1 Timothy 6 (UGV3)
1 Jo bhī ġhulāmī ke jue meṅ haiṅ wuh apne mālikoṅ ko pūrī izzat ke lāyq samjheṅ tāki log Allāh ke nām aur hamārī tālīm par kufr na bakeṅ. 2 Jab mālik īmān lāte haiṅ to ġhulāmoṅ ko un kī is lie kam izzat nahīṅ karnā chāhie ki wuh ab Masīh meṅ bhāī haiṅ. Balki wuh un kī aur zyādā ḳhidmat kareṅ, kyoṅki ab jo un kī achchhī ḳhidmat se fāydā uṭhā rahe haiṅ wuh īmāndār aur azīz haiṅ.Lāzim hai ki āp logoṅ ko in bātoṅ kī tālīm deṅ aur is meṅ un kī hauslā-afzāī kareṅ. 3 Jo bhī is se farq tālīm de kar hamāre Ḳhudāwand Īsā Masīh ke sehhatbaḳhsh alfāz aur is ḳhudātars zindagī kī tālīm se wābastā nahīṅ rahtā 4 wuh ḳhudpasandī se phūlā huā hai aur kuchh nahīṅ samajhtā. Aisā shaḳhs bahs-mubāhasā karne aur ḳhālī bātoṅ par jhagaṛne meṅ ġhairsehhatmand dilchaspī letā hai. Natīje meṅ hasad, jhagaṛe, kufr aur badgumānī paidā hotī hai. 5 Yih log āpas meṅ jhagaṛne kī wajah se hameshā kuṛhte rahte haiṅ. Un ke zahan bigaṛ gae haiṅ aur sachchāī un se chhīn lī gaī hai. Hāṅ, yih samajhte haiṅ ki ḳhudātars zindagī guzārne se mālī nafā hāsil kiyā jā saktā hai. 6 Ḳhudātars zindagī wāqaī bahut nafā kā bāis hai, lekin shart yih hai ki insān ko jo kuchh bhī mil jāe wuh us par iktifā kare. 7 Ham duniyā meṅ apne sāth kyā lāe? Kuchh nahīṅ! To ham duniyā se nikalte waqt kyā kuchh sāth le jā sakeṅge? Kuchh bhī nahīṅ! 8 Chunāṅche agar hamāre pās ḳhurāk aur libās ho to yih hamāre lie kāfī honā chāhie. 9 Jo amīr banane ke ḳhāhāṅ rahte haiṅ wuh kaī tarah kī āzmāishoṅ aur phandoṅ meṅ phaṅs jāte haiṅ. Bahut-sī nāsamajh aur nuqsāndeh ḳhāhishāt unheṅ halākat aur tabāhī meṅ ġharq ho jāne detī haiṅ. 10 Kyoṅki paisoṅ kā lālach har ġhalat kām kā sarchashmā hai. Kaī logoṅ ne isī lālach ke bāis īmān se bhaṭak kar apne āp ko bahut aziyat pahuṅchāī hai. 11 Lekin āp jo Allāh ke bande haiṅ in chīzoṅ se bhāgte raheṅ. In kī bajāe rāstbāzī, ḳhudātarsī, īmān, muhabbat, sābitqadmī aur narmdilī ke pīchhe lage raheṅ. 12 Īmān kī achchhī kushtī laṛeṅ. Abadī zindagī se ḳhūb lipaṭ jāeṅ, kyoṅki Allāh ne āp ko yihī zindagī pāne ke lie bulāyā, aur āp ne apnī taraf se bahut-se gawāhoṅ ke sāmne is bāt kā iqrār bhī kiyā. 13 Mere do gawāh haiṅ, Allāh jo sab kuchh zindā rakhtā hai aur Masīh Īsā jis ne Puntiyus Pīlātus ke sāmne apne īmān kī achchhī gawāhī dī. Inhīṅ ke sāmne maiṅ āp ko kahtā hūṅ ki 14 yih hukm yoṅ pūrā kareṅ ki āp par na dāġh lage, na ilzām. Aur is hukm par us din tak amal karte raheṅ jab tak hamārā Ḳhudāwand Īsā Masīh zāhir nahīṅ ho jātā. 15 Kyoṅki Allāh Masīh ko muqarrarā waqt par zāhir karegā. Hāṅ, jo mubārak aur wāhid Hukmrān, bādshāhoṅ kā Bādshāh aur mālikoṅ kā Mālik hai wuh use muqarrarā waqt par zāhir karegā. 16 Sirf wuhī lāfānī hai, wuhī aisī raushnī meṅ rahtā hai jis ke qarīb koī nahīṅ ā saktā. Na kisī insān ne use kabhī dekhā, na wuh use dekh saktā hai. Us kī izzat aur qudrat abad tak rahe. Āmīn. 17 Jo maujūdā duniyā meṅ amīr haiṅ unheṅ samjhāeṅ ki wuh maġhrūr na hoṅ, na daulat jaisī ġhairyaqīnī chīz par ummīd rakheṅ. Is kī bajāe wuh Allāh par ummīd rakheṅ jo hameṅ faiyāzī se sab kuchh muhaiyā kartā hai tāki ham us se lutfandoz ho jāeṅ. 18 Yih pesh-e-nazar rakh kar amīr nek kām kareṅ aur bhalāī karne meṅ hī amīr hoṅ. Wuh ḳhushī se dūsroṅ ko dene aur apnī daulat meṅ sharīk karne ke lie taiyār hoṅ. 19 Yoṅ wuh apne lie ek achchhā ḳhazānā jamā kareṅge yānī āne wāle jahān ke lie ek ṭhos buniyād jis par khaṛe ho kar wuh haqīqī zindagī pā sakeṅge. 