John 12 (BOKHWOG)

1 Mĩthenya ĩtandatũ mbere ya Gĩathĩ kĩa Bathaka gũkinya, Jesũ agĩthiĩ Bethania, kũrĩa Lazaro ũrĩa aariũkĩtie aatũũraga. 2 Nĩ kwarugirwo irio cia hwaĩ-inĩ nĩ ũndũ wa Jesũ. Maritha nĩwe watungataga, nake Lazaro aarĩ ũmwe wa arĩa maikarĩte metha-inĩ na Jesũ. 3 Nake Mariamu akĩoya cuba ya maguta manungi wega na ma goro mũno, akĩhaka Jesũ magũrũ, agĩcooka akĩmũgiria na njuĩrĩ yake. Nayo nyũmba ĩkĩiyũra mũtararĩko mwega wa maguta macio. 4 No mũrutwo ũmwe wa Jesũ wetagwo Judasi Isikariota, ũrĩa wacookire kũmũkunyanĩra, akĩregana na ũndũ ũcio, akiuga atĩrĩ, 5 “Nĩkĩ kĩragiririe maguta macio mendio na mbeeca icio iheo athĩĩni? Nĩmaraiganĩte mũcaara wa mwaka mũgima.” 6 Ndoigire ũguo nĩ ũndũ wa gũcaĩra athĩĩni, no oigire ũguo nĩ ũndũ aarĩ mũici, tondũ nĩwe wakuuaga mũhuko wa mbeeca, na nĩaiyaga imwe akahũthĩra we mwene. 7 Nake Jesũ agĩcookia atĩrĩ, “Tiganai nake, araigĩte maguta macio nĩ ũndũ wa mũthenya ũrĩa ngaathikwo. 8 Athĩĩni mũrĩ nao hĩndĩ ciothe, no niĩ mũtirĩkoragwo na niĩ hĩndĩ ciothe.” 9 Ihinda-inĩ o rĩu gĩkundi kĩnene kĩa Ayahudi gĩkĩmenya atĩ Jesũ aarĩ kũu na gĩgĩũka, na gĩtiokire nĩ ũndũ wa Jesũ tu, no ningĩ nĩgeetha kĩone o na Lazaro ũcio aariũkĩtie kuuma kũrĩ arĩa akuũ. 10 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio athĩnjĩri-Ngai arĩa anene magĩthugunda kũũraga Lazaro o nake, 11 nĩgũkorwo nĩ ũndũ wake Ayahudi aingĩ nĩmathiiaga kũrĩ Jesũ na makamwĩtĩkia. 12 Mũthenya ũcio ũngĩ andũ aingĩ arĩa mokĩte nĩ ũndũ wa Gĩathĩ kĩu makĩigua atĩ Jesũ aarĩ njĩra-inĩ agĩthiĩ Jerusalemu. 13 Magĩkuua mĩkĩndũ, magĩthiĩ namo kũmũtũnga, makĩanagĩrĩra atĩrĩ,“Hosana!” “Kũrathimwo-rĩ, nĩ mũndũ ũrĩa ũgũũka na rĩĩtwa rĩa Mwathani!” “Kũrathimwo-rĩ, nĩ Mũthamaki wa Isiraeli!” 14 Nake Jesũ akĩona njaũ ya ndigiri, akĩmĩikarĩra, o ta ũrĩa kwandĩkĩtwo atĩrĩ, 15 “Tiga gwĩtigĩra, wee Mwarĩ wa Zayuni;ta rora, mũthamaki waku nĩarooka,aikarĩire njaũ ya ndigiri.” 16 Arutwo ake matiambĩte gũtaũkĩrwo nĩ gĩtũmi kĩa maũndũ macio. No Jesũ aarĩkia kũgoocithio nĩguo maataũkĩirwo atĩ maũndũ macio maandĩkĩtwo nĩ ũndũ wake, na atĩ ũguo noguo maamwĩkĩte. 