Romans 8 (YBVTP)

1 Kwa yeleyo, sambano nganikupagwa kulamulikwa kwa kwamukwa kwa aŵala ŵakutama mu kulumbikana ni Kilisito. 2 Pakuŵa malajisyo ga Mbumu jwa Akunnungu jwakwichisya umi mu kulumbikana ni Kilisito Yesu gaamombwele une kutyochela mu lilajisyo lya sambi ni chiwa. 3 Akunnungu achitesile achila changanichikomboleka kutendekwa ni malajisyo ga che Musa pakuŵa tama syetu syangalumbana syatupagwile nasyo syatesile Malajisyo go gaŵe gakulepetala. Akunnungu ŵantumile Mwanagwe jwa jika juŵaliji ni chiilu chisau ni iilu yetu uweji ŵatuli ni sambi, kuti asilamule sambi mu iilu yetu, ni kwa chiilu chakwe cho ŵasiuleje sambi. 4 Akunnungu ŵatesile yeleyo kuti aila yaikusachilwa mu Malajisyo ga che Musa gatendekwe kwa uchenene nkati mwetu uwe ŵatukutama ngaŵa kwa machili ga tama syangalumbana sya chiilu syatupagwile nasyo, nambo kwa machili ga Mbumu jwa Akunnungu. 5 Pakuŵa ŵelewo ŵakutama kwa kusikuya tama syangalumbana sya chiilu syapagwile nasyo, nganisyo syao sikulongoswa ni tama syao syangalumbana. Nambo ŵelewo ŵakulongoswa ni Mbumu jwa Akunnungu, akuiganisya indu ya mu Mbumu. 6 Kuipanganya indu yaikusachilwa ni tama syangalumbana sya chiilu kukuichisya chiwa. Nambo, kuipanganya indu yaikusachilwa ni Mbumu kukuichisya umi ni chitendewele. 7 Pakuŵa mundu jwakulongoswa ni tama syangalumbana syapagwile nasyo pe ali jwammagongo jwa Akunnungu, ngakugapilikanichisya malajisyo ga Akunnungu, namose ngakupakombola kugapilikanichisya. 8 Ni ŵelewo ŵakulongoswa ni tama syangalumbana sya chiilu syapagwile nasyo ngakupakombola kwanonyelesya Akunnungu. 9 Nambo iŵaga Mbumu jwa Akunnungu akutama nkati mwenu, ŵanyamwe ngankulongoswa ni tama syangalumbana syampagwile nasyo, nambo nkulongoswa ni Mbumu. Mundu jwalijose jwanganakola Mbumu jwa Kilisito nganaŵa mundu jwa Kilisito. 10 Nambo iŵaga Kilisito akutama nkati mwenu, Mbumu jwa Akunnungu akumpanga umi pakuŵa mmalanjikwe kuŵa ŵambone paujo pa Akunnungu, namuno iilu yenu chiiwe kwa ligongo lya sambi. 11 Ni iŵaga Mbumu jwa Akunnungu juŵansyusisye Kilisito Yesu akutama nkati mwenu, jwelejo juŵansyusisye Kilisito Yesu, iyoyo chachiipa umi iilu yenu yaikuwa. Chatende yeleyo kwa litala lya Mbumu jwao jwakutama nkati mwenu. 12 Nipele, achalongo achinjangu, tukwete ligambo, nambo ngaŵa lya kusikuya tama syetu syangalumbana sya chiilu syatupagwile nasyo syasikuti pakutusaka. 