Matthew 13 (PFNT)

1 Nden ɲande Iisaa yalti ka suudu, o jooɗoyii ka daande weendu. 2 Hakkee ko jamaa mooɓinooɗo takko makko on ɗuuɗi, o bakii e laakun, o jooɗii, tawi jamaa on fow kaɲun no ka daande weendu. 3 O yewtiri ɓe piiji buy mise, o wi'i: «Ko remoowo yaltunoo sankugol. 4 E nder ko o sankata kon, gabbe goo yani ka ɗatal, colli ɗin ari moɗi ɗe. 5 Goɗɗe ɗen yani e hoore kaaƴe, ka leydi ɗuuɗaa. Ɗe fuɗi heɲa sabu ɗewlugol leydi ndin. 6 Ɓay naange ngen yaltii, ɗe sumi, ɗe yoori, sabu angal ka ɗaɗi ɗin siŋoo. 7 Goɗɗe goo kadi yani ka sooƴoore, ɗe fuɗidi e mayre, sooƴoore nden moɗi ɗe. 8 Goɗɗe goo yani ka leydi moƴƴiri. Ɗe fuɗi, ɗe rimi, cawti goo gabbe teemedere, cawti goo gabbe cappanɗe jeegoo, cawti goo gabbe cappanɗe tati. 9 Mo no mari noppi yo nanu!» 10 Onsay taalibaaɓe ɓen ɓadii mo, wi'i: «Ko fii honɗun yewtiranton ɓe mise?» 11 Iisaa jaabii ɓe, wi'i: «Onon on yeɗaama andugol gundooji laamu kammu ngun, kono kamɓe ɓe yeɗaaka ɗun. 12 Ko fii ko marɗo ɓeydantee haa ɗuuɗa, kono mo maraa on jaɓitante hay yeru ko o mari kon. 13 Ko waɗi si miɗo yewtirde ɓe mise, ko ɓay hiɓe ndaara, kono ɓe yi'ataa, hiɓe jentoo, kono ɓe nanataa, ɓe faamataa. 14 Fii ko Alla longinnoo Isaaya kon no laatora e maɓɓe, wonde:‹Pellet hiɗon nana,kono on faamataa few.Pellet hiɗon ndaara,kono on yi'ataa few. 15 Ko fii ɗee ɓerɗe oo jamaa wonii yooruɗe.Ɓe uddii noppi maɓɓe ɗin,awa kadi ɓe ombii gite ɗen,sakko ɓe yiira gite maɓɓe ɗen,maa ɓe nanira noppi maɓɓe ɗin,maa ɓe faamira ɓerɗe maɓɓe ɗen,haa ɓe tuuba, mi sellina ɓe.› 16 «Onon non, gite mon ɗen malii ko fii hiɗe yi'ude, noppi mon ɗin malii ko fii hiɗi nanude. 17 Ko fii ka haqiiqa mi andinii on, annabaaɓe e feewuɓe buy faalano yi'ude koo ko wonɗon yi'ude, kono ɓe yi'aali. Ɓe faalano kadi nanude koo ko wonɗon nanude, kono ɓe nanaali. 18 «Kono onon, heɗee firo ngal misal remoowo on. 19 Nde goɗɗo heɗii daalol *laamu Alla ngun, ronki ngol faamude, bonɗo on aray, itta ko aawaa kon ka ɓernde makko. Ɗun no wa'i wa nde awdi sankaandi ndin saami ka ɗatal. 20 Nde awdi sankaandi ndin saami ka kaaƴe, ɗun no wa'i wa nde goɗɗo nani daalol ngol, o jaɓa ngol heɲa e nder weltaare. 21 Kono o alaa ɗaɗi, ko fii hinaa o tabituɗo. Nde satteendeeji maa cukkeede aroyi sabu jokkugol makko daalol ngol, o tertoto kisan. 