20 Tīmuthiyus beṭe, jo kuchh āp ke hawāle kiyā gayā hai use mahfūz rakheṅ. Dunyāwī bakwās aur un mutazād ḳhayālāt se katrāte raheṅ jinheṅ ġhaltī se ilm kā nām diyā gayā hai. 21 Kuchh to is ilm ke māhir hone kā dāwā karke īmān kī sahīh rāh se haṭ gae haiṅ.Allāh kā fazl āp sab ke sāth rahe.
In Other Versions
1 Timothy 6 in the ANGEFD
1 Timothy 6 in the ANTPNG2D
1 Timothy 6 in the AS21
1 Timothy 6 in the BAGH
1 Timothy 6 in the BBPNG
1 Timothy 6 in the BBT1E
1 Timothy 6 in the BDS
1 Timothy 6 in the BEV
1 Timothy 6 in the BHAD
1 Timothy 6 in the BIB
1 Timothy 6 in the BLPT
1 Timothy 6 in the BNT
1 Timothy 6 in the BNTABOOT
1 Timothy 6 in the BNTLV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOATCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOATCB2
1 Timothy 6 in the BOBCV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOCNT
1 Timothy 6 in the BOECS
1 Timothy 6 in the BOGWICC
1 Timothy 6 in the BOHCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOHCV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOHLNT
1 Timothy 6 in the BOHNTLTAL
1 Timothy 6 in the BOICB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOILNTAP
1 Timothy 6 in the BOITCV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOKCV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOKCV2
1 Timothy 6 in the BOKHWOG
1 Timothy 6 in the BOKSSV
1 Timothy 6 in the BOLCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOLCB2
1 Timothy 6 in the BOMCV
1 Timothy 6 in the BONAV
1 Timothy 6 in the BONCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BONLT
1 Timothy 6 in the BONUT2
1 Timothy 6 in the BOPLNT
1 Timothy 6 in the BOSCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOSNC
1 Timothy 6 in the BOTLNT
1 Timothy 6 in the BOVCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BOYCB
1 Timothy 6 in the BPBB
1 Timothy 6 in the BPH
1 Timothy 6 in the BSB
1 Timothy 6 in the CCB
1 Timothy 6 in the CUV
1 Timothy 6 in the CUVS
1 Timothy 6 in the DBT
1 Timothy 6 in the DGDNT
1 Timothy 6 in the DHNT
1 Timothy 6 in the DNT
1 Timothy 6 in the ELBE
1 Timothy 6 in the EMTV
1 Timothy 6 in the ESV
1 Timothy 6 in the FBV
1 Timothy 6 in the FEB
1 Timothy 6 in the GGMNT
1 Timothy 6 in the GNT
1 Timothy 6 in the HARY
1 Timothy 6 in the HNT
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVA
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVB
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVG
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVH
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVK
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVM
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVM2
