Numbers 20 (YALU)
1 Isirayila yamaan birin yi fa Sini tonbonni kike singen na, e dɔxɔ Kadesi yi. Mariyama faxa mɛnna nin, e yi a maluxun. 2 Bayo igen bata yi ɲan yamaan yii, e yi e malan Musa nun Haruna xili ma. 3 E yi yɛngɛn fen Musa ra e naxa, “A yi fisa nun Alatala xa nxu fan faxa alo nxu lanfane! 4 Nanfera i faxi nxu ra tonbonni alogo nxu nun nxɔ xuruseene xa fa faxa be, nxu tan Alatalaa yamana? 5 Nanfera i nxu raminixi Misiran yi, i fa nxu ra yire xɔdɛxɛni ito yi? Malo ba, xɔdɛ bili ba, manpa bili ba, girenada bogi ba, sese mi be. Hali igen min daxin yatigina, a mi be!” 6 Musa nun Haruna yi keli yamaan fɛma, e yi siga Naralan Bubun so dɛɛn na, e bira, e yi e yɛtagin lan bɔxɔn ma. Alatala nɔrɔn yi godo e fɛma. 7 Alatala yi a fala Musa xa, a naxa, 8 “I ya dunganna tongo. Ɛ nun i tada Haruna xa yamaan malan. Ɛ xa falan ti fanyeni ito xa e yɛɛ xɔri, a igen naminima nɛn. I igen naminima nɛn yamaan xa fanyeni ito yi alogo e nun e xuruseene xa e min.” 9 Musa yi dunganna tongo Alatalaa yire sariɲanxini, alo Ala a yamari kii naxan yi. 10 E nun Haruna yi yamaan malan fanyen dɛxɔn, Musa yi a fala e xa, a naxa, “Ɛ tan murutɛdene, ɛ tuli mati! Fɔ nxu xa igen namini ɛ xa fanyeni ito yi ba?” 11 Musa yi a yiini te, a fanyen garin a dunganna ra sanɲa ma firin. Ige gbeen yi mini mafurɛn! Yamaan yi e min e nun e xuruseene. 12 Koni Alatala yi a fala Musa nun Haruna xa, a naxa, “Bayo ɛ mi laxi n na, ɛ mi n binyaxi n ma sariɲanni Isirayila kaane yɛtagi, nanara, ɛ tan xa mi yamani ito xalima yamanani n naxan soxi e yii.” 13 Meriba igene yi dɛnaxan yi, Isirayila kaane Alatala matandi nɛn mɛnni, e yi a kolon fa fala a sariɲan. 14 Musa yi xɛrane rasiga Edɔn yi keli Kadesi yi, e naxa, “I ngaxakedenne, Isirayila kaane naxa, ‘Ɛ bata a kolon tɔrɔn naxanye birin nxu lixi. 15 Nxu benbane godo nɛn Misiran yi, nxu yi dɔxɔ na waxati xunkuye. Misiran kaane yi nxu tɔrɔ e nun nxu benbane. 16 Koni nxu to Alatala maxandi, a yi nxu xuiin namɛ. A yi malekan nafa, a yi nxu ramini Misiran yi. Nxu bata fa Kadesi yi, taan naxan i ya bɔxɔn dɛxɔn. 17 Tin nxu xa i ya yamanani gidi. Nxu mi danguma xɛɛ bixine yi hanma manpa bili nakɔne yi. Nxu mi xɔɲin ige minɲɛ. Nxu birama kira gbeen nan fɔxɔ ra, nxu mi a fatama nxu yiifanna ma hanma nxu kɔmɛnna ma, han nxu yi i ya yamanan birin yigidi.’ ” 18 Edɔn kaane yi a yabi, e naxa, “Ɛ nama dangu nxu konni. Xa ɛ a liga, nxu ɛ yɛngɛma nɛn.” 19 Isirayila kaane mɔn yi a yabi, e naxa, “Nxu tema kira gbeen nan xɔn! Xa nxu nun nxɔ xuruseene igena nde min ɛ konni, nxu a saren fiyɛ. Nxu waxi a xɔn ma nɛn, a nxu xa dangu nxu sanni ɛ konni gbansan!” 