Luke 1 (SBIIS2)

1 prathamato ye sākṣiṇo vākyapracārakāścāsan te'smākaṁ madhye yadyat sapramāṇaṁ vākyamarpayanti sma 2 tadanusārato'nyepi bahavastadvṛttāntaṁ racayituṁ pravṛttāḥ| 3 ataeva he mahāmahimathiyaphil tvaṁ yā yāḥ kathā aśikṣyathāstāsāṁ dṛḍhapramāṇāni yathā prāpnoṣi 4 tadarthaṁ prathamamārabhya tāni sarvvāṇi jñātvāhamapi anukramāt sarvvavṛttāntān tubhyaṁ lekhituṁ matimakārṣam| 5 yihūdādeśīyaherodnāmake rājatvaṁ kurvvati abīyayājakasya paryyāyādhikārī sikhariyanāmaka eko yājako hāroṇavaṁśodbhavā ilīśevākhyā 6 tasya jāyā dvāvimau nirdoṣau prabhoḥ sarvvājñā vyavasthāśca saṁmanya īśvaradṛṣṭau dhārmmikāvāstām| 7 tayoḥ santāna ekopi nāsīt, yata ilīśevā bandhyā tau dvāveva vṛddhāvabhavatām| 8 yadā svaparyyānukrameṇa sikhariya īśvāsya samakṣaṁ yājakīyaṁ karmma karoti 9 tadā yajñasya dinaparipāyyā parameśvarasya mandire praveśakāle dhūpajvālanaṁ karmma tasya karaṇīyamāsīt| 10 taddhūpajvālanakāle lokanivahe prārthanāṁ kartuṁ bahistiṣṭhati 11 sati sikhariyo yasyāṁ vedyāṁ dhūpaṁ jvālayati taddakṣiṇapārśve parameśvarasya dūta eka upasthito darśanaṁ dadau| 12 taṁ dṛṣṭvā sikhariya udvivije śaśaṅke ca| 13 tadā sa dūtastaṁ babhāṣe he sikhariya mā bhaistava prārthanā grāhyā jātā tava bhāryyā ilīśevā putraṁ prasoṣyate tasya nāma yoेhan iti kariṣyasi| 14 kiñca tvaṁ sānandaḥ saharṣaśca bhaviṣyasi tasya janmani bahava ānandiṣyanti ca| 15 yato hetoḥ sa parameśvarasya gocare mahān bhaviṣyati tathā drākṣārasaṁ surāṁ vā kimapi na pāsyati, aparaṁ janmārabhya pavitreṇātmanā paripūrṇaḥ 16 san isrāyelvaṁśīyān anekān prabhoḥ parameśvarasya mārgamāneṣyati| 17 santānān prati pitṛṇāṁ manāṁsi dharmmajñānaṁ pratyanājñāgrāhiṇaśca parāvarttayituṁ, prabhoḥ parameśvarasya sevārtham ekāṁ sajjitajātiṁ vidhātuñca sa eliyarūpātmaśaktiprāptastasyāgre gamiṣyati| 18 tadā sikhariyo dūtamavādīt kathametad vetsyāmi? yatohaṁ vṛddho mama bhāryyā ca vṛddhā| 19 tato dūtaḥ pratyuvāca paśyeśvarasya sākṣādvarttī jibrāyelnāmā dūtohaṁ tvayā saha kathāṁ gadituṁ tubhyamimāṁ śubhavārttāṁ dātuñca preṣitaḥ| 20 kintu