Luke 1 (BNTLV)

1 Shiimets Tewofloso!No dagotse k'aleets keewwotsi kishde'er kitsit tarikiyo haniye shin aywots guut'rnee. 2 Wosh han noosh beshitswots shin shinon teshts ááwon bek'tswotsnat b́ aap'tso nab́t teshtswotsiye. 3 Mank'owere taa shin shino tuzat jam keewo t'iwintsdek'at t s'iliyakoń b́ tarikiyo matsdek'at neesh t guut'etwok'o sheeng wotat taash b́ daatseyi. 4 Han tk'alwere ndants dano ar b́woto sheegshde dań ndek'isha etaatniye. 5 Herods Yihud datsatse nugús wotat b́teshor, Aabiya kahni fini kayotse fin finirwotsitse Zekariyasi eteetso kahniya b́ tesh. Bíwere Aron naaratse shuwetsu Eelsabti eteets máátsu detsfe b́tesh. 6 Gitwotswere Ik'o shinatse kááwwotsi bo teshi, Doonzo alonat teron iko bo shapirawona Ik'i shinatse sheeng beya bobefoni bo teshi. 7 Elsabet' mahan b teshtsotse na'o deshatsno botesh, ando gitwotsu ay dek't gaawerwtskno bo tesh. 8 Manoor Zekariyas kahniwots jirwotsitse Ik'i mootse finosh b́ fini aawa b́tesh, mansha bí Ik'i shinatse b́ kahni fino b́finefera b́ tesh. 9 Kahaniyots yoots bo k'alfok'ooń doonzo Ik' moots kindt it'ano s'uwiwosh bíats it'o keshb́wutsi. 10 Ik' mootsnowere it'ano s'uwiyewor, ash jamo úratse ned'de'rni Ik'o bok'onfo. 11 Doonzo melakiyo it'an s'uwiyeyiru t'arap'ezoke k'aniweeron ned'irwo Zekariyas ats be'eeb́wtsi. 12 Zekariyas Ik'i melakiman b́bek'or tek'at shatb́wts. 13 Ernmó melakiyo bísh hank'owa bíet: «Zekariyaso! shatk'aye! Ik'o n k'ontso shishre, n máátsu Elsabet' nungush na'o neesh shuwitwaniye, b́ shútsono Yohansi err s'egetune. 14 B́ shuwewono geneúwi eeno neesh wotituwe, aywotsu b́ shuwewon mank'o genee'úwitunee. 15 Bí doonzo shinatse een wotitwe, weyiniwon dutsets bironat k'osh mashit úsho úyatse, indu maac'otse b́befere S'ayn shayiron s'eenk wotitwe. 16 Bí Isra'el ashotse aywotsi bo Doonz Izar Izewer maants aniyituwe, 17 Ari nebiyo Eliyas kok'o S'ayn shayironat angon wotaŕ nihwots nibo nana'o maants, aleraw ashuwots nibono kaawwots dan telofo maants aanitwe, ashaashwotsnowere doonzosh k'anbodek'etwok'o woshitwe.» 18 Ernmó Zekariyas melakiwosh «Keewan arik b́ woto eegneya t daneti? Taawere gaawerwtserere, tmáátsunwere gawerwtserane» bí et. 19 Melakiyonwe hank'o ett bísh bí aani, «Taa Ik'o shinatse ned'efo Gebreel taane, doo shishiyan neesh tkeewitwok'o Ik'oke wosheyat waare. 20 Neemó bí aawo b́bodor wotitwo t keewts keewo amaneratsne, mansh neesh t keewts keew jaman wotar b́ s'eenfetso gidik' wotar s'k err nbeetesheti, noon keewono falatsne.» 21 Manoor ash ashuwots Zekariysi bokotfera botesh, Ik'i mootse b́ ja'atsosh bo adi. 22 Zekariyas Ik' mootse b́ keshor ash ashuwotsnton keeweyo falratse b́ tesh, mansh bo Ik' mootse bek'o b́bek'tsok'oo danbok'ri, bí b́ kishon kitsfetstni boosh b́ daniyiri bako noon keewo falratse b́ tesh. 23 B́fiino b́ s'uwi hakon Zekariyas b́ moo maants k'az bíami. 