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVO
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVP
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVT
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVT2
1 Timothy 6 in the IRVU
1 Timothy 6 in the ISVN
1 Timothy 6 in the JSNT
1 Timothy 6 in the KAPI
1 Timothy 6 in the KBT1ETNIK
1 Timothy 6 in the KBV
1 Timothy 6 in the KJV
1 Timothy 6 in the KNFD
1 Timothy 6 in the LBA
1 Timothy 6 in the LBLA
1 Timothy 6 in the LNT
1 Timothy 6 in the LSV
1 Timothy 6 in the MAAL
1 Timothy 6 in the MBV
1 Timothy 6 in the MBV2
1 Timothy 6 in the MHNT
1 Timothy 6 in the MKNFD
1 Timothy 6 in the MNG
1 Timothy 6 in the MNT
1 Timothy 6 in the MNT2
1 Timothy 6 in the MRS1T
1 Timothy 6 in the NAA
1 Timothy 6 in the NASB
1 Timothy 6 in the NBLA
1 Timothy 6 in the NBS
1 Timothy 6 in the NBVTP
1 Timothy 6 in the NET2
1 Timothy 6 in the NIV11
1 Timothy 6 in the NNT
1 Timothy 6 in the NNT2
1 Timothy 6 in the NNT3
1 Timothy 6 in the PDDPT
1 Timothy 6 in the PFNT
1 Timothy 6 in the RMNT
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIAS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIBS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIBS2
1 Timothy 6 in the SBICS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIDS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIGS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIHS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIIS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIIS2
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIIS3
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIKS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIKS2
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIMS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIOS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIPS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBISS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBITS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBITS2
1 Timothy 6 in the SBITS3
1 Timothy 6 in the SBITS4
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIUS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBIVS
1 Timothy 6 in the SBT
1 Timothy 6 in the SBT1E
1 Timothy 6 in the SCHL
1 Timothy 6 in the SNT
1 Timothy 6 in the SUSU
1 Timothy 6 in the SUSU2
1 Timothy 6 in the SYNO
1 Timothy 6 in the TBIAOTANT
1 Timothy 6 in the TBT1E
1 Timothy 6 in the TBT1E2
1 Timothy 6 in the TFTIP
1 Timothy 6 in the TFTU
1 Timothy 6 in the TGNTATF3T
1 Timothy 6 in the THAI
1 Timothy 6 in the TNFD
1 Timothy 6 in the TNT
1 Timothy 6 in the TNTIK
1 Timothy 6 in the TNTIL
1 Timothy 6 in the TNTIN
1 Timothy 6 in the TNTIP
1 Timothy 6 in the TNTIZ
1 Timothy 6 in the TOMA
1 Timothy 6 in the TTENT
1 Timothy 6 in the UBG
1 Timothy 6 in the UGV
1 Timothy 6 in the UGV2
1 Timothy 6 in the VBL
1 Timothy 6 in the VDCC
1 Timothy 6 in the YALU
1 Timothy 6 in the YAPE
1 Timothy 6 in the YBVTP
1 Timothy 6 in the ZBP