Romans 8 (BONLT)

1 Mano emomiyo koro onge bura kuom joma oyie kuom Kristo Yesu, 2 nikech kuom Kristo Yesu Chik mar Roho mar ngima osegonye kuom Chik mar richo kod tho. 3 Gima Chik ne ok nyal timo nikech ringruok manyap mar dhano, ema Nyasaye notimo kuom oro Wuode owuon, e kido mar dhano ma jaricho mondo obed misango magolo richo. Osetimo kamano mondo omi bura olo richo, 4 mondo dwaro makare mar Chik ochopi kare chuth kuomwa, wan ma wadak kaka Roho dwaro to ok kaka ringruok dwaro. 5 Joma odak kaka ringruok dwaro oketo pachgi kuom gik ma ringruok dwaro, to joma odak kaka Roho dwaro, oketo pachgi kuom Roho. 6 Paro mar jaricho en tho, to paro ma Roho ema chiko kelo ngima kod kwe. 7 Kuom mano, paro moket kuom ringruok mon gi Nyasaye. Ok oyie bet e bwo loch mar chik Nyasaye, kendo ok onyal timo kamano. 8 Joma kido mar richo chiko ok nyal moro Nyasaye. 9 To kata kamano, un ok chiku gi kido mar richo, to Roho ema chikou, ka en adier ni Roho mar Nyasaye odak eiu. Kendo ka ngʼato onge gi Roho mar Kristo ok en ngʼat Kristo. 10 To ka Kristo ni eiu, to kata obedo ni ringruok otho nikech richo, to chunyu ngima nikech tim makare. 11 Ka Roho mar Jal mane ochiero Yesu oa kuom joma otho odak eiu, to En owuon mane ochiero Kristo oa kuom joma otho obiro chiwo ngima ni ringreu matho, nikech Roho modak eiu. 12 Emomiyo wan jogowi, owetena, ok ne kido mar richo, to ni mondo wadag kaka odwaro. 13 Nimar ka idak kaka kido mar richo dwaro, to ibiro tho; to ka kuom Roho, inego timbe maricho mag ringruok, to ibiro bedo mangima. 14 Jogo michiko gi Roho mar Nyasaye gin nyithind Nyasaye. 15 Nimar ne ok uyudo Roho mamiyo udoko wasumbini mamiyo ubedo maluor kendo, to ne uyudo Roho maketou ubedo nyithind Nyasaye, momiyo uywakne Nyasaye kuluonge niya, “Abba, Wuora!” 16 To Roho owuon timo neno kaachiel gi chunywa ni wan nyithind Nyasaye. 17 To ka wan nyithind Nyasaye, to mano nyiso ni wan jocham girkeni. Wan jocham girkeni mar Nyasaye kendo wan jocham girkeni kaachiel kod Kristo, ka en adier ni wayie neno masira kode mondo eka wan bende obi omiwa duongʼ kode. 18 To aneno ni masiche mwaneno ndalogi tin ma ok dipim gi duongʼ mabiro fwenyorenwa. 19 Chwech duto rito gi geno chiengʼ ma nyithind Nyasaye nofwenyre. 