Jeremiah 6 (TOMA)

1 Ɓɛnzamɛn nuiti, à ʋela, wo ɠula Zeluzalɛme ʋa!À puʋugi vɛ Tekoa!À poogi lɛ geezu Ɓɛte-Kelɛme maazu!Mazɔlɔɔ maanɔɠɔi ɠa ʋaazu,é zeɠe lɛkpɛmaʋɛ nu ɠɔʋɛzu ʋelei,maanɔɠɔ zɛbɛlɛ gola ʋe. 2 Gè koloɠologa, Siyɔn anzalopoi, pagai, zaalamai! 3 Nuiti ta ʋa pɔ bɛ eɠɛ baala makɛ nuiti,ta-ʋaala kpulugiti ti ti ʋolu,ta ta-ɠɔɔlaaɠaiti to daalɔɠɔma maaɠoolii zu,ti ɠilagilagi ta-ɠuɠuiti ti ná,ʋɛ ta li ga ta-ɠɔɔ ɓulugiti ná. 4 Ta zezezu, ti ɠɛ ma: «À ɠɛʋele ɓɛtɛ,ade kɔɔi ɠɔ daalɔɠɔma!À wuzeɠe, ade so folo gaalɔgai zu.Ade maawɔinɗa, tɔɔzei foloi daa,kpɔkɔ niinigi zuwɔɔlɔa. 5 À wuzeɠe, ade so ga kpidii,ade ná-pɛlɛ ʋapagiti golo.» 6 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI, Fai-Pɛ-Maliɠii wooi ɠaa:«À ná-gulu wolaiti pɔ,wo sasai ɠooli Zeluzalɛme ma,taa wolai maanɛai ga maaɠolo,tɔɔzei faa ɲɔi ʋa é ɠɛɛzu su. 7 Eɠɛʋelei kɔlɔyeɠei a ɗa ziɛi ʋili da,zekana é ná-faa ɲɔi ɠulazu la.Kɛni tooma vai ta faa ɲɔu vai nɔ ɠa nu a ɗa mɛni ná,yeenɔpɛ nu ɓɔlɔ vai ta nu maawana vai nɔ ɠa gè kaazu ná. 8 Va bu, è ʋa ɠima, ɗa ʋe Zeluzalɛme,ni naa laade, nà ɓeteʋezu è ʋa,gè è ɠɛ ga zooi koloɠologai, nu la su.» 9 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI, Fai-Pɛ-Maliɠii wooi ɠaa:«Izilayɛle mɔtai zɛgai, à naa volo ba,eɠɛ leezɛn ɓelei ma ɠɔpɔgiti.À yee leʋe mɔinmɔin leezɛn ɓelei ma ɠɔpɔgiti ga,eɠɛʋelei kpele kɛɛ nu a ɗa kɛɛ lasiɛgi zu é ma waai ɠulazu la.» 10 Ɓɛ ɠa nà ɓɔɛ pɔ,ɓɛ ɠa nà tɛnɛ, ti ʋa woilo gòo ma?Ti woizuɓɔlɔʋɛ, ti la zooga ti ʋa ɠida faa wu.Wɛlɛ, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI è-laawooi ɠa ti ya ga ɲɛɛvae gani nɔ.Naa wɔin la ti ma. 11 Nɔ̀un tetema, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI,dàavegɛ ga ɗa-vai ma yiiɠaawanai,gè makɛ vai ma, naa ɠa kpɔ̀lɔzu. «Kula yiima ʋɔɔma, è pu doungoiti ma taazuʋɛ,ta buzeɠe niinɛgiti ti ɠaalɛai ba ti-ma ɓulugi.Mazɔlɔɔ anzazinigi ta anzanui ta zo,nu wɔlɔzaɠagi ta zɔi sii zuɠoozaai na,naati ta zo ɓalaa. 