madīyaṁ vākyaṁ kāle phaliṣyati tat tvayā na pratītam ataḥ kāraṇād yāvadeva tāni na setsyanti tāvat tvaṁ vaktuṁmaśakto mūko bhava| 21 tadānīṁ ye ye lokāḥ sikhariyamapaikṣanta te madhyemandiraṁ tasya bahuvilambād āścaryyaṁ menire| 22 sa bahirāgato yadā kimapi vākyaṁ vaktumaśaktaḥ saṅketaṁ kṛtvā niḥśabdastasyau tadā madhyemandiraṁ kasyacid darśanaṁ tena prāptam iti sarvve bubudhire| 23 anantaraṁ tasya sevanaparyyāye sampūrṇe sati sa nijagehaṁ jagāma| 24 katipayadineṣu gateṣu tasya bhāryyā ilīśevā garbbhavatī babhūva 25 paścāt sā pañcamāsān saṁgopyākathayat lokānāṁ samakṣaṁ mamāpamānaṁ khaṇḍayituṁ parameśvaro mayi dṛṣṭiṁ pātayitvā karmmedṛśaṁ kṛtavān| 26 aparañca tasyā garbbhasya ṣaṣṭhe māse jāte gālīlpradeśīyanāsaratpure 27 dāyūdo vaṁśīyāya yūṣaphnāmne puruṣāya yā mariyamnāmakumārī vāgdattāsīt tasyāḥ samīpaṁ jibrāyel dūta īśvareṇa prahitaḥ| 28 sa gatvā jagāda he īśvarānugṛhītakanye tava śubhaṁ bhūyāt prabhuḥ parameśvarastava sahāyosti nārīṇāṁ madhye tvameva dhanyā| 29 tadānīṁ sā taṁ dṛṣṭvā tasya vākyata udvijya kīdṛśaṁ bhāṣaṇamidam iti manasā cintayāmāsa| 30 tato dūto'vadat he mariyam bhayaṁ mākārṣīḥ, tvayi parameśvarasyānugrahosti| 31 paśya tvaṁ garbbhaṁ dhṛtvā putraṁ prasoṣyase tasya nāma yīśuriti kariṣyasi| 32 sa mahān bhaviṣyati tathā sarvvebhyaḥ śreṣṭhasya putra iti khyāsyati; aparaṁ prabhuḥ parameśvarastasya piturdāyūdaḥ siṁhāsanaṁ tasmai dāsyati; 33 tathā sa yākūbo vaṁśopari sarvvadā rājatvaṁ kariṣyati, tasya rājatvasyānto na bhaviṣyati| 34 tadā mariyam taṁ dūtaṁ babhāṣe nāhaṁ puruṣasaṅgaṁ karomi tarhi kathametat sambhaviṣyati? 35 tato dūto'kathayat pavitra ātmā tvāmāśrāyiṣyati tathā sarvvaśreṣṭhasya śaktistavopari chāyāṁ kariṣyati tato hetostava garbbhād yaḥ pavitrabālako janiṣyate sa īśvaraputra iti khyātiṁ prāpsyati| 36 aparañca paśya tava jñātirilīśevā yāṁ sarvve bandhyāmavadan idānīṁ sā vārddhakye santānamekaṁ garbbhe'dhārayat tasya ṣaṣṭhamāsobhūt| 37 kimapi karmma nāsādhyam īśvarasya| 38 tadā mariyam jagāda, paśya prabherahaṁ dāsī mahyaṁ tava