13 Pakuŵa mwatamaga kwa kusikuya tama syangalumbana syampagwile nasyo, isyene chinjasiche. Nambo kwa litala lya Mbumu jwa Akunnungu chinyiulaje isambo yangalumbana iyatendekwe ni chiilu nipele chinchilama. 14 Ŵandu wose ŵakulongoswa ni Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ŵelewo ali ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu. 15 Pakuŵa nganimpochela Mbumu jwakuntenda ŵanyamwe achikapolo ni kwichisya lipamba, nambo mumpochele Mbumu jwakuntenda ŵanyamwe ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu, ni kwa Mbumu jo, uweji tukwaŵilanga Akunnungu, “Aba” malumbo gakwe Atati. 16 Ni Mbumu jwa Akunnungu nsyene akuŵalanga umboni pamo ni mbumu syetu, yakuti uweji tuli ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu. 17 Pakuŵa uweji tuli ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu, tutupochele aila yatugosele Akunnungu tutupochele pamo ni Kilisito, pakuŵa iŵaga tulageswe pamo ni ŵelewo, iyoyo chitutame pamo ni ŵelewo mu ukulu wao. 18 Pakuŵa nguŵalanga kuti masausyo ga moŵa gano ngaŵa chindu ni ngagakuŵajilwa kulinganichikwa ni ukulu utichimanyiswa kukwetu. 19 Nombe yepanganyikwe yose ikulindilila kwa lung'wanu lwekulungwa kuunukulikwa kwa ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu. 20 Pakuŵa yepanganyikwe yose yagalauchikwe ni kuŵa yangalimate, ngaŵa kwa kusaka yepanganyikwe isyene, nambo yatendekwe yeleyo kwa kusaka kwakwe Akunnungu nsyene. Namose kwana chilolelo, 21 pakuŵa yepanganyikwe yo nombe chiilecheleswe kutyochela mu ukapolo wa konanga ni kwinjila mu kulechelelwa kwekulu kwa ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu. 22 Pakuŵa tukumanyilila kuti mpaka sambano yepanganyikwe yose ikuwuwula mpela ila jwankongwe yakuti pakupikana chilungusi katema ka kuligopola. 23 Ngaŵa yepenganyikwe yo pe ni ichiwuwule, nambo nowe ŵakwe ŵatukwete mbumu, nti ntuuka waandanda wa Akunnungu, iyoyo tukuwuwula mu mitima jetu, tuchilindililaga kwa lung'wanu lyuŵa lyati Akunnungu litachituunukule kuti tuli ŵanache ŵao ŵa usyene ni kuigalausya iilu yetu kuŵa ya sambano. 24 Pakuŵa twakulupwiswe, nombe tuli mu chilolelo. Nambo mundu achionaga chindu chakuchilolela, chelecho ngaŵa chilolelo sooni. Pakuŵa ana ŵaani ŵakukombola kuendelechela kuchilolela chindu chakuchiona? 25 Nambo twachilolelaga chindu chingatukuchiona tukuchilindilila mu upililiu. 