Revelation 16 (ANGEFD)

1 Viaŋ igahɨlɨdalɨŋ Asɨ agaŋ nudɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ agadɨ muji heŋ hɨniavɨla nudɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ human limu fɨhala human limu ahica cɨjɨŋ agɨladɨ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ ulavɨla abi uami. Namɨlaŋ hunaŋ mɨsɨn human limu fɨhala human limu ahica cɨjɨŋ agɨladɨ ci via hɨnidalaŋ aba abi uami. Iadɨ igɨvɨ agaŋ lɨmɨn uain agɨladɨ amɨŋ agɨladɨ mɨtɨ me hunaŋ mɨsɨn agɨladɨ hɨvɨ ala hɨniavi aba abi uami. Hunaŋ mɨsɨn agɨladɨ viavɨla lɨmɨn uain agɨladɨ amɨŋ agɨladɨ mɨtɨ avɨli vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ me agadɨ fɨli heŋ mɨŋamɨjidalaŋ mɨguavɨm aba abi uami. 2 Lɨci Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ viavɨla fɨli hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨjici mɨgi uami. Lɨci fim vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ mu hɨdɨlɨ mu hɨdɨlɨ agɨlaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali fɨli hali sɨhɨm sabaŋ mugaŋ lamɨgaŋ me agadɨ sihɨ daŋ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ iahavi uami. Kɨlɨ cɨkaŋ hɨvɨ fɨli hali sɨhɨm sabaŋ mugaŋ lamɨgaŋ me lɨhua lamavɨci hɨnilalɨ agadɨ ibi mɨŋaiahɨben aba mɨgalɨfɨlɨbavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ avi iahavi uami. 3 Lɨci Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ avɨli hekɨlɨ sabɨ hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨjici mɨgi uami. Lɨci avɨli hekɨlɨ agaŋ mɨdɨ caŋ caŋ lavɨla hɨniavɨlalɨ hameŋ hɨni uami. Lɨci akuaba akuaba avɨli hekɨlɨ muji hɨhi hɨniavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan haba hɨmavi uami. 4 Lɨhavɨci Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ avɨli makaŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ avɨli vubɨlɨm daŋ vubɨlɨm daŋ iahavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨjici mɨgi uami. Lɨci avɨli agɨlaŋ mɨdɨ lɨfavi uami. 5 5-6 Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ avɨli agɨladɨ migɨlɨlalɨ uami. Nɨbu ala nameŋ abi uami. Asɨ nama vaka sɨbaŋ hɨniadamɨnaŋ aba abi uami. Iabi avi hɨnidanaŋ aba abi uami. Hulaŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨlaŋ nadɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ agɨladɨdaŋ nadɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨdaŋ ifɨhɨmavɨdaci nulɨdɨ mɨdɨ agɨlaŋ mɨjimɨji mɨgavalɨ aba abi uami. Lɨhavɨci nama nulɨsaŋ mɨdɨ igunaŋ navi aba abi uami. Lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ vihavalɨ agasaŋ hɨbɨŋ nulɨsaŋ mɨdɨ igunaŋ navi aba abi uami. Nama huaci sɨlɨvɨ sɨbaŋ aba abi uami. Nama hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨtɨŋ hɨtɨŋ akuaba akuaba lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ vihavɨlalɨ agɨladɨ igɨlanaŋ aba abi uami. Iga iga nulɨdɨ ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamalama lɨbɨmɨgumɨgu sɨbɨlɨ lamɨlanaŋ agaŋ amɨŋ sɨbaŋ aba abi uami. 7 Lɨci igahɨlɨdalɨŋ Asɨ dɨ hulaŋ iamɨgali hɨmavalɨ agɨladɨ amɨŋ agɨlaŋ sagalɨ hɨlahɨla hɨsɨŋ vadɨm lɨhu heŋ hɨnihɨni nameŋ abavi uami. Amɨŋ ala aba abavi uami. Nama aludɨ Hekɨlɨ aba abavi uami. Nama Asɨ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ hekɨlɨ daŋ aba abavi uami. Nama hulaŋ iamɨgali lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ daŋ agɨladɨ sɨhɨvia sɨbaŋ iga iga ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨlanaŋ aba abavi uami. Ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamalama hulaŋ iamɨgali lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ amɨŋ amɨŋ vihavɨlalɨ agɨlasaŋ vɨhɨlɨ igulanaŋ aba abavi uami. 8 Lɨci Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ mɨŋamɨjici uaiaŋ lamɨgaŋ agadɨ hafilami uami. Lɨci uaiaŋ agaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ avɨŋ me hɨlacabɨlɨbali aba Asɨ nusaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ igui uami. 9 Lɨci uaiaŋ agaŋ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ sɨbaŋ hɨlavɨla hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ hɨlacabɨli uami. Lɨci nameŋ abavi uami. Asɨ nɨbu ibi daŋ sadaŋ akuaba akuaba mu hɨdɨlɨ mu hɨdɨlɨ nagɨladɨ nɨbu nukeŋ lɨdaci iahavi aba abavi uami. Hameŋ aba aba Asɨ dɨ abacuvacuva ciaŋ abavi uami. Hameŋ lɨdɨŋ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨladɨ ma valavi uami. Asɨ saŋ hɨjɨŋalaŋala nudɨ ibi avi ma mɨŋaiahavi uami. 10 Lɨhavɨci cɨhu Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ fɨli hali sɨhɨm sabaŋ mugaŋ lamɨgaŋ me agadɨ mɨgahɨnihɨni hɨsɨŋ uvɨ heŋ mɨŋamɨjici mɨgi uami. Lɨci hulaŋ iamɨgali nudɨ lɨhu hɨvɨ hɨniavi agɨladɨ hɨvɨ hɨfɨlɨ mɨgi uami. Lɨci avɨha avɨha hekɨlɨ iga iga nulɨdɨ nukeŋ selɨvɨŋ iavavi uami. 11 Fim akuaba akuaba agɨlaŋ nulɨdɨ hadipɨlɨ hɨvɨ iahavɨdaci avɨha avɨha iga iga Asɨ iahua hɨvɨ hɨnilalɨ agadɨ abacuvacuva ciaŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ abavi uami. Hameŋ aba aba nulɨdɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨladɨ ma valavi uami. 12 Lɨci cɨhu Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ Iufɨletisɨ avɨli makaŋ hekɨlɨ heŋ mɨŋamɨjici mɨgi uami. Lɨci avɨli agaŋ pɨlelɨci fɨli agaŋ subɨlavɨla uaiaŋ iahaiaha kɨlikɨli hɨsɨŋ manɨgali agɨlaŋ veve hɨbɨ daŋ hɨni uami. 13 Lɨdaci sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ ahica pam sulɨ me agɨladɨ igin uami. Mu sahula hekɨlɨ agadɨ sɨbɨsaŋ muji heŋ hɨnia ivave uami. Mu fɨli hali sɨhɨm sabaŋ mugaŋ lamɨgaŋ me agadɨ sɨbɨsaŋ muji heŋ hɨnia ivave uami. Mu fɨli hali sɨhɨm sabaŋ mugaŋ lamɨgaŋ me agadɨ ciaŋ igalahalaha hɨsɨŋ agadɨ sɨbɨsaŋ muji heŋ hɨnia ivave uami. 14 Ivavevɨla fɨli tɨbɨ mu hɨvɨ mu hɨvɨ hɨdahɨda uu manɨgali fɨli tɨbɨ mu hɨsɨŋ mu hɨsɨŋ agɨladɨ hɨvɨ mu sihɨ mu sihɨ abalamavi uami. Manɨgali fɨli tɨbɨ mu hɨsɨŋ mu hɨsɨŋ agɨlaŋ nulɨdɨ sagaŋ hɨsɨŋ hulemɨlɨ agɨladɨ vavevave mɨgudɨbavɨbali agasaŋ abalamavi uami. Asɨ vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ hekɨlɨ daŋ agaŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali ciaŋ hɨvɨ lamɨbali agadɨ mɨhiŋ hekɨlɨ heŋ sagaŋ lɨbalɨba saŋ abalamavi uami. 15 Lɨhavɨci Jisasɨ nameŋ abi uami. Ci igɨlaŋ aba abi uami. Viaŋ naludɨ pɨŋ sɨgɨlɨ hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ velalɨ hameŋ veben aba abi uami. Mɨhiŋ apalɨ veben aba abi uami. Hulaŋ iamɨgali nulɨdɨ hadi hɨlahɨla hutesɨ hutesɨ agɨladɨ nulɨdɨ mikɨ pɨŋ lamavɨla migɨla migɨla hɨnihɨni ani ma hɨsɨvavɨlalɨ agɨlaŋ hɨjɨŋalavɨbali aba abi uami. Nɨbɨlaŋ muhɨlɨ havɨlɨ daŋ me hɨniavɨla ma sɨhumahɨlavɨbali aba abi uami. 16 Lɨci sudɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨlaŋ manɨgali agɨladɨ vave fipɨ mu Ibɨlu ciaŋ hɨvɨ Alɨmagedon aba abavɨlalɨ heŋ mɨgudɨbavi uami. 17 Lɨhavɨci Asɨ dɨ ciaŋ hali hɨsɨŋ mu agaŋ nudɨ hunaŋ mɨsɨn agadɨ uaiaŋ susu hɨvɨ mɨŋamɨji uami. Lɨci Asɨ nudɨ aŋam ulaŋ hekɨlɨ muji heŋ nudɨ mɨgahɨnihɨni hɨsɨŋ uvɨ agadɨ hɨvɨ mɨgahɨniavɨla vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ nameŋ abi uami. Ha ci aba abi uami. 18 Lɨci imamulaŋ agaŋ mɨŋapalɨdaci sagɨliŋ hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ lami uami. Lɨdɨŋ lɨbɨlaŋ hekɨlɨ ifɨdaci mumim hekɨlɨ sɨbaŋ ve uami. Vaka hulaŋ iamɨgali fɨli neŋ hɨniavɨdaci mumim hameŋ agaŋ ma vemi uami. 19 Lɨci Babilon haiabɨla hekɨlɨ agaŋ cɨkɨlavɨla ahica pam cɨkaŋ hɨniavi uami. Haiabɨla hekɨlɨ hekɨlɨ fɨli tɨbɨ mu hɨvɨ mu hɨvɨ hɨniavi agɨlaŋ avi sɨkasɨkan sɨbɨlɨ lɨhavi uami. Asɨ nɨbu Babilon haiabɨla hekɨlɨ hɨsɨŋ hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ lusɨŋ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbɨlɨ agɨladɨ ci igi uami. La hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ sɨbɨlɨ lamɨben aba nudɨ igɨvɨ hekɨlɨ lɨmɨn uain agɨladɨ amɨŋ agɨladɨ mɨtɨ avɨli vɨdɨvɨdɨŋ me hɨnidi agadɨ iguci navi uami. 20 Avɨli muha mu mu agɨlaŋ sɨkasɨkan haba sɨvɨlavi uami. Halu mu avi ma hɨni uami. 21 Avɨli vumɨli lɨba kum kum me agɨlaŋ mɨgavi uami. Avɨli vumɨli lɨba kum kum me agɨladɨ vɨhɨlɨ hɨtɨŋ hɨtɨŋ agɨlaŋ 50 kilogɨlam uami. Avɨli vumɨli lɨba kum kum me agɨlaŋ uaiaŋ susu hɨvɨ hɨnihɨni hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨladɨ sabɨ hɨvɨ mɨgamɨga nulɨdɨ sɨbɨlɨ sɨbaŋ lamavi uami. Lɨhavɨdaci hulaŋ iamɨgali agɨlaŋ Asɨ nukeŋ abɨci avɨli vumɨli lɨba kum kum me mɨgavi agasaŋ nudɨ abacuvacuva ciaŋ abavi uami.