22 Nde awdi sankaandi ndin saami ka sooƴoore, ɗun no wa'i wa nde goɗɗo nani daalol ngol, hara ngol rimataa e makko ko fii haray ngol moɗiraama anndeeji aduna e ɗayniro jawle. 23 Nde awdi sankaandi ndin saami ka leydi moƴƴiri, ɗun no wa'i wa nde goɗɗo nani daalol ngol, faami, ngol rimi e makko, woɓɓe ɓen laabi teemedere, woɓɓe ɓen laabi cappanɗe jeegoo, ɓeya ɓen laabi cappanɗe tati.» 24 Iisaa addani ɓe misal goo kadi, o wi'i ɓe: «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i wa nde aaden sanki awdi moƴƴiri e ngesa mun. 25 Kono wa ko yimɓe ɓen ɗaanii, gaɲo makko on ari, sanki kenkesama ka ngesa makko ngawri, o yahi. 26 Ɓay wonii ngawri ndin fuɗii haa mawnii sawtii, kenkesama on kadi yaltiti. 27 «Kurkaaduuɓe jom suudu ndun ari, wi'i mo: ‹Jom amen, e hinaa awdi moƴƴiri sankuɗon ka ngesa mon? E hara ko honto oo kenkesama iwri?› 28 «O jaabii ɓe, o wi'i: ‹Ko gaɲo waɗi ɗun.›«Onsay kurkaaduuɓe ɓen wi'i mo: ‹Hiɗon faalaa yo men yahu men ɓoroya ɗun?› 29 «O jaabii ɓe: ‹Oo'o, fii wota on ɓoror ngawri ndin nde hiɗon ɓora kenkesama on. 30 Accee ɗi njanɗida haa ka baagol. Si baagol ngol fewndike, mi wi'ay wa'ooɓe ɓen yo ɓe ɓoru taho kenkesama on, ɓe haɓɓira ba'e ba'e fii ko sunnee, ɓe mooɓa ngawri ndin ka tumusuuje an.› » 31 Iisaa addani ɓe misal goo kadi, o wi'i ɓe: «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i wa abbere bene, nde goɗɗo ƴetti, aawi e ngesa mun. 32 Pellet, ko nden ɓuri fanɗude e ko aawetee kon fow, kono nde nde fuɗi, haray ko nden ɓuri mawnude kala ko tutetee e naakoo, nde wonta leggal haa ka tawata colli ɗin ka weeyo aray, hoɗa e calɗi maggal on.» 33 Iisaa addani ɓe ngal misal ɗoo kadi, o wi'i ɓe: «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i wa lewen mo debbo ƴetti, jillindiri e sariyaare tati condi farin, o piya ɗun, on lewen wona sabu ɗun fow ƴura.» 34 Iisaa yewtiri ɗun jamaa on mise. O yewtirtaano ɓe si wonaa mise, 35 fii no ko daaliranoo annabaajo on kon laatora, wonde:«Mi udditay hunduko an kon fii yewtirgol mise,mi feɲɲina piiji suuɗinooɗi gila ka fuɗɗoode.» 36 Onsay Iisaa acci ɗon jamaa on, o naati ka suudu. Taalibaaɓe makko ɓen ɓadii mo, ɓe wi'i: «Sifanee men ngal misal kenkesama ka ngesa.» 