Hebrews 3 (TNTIK)

1 Avo, ndugu zangu wanhu wa Mulungu na vivija mukemigwe na Mulungu! Gelegezeni mbuli ya Yesu yatumigwe na Mulungu yawe Mulava nhosa Mkulu wa tamanilo ditutogola. 2 Nayo kakala yotamaniligwa na Mulungu, yamsagule kutenda sang'hano yake, kamba vija Musa, viyatamaniligwe kuwasang'hanila wanhu wa Izilaeli wakemigwe ng'anda ya Mulungu. 3 Avo Yesu kolondeka yagweleligwe ukulu ng'hani kubanza Musa, kamba vija munhu yozenga ng'anda viyogweleligwa ukulu ng'hani kubanza ing'anda yenyego. 4 Ona, kila ng'anda izengigwa na munhu, na Mulungu ayo mzengaji wa vinhu vose. 5 Heyo Musa kakala msang'hanaji yotamaniligwa mwiisang'hano yake yose ayo. Sang'hano yake ayo ikala ilagusa mbuli zonda yalonge Mulungu baho kumwande. 6 Lakini heyo Kilisito kotamaniligwa kamba Mwana yeli na udahi kwa wanhu weli ng'anda ya Mulungu. Tweye wao ng'anda yake kamba twahagendelela kuwa magalu na kugangamala mna iditamanilo dituigodela. 7 Kamba Loho Yang'alile viyalongile mna Gamaandiko Gang'alile,“Mwahahulika sauti ya Mulungu lelo, 8 sekemutende mizoyo yenu midala, kamba viwakalile wahenga zenu viwalemile kumtegeleza Mulungu,kipindi acho viwamgezile ako kuluwala. 9 Ako wahenga zenu wanigeza na kunilolesalolesa,hamoja wazona sang'hano zangu kwa miyaka malongo mane. 10 Avo niwagevuzikila wanhu awo na kulonga,‘Siku zose wokweleleza nzila zao,na hawazijuwile ng'o nzila zangu.’ 11 Nigevuzika na kuiduila,‘Honda wengile ng'o hanhu hangu ha kubwihila!’ ” 12 Avo ndugu zangu, iteganyeni sekeyalawilile munhu yoyose kumwenu yeli na moyo wihile wa kuleka kutogola kwa kuinega na Mulungu yeli mgima. 13 Lakini mwahagendelela kuhulika mbuli ino “Lelo” yosomigwa mna Gamaandiko, muigangamize kila siku, muladi munhu yoyose sekeyaviziligwe kutenda nzambi na kuleka kutegeleza. 14 Kwavija tweye wose hamoja twa mgati ya Kilisito Mkombola kamba twahagogeleza goya mbaka kuuhelelo kija kitutamanile aho haichanduso. 15 Kumbukeni Maandiko Gang'alile vigolonga,“Mwahahulika sauti ya Mulungu lelo,sekemutende mizoyo yenu midala, kamba viwakalile wahenga zenu,viwalemile kumtegeleza Mulungu.” 16 Wanhu gani iwahulike sauti ya Mulungu wamulema? Wao waja wose walongozigwe na Musa kulawa Misili. 17 Vino kwa miyaka malongo mane Mulungu kawagevuzikila kina nani? Kawagevuzikila wanhu waja watendile nzambi, wafa kuko kuluwala. 18 Mulungu viyaiduile, “Honda wengile ng'o hanhu hangu ha kubwihila” kakala kowalonga kina nani? Kakala kowalonga wanhu awo wamulemile. 19 Avo tokona, hawadahile kwingila kuko kwavija walema kutogola.