20 E mɔn yi a fala, e naxa, “Ɛ mi danguma!” Edɔn kaane yi mini e ralandeni e nun gali gbee sɛnbɛmana. 21 Nayi, Edɔn kaane mi tin a Isirayila kaane xa dangu e yamanani. Isirayila kaane yi kira gbɛtɛ suxu. 22 Isirayila yamaan birin yi keli Kadesi yi, siga Horo geyaan ma. 23 Alatala yi a fala Musa nun Haruna xa Horo geyaan ma Edɔn yamanan danna ra, a naxa, 24 “Haruna sigamatɔɔn na a ra laxira yi. N yamanan naxan soxi Isirayila kaane yii, a mi soma na, amasɔtɔ ɛ murutɛ nɛn n ma yamarin ma Meriba igene yi. 25 Nayi, Musa, i xa fa Haruna nun a dii Eleyasari ra Horo geyaan xuntagi. 26 I xa Harunaa saraxarali dugine ba a ma, i yi e ragodo a dii Eleyasari ma, bayo Haruna laxirayama mɛnna nin.” 27 Musa yi Alatalaa yamarin suxu. E saxanna birin yi te Horo geyaan fari yamaan yɛtagi. 28 Musa yi Harunaa dugine tongo, a yi e ragodo Eleyasari ma. Haruna yi faxa mɛnni, geyaan xuntagi. Na xanbi ra, Musa nun Eleyasari yi godo geyaan ma. 29 Isirayila yamaan to a kolon a Haruna bata yi faxa, e birin yi Haruna wuga xii tonge saxan.
In Other Versions
Numbers 20 in the ANGEFD
Numbers 20 in the ANTPNG2D
Numbers 20 in the AS21
Numbers 20 in the BAGH
Numbers 20 in the BBPNG
Numbers 20 in the BBT1E
Numbers 20 in the BDS
Numbers 20 in the BEV
Numbers 20 in the BHAD
Numbers 20 in the BIB
Numbers 20 in the BLPT
Numbers 20 in the BNT
Numbers 20 in the BNTABOOT
Numbers 20 in the BNTLV
Numbers 20 in the BOATCB
Numbers 20 in the BOATCB2
Numbers 20 in the BOBCV
Numbers 20 in the BOCNT
Numbers 20 in the BOECS
Numbers 20 in the BOGWICC
Numbers 20 in the BOHCB
Numbers 20 in the BOHCV
Numbers 20 in the BOHLNT
Numbers 20 in the BOHNTLTAL
Numbers 20 in the BOICB
Numbers 20 in the BOILNTAP
Numbers 20 in the BOITCV
Numbers 20 in the BOKCV
Numbers 20 in the BOKCV2
Numbers 20 in the BOKHWOG
Numbers 20 in the BOKSSV
Numbers 20 in the BOLCB
Numbers 20 in the BOLCB2
Numbers 20 in the BOMCV
Numbers 20 in the BONAV
Numbers 20 in the BONCB
Numbers 20 in the BONLT
Numbers 20 in the BONUT2
Numbers 20 in the BOPLNT
Numbers 20 in the BOSCB
Numbers 20 in the BOSNC
Numbers 20 in the BOTLNT
Numbers 20 in the BOVCB
Numbers 20 in the BOYCB
Numbers 20 in the BPBB
Numbers 20 in the BPH
Numbers 20 in the BSB
Numbers 20 in the CCB
Numbers 20 in the CUV
Numbers 20 in the CUVS
Numbers 20 in the DBT
Numbers 20 in the DGDNT
Numbers 20 in the DHNT
Numbers 20 in the DNT
Numbers 20 in the ELBE
Numbers 20 in the EMTV