In Other Versions

Revelation 16 in the ANTPNG2D

Revelation 16 in the AS21

Revelation 16 in the BAGH

Revelation 16 in the BBPNG

Revelation 16 in the BBT1E

Revelation 16 in the BDS

Revelation 16 in the BEV

Revelation 16 in the BHAD

Revelation 16 in the BIB

Revelation 16 in the BLPT

Revelation 16 in the BNT

Revelation 16 in the BNTABOOT

Revelation 16 in the BNTLV

Revelation 16 in the BOATCB

Revelation 16 in the BOATCB2

Revelation 16 in the BOBCV

Revelation 16 in the BOCNT

Revelation 16 in the BOECS

Revelation 16 in the BOGWICC

Revelation 16 in the BOHCB

Revelation 16 in the BOHCV

Revelation 16 in the BOHLNT

Revelation 16 in the BOHNTLTAL

Revelation 16 in the BOICB

Revelation 16 in the BOILNTAP

Revelation 16 in the BOITCV

Revelation 16 in the BOKCV

Revelation 16 in the BOKCV2

Revelation 16 in the BOKHWOG

Revelation 16 in the BOKSSV

Revelation 16 in the BOLCB

Revelation 16 in the BOLCB2

Revelation 16 in the BOMCV

Revelation 16 in the BONAV

Revelation 16 in the BONCB

Revelation 16 in the BONLT

Revelation 16 in the BONUT2

Revelation 16 in the BOPLNT

Revelation 16 in the BOSCB

Revelation 16 in the BOSNC

Revelation 16 in the BOTLNT

Revelation 16 in the BOVCB

Revelation 16 in the BOYCB

Revelation 16 in the BPBB

Revelation 16 in the BPH

Revelation 16 in the BSB

Revelation 16 in the CCB

Revelation 16 in the CUV

Revelation 16 in the CUVS

Revelation 16 in the DBT

Revelation 16 in the DGDNT

Revelation 16 in the DHNT

Revelation 16 in the DNT

Revelation 16 in the ELBE

Revelation 16 in the EMTV

Revelation 16 in the ESV

Revelation 16 in the FBV

Revelation 16 in the FEB

Revelation 16 in the GGMNT

Revelation 16 in the GNT

Revelation 16 in the HARY

Revelation 16 in the HNT

Revelation 16 in the IRVA

Revelation 16 in the IRVB

Revelation 16 in the IRVG

Revelation 16 in the IRVH

Revelation 16 in the IRVK

Revelation 16 in the IRVM

Revelation 16 in the IRVM2

Revelation 16 in the IRVO

Revelation 16 in the IRVP

Revelation 16 in the IRVT

Revelation 16 in the IRVT2

Revelation 16 in the IRVU

Revelation 16 in the ISVN

Revelation 16 in the JSNT

Revelation 16 in the KAPI

Revelation 16 in the KBT1ETNIK

Revelation 16 in the KBV

Revelation 16 in the KJV

Revelation 16 in the KNFD

Revelation 16 in the LBA

Revelation 16 in the LBLA

Revelation 16 in the LNT

Revelation 16 in the LSV

Revelation 16 in the MAAL

Revelation 16 in the MBV

Revelation 16 in the MBV2

Revelation 16 in the MHNT

Revelation 16 in the MKNFD

Revelation 16 in the MNG

Revelation 16 in the MNT

Revelation 16 in the MNT2

Revelation 16 in the MRS1T

Revelation 16 in the NAA

Revelation 16 in the NASB

Revelation 16 in the NBLA

Revelation 16 in the NBS

Revelation 16 in the NBVTP

Revelation 16 in the NET2

Revelation 16 in the NIV11

Revelation 16 in the NNT

Revelation 16 in the NNT2

Revelation 16 in the NNT3

Revelation 16 in the PDDPT

Revelation 16 in the PFNT

Revelation 16 in the RMNT

Revelation 16 in the SBIAS

Revelation 16 in the SBIBS

Revelation 16 in the SBIBS2

Revelation 16 in the SBICS

Revelation 16 in the SBIDS

Revelation 16 in the SBIGS

Revelation 16 in the SBIHS

Revelation 16 in the SBIIS

Revelation 16 in the SBIIS2

Revelation 16 in the SBIIS3

Revelation 16 in the SBIKS

Revelation 16 in the SBIKS2

Revelation 16 in the SBIMS

Revelation 16 in the SBIOS

Revelation 16 in the SBIPS

Revelation 16 in the SBISS

Revelation 16 in the SBITS

Revelation 16 in the SBITS2

Revelation 16 in the SBITS3

Revelation 16 in the SBITS4

Revelation 16 in the SBIUS

Revelation 16 in the SBIVS

Revelation 16 in the SBT

Revelation 16 in the SBT1E

Revelation 16 in the SCHL

Revelation 16 in the SNT

Revelation 16 in the SUSU

Revelation 16 in the SUSU2

Revelation 16 in the SYNO

Revelation 16 in the TBIAOTANT

Revelation 16 in the TBT1E

Revelation 16 in the TBT1E2

Revelation 16 in the TFTIP

Revelation 16 in the TFTU

Revelation 16 in the TGNTATF3T

Revelation 16 in the THAI

Revelation 16 in the TNFD

Revelation 16 in the TNT

Revelation 16 in the TNTIK

Revelation 16 in the TNTIL

Revelation 16 in the TNTIN

Revelation 16 in the TNTIP

Revelation 16 in the TNTIZ

Revelation 16 in the TOMA

Revelation 16 in the TTENT

Revelation 16 in the UBG

Revelation 16 in the UGV

Revelation 16 in the UGV2

Revelation 16 in the UGV3

Revelation 16 in the VBL

Revelation 16 in the VDCC

Revelation 16 in the YALU

Revelation 16 in the YAPE

Revelation 16 in the YBVTP

Revelation 16 in the ZBP