Matthew 13 (YAPE)

1 Ka chirofen nem me chuw Jesus ko fare naun nge yan nga to’oben e lipath, nge yan i par nga but’ ngi i machib. 2 Ma girdi’ ni mu’ulung ngak ni kar cholngobiyed e pire’ ni pire’, ma aram me af Jesus nga daken bbowoch me par u daken nga but’, me par fapi girdi’ ni aram urngirad u daken e binaw. 3 Mi i weliy bo’or ban’en ngorad u fithik’ e fanathin ni ga’ar:“Be’ nib mo’on e yan ni nge wereg awochngin e woldug. 4 Ma nap’an ni be wereg fapi awoch u daken e milay’, me wear boch nga daken marichlen wo’en e girdi’ u milay’, me yib e arche’ i kay nge m’ay. 5 Ma boch e wear nga daken bochi thal i but’ ni bay u daken e war. Ma de n’uw nap’an me tugul, ya de dib’ag fare thal i but’. 6 Nap’an ni yib e yal’ ngalang me mororoynag e pi woldug nem ni ka fini tugul, ma de n’uw nap’an me l’ud ya dawori to’ar lik’ngin e pi woldug nem nga fithik’ e but’. 7 Ma boch fapi awoch e wear nga fithik’ e pan ni bay rachangalen, me ga’ fapi pan ni bay rachangalen nge yabochboch ko fapi woldug nge li’! 8 Ma boch fapi awoch e wear nga daken e but’ nib yong’ol, me tugul nge k’uf: ni yu kaen e ra’ay wom’ngin, ma yu kaen e nel’ i ragag, ma yu kaen e guyey.” 9 Me ga’ar Jesus, “Mu telmed ni fa’anra bay telmed!” 10 Me yib pi gachalpen Jesus ngak Jesus miyad fith ni lungurad, “Mangfan ni ga be non ngorad u fithik’ e fanathin?” 11 Me fulweg Jesus ngorad ni ga’ar, “Gimed e kan weliy ngomed kam nanged fan e tin nda nnang ni murung’agen e gagiyeg nu tharmiy, machane yad e dawor. 12 Ya en ni bay ban’en rok e yira pi’ boch ni pire’ ngak, nge pag urngin e tin ni nge yag ngak; machane en ndariy ban’en rok e yira fek e chu’uw i n’en ni bay rok nge chuw. 13 Ba’aray fan ni gu be non ngorad u fithik’ e fanathin: bochan e yad be changar ma darir guyed ban’en, ma yad be motoyil ma darir rung’aged ara ra nanged fan. 14 Ya nge riyul’ e tin ni yog Isaiah ni profet ko ngongol ni yad be rin’ ni ga’ar:‘Bay mmotoyil mmotoyilgad, machane dab mu nanged fan;bay mu changar mu changargad, machane dab mu guyed ban’en. 15 Ya lolugen e pi girdi’ ney e bm’urm’ur;ya kar ninged telrad,ma kar moleged owcherad.Ya fa’an mang e n’en ma ke guy lan owcherad ban’en,ma ke yag ni rung’ag telrad ban’en,ma sana ke yag ni nang lanin’rad fan ban’enma sana ke yag nra pigichealgad ngog,ngug gol nagrad.’ Aray rogon e thin ni yog Got. 16 “Ma gimed e rib fel’ wa’athmed! Ya lan owchemed e be guy ban’en ma lan telmed e be rung’ag ban’en. 17 Mu ted fanmediyan ko re bugithin ni ba’aray! Bo’or e profet ma bo’or e girdi’ rok Got ni ur m’ad ni bochan ni ngar guyed e n’en ni gimed be guy, machane de yag, ma ku ur m’ad ni bochan ni ngar rung’aged e n’en ni gimed be rung’ag, machane dar rung’aged. 18 “Ere mmotoyilgad ngam nanged fan fare fanathin ni murung’agen e en nma wereg awochngin e woldug. 19 Pi’in nrung’aged e thin rok Got ni murung’agen e gagiyeg rok ma de yag nra nanged fan e yad bod awochngin e woldug ni wear nga daken marichlen e kanawo’ u milay’. Me yib Fa’anem nib Kireb nge leag e n’en ni kan wereg nga fithik’ i lanin’rad. 20 Ma awoch ni wear nga daken bochi thal i but’ ni bay u daken e war e be yip’ fan e pi’in nrung’aged e thin rok Got nnog ngorad miyad fol riy ni kar felfelan’gad. 21 Machane ri de rich nga fithik’ i lanin’rad, ma aram me de par e thin rok Got u lanin’rad nib n’uw nap’an. Ma fa’ani yib e gafgow fa togopluw ni bochan e re thin rok Got nem, mra paged yad ni ka chingiyal’ nem. 22 Ma awoch ni wear nga fithik’ e pan ni bay rachangalen e be yip’ fan e pi’in nrung’aged e thin rok Got, ma bochan e magafan’ rorad ko re par rodad ney u fayleng nge chogowen e fel’ rogon e yib i thang u wun’rad fare thin rok Got nnog ngorad, ma dakur k’ufgad. 