Ezekiel 26 (BOKCV)
1 Mwaka wa kumi na moja, siku ya kwanza ya mwezi, neno la BWANA likanijia kusema: 2 “Mwanadamu, kwa sababu Tiro amesema kuhusu Yerusalemu, ‘Aha! Lango la kwenda kwa mataifa limevunjika, nayo milango yake iko wazi mbele yangu, sasa kwa kuwa amekuwa magofu nitastawi.’ 3 Kwa hiyo hili ndilo BWANA Mwenyezi asemalo: Mimi niko kinyume na wewe, ee Tiro, nami nitaleta mataifa mengi dhidi yako, kama bahari inayovurumisha mawimbi yake. 4 Watavunja kuta za Tiro na kuibomoa minara yake, nitakwangua udongo wake na kuufanya mwamba mtupu. 5 Itakuwa huko katikati ya bahari patakuwa mahali pa kutandaza nyavu za kuvulia samaki, kwa maana nimenena, asema BWANA Mwenyezi. Atakuwa nyara kwa mataifa, 6 nayo makao yake huko bara yataangamizwa kwa upanga. Ndipo watakapojua kwamba Mimi ndimi BWANA. 7 “Kwa maana hili ndilo BWANA Mwenyezi asemalo: Kutoka kaskazini nitamleta dhidi ya Tiro Mfalme Nebukadneza wa Babeli, mfalme wa wafalme, akiwa na farasi na magari ya vita, wapanda farasi na jeshi kubwa. 8 Atayaharibu makao yako huko bara kwa upanga, ataweka jeshi kukuzingira, atakuzingira mpaka kwenye kuta za ngome zako na kuinua ngao zake dhidi yako. 9 Ataelekeza mapigo ya vyombo vyake vya kubomolea dhidi ya kuta zako na kubomoa minara yako kwa silaha zake. 10 Farasi zake zitakuwa nyingi sana kiasi kwamba utafunikwa na mavumbi watakayotimua. Kuta zako zitatikisika kwa mshindo wa farasi wa vita, magari makubwa na magari ya vita wakati aingiapo malango yako kama watu waingiao mji ambao kuta zake zimebomolewa kote. 11 “Kwato za farasi zake zitakanyaga barabara zako zote, atawaua watu wako kwa upanga na nguzo zako zilizo imara zitaanguka chini. 12 Watateka utajiri wako na kuchukua nyara bidhaa zako, watazivunja kuta zako na kuzibomoa nyumba zako nzuri, watatupa baharini mawe yako, mbao zako na kifusi chako. 13 Nitakomesha kelele za nyimbo zako, na uimbaji wako wa kinubi kamwe hautasikika tena. 14 Nitakufanya mwamba mtupu, nawe utakuwa mahali pa kutandazia nyavu za kuvulia samaki. Kamwe hutajengwa tena, kwa maana Mimi BWANA nimenena, asema BWANA Mwenyezi. 15 “Hili ndilo BWANA Mwenyezi asemalo kwa Tiro: ‘Je, nchi za pwani hazitatetemeka kwa kishindo cha anguko lako, wakati majeruhi wanapolia kwa maumivu makali na wakati mauaji yanaendelea ndani yako? 16 Ndipo wakuu wote wa mataifa ya pwani watashuka kutoka kwenye viti vyao vya enzi na kuweka kando majoho yao na kuvua nguo zao zilizotariziwa. Wakiwa wamevikwa hofu kuu, wataketi chini ardhini, wakiwa wanatetemeka kila dakika na wakikustajabia. 17 Ndipo wao watakuombolezea na kukuambia:“ ‘Tazama jinsi ulivyoharibiwa,ee mji uliokuwa na sifa,wewe uliyekaliwa na mabaharia!Ulikuwa na nguvu kwenye bahari,wewe na watu wako;wote walioishi huko,uliwatia hofu kuu. 18 Sasa nchi za pwani zinatetemekakatika siku ya anguko lako;visiwa vilivyomo baharinivinaogopa kwa kuporomoka kwako.’ 19 “Hili ndilo BWANA Mwenyezi asemalo: Nitakapokufanya uwe mji wa ukiwa, kama miji isiyokaliwa tena na watu, nitakapoleta vilindi vya bahari juu yako na maji yake makuu yatakapokufunika, 20 ndipo nitakapokushusha chini pamoja na wale washukao shimoni, kwa watu wa kale, nami nitakufanya uishi katika pande za chini za nchi kama katika magofu ya kale, pamoja na wale washukao shimoni, nawe hutarudi au kurejea kwenye makao yako katika nchi ya walio hai. 21 Nitakufikisha mwisho wa kutisha wala hutakuwepo tena. Watu watakutafuta, lakini kamwe hutaonekana tena, asema BWANA Mwenyezi.”