In Other Versions

Hebrews 3 in the ANGEFD

Hebrews 3 in the ANTPNG2D

Hebrews 3 in the AS21

Hebrews 3 in the BAGH

Hebrews 3 in the BBPNG

Hebrews 3 in the BBT1E

Hebrews 3 in the BDS

Hebrews 3 in the BEV

Hebrews 3 in the BHAD

Hebrews 3 in the BIB

Hebrews 3 in the BLPT

Hebrews 3 in the BNT

Hebrews 3 in the BNTABOOT

Hebrews 3 in the BNTLV

Hebrews 3 in the BOATCB

Hebrews 3 in the BOATCB2

Hebrews 3 in the BOBCV

Hebrews 3 in the BOCNT

Hebrews 3 in the BOECS

Hebrews 3 in the BOGWICC

Hebrews 3 in the BOHCB

Hebrews 3 in the BOHCV

Hebrews 3 in the BOHLNT

Hebrews 3 in the BOHNTLTAL

Hebrews 3 in the BOICB

Hebrews 3 in the BOILNTAP

Hebrews 3 in the BOITCV

Hebrews 3 in the BOKCV

Hebrews 3 in the BOKCV2

Hebrews 3 in the BOKHWOG

Hebrews 3 in the BOKSSV

Hebrews 3 in the BOLCB

Hebrews 3 in the BOLCB2

Hebrews 3 in the BOMCV

Hebrews 3 in the BONAV

Hebrews 3 in the BONCB

Hebrews 3 in the BONLT

Hebrews 3 in the BONUT2

Hebrews 3 in the BOPLNT

Hebrews 3 in the BOSCB

Hebrews 3 in the BOSNC

Hebrews 3 in the BOTLNT

Hebrews 3 in the BOVCB

Hebrews 3 in the BOYCB

Hebrews 3 in the BPBB

Hebrews 3 in the BPH

Hebrews 3 in the BSB

Hebrews 3 in the CCB

Hebrews 3 in the CUV

Hebrews 3 in the CUVS

Hebrews 3 in the DBT

Hebrews 3 in the DGDNT

Hebrews 3 in the DHNT

Hebrews 3 in the DNT

Hebrews 3 in the ELBE

Hebrews 3 in the EMTV

Hebrews 3 in the ESV

Hebrews 3 in the FBV

Hebrews 3 in the FEB

Hebrews 3 in the GGMNT

Hebrews 3 in the GNT

Hebrews 3 in the HARY

Hebrews 3 in the HNT

Hebrews 3 in the IRVA

Hebrews 3 in the IRVB

Hebrews 3 in the IRVG

Hebrews 3 in the IRVH

Hebrews 3 in the IRVK

Hebrews 3 in the IRVM

Hebrews 3 in the IRVM2

Hebrews 3 in the IRVO

Hebrews 3 in the IRVP

Hebrews 3 in the IRVT

Hebrews 3 in the IRVT2

Hebrews 3 in the IRVU

Hebrews 3 in the ISVN

Hebrews 3 in the JSNT

Hebrews 3 in the KAPI

Hebrews 3 in the KBT1ETNIK

Hebrews 3 in the KBV

Hebrews 3 in the KJV

Hebrews 3 in the KNFD

Hebrews 3 in the LBA

Hebrews 3 in the LBLA

Hebrews 3 in the LNT

Hebrews 3 in the LSV

Hebrews 3 in the MAAL

Hebrews 3 in the MBV

Hebrews 3 in the MBV2

Hebrews 3 in the MHNT

Hebrews 3 in the MKNFD

Hebrews 3 in the MNG

Hebrews 3 in the MNT

Hebrews 3 in the MNT2

Hebrews 3 in the MRS1T

Hebrews 3 in the NAA

Hebrews 3 in the NASB

Hebrews 3 in the NBLA

Hebrews 3 in the NBS

Hebrews 3 in the NBVTP

Hebrews 3 in the NET2

Hebrews 3 in the NIV11

Hebrews 3 in the NNT

Hebrews 3 in the NNT2

Hebrews 3 in the NNT3

Hebrews 3 in the PDDPT

Hebrews 3 in the PFNT

Hebrews 3 in the RMNT

Hebrews 3 in the SBIAS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIBS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIBS2

Hebrews 3 in the SBICS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIDS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIGS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIHS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIIS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIIS2

Hebrews 3 in the SBIIS3

Hebrews 3 in the SBIKS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIKS2

Hebrews 3 in the SBIMS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIOS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIPS

Hebrews 3 in the SBISS

Hebrews 3 in the SBITS

Hebrews 3 in the SBITS2

Hebrews 3 in the SBITS3

Hebrews 3 in the SBITS4

Hebrews 3 in the SBIUS

Hebrews 3 in the SBIVS

Hebrews 3 in the SBT

Hebrews 3 in the SBT1E

Hebrews 3 in the SCHL

Hebrews 3 in the SNT

Hebrews 3 in the SUSU

Hebrews 3 in the SUSU2

Hebrews 3 in the SYNO

Hebrews 3 in the TBIAOTANT

Hebrews 3 in the TBT1E

Hebrews 3 in the TBT1E2

Hebrews 3 in the TFTIP

Hebrews 3 in the TFTU

Hebrews 3 in the TGNTATF3T

Hebrews 3 in the THAI

Hebrews 3 in the TNFD

Hebrews 3 in the TNT

Hebrews 3 in the TNTIL

Hebrews 3 in the TNTIN

Hebrews 3 in the TNTIP

Hebrews 3 in the TNTIZ

Hebrews 3 in the TOMA

Hebrews 3 in the TTENT

Hebrews 3 in the UBG

Hebrews 3 in the UGV

Hebrews 3 in the UGV2

Hebrews 3 in the UGV3

Hebrews 3 in the VBL

Hebrews 3 in the VDCC

Hebrews 3 in the YALU

Hebrews 3 in the YAPE

Hebrews 3 in the YBVTP

Hebrews 3 in the ZBP