17 Nakĩo gĩkundi kĩa andũ kĩrĩa kĩarĩ nake rĩrĩa eetire Lazaro oime mbĩrĩra-inĩ na akĩmũriũkia kuuma kũrĩ arĩa akuũ gĩgĩthiĩ na mbere kũmemerekia ũhoro ũcio. 18 Andũ aingĩ magĩũka gũtũnga Jesũ nĩ ũndũ nĩmaiguĩte atĩ nĩaringĩte kĩama kĩu. 19 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Afarisai makĩĩrana atĩrĩ, “Ta kĩonei tũtirĩ ũndũ tũreeka. Onei ũrĩa andũ othe mamũrũmĩrĩire!” 20 Na rĩrĩ, nĩ kwarĩ na Ayunani gatagatĩ-inĩ ka arĩa maathiĩte gũthathaiya Ngai Gĩathĩ-inĩ kĩu. 21 Nao magĩũka kũrĩ Filipu, ũrĩa woimĩte itũũra rĩa Bethisaida kũu Galili, marĩ na ihooya, makĩmwĩra atĩrĩ, “Mũthuuri ũyũ, no twende kuona Jesũ.” 22 Nake Filipu agĩthiĩ akĩĩra Anderea ũhoro ũcio, nao eerĩ magĩthiĩ makĩĩra Jesũ. 23 Nake Jesũ akĩmacookeria atĩrĩ, “Ihinda nĩrĩkinyu Mũrũ wa Mũndũ agoocithio. 24 Ngũmwĩra atĩrĩ na ma, tiga hĩndĩ ya ngano yambire kũgũa tĩĩri-inĩ ĩkue-rĩ, ĩtũũraga ĩrĩ iiki. No ĩngĩkua, nĩĩciaraga maciaro maingĩ. 25 Mũndũ ũrĩa wendete muoyo wake nĩakoorwo nĩguo, na mũndũ ũrĩa ũthũire muoyo wake arĩ gũkũ thĩ, nĩakaũtũũria nginya muoyo wa tene na tene. 26 Ũrĩa wothe ũndungatagĩra no nginya anũmĩrĩre, nĩgeetha harĩa ndĩ o nayo ndungata yakwa ĩgaakorwo ho. Ũrĩa ũndungatagĩra-rĩ, nake Baba nĩarĩmũtĩĩaga. 27 “Rĩu ngoro yakwa nĩĩratangĩka, na niĩ ngũkiuga atĩa? Njuge, ‘Baba honokia harĩ ihinda rĩĩrĩ’? Aca, gĩtũmi gĩkĩ nĩkĩo gĩtũmĩte nginyie ihinda rĩĩrĩ. 28 Baba, goocithia rĩĩtwa rĩaku!”Hĩndĩ ĩyo mũgambo ũkiuma igũrũ ũkiuga atĩrĩ, “Nĩndĩrĩgoocithĩtie na no ngũrĩgoocithia o rĩngĩ.” 29 Nakĩo gĩkundi kĩa andũ kĩrĩa kĩarĩ ho na gĩkĩigua ũguo, gĩkiuga atĩ mũgambo ũcio nĩwarurumaga; nao arĩa angĩ makiuga atĩ nĩ mũraika wamwarĩria. 30 Nake Jesũ akĩmeera atĩrĩ, “Mũgambo ũcio ndũnaaria nĩ ũndũ wakwa, no waria nĩ ũndũ wanyu. 31 Hĩndĩ nĩ nginyu thĩ ĩno ĩtuĩrwo ciira; nake mũnene wa thĩ ĩno nĩekũingatwo. 32 No niĩ ndaarĩkia kũhaicio igũrũ kuuma thĩ, nĩngaguucĩrĩria andũ othe harĩ niĩ.” 33 Oigire ũguo nĩgeetha onanie gĩkuũ kĩrĩa agaakua. 