24 Muk'i b́teshihakon b́ máátsu Elsabet na'o maac'bwtsi, úts shashosh b moots ááshutsatni b tesh, hank'owo bi et, 25 «Doonzo keewi sheenghan taash k'alre, ashuwots dagotse t gac'ewo tiatse k'aaú dek't juu k'rere.» 26 Elsabet bmac'ts shirtl shashon melakiyo Gebr'el Gelil datsatse fa'ú Naazreti eteef kituts Ik'oke b́ wosheyi. 27 B́ woshewwere Dawit naar wottso Yosefi eteef ashosh wid'ets baarna'a s'eenúka b́ tesh, b shútsonwere Mariyami b tesh. 28 Melakiyonwere b maants waat, «Nee Ik'i s'aaton s'eentsune, jeeno neesh wotowe! doonzo neentoniye, [Nee máátswotsitse derek neene]» bí et. 29 Biwere melakiyo keew keewatse tuutson aydek'at tek'at, «Jam aatan awuk'o jam aate k'una?» etaat asaabbdek'i. 30 Melakiyonwere hank'o bish bíet, «Mariyame! Ik'i shinatse n baatsirwotse shatk'aye, 31 Eshe! Na'o mac'ituune, nungush na'ono shuwiytuune, b́ shútsono Iyesusi etetune. 32 Bí were een wotitwe, jamoniyere damb bogo Ik'o naayiye eteetwe, doonzo Ik'o b́ nih Dawit naashi jooro imetuwe. 33 Isra'el ashaatsnowere dúre dúrosh naashitwe, b́ naashonwere s'uwo deshatse.» 34 Mariyam melakiyosh «Taaho baarna'a s'eenu taanere, bere, hank'ó keewan aak'oneya woto b́faliti?» bi eti. 35 Melakiyonúwere hank'o ett bíaany, «S'ayin shayiro ni ats weetuwe, jamoniyere damb bogts Ik'o angonwere neen gúúpetuwe, mansh niyatse shuwet na'o S'ayno wotitwe, Ik'o naayiye eteetwe. 36 Njaguu Elsabet dab mahani eteere beyat ja'at and b gaweriyakon nungush na'o maac' dek'raniye, b maac'ihakon and shirtl shasho bodrane. 37 Ik'osh maawet keewo aaliye.» 38 Maniyakon Mariyam, «Hamb! Taa doonzo gonú taane, taash niettsok'o wotowe» bieti. Manoor melakiyo biyoke k'az bí ami. 39 Manoor Mariyam gur báár datso Yihud datsomantse fa'a kitu maants kááron tuwat bi ami. 40 Zekariyas mootso kindat Elsabetsh jamo b imi. 41 Elsabet Mariyam bin jamo bi aator b k'aaro bshishtsok'oon b maac'itsi na'o t'oolo gedb́k'ri. Elsabetwere S'ayn shayiron s'eengutsat 42 B k'aaro eensh dek'at hank'o bi et, «Nee máátswotsitse derek neene, niyatse shuweetwonwe deereke. 43 Tdoonz ind taan s'iilo b waan taash aak'o mangi eene, 44 N jamo t shishtsok'on manoor t maac'otse fa'a na'o gene'on t'oolere. 45 Doonzoke bish keewets aap'o b́s'eenetwotse nee amantsu aak'o deerek neene!» 46 Mariyam hank'owa bi et«T kashu t doonzi úditwanee, 47 T shayiru t doonzn ti aton geneeúitwane, 48 Ik'o taan ashitsi ashe dash gonú b́ s'iiltsotse,Hambetse okoon shuwets jamo deretsuniye etetúne taasha, 49 Ik' kup'o een een keewwotsi taash k'alre.B́ shútsonwere S'ayine. 50 Ik'o bín shatirwotssh,Bo Na'i na'osh b́ mhretiyo woshitwe. 51 B́ kup' aaron bí ango kitsre,Bog noona ett it'irwotsnowere bo tewnonton boon bad'ik'reree. 