37 O jaabii ɓe, o wi'i: «Sankuɗo awdi moƴƴiri on ko *Ɓii-Aaden on. 38 Ngesa mban ko aduna on. Awdi moƴƴiri ndin, ko ɓen woni ɓiɓɓe laamateeri ndin. Kenkesama on non ko ɓen woni ɓiɓɓe bonɗo on. 39 Gaɲo sankuɗo kenkesama on, ko on woni Ibuliisa. Baagol ngol non ko lannoode aduna on, wa'ooɓe ɓen ko ɓen woni malaa'ikaaɓe ɓen. 40 Wano kenkesama on ɓorirtee non fii bugegol ka yiite, ko non woniroyta nde aduna on lanni. 41 Ɓii-Aaden on imminoyay malaa'ikaaɓe mun ɓen ko suuta e nder laamateeri makko ndin fegginayɓe ɓen fow e waɗooɓe ko boni ɓen, 42 ɓe bugoo ɓe ka nder beembal yiite ka wullaandu e ŋatindiro ɲiiƴe woni ton. 43 Kono feewuɓe ɓen jalbiroyay wa naange ka nder laamateeri Ben maɓɓe. Mo no mari noppi, yo nanu!» 44 Iisaa wi'i kadi: «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i wa keyee suuɗiiɗo e nder ngesa mo neɗɗo goo arata yi'a suuɗa. E nder weltaare makko nden o yaha, o yeeya kala ko o jogii, o sooda mban ngesa. 45 «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i kadi wa njulaajo wonɗo ɗaɓɓude lambiri. 46 Ɓay o yi'ii satta-cogguure, o yahi, o yeeyiti kala ko o jeynoo, o soodi nde. 47 «Laamu kammu ngun no wa'i kadi wa *jalaaji bugaaɗi e nder maayo, mooɓi noone liƴƴi fow. 48 Ɓay ɗi heewii, ɗi pooɗaa ka pencen, jooɗaa. Moƴƴi ɗin ƴettaa wattaa ka miranji, bonɗi ɗin bugaa. 49 Ko non kadi woniroyta nde aduna on lanni. Malaa'ikaaɓe ɓen yahoyay sendindira bonɓe ɓen e moƴƴuɓe ɓen. 50 Ɓe bugoo bonɓe ɓen ka beembal yiite ka wullaandu e ŋatindiro ɲiiƴe woni ton. 51 «E hara on faamii ɗun fow?»Ɓe jaabii: «Hiiyii!» 52 O wi'i ɓe kadi: «Ko ɗun waɗi, kala jannoowo jamaa on fii Sariya on, si no jannaa fii laamu kammu ngun, no wa'i wa nde jom suudu no yaltina e nder marga mun keyeeji kesi e kiɗɗi.» 53 Ɓay wonii Iisaa gaynii ɗee mise, o iwi ɗon. 54 Iisaa yahi ka o ne'aa ɗon, ɗun ko Naasirata, o woni e waajagol ka nder juulirde maɓɓe. Ɗun ŋalɗini ɓe haa ɓe wi'i: «Ko honto nguu faamu e ɗii kaawakeeji moƴƴi iwrani mo? 55 E hinaa ɓiɗɗo minisiyeejo on nii? Hinaa yumma makko wi'etee Mariyama? E hara neene-gootooɓe makko ɓen hinaa Yaaquuba e Yuusufu e Sim'uunu e Yuudu? 56 E hinaa bandiraaɓe makko ɓen fow no wondi e men? E hara ko honto ɗun fow iwrani mo?» 57 Ɗun haɗi ɓe gomɗingol mo.Kono Iisaa wi'i ɓe: «Annabaajo ko ka leydi mun tun e ka ɓeynguure mun yawaa.» 58 Laatii o waɗaali ɗon kaawakeeji moƴƴi buy sabu angal gomɗinal maɓɓe ngal.