34 Gĩkundi kĩu gĩkiuga atĩrĩ, “Nĩtũiguĩte kuuma Watho-inĩ atĩ Kristũ egũtũũra tene na tene, nĩ ũndũ ũcio-rĩ, nĩ atĩa ũguo woiga atĩ ‘Mũrũ wa Mũndũ no nginya ahaicio igũrũ’? Ũcio ‘Mũrũ wa Mũndũ’ nũũ?” 35 Nake Jesũ akĩmeera atĩrĩ, “Nĩmũgũkorwo na ũtheri ihinda rĩngĩ inini. Thiiagai rĩrĩa mũrĩ na ũtheri, nduma ĩtanamũtumanĩra. Mũndũ ũrĩa ũthiiaga na nduma ndamenyaga kũrĩa arathiĩ. 36 Mwĩhokagei ũtheri hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mũrĩ naguo, nĩgeetha mũtuĩke ciana cia ũtheri.” Nake Jesũ aarĩkia kwaria, akĩmehitha, agĩĩthiĩra. 37 O na thuutha wa Jesũ kũringa ciama icio ciothe makĩonaga-rĩ, matiigana kũmwĩtĩkia. 38 Ũndũ ũcio warĩ wa kũhingia kiugo kĩa Isaia ũrĩa mũnabii kĩrĩa kĩũragia atĩrĩ:“Mwathani, nũũ wĩtĩkĩtie ũhoro witũ,nakuo guoko kwa Mwathani kũguũrĩirio ũ?” 39 Nĩ ũndũ ũcio matingĩetĩkirie, nĩ tondũ Isaia nĩoigĩte handũ hangĩ atĩrĩ: 40 “Nĩamatuĩte atumumu,na akoomia ngoro ciao,nĩgeetha matikoone na maitho mao,kana mataũkĩrwo ngoro-inĩ ciao,o na kana magarũrũke, na niĩ ndĩmahonie.” 41 Isaia oigire ũguo nĩ ũndũ nĩooneete riiri wa Jesũ, na akĩaria ũhoro wake. 42 No o na gũtariĩ o ũguo, aingĩ o na gatagatĩ ka atongoria a Ayahudi nĩmamwĩtĩkirie. No nĩ ũndũ wa Afarisai, matingĩoimbũrire wĩtĩkio wao nĩ gwĩtigĩra matikaingatwo thunagogi; 43 nĩgũkorwo nĩmendete kũgoocwo nĩ andũ gũkĩra kũgoocwo nĩ Ngai. 44 Jesũ agĩcooka akĩanĩrĩra na mũgambo mũnene, akiuga atĩrĩ, “Mũndũ ũrĩa ũnjĩtĩkĩtie, to niĩ nyiki etĩkĩtie, no etĩkĩtie o na ũrĩa wandũmire. 45 Hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mũndũ ũcio andora, onaga ũrĩa wandũmire. 46 Niĩ njũkĩte gũkũ thĩ ndĩ ũtheri, nĩgeetha gũtikagĩe o na ũmwe ũnjĩtĩkĩtie ũngĩikara nduma-inĩ. 47 “Ha ũhoro wa mũndũ ũrĩa ũiguaga ũhoro wakwa no akaaga kũũhingia, ndikũmũtuĩra ciira; nĩgũkorwo ndiokire gũtuĩra andũ a thĩ ciira, no ndokire kũmahonokia. 48 Mũtuanĩri ciira arĩ ho, harĩ mũndũ ũrĩa ũndegaga na akaaga gwĩtĩkĩra ciugo ciakwa; kiugo kĩu ndaaririe nĩkĩo gĩkaamũtuĩra ciira mũthenya wa mũthia. 49 Nĩgũkorwo ndiaririe ndĩĩrĩte niĩ mwene, no Baba ũrĩa wandũmire nĩwe wanjathire ũrĩa ingiuga, na ũrĩa ingĩaria. 50 Nĩnjũũĩ atĩ rĩathani rĩake rĩkinyagia mũndũ muoyo-inĩ wa tene na tene. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio ũhoro ũrĩa wothe njaragia no ũrĩa Baba anjĩĩrĩte njarie.”

