Acts 4 (ANGEFD)

1 1-2 Pita hula Jon hula hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ abavɨmi. Jisasɨ hɨmavɨla cɨhu hɨhi iahami uavɨmi. Hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨmavɨhadami hɨmavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ avi hameŋ laci ala cɨhu hɨhi iahavɨbali uavɨmi. Hameŋ aba aba hɨniavɨdaci Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨlaŋ hula Sadiusi hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hula nulɨdɨ pɨŋ vehavɨmi. Hɨmi sɨbɨlɨ Asɨ dɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ migɨlavɨhadami agɨladɨ manɨgali agaŋ avi vemi. Vevɨla ciaŋ abavɨmi agasaŋ Pita sadaŋ Jon sadaŋ igɨvɨ hekɨlɨ hɨniavɨmi. 3 Igɨvɨ hekɨlɨ hɨniavɨla nulɨdɨ mɨŋalɨva via ua ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨben aba lɨhavɨdaci hɨfɨlɨdaŋ sɨbaŋ lɨmi. Lɨci nulɨdɨ via lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨla hɨji nameŋ lamavɨmi. Amɨli ala nulɨdɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨbalu uavɨmi. 4 Hulaŋ iamɨgali akape agɨlaŋ hulaŋ ahica agɨladɨ ciaŋ igahɨlahɨla Jisasɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamavɨmi. Hulaŋ Jisasɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamavɨmi agɨladɨ lugɨlavɨci ua 5,000 iahami. 5 Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ lɨmɨn sɨbɨlɨ ulaŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨla hɨniavɨci mɨŋalahɨci Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ hula Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hula Jelusalem haiabɨla heŋ mɨgudɨbavɨmi. Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ agadɨ lamalubilubi hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨlaŋ nɨbɨlaŋ hula mɨgudɨbavɨmi. 6 Hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ avi ve nɨbɨlaŋ hula mɨgudɨbavɨmi. Mu Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali hekɨlɨ Anasɨ. Mu Kaiafasɨ. Mu Jon. Mu Alekɨsadelɨ. Limu hɨhɨle Anasɨ dɨ hɨdɨlɨ pam agɨlaŋ. 7 Mɨgudɨba hɨniavɨdaci Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ vavevɨla nulɨdɨ pɨŋ lamavɨci lagulama hɨniavɨdaci nulɨdɨ abitɨhavɨmi. Namɨlaŋ akɨ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ hɨvɨ hulaŋ nagadɨ huaci lamɨmalamɨlaŋ uavɨmi. Ani dɨ ibi hɨvɨ hameŋ lɨmalamɨlaŋ uavɨmi. 8 Lɨhavɨci Asɨ dɨ Amɨŋ agaŋ Pita hula hɨnihɨni nudɨ hɨji mɨŋaiahɨdaci nulɨdɨ abami. Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ manɨgali namɨlaŋ uami. Hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ namɨlaŋ uami. 9 Alaŋ hulaŋ hɨcɨ sɨbɨlɨ nagadɨ ahɨliahumalamɨlu agasaŋ abitɨhɨlaŋ uami. Akɨ lɨci huaci lɨmalami aba abitɨhɨlaŋ uami. 10 Manɨgali namɨlaŋ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ sɨkasɨkan namɨlaŋ avi sɨhɨvia sɨbaŋ igahɨlɨhalaŋ uami. Jisasɨ Kɨlaisɨ Nasaletɨ haiabɨla hɨsɨŋ agadɨ ibi hɨvɨ hulaŋ nagaŋ huaci lavɨla lagulama hɨnidaci igadalaŋ uami. Namɨlaŋ ala abɨlaŋ kɨlɨ cɨkaŋ hɨlihua lamalama agadɨ hɨvɨ Jisasɨ dɨ lama henaŋ hɨvɨ ifavɨci uci hɨmalɨ uami. Agadɨ ala Asɨ nudɨ abɨci cɨhu hɨhi iahalɨ uami. 11 Asɨ dɨ manasɨŋ hekɨlɨ agaŋ Jisasɨ saŋ hɨve lama abami uami. Ulaŋ sibɨla vivi hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ me namɨlaŋ lɨba kum hekɨlɨ agadɨ iga iga nameŋ abɨlalaŋ aba abami uami. Lɨba kum hekɨlɨ nagaŋ sɨbɨlɨ aba abɨlalaŋ aba abami uami. Agadɨ ala Asɨ lɨci lɨba kum hekɨlɨ agaŋ ulaŋ lua madɨŋ agadɨ havavɨla hɨnihɨni ulaŋ agasaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ igulalɨ aba abami uami. 12 Lavɨla Pita cɨhu ala abami. Hulaŋ mu mu fɨli neŋ hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ aludɨ ma ahɨliahuavɨci huaci hameŋ laci hameŋ laci hɨnibalu uami. Ha hɨma sɨbaŋ uami. Jisasɨ dɨ ibi hɨvɨ laci hulaŋ iamɨgali alaŋ huaci hameŋ laci hameŋ laci hɨnibalu uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ ahɨliahudaci huaci hameŋ laci hameŋ laci hɨnihɨni saŋ Asɨ nudɨ lɨbɨmɨŋami uami. 13 Lɨci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ igavɨci Pita hula Jon hula ciaŋ abɨben aba nulɨsaŋ ma lɨdavɨmi. Lɨhavɨci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ i uavɨla hɨji cuvɨlɨŋ cuvɨlɨŋ igahɨlavɨmi. Pita hula Jon hula sɨhɨ ciaŋ ma ivɨmaŋ uavɨmi. Nɨbɨlaŋ ibi apalɨ uavɨmi. Lavɨla hɨji nameŋ lamavɨmi. Hulaŋ ahica agɨlaŋ ala Jisasɨ hula hɨdavɨlalɨ uavɨmi. 14 La igavɨci hulaŋ hɨcɨ sɨbɨlɨ cɨhu huaci lɨmi agaŋ Pita hula Jon hula lagulama hɨniavɨmi heŋ lagulama hɨnimi. Lagulama hɨniavɨdaci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ cɨhu hɨbɨŋ ciaŋ aba aba agaŋ apalɨ lɨci ma abavɨmi. 15 Lavɨla Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ abavɨci haiabɨla ivoua hɨniavɨdaci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ nɨbɨlaŋ nukeŋ nukeŋ abavɨmi. 16 Alaŋ hulaŋ ahica agɨladɨ akɨ lɨbalu uavɨmi. Nɨbɨlaŋ hulaŋ hɨcɨ sɨbɨlɨ agadɨ huaci lamavɨmalami agadɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali Jelusalem haiabɨla hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan iga fɨhalavɨmalami uavɨmi. Hameŋ sadaŋ ma mɨŋasɨvɨlɨbalu uavɨmi. 17 Ciaŋ hɨjɨ nagaŋ uci veci hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ igahɨlavɨmɨdɨ uavɨmi. Hameŋ sadaŋ Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ abamɨgɨlɨmɨli uavɨmi. Jisasɨ dɨ ibi agasaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨladɨ cɨhu cɨhu abɨmɨlaŋ aba abɨmɨli uavɨmi. 18 Hameŋ abavɨla hulaŋ ahica agɨladɨ ulavɨci ivavehavɨci nulɨdɨ abamɨgɨlavɨmi. Jisasɨ dɨ ibi agasaŋ cɨhu cɨhu aba aba hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ lamalubimɨlaŋ uavɨmi. 19 Hameŋ abavɨci ala Pita hula Jon hula cɨhu hɨbɨŋ nulɨdɨ abavɨmi. Alaŋ naludɨ ciaŋ agadɨ sɨhɨvia lubiahɨlɨbalu ua Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ agadɨ sɨhɨvia lubiahɨlɨbalu uavɨmi. Asɨ igɨci akɨ ciaŋ agaŋ huaci li uavɨmi. Ha namɨlaŋ nukeŋ igɨhalaŋ uavɨmi. 20 Namɨlaŋ aludɨ abamɨgɨlɨlaŋ uavɨmi. Agadɨ ala alaŋ akuaba akuaba igɨlalu agɨladɨdaŋ igahɨlɨlalu agɨladɨdaŋ vakala vakala sulasula hɨdɨbalu uavɨmi. 21 21-22 Hameŋ abavɨci hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hɨji nameŋ lamavɨmi. Hulaŋ hɨcɨ sɨbɨlɨ agadɨ iamɨnu nudɨ huhɨlɨci iaha hɨnidaci hualɨ 40 ci ualɨ uavɨmi. Nudɨ hɨcɨ sɨbɨlɨ agaŋ huaci lɨci igavɨmalami agasaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨlaŋ Asɨ dɨ ibi mɨŋaiahaiaha hɨniavadi uavɨmi. Hameŋ abavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨlasaŋ lɨdavɨmi. Lɨdavɨla Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ sɨbɨlɨ lamɨbalu aba lɨhavɨmi agadɨ cɨhu valavɨmi. Lavɨla Pita dɨdaŋ Jon dɨdaŋ havɨ abacabɨlavɨla valavɨci uavɨmi. 23 Pita hula Jon hula manɨgali agɨladɨ vala uavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali Jisasɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamavɨhadami agɨlaŋ hula hafalavɨmi. Hafalavɨla hɨnihɨni akuaba akuaba ciaŋ Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨladɨ hulaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨlaŋ abavɨmi agadɨdaŋ Asɨ saŋ sagalɨ igu igu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ manɨgali agɨlaŋ abavɨmi agadɨdaŋ nulɨdɨ cɨhu tɨbi sulavɨmi. 24 Tɨbi sulavɨci igahɨlavɨla humɨgaŋ pam hɨnihɨni Asɨ dɨ nameŋ abavɨmi. Aludɨ Hekɨlɨ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ daŋ uavɨmi. Nama fɨli uaiaŋ susu agɨladɨ lamamanaŋ uavɨmi. Avɨli hekɨlɨ akuaba akuaba agɨladɨ avi lamamanaŋ uavɨmi. 25 Vaka nadɨ Amɨŋ agaŋ aludɨ iamɨlɨ Devitɨ saŋ hɨji igumi uavɨmi. Nɨbu nadɨ sibɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ uavɨmi. Hɨji iguci Devitɨ agaŋ nameŋ abami uavɨmi. Hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨdɨlɨ mu mu agɨlaŋ akɨ saŋ igɨvɨ hekɨlɨ hɨniavɨlalɨ aba abami uavɨmi. Hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ akɨ saŋ aludɨ Hekɨlɨ dɨ sɨbɨlɨ lamɨben aba havɨ havɨ ciaŋ mɨguavɨlalɨ aba abami uavɨmi. 26 Manɨgali fɨli tɨbɨ mu mu migɨlavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ sagaŋ lɨbalɨba saŋ hihɨlavɨlalɨ aba abami uavɨmi. Manɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ aludɨ Hekɨlɨ dɨ sɨbɨlɨ lamɨben aba mɨgudɨbavɨlalɨ aba abami uavɨmi. Hulaŋ nɨbu nukeŋ lɨbɨmɨŋavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali ahɨliahuiahu saŋ abɨci vemi agadɨ avi sɨbɨlɨ lamɨben aba lɨhavɨlalɨ aba abami uavɨmi. 27 Lavɨla Asɨ dɨ abavɨmi. Devitɨ abami agaŋ hameŋ laci lalɨ uavɨmi. Isɨlaelɨ hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hɨdɨlɨ mu mu agɨlaŋ haiabɨla neŋ mɨgudɨba hɨniavɨla Jisasɨ dɨ sɨbɨlɨ lamɨben aba lɨhavalɨ uavɨmi. Helotɨ hula Ponɨtiusɨ Pailatɨ hula nɨbɨlaŋ avi ahuata mɨgudɨba hɨniavalɨ uavɨmi. Jisasɨ nɨbu nadɨ sibɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ huaci sɨlɨvɨ sɨbaŋ uavɨmi. Vaka nama nukeŋ nudɨ lɨbɨmɨŋavɨla nadɨ sibɨla vivi saŋ abamanaŋ uavɨmi. 28 Akuaba akuaba lɨhavalɨ ha nadɨ nukeŋ hɨji lubiahɨlavɨla lɨhavalɨ uavɨmi. Nama vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ daŋ sadaŋ akuaba akuaba nama abamanaŋ hameŋ laci lɨhavalɨ uavɨmi. 