52 K'eeziru een eenwotsno bo naashi jooratse oorshre,ernmó bo tooko dashan detsiru ashuwotsi mangon dambaan tizree. 53 K'ak'tswotsno sheeng keewon worire,Galetswotsnmó kishi baashon damik'rere. 54 54-55 Abrahamnat b́ naarwotssh dúre dúrosh b́ kitsts mheretiyonowere gawdek't,B́ guutso Isra'eli tep'ree.Manowere b́k'al shin no nihotssh b́ jangits keewo s'eentsoshe.» 56 Mariyamwere Elsabetnton keez shashosh b́teshiyhakon b galomaants aanat k'azbiami. 57 Elsabet b shuwi aawo b́bore nungush na'o shuubk'ri. 58 B giyuwotsnat b jag jamwotswere doonzo bish mhetiyo b́ woshtso shisht binton bo geneúwi. 59 Na'o b́ shuwetsi shmtl aawon, bín gof damiyewor b giyuwotsnat b jagwotsn kakweyat bo weyi, b́ nih shútson Zekariyasi err s'egetwok'o geyatni botesh, 60 Indunmó «Mank'o woteratse, b́ shútso Yohansiye» bi eti. 61 Bowere bish «N jagotse shútsann s'eegetso konwor aalneya?» bo eti. 62 Maniye okoon nihosh, «N naayi koni err s'egetwok'owe ngeyi?» ett kolon bo aati. 63 Zekariyasu bín guut'etuwo bísh bo imetuwok'o aatdek't «B́shutsoniye Yohansiye» ett b́ guut'i, jametswotsu keewmaanatse tuutson bo adi. 64 Manoor Zekariyas albero bishwtsat bí eree noonkeewo b́fali, Ik'o údo dek'b́tuwi. 65 Manatse tuutson bogiyi jametswots shatoon tek'bowtsi, keewman gúrmanatsi Yhud dats jamwotsatse shiyeb́wtsi. 66 Keewhan shishits jamwots, «Na'i marmat'an eeg wotishek'uwa?» ett bo atsatseyo bo aatefere botesh. Han b́wotiye Ik' kisho arikon bínton wotat bín b́tep'tsoshe. 67 Na'i marmat'o nih Zekariyas S'ayin shayiron s'eenwtsat hank'o ett bek'on b́keewi, 68 «Bí ashuwotsi mheretiyon waa b́s'iltsonat b́ kashitsotse,Isra'elko Izar Izewer, doonzosh údo wotowe! 69 B́guutso Dawit naarotse kaashiyts kup'o noosh tuuzre, 70 Yoots shin dúrtson tuuzt b́ teshts S'ayin nebiyiwots noonon b́keewtsok'on, 71 B́ kashiwonwere no balangarwotsnat noon shit'iru jamwots kishotsene, 72 Han b́ k'alwere nonihotssh mhretiyo b́ woshtsok'oB́keewts S'ayn taaro s'eentsosh gawdek'tniyee. 73 Taaranowere, taaron b́ ím nonih Abramsha b́teshi. 74 B́ jangitsonwere no t'alatwots kishotse nas'o keer,Shatalon bísh no finishe, 75 Mank'o beyi dúr jamonIk'ishinatse S'ayinonat kááwon beyo nofalitwok'owe. 76 Aaninu nee na'i marmat'ono, jamoniyere danb eents Ik'ko bek'etsoniye neene eteetwe.B́werindo k'aniyosh doonzoshinats beshar ametunee 77 Doononwere bo morrosh boosh oorowe errKashosh wotit dano boosh imetwe. 78 Noko Izar Izewer maac' k'ewtsonat maac' nefon b́wottsotse bín kashet shááno danmbane noosh b́ shanetwok'o woshitwe. 79 Manwere t'aluwonat k'iri c'ishotse fa'a jamwotssh shaanitwe,No shaaw shaawonowere jeeni weromants jishitwe.» 80 Na'onu eenb́wtsi, shayironowere kup'b́wutsi, Isra'el ash jamosh b́ be'efetsosh worwotse b́beeyi.