12 Ta-ʋɛlɛiti ta ɠɛ ga nu ɠiligaa tɔnɔ,ta-ɓalagiti ta ti-anzaiti ɓalaagi,ungo, nà zeei wuzeɠezu zooi nii zu nuiti pɛ daalɔɠɔma,»Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI wooi ɠana. 13 «Mazɔlɔɔ é zo ɓolomadɔɠɔiti ma, é li seizumaanɛgiti pɔ,ta ti-ɓɔɠɔ lɔnɔgi nɔ ɠaiziɛzu,é zo GALA goo wo nuiti ma, é li zalaɠa ɠula nuiti pɔ,ti pɛ ta ziɛzu ga yaavai. 14 Ta nà-nuɓusɛiti ta-ʋalai ɠaaʋɛ nɔ zalezu,ti ɠɛ ma: ‹É zolooga ga pagɔ, ti pɛ ti zolooga su,›tama faiti tanɔpɛ ge la liizu ga pagɔ. 15 Ta unfesu nɛi ɓaa ga kɔzɔba vaiti ti ɠɛɛni?Unfe ge la ti ma tago pa,ti la vɔlɔ zooga ti ʋa unfe.Naa ɠa é ba, ta loo ʋɔɔma, ta zɔiti ti loozu,ti ɓezeɠele naama yeeɠɛɠalai zu,yeei ge ɠɛɛzu la ti ʋoluvaawo,»Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ɠa é boga. 16 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI wooi ɠaa:«À lago lo dɛɛ pelei zu, nii wo ziaai la,à gwɛlɛi wo, wo gaazaɠa bo, é ʋilɛ faiti ba wo ziɛni ti zu.Ɓɛgele ɠa é ga pele ʋagɔi?Naa ʋolu à ziɛ la, wa dooɠo sɔlɔɔ ɓɔɠɔ ʋɛ.Kɛlɛ ti gooɠaaʋoteni, ti ɠɛ ma:‹Ɓa-o, gi la ziaa la pɛ!› 17 Gè ada makɛ nuiti seiɗa wo zaama, ti ɠɛni wo ma:‹À dama ga puʋu fɛɛ wooi!›Kɛlɛ ti gaaʋoteni, ti ɠɛ ma:‹Gi la woiloga naa ma!› 18 Naa ɠa é ba, ee, zii ɠiligiti, à woilo gòoi ma!À ɠida bu, wo ɠɛ ga zeeleiti faiti suti ɠɛɛzu ti ʋɔ bɛ! 19 Zou, woilo!Wɛlɛ naa ɠa gè ʋaazu ga maanɔɠɔi niima nuɓusɛiti pɔ,ta-ɠisiɛ ɲɔiti sulɔnɔgi ɠana.Mazɔlɔɔ ti la woiloni dàawooiti ma.Ti ɠɛlɛni nà-tɔgiti ba. 20 Leeni ɠa gè kɛɛzu ga ansansegié zeɠezu Saɓa yooi zu,ɓaa seeli kpaɠa maku nɛɛnɛgi é zeɠezu zooi zu ná maaɠoozaai?Wa-ɠala zalaɠaiti maayo ge la bɛ̀,wa zalaɠaiti ti la nɛɛni bɛ̀.» 