23 Ma awochngin e woldug ni wear nga daken e but’ ni yong’ol e be yip’ fan e pi’in nrung’aged e thin rok Got miyad nang fan: miyad k’uf, ni boch i yad e man e ra’ay wom’ngin, ma boch i yad e nel’ i ragag, ma boch i yad e guyey.” 24 Miki yog Jesus reb e fanathin ngorad ni ga’ar: “Gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod be’ nib mo’on ni wereg awochngin e woldug ni bfel’ u milay’ rok. 25 Me reb e neap’ ko ngiyal’ ni go’ kan mol, me yib be’ nto’ogor rok i wereg awochngin e pan nga fithik’ e woldug rok ni wheat me yan. 26 Ma fa’ani ga’ fapi woldug me yib i for wom’ngin, me yan i gagiyel e pan. 27 Me yib e pi tapigpig rok fa’anem ngak me lungurad ngak, ‘Awochngin e woldug ni bfel’ e mwereg nga milay’ rom; ere uw e yib e tinem e pan riy?’ 28 Me fulweg ni ga’ar, ‘Reb e to’ogor rog e ke wereg awochngin e pan nga fithik”. Miyad fith ngak ni lungurad, ‘Gab adag ni nggu warod gu puged e pi pan nem?’ 29 Me fulweg ngorad ni ga’ar, ‘Danga’, ya gimed ra pug e pan ma richey mi gimed pug boch e pi woldug nem. 30 Ere mpaged e woldug nge pan nge ga’ u ta’bang nge mada’ ko ngiyal’ ni ngan kunuy e re woldug nem ngan tay nga naun, ma aram e bay gog ko pi’in ngar muruwliyed ni som’on e ngar puged e pan u fithik’ e gi woldug nem ngar m’aged thuman ni nganin’ nga mit e nifiy, miyad kunuy e re woldug nem ngar ted nga naun rog.’ 31 Me yog Jesus reb e fanathin ngorad ni ga’ar: “Gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod rogon ba awochngin e mustard, ni ir e th’abi achig u fithik’ urngin awochngin e woldug; 32 me fek be’ nge wereg nga daken e milay’ rok, ma fa’ani tugul me yan i par ni ir e th’abi ga’ u fithik’ urngin e woldug. Me ga’ nge par nike mang ba ke gek’iy, ma aram me yib e arche’ i toy tafen nga fithik’ i papa’ngin.” 33 Me yog Jesus reb e fanathin ngorad ni ga’ar: “Gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod e is ni fek be’ ni bpin nge athkuy nga ba dabiy i flowa me thownag fa gi flowa ni ga’ngin.” 34 Jesus e maruwel ko fanathin ni nge weliy urngin e pin’ey ngak fapi girdi’ ni aram urngirad; dariy ban’en ni yog ngorad nde yog u fithik’ e fanathin. 35 I rin’ e ren’ey ni fan e nge yib i m’ug nib riyul’ e tin ni yog e profet ni ga’ar:“Bay gu maruwel ko fanathin ko ngiyal’ nra gu non ngorad,bay gog ngorad bogi ban’en nda nnang ni ka nap’an nsunumiy e fayleng.” 36 Me digey Jesus fapi girdi’ ni aram urngirad u wean nge yan nga naun. Me yib pi gachalpen ngak me lungurad ngak, “Mu weliy ngomad fan fare fanathin ni murung’agen e pan ni bay u milay’.” 37 Me fulweg Jesus ngorad ni ga’ar, “En ni wereg fapi awochngin e woldug ni bfel’ e en ni Fak e Girdi’; 38 ma fare gi milay’ e eram e fayleng; ma awochngin e woldug ni bfel’ e eram e girdi’ ni Got e be gagiyeg nagrad; ma pan e eram e girdi’ ni Fa’anem nib Kireb e ir e be gagiyeg nagrad. 