In Other Versions

Matthew 13 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 13 in the AS21

Matthew 13 in the BAGH

Matthew 13 in the BBPNG

Matthew 13 in the BBT1E

Matthew 13 in the BDS

Matthew 13 in the BEV

Matthew 13 in the BHAD

Matthew 13 in the BIB

Matthew 13 in the BLPT

Matthew 13 in the BNT

Matthew 13 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 13 in the BNTLV

Matthew 13 in the BOATCB

Matthew 13 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 13 in the BOBCV

Matthew 13 in the BOCNT

Matthew 13 in the BOECS

Matthew 13 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 13 in the BOHCB

Matthew 13 in the BOHCV

Matthew 13 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 13 in the BOICB

Matthew 13 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 13 in the BOITCV

Matthew 13 in the BOKCV

Matthew 13 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 13 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 13 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 13 in the BOLCB

Matthew 13 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 13 in the BOMCV

Matthew 13 in the BONAV

Matthew 13 in the BONCB

Matthew 13 in the BONLT

Matthew 13 in the BONUT2

Matthew 13 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOSCB

Matthew 13 in the BOSNC

Matthew 13 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOVCB

Matthew 13 in the BOYCB

Matthew 13 in the BPBB

Matthew 13 in the BPH

Matthew 13 in the BSB

Matthew 13 in the CCB

Matthew 13 in the CUV

Matthew 13 in the CUVS

Matthew 13 in the DBT

Matthew 13 in the DGDNT

Matthew 13 in the DHNT

Matthew 13 in the DNT

Matthew 13 in the ELBE

Matthew 13 in the EMTV

Matthew 13 in the ESV

Matthew 13 in the FBV

Matthew 13 in the FEB

Matthew 13 in the GGMNT

Matthew 13 in the GNT

Matthew 13 in the HARY

Matthew 13 in the HNT

Matthew 13 in the IRVA

Matthew 13 in the IRVB

Matthew 13 in the IRVG

Matthew 13 in the IRVH

Matthew 13 in the IRVK

Matthew 13 in the IRVM

Matthew 13 in the IRVM2

Matthew 13 in the IRVO

Matthew 13 in the IRVP

Matthew 13 in the IRVT

Matthew 13 in the IRVT2

Matthew 13 in the IRVU

Matthew 13 in the ISVN

Matthew 13 in the JSNT

Matthew 13 in the KAPI

Matthew 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 13 in the KBV

Matthew 13 in the KJV

Matthew 13 in the KNFD

Matthew 13 in the LBA

Matthew 13 in the LBLA

Matthew 13 in the LNT

Matthew 13 in the LSV

Matthew 13 in the MAAL

Matthew 13 in the MBV

Matthew 13 in the MBV2

Matthew 13 in the MHNT

Matthew 13 in the MKNFD

Matthew 13 in the MNG

Matthew 13 in the MNT

Matthew 13 in the MNT2

Matthew 13 in the MRS1T

Matthew 13 in the NAA

Matthew 13 in the NASB

Matthew 13 in the NBLA

Matthew 13 in the NBS

Matthew 13 in the NBVTP

Matthew 13 in the NET2

Matthew 13 in the NIV11

Matthew 13 in the NNT

Matthew 13 in the NNT2

Matthew 13 in the NNT3

Matthew 13 in the PDDPT

Matthew 13 in the RMNT

Matthew 13 in the SBIAS

Matthew 13 in the SBIBS

Matthew 13 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 13 in the SBICS

Matthew 13 in the SBIDS

Matthew 13 in the SBIGS

Matthew 13 in the SBIHS

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 13 in the SBIKS

Matthew 13 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 13 in the SBIMS

Matthew 13 in the SBIOS

Matthew 13 in the SBIPS

Matthew 13 in the SBISS

Matthew 13 in the SBITS

Matthew 13 in the SBITS2

Matthew 13 in the SBITS3

Matthew 13 in the SBITS4

Matthew 13 in the SBIUS

Matthew 13 in the SBIVS

Matthew 13 in the SBT

Matthew 13 in the SBT1E

Matthew 13 in the SCHL

Matthew 13 in the SNT

Matthew 13 in the SUSU

Matthew 13 in the SUSU2

Matthew 13 in the SYNO

Matthew 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 13 in the TBT1E

Matthew 13 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 13 in the TFTIP

Matthew 13 in the TFTU

Matthew 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 13 in the THAI

Matthew 13 in the TNFD

Matthew 13 in the TNT

Matthew 13 in the TNTIK

Matthew 13 in the TNTIL

Matthew 13 in the TNTIN

Matthew 13 in the TNTIP

Matthew 13 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 13 in the TOMA

Matthew 13 in the TTENT

Matthew 13 in the UBG

Matthew 13 in the UGV

Matthew 13 in the UGV2

Matthew 13 in the UGV3

Matthew 13 in the VBL

Matthew 13 in the VDCC

Matthew 13 in the YALU

Matthew 13 in the YAPE

Matthew 13 in the YBVTP

Matthew 13 in the ZBP