmel nɨbi gɨpɨm okok, pen abe tɨg walɨg gɨyokɨnɨgab agak. 27 Pen Jisas bɨne okok ayɨp Jelusalem apjakɨl, God agnɨgep kal awl kab wali kus gɨl yek ak mɨgan ayaŋ ajek. Ajaknɨŋ, bɨ God nop sɨbogep bɨawl okok sek, bɨ kɨli Mosis takaw ñu kɨl tɨkak ak nɨgtep gep okok sek, Juda bɨawl okok sek kɨli Jisas yek ak apɨl agɨlak, 28 Nad kɨles akal nɨb dɨl, tap anɨb ak gɨ ajɨpan agɨlak? Nep an anɨgɨnɨmɨn agek, gɨ ajɨpan agɨlak? 29 Agelak agak, Yad nɨbop takaw olap agnɨgen, yɨp pen agñenɨgabɨm nɨm, yɨp an agek gɨ ajɨpin ak agñɨnɨgayn agak. 30 Jon binɨb okok kɨlop ñɨg pakñak ak, God agek pakñak akaŋ, bɨ gos ne ke nɨŋɨd pakñak agak? Yɨp agñem nɨgin agak. 31 Anɨb agek, kɨli ke agnɨg agnɨg gɨl agɨlak, Chɨn agɨnɨgabun, God agek binɨb okok kɨlop ñɨg pakñak agon, ne taynen Jon takaw nop ak ma dɨpɨm agɨnɨgab agɨlak. 32 Pen binɨb okol, kɨli Jon bɨ God gos ñek agñeb yolɨgup ak agɨl gos nepal agɨlak. Anɨb ak tek, chɨn agɨnɨgabun, Jon gos ne ke nɨŋɨd gak agon, chɨnop kab sɨlok paklɨnɨgabal agɨlak. 33 Gos anɨb ak nɨŋɨd anɨb agɨlak, Chɨn ma nopun agɨlak. Anɨb agelak, Jisas kɨlop agak, Nɨbi yɨp ma agñɨbɨm tek, yɨp an agek tap anɨb okok gɨpin ak nɨbop pen ma agñɨnɨgayn agak.

In Other Versions

Mark 11 in the ANGEFD

Mark 11 in the ANTPNG2D

Mark 11 in the AS21

Mark 11 in the BAGH

Mark 11 in the BBPNG

Mark 11 in the BBT1E

Mark 11 in the BDS

Mark 11 in the BEV

Mark 11 in the BHAD

Mark 11 in the BIB

Mark 11 in the BLPT

Mark 11 in the BNT

Mark 11 in the BNTABOOT

Mark 11 in the BNTLV

Mark 11 in the BOATCB

Mark 11 in the BOATCB2

Mark 11 in the BOBCV

Mark 11 in the BOCNT

Mark 11 in the BOECS

Mark 11 in the BOGWICC

Mark 11 in the BOHCB

Mark 11 in the BOHCV

Mark 11 in the BOHLNT

Mark 11 in the BOHNTLTAL

Mark 11 in the BOICB

Mark 11 in the BOILNTAP

Mark 11 in the BOITCV

Mark 11 in the BOKCV

Mark 11 in the BOKCV2

Mark 11 in the BOKHWOG

Mark 11 in the BOKSSV

Mark 11 in the BOLCB

Mark 11 in the BOLCB2

Mark 11 in the BOMCV

Mark 11 in the BONAV

Mark 11 in the BONCB

Mark 11 in the BONLT

Mark 11 in the BONUT2

Mark 11 in the BOPLNT

Mark 11 in the BOSCB

Mark 11 in the BOSNC

Mark 11 in the BOTLNT

Mark 11 in the BOVCB

Mark 11 in the BOYCB

Mark 11 in the BPBB

Mark 11 in the BPH

Mark 11 in the BSB

Mark 11 in the CCB

Mark 11 in the CUV

Mark 11 in the CUVS

Mark 11 in the DBT

Mark 11 in the DGDNT

Mark 11 in the DHNT

Mark 11 in the DNT

Mark 11 in the ELBE

Mark 11 in the EMTV

Mark 11 in the ESV

Mark 11 in the FBV

Mark 11 in the FEB

Mark 11 in the GGMNT

Mark 11 in the GNT

Mark 11 in the HARY

Mark 11 in the HNT

Mark 11 in the IRVA

Mark 11 in the IRVB

Mark 11 in the IRVG

Mark 11 in the IRVH

Mark 11 in the IRVK

Mark 11 in the IRVM

Mark 11 in the IRVM2

Mark 11 in the IRVO

Mark 11 in the IRVP

Mark 11 in the IRVT

Mark 11 in the IRVT2

Mark 11 in the IRVU

Mark 11 in the ISVN

Mark 11 in the JSNT

Mark 11 in the KAPI

Mark 11 in the KBT1ETNIK

Mark 11 in the KBV

Mark 11 in the KJV

Mark 11 in the KNFD

Mark 11 in the LBA

Mark 11 in the LBLA

Mark 11 in the LNT

Mark 11 in the LSV

Mark 11 in the MAAL

Mark 11 in the MBV

Mark 11 in the MBV2

Mark 11 in the MHNT

Mark 11 in the MKNFD

Mark 11 in the MNG

Mark 11 in the MNT

Mark 11 in the MNT2

Mark 11 in the MRS1T

Mark 11 in the NAA

Mark 11 in the NASB

Mark 11 in the NBLA

Mark 11 in the NBS

Mark 11 in the NBVTP

Mark 11 in the NET2

Mark 11 in the NIV11

Mark 11 in the NNT

Mark 11 in the NNT2

Mark 11 in the NNT3

Mark 11 in the PDDPT

Mark 11 in the PFNT

Mark 11 in the RMNT

Mark 11 in the SBIAS

Mark 11 in the SBIBS

Mark 11 in the SBIBS2

Mark 11 in the SBICS

Mark 11 in the SBIDS

Mark 11 in the SBIGS

Mark 11 in the SBIHS

Mark 11 in the SBIIS

Mark 11 in the SBIIS2

Mark 11 in the SBIIS3

Mark 11 in the SBIKS

Mark 11 in the SBIKS2

Mark 11 in the SBIMS

Mark 11 in the SBIOS

Mark 11 in the SBIPS

Mark 11 in the SBISS

Mark 11 in the SBITS

Mark 11 in the SBITS2

Mark 11 in the SBITS3

Mark 11 in the SBITS4

Mark 11 in the SBIUS

Mark 11 in the SBIVS

Mark 11 in the SBT

Mark 11 in the SBT1E

Mark 11 in the SCHL

Mark 11 in the SNT

Mark 11 in the SUSU

Mark 11 in the SUSU2

Mark 11 in the SYNO

Mark 11 in the TBIAOTANT

Mark 11 in the TBT1E

Mark 11 in the TBT1E2

Mark 11 in the TFTIP

Mark 11 in the TFTU

Mark 11 in the TGNTATF3T

Mark 11 in the THAI

Mark 11 in the TNT

Mark 11 in the TNTIK

Mark 11 in the TNTIL

Mark 11 in the TNTIN

Mark 11 in the TNTIP

Mark 11 in the TNTIZ

Mark 11 in the TOMA

Mark 11 in the TTENT

Mark 11 in the UBG

Mark 11 in the UGV

Mark 11 in the UGV2

Mark 11 in the UGV3

Mark 11 in the VBL

Mark 11 in the VDCC

Mark 11 in the YALU

Mark 11 in the YAPE

Mark 11 in the YBVTP

Mark 11 in the ZBP