39 Ma en nto’ogor ni ir e wereg awochngin e pan e eram pilungen e mo’onyan’. Ma ngiyal’ ni ngan kunuy fare woldug riy ngan tay nga naun e ireram tomuren e fayleng, ma pi’in girdi’en e maruwel ni ngar kunuyed e re woldug nem ngar ted nga naun e eram e pi engel. 40 Ma rogon ni yima kunuy e pan ngan urfiy u mit e nifiy, e aram rogon e n’en ni yira rin’ u tomuren e fayleng: 41 en ni Fak e Girdi’ e bayi l’oeg e pi engel rok ngar kunuyed urngin e pi’in yad be waliy e girdi’ ngar denengad, nge urngin e pi’in yad be ngongliy e kireb ni kar maathukgad nga fithik’ e pi’in Got e be gagiyeg nagrad, 42 nga ron’ed yad ngalan fare stof ni be yik’ ko gin ni bay ur yorgad riy ma be chachafin nguwelrad. 43 Ma tirok’ Got e girdi’ e bayi gal rama’erad ni bod e yal’ ko gin ni Chitamangirad e be gagiyegnag. Ere mmotoyilgad ni fa’anra bay telmed! 44 “Gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod ban’en nrib t’uf ma rib tolang puluwon nni k’eyag u daken bangi milay’ ni aram e kan mithag. Me pir’eg be’ nib mo’on, miki tharey bayay. Me ri gel e felfelan’ ngak me yan nge pi’ ni chuway’ urngin ban’en ni bay rok, me sul nge chuw’iy fa gi milay’. 45 “Ma ku errogon ni gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod be’ nma chuway’ ni be gay e churuwo’ nu l’ugun e yar ntin ni bfel’. 46 Ma fa’ani pir’eg reb nrib fel’ me yan i pi’ ni chuway’ urngin ban’en ni bay rok, me fek e salpiy riy nge chuw’iy fare churuwo’ ngay. 47 “Ma ku errogon ni gagiyeg nu tharmiy e bod ba nug nni yan ni pag u lan e lipath, ni urngin mit e nig mra aw ngay. 48 Ma fa’ani sug me girngiy girdi’en e fita’ fare nug nga daken e binaw miyad par nga but’ ngar mel’eged fapi nig, miyad yin’ e tin ni bfel’ ngalan e pakit rorad, ma tin ndariy ban’en nra fel’ ngay e ra n’iged. 49 Ireray e n’en ni yira rin’ u tomuren e fayleng: pi engel e bay ranod ngar kunuyed urngin e girdi’ ni kireb ni bay u fithik’ e girdi’ ni bfel’, 50 ngron’ed yad ngalan fare stof ni be yik’, ni ireram e gin ni bay ur yorgad riy ma be chachafin nguwelrad. 51 Me fithrad Jesus ni ga’ar, “Kam nanged fan e pin’ey fa dawor?”Miyad fulweg ni lungurad, “Kug nanged.” 52 Ma aram me fulweg ni ga’ar, “Fan e ren’ey e gubin e tamchib ko Motochiyel ni kar filed murung’agen e gagiyeg ni yib u tharmiy kar manged pi gachalpeg e yad bod be’ ni bay e naun rok ni yan i fek e tin nib be’ech nge tin nib kakrom ban’en u lan e senggil rok nma cha’riy ban’en riy.” 53 Ma fa’ani mu’ Jesus i weliy e pi fanathin nem me chuw u rom, 54 me sul ko binaw rok. Me machib u lan tafen e mu’ulung rorad, ma pi’in nra motoyilgad ko n’en ni be yog e ra ngatgad ngak. Miyad fith ni be lungurad, “U uw e fek e llowan’ riy ni aram rogon? Ma be di’in ma be yag ni nge ngongliy e maang’ang? 55 Gathi ir fa’anem ni fare dayksang e chitamngin? Gathi Maria faram e chitiningin, mi James, nge Josef, nge Simon, nge Judas e pi walagen ni pumo’on? 56 Ma gathi gubin pi walagen ni ppin ni yad be par u roy? Ere uw e nang urngin e pin’ey riy?” 57 Ma aram mra dabuyed ni ngar motoyilgad ngak.Me ga’ar Jesus ngorad, “Be’ ni ba profet e yibe tayfan u gubin yang, ma kemus ni girdi’ nu lan binaw rok nge girdi’ nu tabinaw rok e darir ted fan.” 58 Ma de ngongliy e maang’ang ni pire’ u rom, ni bochan e de michan’rad ngak.