26 Iyoyo peyo, ni Mbumu jwa Akunnungu akutukamuchisya mu kulepetala kwetu. Pakuŵa ngatukumanyilila itukuŵajilwa kupopela, nambo Mbumu nsyene akutupopelela kwa Akunnungu nkuwuwula kwangatukukombola kukuŵalanga. 27 Ni Akunnungu ŵakwiwona yaili mu mitima jetu, iyoyo akuimanyilila chakuchiganisya Mbumu jo, pakuŵa Mbumu akwapopelela ŵandu ŵa Akunnungu mpela yaikuti kwanonyela Akunnungu. 28 Tukwimanyilila kuti mu indu yose, Akunnungu akupanganya masengo kwa upoche wa aŵala ŵakwanonyela, yaani ŵeŵala ŵaŵilanjikwe kutenda malinga ni lisosa lyao. 29 Pakuŵa aŵala Akunnungu ŵaŵamanyilile chitandile kundanda ni ŵaŵasagwile kuti alandane ni Mwanagwe, kuti Mwanagwe jo aŵe jwandanda kupagwa pasikati ja achapwakwe ŵajinji. 30 Ni aŵala ŵaŵasagulikwe chitandile kundanda, ni ŵawowo ŵaŵaaŵilasile, ni ŵele ŵaŵaaŵilasile, ŵelewo ŵaŵalanjile kuŵa ŵambone paujo pao, ni ŵele ŵaŵaŵalanjile kuŵa ŵambone paujo pao, ŵelewo ni ŵaŵaakusisye. 31 Kwapele, Ana tujileje uli nkati yeleyi yose? Iŵaga Akunnungu ali upaande wetu, ŵaani ŵachakombole kutukanila uwe? 32 Akunnungu nganankolela chanasa Mwanagwe jwa jikape, nambo ŵantyosisye kwa ligongo lya uweji wose. Iŵaga atesile yeleyo, ana chalepele chinauli kutupa indu yose pangalipila pamo ni Mwanagwe? 33 Ana ŵaani ŵachakombole kwaŵechetela magambo ŵandu ŵasagulikwe ni Akunnungu? Akunnungu nsyene ŵaŵalanjile kuŵa ŵangali ileŵo. 34 Ana ŵaani ŵachachitulamula? Ngaŵa Kilisito Yesu! Pakuŵa Kilisito Yesu ni juŵawile, ni kupunda yeleyo ŵasyuchile, ni sambano akutama kundyo kwa Akunnungu, ni ŵelewo ni ŵakutupopelela. 35 Ana ŵaani ŵakukombola kutulekanganya ni unonyelo wa Kilisito? Ana kulaga pane kusauka pane ipwetesi pane sala pane usauchi pane kogoya pane chiwa? 36 Mpela Malembelo ga Akunnungu yagakuti pakusala,“Kwa ligongo lyenu tukutama mu chakogoya cha chiwa moŵa gose,tuŵalanjikwe nti ngondolo sya kusinga.” 37 Nambo mwa yele yose uweji tukupunda, elo kupunda mwakupunda mwa ŵele ŵakutunonyela. 38 Pakuŵa ngumanyilila isyene kuti, ngapagwa chindu chachikukombola kutulekanganya ni unonyelo wa Akunnungu, atamuno chiwa, atamuno umi, atamuno achikatumetume ŵa kwinani, atamuno machili gane ga kwinani, atamuno indu yaikukopochela sambano yi, atamuno ichikopochele yo, atamuno ŵakutawala, 39 atamuno yaili mwinani, atamuno yaili paasi, atamuno yepanganyikwe yaili yose ngaikombola kutulekanganya ni unonyelo wa Akunnungu, wauli mwa Kilisito Yesu Ambuje ŵetu.