21 Naa ɠa é ba, Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI wooi ɠaa:«Nà ʋaazu kɔɠɔziɠa aniiti daazu niima nuɓusɛiti ta-ʋelei zu,toɠa ɠɛɛɠɛiti too ʋɔɔma ta doun zunuiti,ti-zeiɲɔɠɔiti ta ti-wɔɔlaiti ta saai zɔlɔɔ su.» 22 Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI wooi ɠaa:«Nuɓusɛiti ta ʋaazu,ti zeɠe lɛkpɛmaʋɛ nu ɠɔʋɛzu ʋele yooi gila su.Zii ʋe bɔɔlɔai gola é ʋilɛsu pelei ma,é zeɠe zou ɓela ga. 23 Ta-zalaʋusuiti ta mɛɛinti gaalɛɛzu ta kpɛɛinti.Ti zuɲɔuʋɛ, ti la maawɔinɠaa ɠɛa,ti ɗa zɔngɔ eɠɛ kpoloɗɛi a ɠɛ zɔngɔzu.Ta zeini sooiti kɔma,ti zeiɗai kpasu eɠɛ nu ɠila kɔɔɠɔ vai maSiyɔn nuɓusɛi laalɔɠɔma.» 24 Gi naama wooi mɛnigai ma,gi-yeeiti su ɠɛni yɔɔɠɛ,maaɠilii lɔɔni gi ma,taɓai gi zo eɠɛ anzanui a ɠɛna doin zɔlɔɔsu. 25 À mina li ɓalaɠai zu,à mina li pelea zu,mazɔlɔɔ nu ʋaa nuiti ta paai wosu ná,maalua vaa ʋe mini-o-mini! 26 Nà-nuɓusɛiti, à saa wɔlɔ wo seɠei ɠili zaama,wo ɠilikili zuʋui zu,à ɠaalɛi eɠɛ doun ɠila saai.À maawɔin wɔlɔ wuyei loo.Mazɔlɔɔ faa zuɠoloɠolo nui ɠa ʋaazu ade ʋɔ ga kulafilibai. 27 «Wɛlɛ, Zelemi, gè è logɛ eɠɛ nui é kɔlui ʋɛtɛsu,è nà-nuɓusɛiti poluɠula,ɗa ʋaazu ti-ziɛ ʋelei ʋɛtɛsu, è kwɛɛ. 28 Ta ga nuiti ti ɓakagai, ti vɔɔnɛ,tɔɠɔ ɠoloɠolo nuiti,ti ɓaaʋɛ eɠɛ kɔlu ɓɔigi ta kɔlui,ti pɛ ta ga faa ɲɔu ɠɛ nuiti. 29 Fuulɛi ɠa ɗa ɓokolo, é fiilɛi ʋu,kena kpui ɠa ɗa ɲɛɛlɛ abui ɠa.Kɛlɛ wafuun faa ɠa kɔlu ɠaawuun nui a ɗa kɔlui ɠaawuun da,ma ɲɔi kpein ge la ɗa ga ɠula ba. 30 Ta loli ga walii maayo ge la laani,mazɔlɔɔ Ɠɔoɠɔ GALAGI ti maayoseɠea.»