In Other Versions

Luke 1 in the ANGEFD

Luke 1 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 1 in the AS21

Luke 1 in the BAGH

Luke 1 in the BBPNG

Luke 1 in the BBT1E

Luke 1 in the BDS

Luke 1 in the BEV

Luke 1 in the BHAD

Luke 1 in the BIB

Luke 1 in the BLPT

Luke 1 in the BNT

Luke 1 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 1 in the BOATCB

Luke 1 in the BOATCB2

Luke 1 in the BOBCV

Luke 1 in the BOCNT

Luke 1 in the BOECS

Luke 1 in the BOGWICC

Luke 1 in the BOHCB

Luke 1 in the BOHCV

Luke 1 in the BOHLNT

Luke 1 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 1 in the BOICB

Luke 1 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 1 in the BOITCV

Luke 1 in the BOKCV

Luke 1 in the BOKCV2

Luke 1 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 1 in the BOKSSV

Luke 1 in the BOLCB

Luke 1 in the BOLCB2

Luke 1 in the BOMCV

Luke 1 in the BONAV

Luke 1 in the BONCB

Luke 1 in the BONLT

Luke 1 in the BONUT2

Luke 1 in the BOPLNT

Luke 1 in the BOSCB

Luke 1 in the BOSNC

Luke 1 in the BOTLNT

Luke 1 in the BOVCB

Luke 1 in the BOYCB

Luke 1 in the BPBB

Luke 1 in the BPH

Luke 1 in the BSB

Luke 1 in the CCB

Luke 1 in the CUV

Luke 1 in the CUVS

Luke 1 in the DBT

Luke 1 in the DGDNT

Luke 1 in the DHNT

Luke 1 in the DNT

Luke 1 in the ELBE

Luke 1 in the EMTV

Luke 1 in the ESV

Luke 1 in the FBV

Luke 1 in the FEB

Luke 1 in the GGMNT

Luke 1 in the GNT

Luke 1 in the HARY

Luke 1 in the HNT

Luke 1 in the IRVA

Luke 1 in the IRVB

Luke 1 in the IRVG

Luke 1 in the IRVH

Luke 1 in the IRVK

Luke 1 in the IRVM

Luke 1 in the IRVM2

Luke 1 in the IRVO

Luke 1 in the IRVP

Luke 1 in the IRVT

Luke 1 in the IRVT2

Luke 1 in the IRVU

Luke 1 in the ISVN

Luke 1 in the JSNT

Luke 1 in the KAPI

Luke 1 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 1 in the KBV

Luke 1 in the KJV

Luke 1 in the KNFD

Luke 1 in the LBA

Luke 1 in the LBLA

Luke 1 in the LNT

Luke 1 in the LSV

Luke 1 in the MAAL

Luke 1 in the MBV

Luke 1 in the MBV2

Luke 1 in the MHNT

Luke 1 in the MKNFD

Luke 1 in the MNG

Luke 1 in the MNT

Luke 1 in the MNT2

Luke 1 in the MRS1T

Luke 1 in the NAA

Luke 1 in the NASB

Luke 1 in the NBLA

Luke 1 in the NBS

Luke 1 in the NBVTP

Luke 1 in the NET2

Luke 1 in the NIV11

Luke 1 in the NNT

Luke 1 in the NNT2

Luke 1 in the NNT3

Luke 1 in the PDDPT

Luke 1 in the PFNT

Luke 1 in the RMNT

Luke 1 in the SBIAS

Luke 1 in the SBIBS

Luke 1 in the SBIBS2

Luke 1 in the SBICS

Luke 1 in the SBIDS

Luke 1 in the SBIGS

Luke 1 in the SBIHS

Luke 1 in the SBIIS

Luke 1 in the SBIIS2

Luke 1 in the SBIIS3

Luke 1 in the SBIKS

Luke 1 in the SBIKS2

Luke 1 in the SBIMS

Luke 1 in the SBIOS

Luke 1 in the SBIPS

Luke 1 in the SBISS

Luke 1 in the SBITS

Luke 1 in the SBITS2

Luke 1 in the SBITS3

Luke 1 in the SBITS4

Luke 1 in the SBIUS

Luke 1 in the SBIVS

Luke 1 in the SBT

Luke 1 in the SBT1E

Luke 1 in the SCHL

Luke 1 in the SNT

Luke 1 in the SUSU

Luke 1 in the SUSU2

Luke 1 in the SYNO

Luke 1 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 1 in the TBT1E

Luke 1 in the TBT1E2

Luke 1 in the TFTIP

Luke 1 in the TFTU

Luke 1 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 1 in the THAI

Luke 1 in the TNFD

Luke 1 in the TNT

Luke 1 in the TNTIK

Luke 1 in the TNTIL

Luke 1 in the TNTIN

Luke 1 in the TNTIP

Luke 1 in the TNTIZ

Luke 1 in the TOMA

Luke 1 in the TTENT

Luke 1 in the UBG

Luke 1 in the UGV

Luke 1 in the UGV2

Luke 1 in the UGV3

Luke 1 in the VBL

Luke 1 in the VDCC

Luke 1 in the YALU

Luke 1 in the YAPE

Luke 1 in the YBVTP

Luke 1 in the ZBP