In Other Versions
Ezekiel 26 in the ANGEFD
Ezekiel 26 in the ANTPNG2D
Ezekiel 26 in the AS21
Ezekiel 26 in the BAGH
Ezekiel 26 in the BBPNG
Ezekiel 26 in the BBT1E
Ezekiel 26 in the BDS
Ezekiel 26 in the BEV
Ezekiel 26 in the BHAD
Ezekiel 26 in the BIB
Ezekiel 26 in the BLPT
Ezekiel 26 in the BNT
Ezekiel 26 in the BNTABOOT
Ezekiel 26 in the BNTLV
Ezekiel 26 in the BOATCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOATCB2
Ezekiel 26 in the BOBCV
Ezekiel 26 in the BOCNT
Ezekiel 26 in the BOECS
Ezekiel 26 in the BOGWICC
Ezekiel 26 in the BOHCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOHCV
Ezekiel 26 in the BOHLNT
Ezekiel 26 in the BOHNTLTAL
Ezekiel 26 in the BOICB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOILNTAP
Ezekiel 26 in the BOITCV
Ezekiel 26 in the BOKCV2
Ezekiel 26 in the BOKHWOG
Ezekiel 26 in the BOKSSV
Ezekiel 26 in the BOLCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOLCB2
Ezekiel 26 in the BOMCV
Ezekiel 26 in the BONAV
Ezekiel 26 in the BONCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BONLT
Ezekiel 26 in the BONUT2
Ezekiel 26 in the BOPLNT
Ezekiel 26 in the BOSCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOSNC
Ezekiel 26 in the BOTLNT
Ezekiel 26 in the BOVCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BOYCB
Ezekiel 26 in the BPBB
Ezekiel 26 in the BPH
Ezekiel 26 in the BSB
Ezekiel 26 in the CCB
Ezekiel 26 in the CUV
Ezekiel 26 in the CUVS
Ezekiel 26 in the DBT
Ezekiel 26 in the DGDNT
Ezekiel 26 in the DHNT
Ezekiel 26 in the DNT
Ezekiel 26 in the ELBE
Ezekiel 26 in the EMTV
Ezekiel 26 in the ESV
Ezekiel 26 in the FBV
Ezekiel 26 in the FEB
Ezekiel 26 in the GGMNT
Ezekiel 26 in the GNT
Ezekiel 26 in the HARY
Ezekiel 26 in the HNT
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVA
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVB
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVG
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVH
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVK
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVM
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVM2
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVO
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVP
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVT
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVT2
Ezekiel 26 in the IRVU
Ezekiel 26 in the ISVN
Ezekiel 26 in the JSNT
Ezekiel 26 in the KAPI
Ezekiel 26 in the KBT1ETNIK
Ezekiel 26 in the KBV
Ezekiel 26 in the KJV
Ezekiel 26 in the KNFD
Ezekiel 26 in the LBA
Ezekiel 26 in the LBLA
Ezekiel 26 in the LNT
Ezekiel 26 in the LSV
Ezekiel 26 in the MAAL
Ezekiel 26 in the MBV
Ezekiel 26 in the MBV2
Ezekiel 26 in the MHNT
Ezekiel 26 in the MKNFD
Ezekiel 26 in the MNG
Ezekiel 26 in the MNT
Ezekiel 26 in the MNT2
Ezekiel 26 in the MRS1T
Ezekiel 26 in the NAA
Ezekiel 26 in the NASB
Ezekiel 26 in the NBLA
Ezekiel 26 in the NBS
Ezekiel 26 in the NBVTP
Ezekiel 26 in the NET2
Ezekiel 26 in the NIV11
Ezekiel 26 in the NNT
Ezekiel 26 in the NNT2
Ezekiel 26 in the NNT3
Ezekiel 26 in the PDDPT
Ezekiel 26 in the PFNT
Ezekiel 26 in the RMNT
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIAS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIBS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIBS2
Ezekiel 26 in the SBICS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIDS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIGS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIHS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIIS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIIS2
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIIS3
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIKS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIKS2
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIMS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIOS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIPS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBISS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBITS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBITS2
Ezekiel 26 in the SBITS3
Ezekiel 26 in the SBITS4
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIUS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBIVS
Ezekiel 26 in the SBT
Ezekiel 26 in the SBT1E
Ezekiel 26 in the SCHL
Ezekiel 26 in the SNT
Ezekiel 26 in the SUSU
Ezekiel 26 in the SUSU2
Ezekiel 26 in the SYNO
Ezekiel 26 in the TBIAOTANT
Ezekiel 26 in the TBT1E
Ezekiel 26 in the TBT1E2
Ezekiel 26 in the TFTIP
Ezekiel 26 in the TFTU
Ezekiel 26 in the TGNTATF3T
Ezekiel 26 in the THAI
Ezekiel 26 in the TNFD
Ezekiel 26 in the TNT
Ezekiel 26 in the TNTIK
Ezekiel 26 in the TNTIL
Ezekiel 26 in the TNTIN
Ezekiel 26 in the TNTIP
Ezekiel 26 in the TNTIZ
Ezekiel 26 in the TOMA
Ezekiel 26 in the TTENT
Ezekiel 26 in the UBG
Ezekiel 26 in the UGV
Ezekiel 26 in the UGV2
Ezekiel 26 in the UGV3
Ezekiel 26 in the VBL
Ezekiel 26 in the VDCC
Ezekiel 26 in the YALU
Ezekiel 26 in the YAPE
Ezekiel 26 in the YBVTP
Ezekiel 26 in the ZBP