20 Gik moko duto mane Nyasaye ochweyo nobedo kayiem nono, ok nikech dwarogi, to nikech dwaro Ngʼat mane ochweyogi, ka en gi geno 21 ni chwech duto chiengʼ moro nowe thuolo mondo kik gitow to giyud thuolo maduongʼ ma nyithind Nyasaye nigo. 22 Wangʼeyo ni chwech Nyasaye duto osebedo ka chur nyaka sani gi rem machal gi muoch makecho. 23 To ok mano kende, to kata wan wawegi ma wan gi olemo mokwongo nyak mag Roho, wachur gie iwa ka pod warito gi siso maduongʼ mondo olokwa yawuot od Nyasaye, chiengʼ ma ringruok nowar. 24 Nimar geno machal kama ema ne oreswae. To geno mineno ok en geno ngangʼ. Koso en ngʼa manyalo geno gima osebedogo? 25 To ka wageno gima pod waongego to warito gino gi kinda. 26 Kamano bende e kaka Roho konyowa e nyawo ma wan-go. Ok wangʼeyo gima owinjore wakwa sa ma walamo, to Roho owuon ema kwayonwa gi chur ma ok wanyal wacho. 27 To Nyasaye ma nono chunjewa, ongʼeyo gima Roho paro, nikech Roho kwayo ni jomaler kaluwore gi dwaro Nyasaye. 28 Bende wangʼeyo ni Nyasaye tiyo maber ne jogo mohere, jogo moseluongi kaluwore gi dwarone. 29 Nimar joma ne Nyasaye ongʼeyo chakre chon ema bende ne owalo mondo okaw kit Wuode, eka mondo odok nyathi makayo e kind jowetene mangʼeny. 30 To joma nowalogo bende ema noluongo; kendo joma noluongo noketo kare to joma noketo kare nomiyo duongʼ bende. 31 Koro en angʼo ma wanyalo wacho kuom wachni? Ka Nyasaye en jakorwa, to en ngʼa ma diked kodwa mi lowa? 32 Ka Wuode owuon ema ne ok okecho, to nochiwonwago wan duto, koro en angʼo ma dimone miyowa gik moko duto, kaachiel kode kuom ngʼwonone? 33 En ngʼa manyalo ngʼado bura moro amora ne joma Nyasaye oseyiero? Nyasaye owuon ema keto ji kare. 34 En ngʼa manyalo ngʼadonwa bura marach? Kristo Yesu ema ne otho, to bende ne ochiere odoko mangima mi koro obet e bat korachwich mar Nyasaye kendo okwayonwa. 35 En angʼo manyalo pogowa gihera mar Kristo? Dobed masira, koso chandruok, koso sand, koso kech, koso duk, koso gima rach, koso ligangla? 36 Mana kaka ondiki ni,“Nikech in, tho ochomowa odiechiengʼ duto;ikwanowa kaka rombo mitero kar yengʼo.” 37 Ooyo, ewi gigi duto wan joloch moloyo nikech Nyasaye mane oherowa. 38 Nimar an gi ratiro chuth ni tho kata ngima, kata malaike, kata jochiende, gik matimore ndalogi kata mabiro timore, kata teko mag polo, 39 kata bor, kata tut, kata gima ochwe moro amora, ok nyal pogowa gihera mar Nyasaye mane ei Kristo Yesu Ruodhwa.