29 Aludɨ Hekɨlɨ uavɨmi. Nɨbɨlaŋ aludɨ mɨŋa hagɨlu hagɨlu lɨlɨ saŋ lɨhavi agadɨ nama ci igɨnaŋ uavɨmi. Alaŋ nadɨ sibɨla hɨsɨŋ uavɨmi. Nama aludɨ ahɨliahuha uavɨmi. La alusaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ igunaŋ nadɨ ciaŋ sulasula saŋ ma lɨdɨbalu uavɨmi. 30 Hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨmuhɨmu daŋ agɨladɨ huaci lamɨha uavɨmi. Alusaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ igunaŋ Jisasɨ dɨ ibi hɨvɨ mu sihɨ mu sihɨ abalamɨdamɨli iga iga amɨŋ ala aba abavɨbali uavɨmi. Jisasɨ nɨbu nadɨ sibɨla hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ huaci sɨlɨvɨ sɨbaŋ uavɨmi. 31 Asɨ dɨ aba aba hɨniavɨci ci lɨci ulaŋ nɨbɨlaŋ hɨniavɨmi agaŋ sese lɨci Asɨ dɨ Amɨŋ agaŋ mɨgavɨla nɨbɨlaŋ hula hɨnimi. Hɨnidaci nɨbɨlaŋ Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ sulasula hɨdavɨhadami. Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ sulasula saŋ ma lɨdavɨhadami. 32 Hulaŋ iamɨgali ahuata Jisasɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamavɨhadami agɨlaŋ hɨji humɨgaŋ pam laci hɨniavɨhadami. Hulaŋ mu agaŋ nameŋ ma abadami. Akuaba akuaba nagɨlaŋ iadɨ laci aba ma abadami. Nɨbɨlaŋ nameŋ abavɨhadami. Akuaba akuaba hana aludɨ hudɨmɨda uavɨhadami. 33 Hulaŋ Jisasɨ lɨbɨmɨŋami agɨlaŋ nulɨdɨ Hekɨlɨ Jisasɨ hɨmavɨla cɨhu hɨhi iahami agasaŋ abavɨhadami. Abavɨdaci hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ abavɨhadami. Nulɨdɨ ciaŋ agaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ daŋ uavɨhadami. Lɨhavɨdaci Asɨ agaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali sɨkasɨkan Jisasɨ saŋ hɨji vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ lamavɨhadami agɨlasaŋ mavɨn hɨnihɨni nulɨdɨ sɨhɨvia sɨbaŋ migɨladami. 34 34-35 Migɨlɨdaci hulaŋ iamɨgali limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ sɨmɨŋ akuaba akuaba agɨlasaŋ ma tɨbɨ mɨgavɨhadami. Hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle fɨli tɨbɨ daŋ agɨlaŋ hula hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle ulaŋ daŋ agɨlaŋ hula nulɨdɨ akuaba akuaba agɨladɨ mutɨŋ hɨvɨ lamavɨhadami. Lamavɨdaci hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ lavavɨdaci anɨm hɨlɨcɨ vihavɨhadami. Anɨm hɨlɨcɨ agɨladɨ vivi uu hulaŋ Jisasɨ lɨbɨmɨŋami agɨlasaŋ iguavɨdaci hulaŋ iamɨgali sɨmɨŋ akuaba akuaba apalɨ agɨlasaŋ labɨla labɨla iguavɨhadami. 36 Hulaŋ mu avi haiabɨla heŋ hɨniadami. Nudɨ ibi Josepɨ. Hulaŋ Jisasɨ lɨbɨmɨŋami agɨlaŋ nudɨ ibi mu lamavɨla abavɨmi. Banabasɨ uavɨmi. Iagaŋ lagulagu hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ aba abavɨhadami agasaŋ Alam ciaŋ hɨvɨ Banabasɨ uavɨhadami. Banabasɨ nɨbu Livai hɨdɨlɨ. Nɨbu Saipɨlusɨ avɨli muha hɨsɨŋ. 37 Mu tɨbɨ nɨbu nudɨ fɨli tɨbɨ agadɨ mutɨŋ hɨvɨ lamɨci hulaŋ limu hɨhɨle agɨlaŋ lavavɨci anɨm hɨlɨcɨ agɨladɨ via uavɨla hulaŋ Jisasɨ lɨbɨmɨŋami agɨlasaŋ igumi.