vākyānusāreṇa sarvvametad ghaṭatām; ananataraṁ dūtastasyāḥ samīpāt pratasthe| 39 atha katipayadināt paraṁ mariyam tasmāt parvvatamayapradeśīyayihūdāyā nagaramekaṁ śīghraṁ gatvā 40 sikhariyayājakasya gṛhaṁ praviśya tasya jāyām ilīśevāṁ sambodhyāvadat| 41 tato mariyamaḥ sambodhanavākye ilīśevāyāḥ karṇayoḥ praviṣṭamātre sati tasyā garbbhasthabālako nanartta| tata ilīśevā pavitreṇātmanā paripūrṇā satī 42 proccairgaditumārebhe, yoṣitāṁ madhye tvameva dhanyā, tava garbbhasthaḥ śiśuśca dhanyaḥ| 43 tvaṁ prabhormātā, mama niveśane tvayā caraṇāvarpitau, mamādya saubhāgyametat| 44 paśya tava vākye mama karṇayoḥ praviṣṭamātre sati mamodarasthaḥ śiśurānandān nanartta| 45 yā strī vyaśvasīt sā dhanyā, yato hetostāṁ prati parameśvaroktaṁ vākyaṁ sarvvaṁ siddhaṁ bhaviṣyati| 46 tadānīṁ mariyam jagāda| dhanyavādaṁ pareśasya karoti māmakaṁ manaḥ| 47 mamātmā tārakeśe ca samullāsaṁ pragacchati| 48 akarot sa prabhu rduṣṭiṁ svadāsyā durgatiṁ prati| paśyādyārabhya māṁ dhanyāṁ vakṣyanti puruṣāḥ sadā| 49 yaḥ sarvvaśaktimān yasya nāmāpi ca pavitrakaṁ| sa eva sumahatkarmma kṛtavān mannimittakaṁ| 50 ye bibhyati janāstasmāt teṣāṁ santānapaṁktiṣu| anukampā tadīyā ca sarvvadaiva sutiṣṭhati| 51 svabāhubalatastena prākāśyata parākramaḥ| manaḥkumantraṇāsārddhaṁ vikīryyante'bhimāninaḥ| 52 siṁhāsanagatāllokān balinaścāvarohya saḥ| padeṣūcceṣu lokāṁstu kṣudrān saṁsthāpayatyapi| 53 kṣudhitān mānavān dravyairuttamaiḥ paritarpya saḥ| sakalān dhanino lokān visṛjed riktahastakān| 54 ibrāhīmi ca tadvaṁśe yā dayāsti sadaiva tāṁ| smṛtvā purā pitṛṇāṁ no yathā sākṣāt pratiśrutaṁ| 55 isrāyelsevakastena tathopakriyate svayaṁ|| 56 anantaraṁ mariyam prāyeṇa māsatrayam ilīśevayā sahoṣitvā vyāghuyya nijaniveśanaṁ yayau| 57 tadanantaram ilīśevāyāḥ prasavakāla upasthite sati sā putraṁ prāsoṣṭa| 58 tataḥ parameśvarastasyāṁ mahānugrahaṁ kṛtavān etat śrutvā samīpavāsinaḥ kuṭumbāścāgatya tayā saha mumudire| 59 tathāṣṭame dine te bālakasya tvacaṁ chettum etya tasya pitṛnāmānurūpaṁ tannāma sikhariya iti karttumīṣuḥ| 60 kintu tasya mātākathayat tanna, nāmāsya yohan iti karttavyam| 61 tadā te vyāharan tava vaṁśamadhye nāmedṛśaṁ kasyāpi nāsti| 62 tataḥ paraṁ tasya pitaraṁ sikhariyaṁ prati saṅketya papracchuḥ śiśoḥ kiṁ nāma kāriṣyate? 