In Other Versions

Matthew 13 in the ANGEFD

Matthew 13 in the ANTPNG2D

Matthew 13 in the AS21

Matthew 13 in the BAGH

Matthew 13 in the BBPNG

Matthew 13 in the BBT1E

Matthew 13 in the BDS

Matthew 13 in the BEV

Matthew 13 in the BHAD

Matthew 13 in the BIB

Matthew 13 in the BLPT

Matthew 13 in the BNT

Matthew 13 in the BNTABOOT

Matthew 13 in the BNTLV

Matthew 13 in the BOATCB

Matthew 13 in the BOATCB2

Matthew 13 in the BOBCV

Matthew 13 in the BOCNT

Matthew 13 in the BOECS

Matthew 13 in the BOGWICC

Matthew 13 in the BOHCB

Matthew 13 in the BOHCV

Matthew 13 in the BOHLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOHNTLTAL

Matthew 13 in the BOICB

Matthew 13 in the BOILNTAP

Matthew 13 in the BOITCV

Matthew 13 in the BOKCV

Matthew 13 in the BOKCV2

Matthew 13 in the BOKHWOG

Matthew 13 in the BOKSSV

Matthew 13 in the BOLCB

Matthew 13 in the BOLCB2

Matthew 13 in the BOMCV

Matthew 13 in the BONAV

Matthew 13 in the BONCB

Matthew 13 in the BONLT

Matthew 13 in the BONUT2

Matthew 13 in the BOPLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOSCB

Matthew 13 in the BOSNC

Matthew 13 in the BOTLNT

Matthew 13 in the BOVCB

Matthew 13 in the BOYCB

Matthew 13 in the BPBB

Matthew 13 in the BPH

Matthew 13 in the BSB

Matthew 13 in the CCB

Matthew 13 in the CUV

Matthew 13 in the CUVS

Matthew 13 in the DBT

Matthew 13 in the DGDNT

Matthew 13 in the DHNT

Matthew 13 in the DNT

Matthew 13 in the ELBE

Matthew 13 in the EMTV

Matthew 13 in the ESV

Matthew 13 in the FBV

Matthew 13 in the FEB

Matthew 13 in the GGMNT

Matthew 13 in the GNT

Matthew 13 in the HARY

Matthew 13 in the HNT

Matthew 13 in the IRVA

Matthew 13 in the IRVB

Matthew 13 in the IRVG

Matthew 13 in the IRVH

Matthew 13 in the IRVK

Matthew 13 in the IRVM

Matthew 13 in the IRVM2

Matthew 13 in the IRVO

Matthew 13 in the IRVP

Matthew 13 in the IRVT

Matthew 13 in the IRVT2

Matthew 13 in the IRVU

Matthew 13 in the ISVN

Matthew 13 in the JSNT

Matthew 13 in the KAPI

Matthew 13 in the KBT1ETNIK

Matthew 13 in the KBV

Matthew 13 in the KJV

Matthew 13 in the KNFD

Matthew 13 in the LBA

Matthew 13 in the LBLA

Matthew 13 in the LNT

Matthew 13 in the LSV

Matthew 13 in the MAAL

Matthew 13 in the MBV

Matthew 13 in the MBV2

Matthew 13 in the MHNT

Matthew 13 in the MKNFD

Matthew 13 in the MNG

Matthew 13 in the MNT

Matthew 13 in the MNT2

Matthew 13 in the MRS1T

Matthew 13 in the NAA

Matthew 13 in the NASB

Matthew 13 in the NBLA

Matthew 13 in the NBS

Matthew 13 in the NBVTP

Matthew 13 in the NET2

Matthew 13 in the NIV11

Matthew 13 in the NNT

Matthew 13 in the NNT2

Matthew 13 in the NNT3

Matthew 13 in the PDDPT

Matthew 13 in the PFNT

Matthew 13 in the RMNT

Matthew 13 in the SBIAS

Matthew 13 in the SBIBS

Matthew 13 in the SBIBS2

Matthew 13 in the SBICS

Matthew 13 in the SBIDS

Matthew 13 in the SBIGS

Matthew 13 in the SBIHS

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS2

Matthew 13 in the SBIIS3

Matthew 13 in the SBIKS

Matthew 13 in the SBIKS2

Matthew 13 in the SBIMS

Matthew 13 in the SBIOS

Matthew 13 in the SBIPS

Matthew 13 in the SBISS

Matthew 13 in the SBITS

Matthew 13 in the SBITS2

Matthew 13 in the SBITS3

Matthew 13 in the SBITS4

Matthew 13 in the SBIUS

Matthew 13 in the SBIVS

Matthew 13 in the SBT

Matthew 13 in the SBT1E

Matthew 13 in the SCHL

Matthew 13 in the SNT

Matthew 13 in the SUSU

Matthew 13 in the SUSU2

Matthew 13 in the SYNO

Matthew 13 in the TBIAOTANT

Matthew 13 in the TBT1E

Matthew 13 in the TBT1E2

Matthew 13 in the TFTIP

Matthew 13 in the TFTU

Matthew 13 in the TGNTATF3T

Matthew 13 in the THAI

Matthew 13 in the TNFD

Matthew 13 in the TNT

Matthew 13 in the TNTIK

Matthew 13 in the TNTIL

Matthew 13 in the TNTIN

Matthew 13 in the TNTIP

Matthew 13 in the TNTIZ

Matthew 13 in the TOMA

Matthew 13 in the TTENT

Matthew 13 in the UBG

Matthew 13 in the UGV

Matthew 13 in the UGV2

Matthew 13 in the UGV3

Matthew 13 in the VBL

Matthew 13 in the VDCC

Matthew 13 in the YALU

Matthew 13 in the YBVTP

Matthew 13 in the ZBP