In Other Versions

Acts 4 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 4 in the AS21

Acts 4 in the BAGH

Acts 4 in the BBPNG

Acts 4 in the BBT1E

Acts 4 in the BDS

Acts 4 in the BEV

Acts 4 in the BHAD

Acts 4 in the BIB

Acts 4 in the BLPT

Acts 4 in the BNT

Acts 4 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 4 in the BNTLV

Acts 4 in the BOATCB

Acts 4 in the BOATCB2

Acts 4 in the BOBCV

Acts 4 in the BOCNT

Acts 4 in the BOECS

Acts 4 in the BOGWICC

Acts 4 in the BOHCB

Acts 4 in the BOHCV

Acts 4 in the BOHLNT

Acts 4 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 4 in the BOICB

Acts 4 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 4 in the BOITCV

Acts 4 in the BOKCV

Acts 4 in the BOKCV2

Acts 4 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 4 in the BOKSSV

Acts 4 in the BOLCB

Acts 4 in the BOLCB2

Acts 4 in the BOMCV

Acts 4 in the BONAV

Acts 4 in the BONCB

Acts 4 in the BONLT

Acts 4 in the BONUT2

Acts 4 in the BOPLNT

Acts 4 in the BOSCB

Acts 4 in the BOSNC

Acts 4 in the BOTLNT

Acts 4 in the BOVCB

Acts 4 in the BOYCB

Acts 4 in the BPBB

Acts 4 in the BPH

Acts 4 in the BSB

Acts 4 in the CCB

Acts 4 in the CUV

Acts 4 in the CUVS

Acts 4 in the DBT

Acts 4 in the DGDNT

Acts 4 in the DHNT

Acts 4 in the DNT

Acts 4 in the ELBE

Acts 4 in the EMTV

Acts 4 in the ESV

Acts 4 in the FBV

Acts 4 in the FEB

Acts 4 in the GGMNT

Acts 4 in the GNT

Acts 4 in the HARY

Acts 4 in the HNT

Acts 4 in the IRVA

Acts 4 in the IRVB

Acts 4 in the IRVG

Acts 4 in the IRVH

Acts 4 in the IRVK

Acts 4 in the IRVM

Acts 4 in the IRVM2

Acts 4 in the IRVO

Acts 4 in the IRVP

Acts 4 in the IRVT

Acts 4 in the IRVT2

Acts 4 in the IRVU

Acts 4 in the ISVN

Acts 4 in the JSNT

Acts 4 in the KAPI

Acts 4 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 4 in the KBV

Acts 4 in the KJV

Acts 4 in the KNFD

Acts 4 in the LBA

Acts 4 in the LBLA

Acts 4 in the LNT

Acts 4 in the LSV

Acts 4 in the MAAL

Acts 4 in the MBV

Acts 4 in the MBV2

Acts 4 in the MHNT

Acts 4 in the MKNFD

Acts 4 in the MNG

Acts 4 in the MNT

Acts 4 in the MNT2

Acts 4 in the MRS1T

Acts 4 in the NAA

Acts 4 in the NASB

Acts 4 in the NBLA

Acts 4 in the NBS

Acts 4 in the NBVTP

Acts 4 in the NET2

Acts 4 in the NIV11

Acts 4 in the NNT

Acts 4 in the NNT2

Acts 4 in the NNT3

Acts 4 in the PDDPT

Acts 4 in the PFNT

Acts 4 in the RMNT

Acts 4 in the SBIAS

Acts 4 in the SBIBS

Acts 4 in the SBIBS2

Acts 4 in the SBICS

Acts 4 in the SBIDS

Acts 4 in the SBIGS

Acts 4 in the SBIHS

Acts 4 in the SBIIS

Acts 4 in the SBIIS2

Acts 4 in the SBIIS3

Acts 4 in the SBIKS

Acts 4 in the SBIKS2

Acts 4 in the SBIMS

Acts 4 in the SBIOS

Acts 4 in the SBIPS

Acts 4 in the SBISS

Acts 4 in the SBITS

Acts 4 in the SBITS2

Acts 4 in the SBITS3

Acts 4 in the SBITS4

Acts 4 in the SBIUS

Acts 4 in the SBIVS

Acts 4 in the SBT

Acts 4 in the SBT1E

Acts 4 in the SCHL

Acts 4 in the SNT

Acts 4 in the SUSU

Acts 4 in the SUSU2

Acts 4 in the SYNO

Acts 4 in the TBIAOTANT

Acts 4 in the TBT1E

Acts 4 in the TBT1E2

Acts 4 in the TFTIP

Acts 4 in the TFTU

Acts 4 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 4 in the THAI

Acts 4 in the TNFD

Acts 4 in the TNT

Acts 4 in the TNTIK

Acts 4 in the TNTIL

Acts 4 in the TNTIN

Acts 4 in the TNTIP

Acts 4 in the TNTIZ

Acts 4 in the TOMA

Acts 4 in the TTENT

Acts 4 in the UBG

Acts 4 in the UGV

Acts 4 in the UGV2

Acts 4 in the UGV3

Acts 4 in the VBL

Acts 4 in the VDCC

Acts 4 in the YALU

Acts 4 in the YAPE

Acts 4 in the YBVTP

Acts 4 in the ZBP