In Other Versions

Romans 8 in the ANGEFD

Romans 8 in the ANTPNG2D

Romans 8 in the AS21

Romans 8 in the BAGH

Romans 8 in the BBPNG

Romans 8 in the BBT1E

Romans 8 in the BDS

Romans 8 in the BEV

Romans 8 in the BHAD

Romans 8 in the BIB

Romans 8 in the BLPT

Romans 8 in the BNT

Romans 8 in the BNTABOOT

Romans 8 in the BNTLV

Romans 8 in the BOATCB

Romans 8 in the BOATCB2

Romans 8 in the BOBCV

Romans 8 in the BOCNT

Romans 8 in the BOECS

Romans 8 in the BOGWICC

Romans 8 in the BOHCB

Romans 8 in the BOHCV

Romans 8 in the BOHLNT

Romans 8 in the BOHNTLTAL

Romans 8 in the BOICB

Romans 8 in the BOILNTAP

Romans 8 in the BOITCV

Romans 8 in the BOKCV

Romans 8 in the BOKCV2

Romans 8 in the BOKHWOG

Romans 8 in the BOKSSV

Romans 8 in the BOLCB

Romans 8 in the BOLCB2

Romans 8 in the BOMCV

Romans 8 in the BONAV

Romans 8 in the BONCB

Romans 8 in the BONLT

Romans 8 in the BONUT2

Romans 8 in the BOPLNT

Romans 8 in the BOSCB

Romans 8 in the BOSNC

Romans 8 in the BOTLNT

Romans 8 in the BOVCB

Romans 8 in the BOYCB

Romans 8 in the BPBB

Romans 8 in the BPH

Romans 8 in the BSB

Romans 8 in the CCB

Romans 8 in the CUV

Romans 8 in the CUVS

Romans 8 in the DBT

Romans 8 in the DGDNT

Romans 8 in the DHNT

Romans 8 in the DNT

Romans 8 in the ELBE

Romans 8 in the EMTV

Romans 8 in the ESV

Romans 8 in the FBV

Romans 8 in the FEB

Romans 8 in the GGMNT

Romans 8 in the GNT

Romans 8 in the HARY

Romans 8 in the HNT

Romans 8 in the IRVA

Romans 8 in the IRVB

Romans 8 in the IRVG

Romans 8 in the IRVH

Romans 8 in the IRVK

Romans 8 in the IRVM

Romans 8 in the IRVM2

Romans 8 in the IRVO

Romans 8 in the IRVP

Romans 8 in the IRVT

Romans 8 in the IRVT2

Romans 8 in the IRVU

Romans 8 in the ISVN

Romans 8 in the JSNT

Romans 8 in the KAPI

Romans 8 in the KBT1ETNIK

Romans 8 in the KBV

Romans 8 in the KJV

Romans 8 in the KNFD

Romans 8 in the LBA

Romans 8 in the LBLA

Romans 8 in the LNT

Romans 8 in the LSV

Romans 8 in the MAAL

Romans 8 in the MBV

Romans 8 in the MBV2

Romans 8 in the MHNT

Romans 8 in the MKNFD

Romans 8 in the MNG

Romans 8 in the MNT

Romans 8 in the MNT2

Romans 8 in the MRS1T

Romans 8 in the NAA

Romans 8 in the NASB

Romans 8 in the NBLA

Romans 8 in the NBS

Romans 8 in the NBVTP

Romans 8 in the NET2

Romans 8 in the NIV11

Romans 8 in the NNT

Romans 8 in the NNT2

Romans 8 in the NNT3

Romans 8 in the PDDPT

Romans 8 in the PFNT

Romans 8 in the RMNT

Romans 8 in the SBIAS

Romans 8 in the SBIBS

Romans 8 in the SBIBS2

Romans 8 in the SBICS

Romans 8 in the SBIDS

Romans 8 in the SBIGS

Romans 8 in the SBIHS

Romans 8 in the SBIIS

Romans 8 in the SBIIS2

Romans 8 in the SBIIS3

Romans 8 in the SBIKS

Romans 8 in the SBIKS2

Romans 8 in the SBIMS

Romans 8 in the SBIOS

Romans 8 in the SBIPS

Romans 8 in the SBISS

Romans 8 in the SBITS

Romans 8 in the SBITS2

Romans 8 in the SBITS3

Romans 8 in the SBITS4

Romans 8 in the SBIUS

Romans 8 in the SBIVS

Romans 8 in the SBT

Romans 8 in the SBT1E

Romans 8 in the SCHL

Romans 8 in the SNT

Romans 8 in the SUSU

Romans 8 in the SUSU2

Romans 8 in the SYNO

Romans 8 in the TBIAOTANT

Romans 8 in the TBT1E

Romans 8 in the TBT1E2

Romans 8 in the TFTIP

Romans 8 in the TFTU

Romans 8 in the TGNTATF3T

Romans 8 in the THAI

Romans 8 in the TNFD

Romans 8 in the TNT

Romans 8 in the TNTIK

Romans 8 in the TNTIL

Romans 8 in the TNTIN

Romans 8 in the TNTIP

Romans 8 in the TNTIZ

Romans 8 in the TOMA

Romans 8 in the TTENT

Romans 8 in the UBG

Romans 8 in the UGV

Romans 8 in the UGV2

Romans 8 in the UGV3

Romans 8 in the VBL

Romans 8 in the VDCC

Romans 8 in the YALU

Romans 8 in the YAPE

Romans 8 in the ZBP