63 tataḥ sa phalakamekaṁ yācitvā lilekha tasya nāma yohan bhaviṣyati| tasmāt sarvve āścaryyaṁ menire| 64 tatkṣaṇaṁ sikhariyasya jihvājāḍye'pagate sa mukhaṁ vyādāya spaṣṭavarṇamuccāryya īśvarasya guṇānuvādaṁ cakāra| 65 tasmāccaturdiksthāḥ samīpavāsilokā bhītā evametāḥ sarvvāḥ kathā yihūdāyāḥ parvvatamayapradeśasya sarvvatra pracāritāḥ| 66 tasmāt śrotāro manaḥsu sthāpayitvā kathayāmbabhūvuḥ kīdṛśoyaṁ bālo bhaviṣyati? atha parameśvarastasya sahāyobhūt| 67 tadā yohanaḥ pitā sikhariyaḥ pavitreṇātmanā paripūrṇaḥ san etādṛśaṁ bhaviṣyadvākyaṁ kathayāmāsa| 68 isrāyelaḥ prabhu ryastu sa dhanyaḥ parameśvaraḥ| anugṛhya nijāllokān sa eva parimocayet| 69 vipakṣajanahastebhyo yathā mocyāmahe vayaṁ| yāvajjīvañca dharmmeṇa sāralyena ca nirbhayāḥ| 70 sevāmahai tamevaikam etatkāraṇameva ca| svakīyaṁ supavitrañca saṁsmṛtya niyamaṁ sadā| 71 kṛpayā puruṣān pūrvvān nikaṣārthāttu naḥ pituḥ| ibrāhīmaḥ samīpe yaṁ śapathaṁ kṛtavān purā| 72 tameva saphalaṁ karttaṁ tathā śatrugaṇasya ca| ṛृtīyākāriṇaścaiva karebhyo rakṣaṇāya naḥ| 73 sṛṣṭeḥ prathamataḥ svīyaiḥ pavitrai rbhāvivādibhiḥ| 74 yathoktavān tathā svasya dāyūdaḥ sevakasya tu| 75 vaṁśe trātāramekaṁ sa samutpāditavān svayam| 76 ato he bālaka tvantu sarvvebhyaḥ śreṣṭha eva yaḥ| tasyaiva bhāvivādīti pravikhyāto bhaviṣyasi| asmākaṁ caraṇān kṣeme mārge cālayituṁ sadā| evaṁ dhvānte'rthato mṛtyośchāyāyāṁ ye tu mānavāḥ| 77 upaviṣṭāstu tāneva prakāśayitumeva hi| kṛtvā mahānukampāṁ hi yāmeva parameśvaraḥ| 78 ūrdvvāt sūryyamudāyyaivāsmabhyaṁ prādāttu darśanaṁ| tayānukampayā svasya lokānāṁ pāpamocane| 79 paritrāṇasya tebhyo hi jñānaviśrāṇanāya ca| prabho rmārgaṁ pariṣkarttuṁ tasyāgrāyī bhaviṣyasi|| 80 atha bālakaḥ śarīreṇa buddhyā ca varddhitumārebhe; aparañca sa isrāyelo vaṁśīyalokānāṁ samīpe yāvanna prakaṭībhūtastāstāvat prāntare nyavasat|