In Other Versions

John 12 in the ANGEFD

John 12 in the ANTPNG2D

John 12 in the AS21

John 12 in the BAGH

John 12 in the BBPNG

John 12 in the BBT1E

John 12 in the BDS

John 12 in the BEV

John 12 in the BHAD

John 12 in the BIB

John 12 in the BLPT

John 12 in the BNT

John 12 in the BNTABOOT

John 12 in the BNTLV

John 12 in the BOATCB

John 12 in the BOATCB2

John 12 in the BOBCV

John 12 in the BOCNT

John 12 in the BOECS

John 12 in the BOGWICC

John 12 in the BOHCB

John 12 in the BOHCV

John 12 in the BOHLNT

John 12 in the BOHNTLTAL

John 12 in the BOICB

John 12 in the BOILNTAP

John 12 in the BOITCV

John 12 in the BOKCV

John 12 in the BOKCV2

John 12 in the BOKSSV

John 12 in the BOLCB

John 12 in the BOLCB2

John 12 in the BOMCV

John 12 in the BONAV

John 12 in the BONCB

John 12 in the BONLT

John 12 in the BONUT2

John 12 in the BOPLNT

John 12 in the BOSCB

John 12 in the BOSNC

John 12 in the BOTLNT

John 12 in the BOVCB

John 12 in the BOYCB

John 12 in the BPBB

John 12 in the BPH

John 12 in the BSB

John 12 in the CCB

John 12 in the CUV

John 12 in the CUVS

John 12 in the DBT

John 12 in the DGDNT

John 12 in the DHNT

John 12 in the DNT

John 12 in the ELBE

John 12 in the EMTV

John 12 in the ESV

John 12 in the FBV

John 12 in the FEB

John 12 in the GGMNT

John 12 in the GNT

John 12 in the HARY

John 12 in the HNT

John 12 in the IRVA

John 12 in the IRVB

John 12 in the IRVG

John 12 in the IRVH

John 12 in the IRVK

John 12 in the IRVM

John 12 in the IRVM2

John 12 in the IRVO

John 12 in the IRVP

John 12 in the IRVT

John 12 in the IRVT2

John 12 in the IRVU

John 12 in the ISVN

John 12 in the JSNT

John 12 in the KAPI

John 12 in the KBT1ETNIK

John 12 in the KBV

John 12 in the KJV

John 12 in the KNFD

John 12 in the LBA

John 12 in the LBLA

John 12 in the LNT

John 12 in the LSV

John 12 in the MAAL

John 12 in the MBV

John 12 in the MBV2

John 12 in the MHNT

John 12 in the MKNFD

John 12 in the MNG

John 12 in the MNT

John 12 in the MNT2

John 12 in the MRS1T

John 12 in the NAA

John 12 in the NASB

John 12 in the NBLA

John 12 in the NBS

John 12 in the NBVTP

John 12 in the NET2

John 12 in the NIV11

John 12 in the NNT

John 12 in the NNT2

John 12 in the NNT3

John 12 in the PDDPT

John 12 in the PFNT

John 12 in the RMNT

John 12 in the SBIAS

John 12 in the SBIBS

John 12 in the SBIBS2

John 12 in the SBICS

John 12 in the SBIDS

John 12 in the SBIGS

John 12 in the SBIHS

John 12 in the SBIIS

John 12 in the SBIIS2

John 12 in the SBIIS3

John 12 in the SBIKS

John 12 in the SBIKS2

John 12 in the SBIMS

John 12 in the SBIOS

John 12 in the SBIPS

John 12 in the SBISS

John 12 in the SBITS

John 12 in the SBITS2

John 12 in the SBITS3

John 12 in the SBITS4

John 12 in the SBIUS

John 12 in the SBIVS

John 12 in the SBT

John 12 in the SBT1E

John 12 in the SCHL

John 12 in the SNT

John 12 in the SUSU

John 12 in the SUSU2

John 12 in the SYNO

John 12 in the TBIAOTANT

John 12 in the TBT1E

John 12 in the TBT1E2

John 12 in the TFTIP

John 12 in the TFTU

John 12 in the TGNTATF3T

John 12 in the THAI

John 12 in the TNFD

John 12 in the TNT

John 12 in the TNTIK

John 12 in the TNTIL

John 12 in the TNTIN

John 12 in the TNTIP

John 12 in the TNTIZ

John 12 in the TOMA

John 12 in the TTENT

John 12 in the UBG

John 12 in the UGV

John 12 in the UGV2

John 12 in the UGV3

John 12 in the VBL

John 12 in the VDCC

John 12 in the YALU

John 12 in the YAPE

John 12 in the YBVTP

John 12 in the ZBP