In Other Versions

Jeremiah 6 in the ANGEFD

Jeremiah 6 in the ANTPNG2D

Jeremiah 6 in the AS21

Jeremiah 6 in the BAGH

Jeremiah 6 in the BBPNG

Jeremiah 6 in the BBT1E

Jeremiah 6 in the BDS

Jeremiah 6 in the BEV

Jeremiah 6 in the BHAD

Jeremiah 6 in the BIB

Jeremiah 6 in the BLPT

Jeremiah 6 in the BNT

Jeremiah 6 in the BNTABOOT

Jeremiah 6 in the BNTLV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOATCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOATCB2

Jeremiah 6 in the BOBCV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOCNT

Jeremiah 6 in the BOECS

Jeremiah 6 in the BOGWICC

Jeremiah 6 in the BOHCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOHCV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOHLNT

Jeremiah 6 in the BOHNTLTAL

Jeremiah 6 in the BOICB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOILNTAP

Jeremiah 6 in the BOITCV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOKCV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOKCV2

Jeremiah 6 in the BOKHWOG

Jeremiah 6 in the BOKSSV

Jeremiah 6 in the BOLCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOLCB2

Jeremiah 6 in the BOMCV

Jeremiah 6 in the BONAV

Jeremiah 6 in the BONCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BONLT

Jeremiah 6 in the BONUT2

Jeremiah 6 in the BOPLNT

Jeremiah 6 in the BOSCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOSNC

Jeremiah 6 in the BOTLNT

Jeremiah 6 in the BOVCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BOYCB

Jeremiah 6 in the BPBB

Jeremiah 6 in the BPH

Jeremiah 6 in the BSB

Jeremiah 6 in the CCB

Jeremiah 6 in the CUV

Jeremiah 6 in the CUVS

Jeremiah 6 in the DBT

Jeremiah 6 in the DGDNT

Jeremiah 6 in the DHNT

Jeremiah 6 in the DNT

Jeremiah 6 in the ELBE

Jeremiah 6 in the EMTV

Jeremiah 6 in the ESV

Jeremiah 6 in the FBV

Jeremiah 6 in the FEB

Jeremiah 6 in the GGMNT

Jeremiah 6 in the GNT

Jeremiah 6 in the HARY

Jeremiah 6 in the HNT

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVA

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVB

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVG

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVH

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVK

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVM

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVM2

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVO

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVP

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVT

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVT2

Jeremiah 6 in the IRVU

Jeremiah 6 in the ISVN

Jeremiah 6 in the JSNT

Jeremiah 6 in the KAPI

Jeremiah 6 in the KBT1ETNIK

Jeremiah 6 in the KBV

Jeremiah 6 in the KJV

Jeremiah 6 in the KNFD

Jeremiah 6 in the LBA

Jeremiah 6 in the LBLA

Jeremiah 6 in the LNT

Jeremiah 6 in the LSV

Jeremiah 6 in the MAAL

Jeremiah 6 in the MBV

Jeremiah 6 in the MBV2

Jeremiah 6 in the MHNT

Jeremiah 6 in the MKNFD

Jeremiah 6 in the MNG

Jeremiah 6 in the MNT

Jeremiah 6 in the MNT2

Jeremiah 6 in the MRS1T

Jeremiah 6 in the NAA

Jeremiah 6 in the NASB

Jeremiah 6 in the NBLA

Jeremiah 6 in the NBS

Jeremiah 6 in the NBVTP

Jeremiah 6 in the NET2

Jeremiah 6 in the NIV11

Jeremiah 6 in the NNT

Jeremiah 6 in the NNT2

Jeremiah 6 in the NNT3

Jeremiah 6 in the PDDPT

Jeremiah 6 in the PFNT

Jeremiah 6 in the RMNT

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIAS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIBS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIBS2

Jeremiah 6 in the SBICS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIDS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIGS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIHS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIIS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIIS2

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIIS3

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIKS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIKS2

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIMS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIOS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIPS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBISS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBITS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBITS2

Jeremiah 6 in the SBITS3

Jeremiah 6 in the SBITS4

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIUS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBIVS

Jeremiah 6 in the SBT

Jeremiah 6 in the SBT1E

Jeremiah 6 in the SCHL

Jeremiah 6 in the SNT

Jeremiah 6 in the SUSU

Jeremiah 6 in the SUSU2

Jeremiah 6 in the SYNO

Jeremiah 6 in the TBIAOTANT

Jeremiah 6 in the TBT1E

Jeremiah 6 in the TBT1E2

Jeremiah 6 in the TFTIP

Jeremiah 6 in the TFTU

Jeremiah 6 in the TGNTATF3T

Jeremiah 6 in the THAI

Jeremiah 6 in the TNFD

Jeremiah 6 in the TNT

Jeremiah 6 in the TNTIK

Jeremiah 6 in the TNTIL

Jeremiah 6 in the TNTIN

Jeremiah 6 in the TNTIP

Jeremiah 6 in the TNTIZ

Jeremiah 6 in the TTENT

Jeremiah 6 in the UBG

Jeremiah 6 in the UGV

Jeremiah 6 in the UGV2

Jeremiah 6 in the UGV3

Jeremiah 6 in the VBL

Jeremiah 6 in the VDCC

Jeremiah 6 in the YALU

Jeremiah 6 in the YAPE

Jeremiah 6 in the YBVTP

Jeremiah 6 in the ZBP