In Other Versions

Luke 1 in the ANGEFD

Luke 1 in the ANTPNG2D

Luke 1 in the AS21

Luke 1 in the BAGH

Luke 1 in the BBPNG

Luke 1 in the BBT1E

Luke 1 in the BDS

Luke 1 in the BEV

Luke 1 in the BHAD

Luke 1 in the BIB

Luke 1 in the BLPT

Luke 1 in the BNT

Luke 1 in the BNTABOOT

Luke 1 in the BNTLV

Luke 1 in the BOATCB

Luke 1 in the BOATCB2

Luke 1 in the BOBCV

Luke 1 in the BOCNT

Luke 1 in the BOECS

Luke 1 in the BOGWICC

Luke 1 in the BOHCB

Luke 1 in the BOHCV

Luke 1 in the BOHLNT

Luke 1 in the BOHNTLTAL

Luke 1 in the BOICB

Luke 1 in the BOILNTAP

Luke 1 in the BOITCV

Luke 1 in the BOKCV

Luke 1 in the BOKCV2

Luke 1 in the BOKHWOG

Luke 1 in the BOKSSV

Luke 1 in the BOLCB

Luke 1 in the BOLCB2

Luke 1 in the BOMCV

Luke 1 in the BONAV

Luke 1 in the BONCB

Luke 1 in the BONLT

Luke 1 in the BONUT2

Luke 1 in the BOPLNT

Luke 1 in the BOSCB

Luke 1 in the BOSNC

Luke 1 in the BOTLNT

Luke 1 in the BOVCB

Luke 1 in the BOYCB

Luke 1 in the BPBB

Luke 1 in the BPH

Luke 1 in the BSB

Luke 1 in the CCB

Luke 1 in the CUV

Luke 1 in the CUVS

Luke 1 in the DBT

Luke 1 in the DGDNT

Luke 1 in the DHNT

Luke 1 in the DNT

Luke 1 in the ELBE

Luke 1 in the EMTV

Luke 1 in the ESV

Luke 1 in the FBV

Luke 1 in the FEB

Luke 1 in the GGMNT

Luke 1 in the GNT

Luke 1 in the HARY

Luke 1 in the HNT

Luke 1 in the IRVA

Luke 1 in the IRVB

Luke 1 in the IRVG

Luke 1 in the IRVH

Luke 1 in the IRVK

Luke 1 in the IRVM

Luke 1 in the IRVM2

Luke 1 in the IRVO

Luke 1 in the IRVP

Luke 1 in the IRVT

Luke 1 in the IRVT2

Luke 1 in the IRVU

Luke 1 in the ISVN

Luke 1 in the JSNT

Luke 1 in the KAPI

Luke 1 in the KBT1ETNIK

Luke 1 in the KBV

Luke 1 in the KJV

Luke 1 in the KNFD

Luke 1 in the LBA

Luke 1 in the LBLA

Luke 1 in the LNT

Luke 1 in the LSV

Luke 1 in the MAAL

Luke 1 in the MBV

Luke 1 in the MBV2

Luke 1 in the MHNT

Luke 1 in the MKNFD

Luke 1 in the MNG

Luke 1 in the MNT

Luke 1 in the MNT2

Luke 1 in the MRS1T

Luke 1 in the NAA

Luke 1 in the NASB

Luke 1 in the NBLA

Luke 1 in the NBS

Luke 1 in the NBVTP

Luke 1 in the NET2

Luke 1 in the NIV11

Luke 1 in the NNT

Luke 1 in the NNT2

Luke 1 in the NNT3

Luke 1 in the PDDPT

Luke 1 in the PFNT

Luke 1 in the RMNT

Luke 1 in the SBIAS

Luke 1 in the SBIBS

Luke 1 in the SBIBS2

Luke 1 in the SBICS

Luke 1 in the SBIDS

Luke 1 in the SBIGS

Luke 1 in the SBIHS

Luke 1 in the SBIIS

Luke 1 in the SBIIS3

Luke 1 in the SBIKS

Luke 1 in the SBIKS2

Luke 1 in the SBIMS

Luke 1 in the SBIOS

Luke 1 in the SBIPS

Luke 1 in the SBISS

Luke 1 in the SBITS

Luke 1 in the SBITS2

Luke 1 in the SBITS3

Luke 1 in the SBITS4

Luke 1 in the SBIUS

Luke 1 in the SBIVS

Luke 1 in the SBT

Luke 1 in the SBT1E

Luke 1 in the SCHL

Luke 1 in the SNT

Luke 1 in the SUSU

Luke 1 in the SUSU2

Luke 1 in the SYNO

Luke 1 in the TBIAOTANT

Luke 1 in the TBT1E

Luke 1 in the TBT1E2

Luke 1 in the TFTIP

Luke 1 in the TFTU

Luke 1 in the TGNTATF3T

Luke 1 in the THAI

Luke 1 in the TNFD

Luke 1 in the TNT

Luke 1 in the TNTIK

Luke 1 in the TNTIL

Luke 1 in the TNTIN

Luke 1 in the TNTIP

Luke 1 in the TNTIZ

Luke 1 in the TOMA

Luke 1 in the TTENT

Luke 1 in the UBG

Luke 1 in the UGV

Luke 1 in the UGV2

Luke 1 in the UGV3

Luke 1 in the VBL

Luke 1 in the VDCC

Luke 1 in the YALU

Luke 1 in the YAPE

Luke 1 in the YBVTP

Luke 1 in the ZBP