Numbers 20 in the ESV
Numbers 20 in the FBV
Numbers 20 in the FEB
Numbers 20 in the GGMNT
Numbers 20 in the GNT
Numbers 20 in the HARY
Numbers 20 in the HNT
Numbers 20 in the IRVA
Numbers 20 in the IRVB
Numbers 20 in the IRVG
Numbers 20 in the IRVH
Numbers 20 in the IRVK
Numbers 20 in the IRVM
Numbers 20 in the IRVM2
Numbers 20 in the IRVO
Numbers 20 in the IRVP
Numbers 20 in the IRVT
Numbers 20 in the IRVT2
Numbers 20 in the IRVU
Numbers 20 in the ISVN
Numbers 20 in the JSNT
Numbers 20 in the KAPI
Numbers 20 in the KBT1ETNIK
Numbers 20 in the KBV
Numbers 20 in the KJV
Numbers 20 in the KNFD
Numbers 20 in the LBA
Numbers 20 in the LBLA
Numbers 20 in the LNT
Numbers 20 in the LSV
Numbers 20 in the MAAL
Numbers 20 in the MBV
Numbers 20 in the MBV2
Numbers 20 in the MHNT
Numbers 20 in the MKNFD
Numbers 20 in the MNG
Numbers 20 in the MNT
Numbers 20 in the MNT2
Numbers 20 in the MRS1T
Numbers 20 in the NAA
Numbers 20 in the NASB
Numbers 20 in the NBLA
Numbers 20 in the NBS
Numbers 20 in the NBVTP
Numbers 20 in the NET2
Numbers 20 in the NIV11
Numbers 20 in the NNT
Numbers 20 in the NNT2
Numbers 20 in the NNT3
Numbers 20 in the PDDPT
Numbers 20 in the PFNT
Numbers 20 in the RMNT
Numbers 20 in the SBIAS
Numbers 20 in the SBIBS
Numbers 20 in the SBIBS2
Numbers 20 in the SBICS
Numbers 20 in the SBIDS
Numbers 20 in the SBIGS
Numbers 20 in the SBIHS
Numbers 20 in the SBIIS
Numbers 20 in the SBIIS2
Numbers 20 in the SBIIS3
Numbers 20 in the SBIKS
Numbers 20 in the SBIKS2
Numbers 20 in the SBIMS
Numbers 20 in the SBIOS
Numbers 20 in the SBIPS
Numbers 20 in the SBISS
Numbers 20 in the SBITS
Numbers 20 in the SBITS2
Numbers 20 in the SBITS3
Numbers 20 in the SBITS4
Numbers 20 in the SBIUS
Numbers 20 in the SBIVS
Numbers 20 in the SBT
Numbers 20 in the SBT1E
Numbers 20 in the SCHL
Numbers 20 in the SNT
Numbers 20 in the SUSU
Numbers 20 in the SUSU2
Numbers 20 in the SYNO
Numbers 20 in the TBIAOTANT
Numbers 20 in the TBT1E
Numbers 20 in the TBT1E2
Numbers 20 in the TFTIP
Numbers 20 in the TFTU
Numbers 20 in the TGNTATF3T
Numbers 20 in the THAI
Numbers 20 in the TNFD
Numbers 20 in the TNT
Numbers 20 in the TNTIK
Numbers 20 in the TNTIL
Numbers 20 in the TNTIN
Numbers 20 in the TNTIP
Numbers 20 in the TNTIZ
Numbers 20 in the TOMA
Numbers 20 in the TTENT
Numbers 20 in the UBG
Numbers 20 in the UGV
Numbers 20 in the UGV2
Numbers 20 in the UGV3
Numbers 20 in the VBL
Numbers 20 in the VDCC
Numbers 20 in the YAPE
Numbers 20 in the YBVTP
Numbers 20 in the ZBP