In Other Versions

Romans 8 in the ANGEFD

Romans 8 in the ANTPNG2D

Romans 8 in the AS21

Romans 8 in the BAGH

Romans 8 in the BBPNG

Romans 8 in the BBT1E

Romans 8 in the BDS

Romans 8 in the BEV

Romans 8 in the BHAD

Romans 8 in the BIB

Romans 8 in the BLPT

Romans 8 in the BNT

Romans 8 in the BNTABOOT

Romans 8 in the BNTLV

Romans 8 in the BOATCB

Romans 8 in the BOATCB2

Romans 8 in the BOBCV

Romans 8 in the BOCNT

Romans 8 in the BOECS

Romans 8 in the BOGWICC

Romans 8 in the BOHCB

Romans 8 in the BOHCV

Romans 8 in the BOHLNT

Romans 8 in the BOHNTLTAL

Romans 8 in the BOICB

Romans 8 in the BOILNTAP

Romans 8 in the BOITCV

Romans 8 in the BOKCV

Romans 8 in the BOKCV2

Romans 8 in the BOKHWOG

Romans 8 in the BOKSSV

Romans 8 in the BOLCB

Romans 8 in the BOLCB2

Romans 8 in the BOMCV

Romans 8 in the BONAV

Romans 8 in the BONCB

Romans 8 in the BONUT2

Romans 8 in the BOPLNT

Romans 8 in the BOSCB

Romans 8 in the BOSNC

Romans 8 in the BOTLNT

Romans 8 in the BOVCB

Romans 8 in the BOYCB

Romans 8 in the BPBB

Romans 8 in the BPH

Romans 8 in the BSB

Romans 8 in the CCB

Romans 8 in the CUV

Romans 8 in the CUVS

Romans 8 in the DBT

Romans 8 in the DGDNT

Romans 8 in the DHNT

Romans 8 in the DNT

Romans 8 in the ELBE

Romans 8 in the EMTV

Romans 8 in the ESV

Romans 8 in the FBV

Romans 8 in the FEB

Romans 8 in the GGMNT

Romans 8 in the GNT

Romans 8 in the HARY

Romans 8 in the HNT

Romans 8 in the IRVA

Romans 8 in the IRVB

Romans 8 in the IRVG

Romans 8 in the IRVH

Romans 8 in the IRVK

Romans 8 in the IRVM

Romans 8 in the IRVM2

Romans 8 in the IRVO

Romans 8 in the IRVP

Romans 8 in the IRVT

Romans 8 in the IRVT2

Romans 8 in the IRVU

Romans 8 in the ISVN

Romans 8 in the JSNT

Romans 8 in the KAPI

Romans 8 in the KBT1ETNIK

Romans 8 in the KBV

Romans 8 in the KJV

Romans 8 in the KNFD

Romans 8 in the LBA

Romans 8 in the LBLA

Romans 8 in the LNT

Romans 8 in the LSV

Romans 8 in the MAAL

Romans 8 in the MBV

Romans 8 in the MBV2

Romans 8 in the MHNT

Romans 8 in the MKNFD

Romans 8 in the MNG

Romans 8 in the MNT

Romans 8 in the MNT2

Romans 8 in the MRS1T

Romans 8 in the NAA

Romans 8 in the NASB

Romans 8 in the NBLA

Romans 8 in the NBS

Romans 8 in the NBVTP

Romans 8 in the NET2

Romans 8 in the NIV11

Romans 8 in the NNT

Romans 8 in the NNT2

Romans 8 in the NNT3

Romans 8 in the PDDPT

Romans 8 in the PFNT

Romans 8 in the RMNT

Romans 8 in the SBIAS

Romans 8 in the SBIBS

Romans 8 in the SBIBS2

Romans 8 in the SBICS

Romans 8 in the SBIDS

Romans 8 in the SBIGS

Romans 8 in the SBIHS

Romans 8 in the SBIIS

Romans 8 in the SBIIS2

Romans 8 in the SBIIS3

Romans 8 in the SBIKS

Romans 8 in the SBIKS2

Romans 8 in the SBIMS

Romans 8 in the SBIOS

Romans 8 in the SBIPS

Romans 8 in the SBISS

Romans 8 in the SBITS

Romans 8 in the SBITS2

Romans 8 in the SBITS3

Romans 8 in the SBITS4

Romans 8 in the SBIUS

Romans 8 in the SBIVS

Romans 8 in the SBT

Romans 8 in the SBT1E

Romans 8 in the SCHL

Romans 8 in the SNT

Romans 8 in the SUSU

Romans 8 in the SUSU2

Romans 8 in the SYNO

Romans 8 in the TBIAOTANT

Romans 8 in the TBT1E

Romans 8 in the TBT1E2

Romans 8 in the TFTIP

Romans 8 in the TFTU

Romans 8 in the TGNTATF3T

Romans 8 in the THAI

Romans 8 in the TNFD

Romans 8 in the TNT

Romans 8 in the TNTIK

Romans 8 in the TNTIL

Romans 8 in the TNTIN

Romans 8 in the TNTIP

Romans 8 in the TNTIZ

Romans 8 in the TOMA

Romans 8 in the TTENT

Romans 8 in the UBG

Romans 8 in the UGV

Romans 8 in the UGV2

Romans 8 in the UGV3

Romans 8 in the VBL

Romans 8 in the VDCC

Romans 8 in the YALU

Romans 8 in the YAPE

Romans 8 in the YBVTP

Romans 8 in the ZBP