Mark 6 (SBIIS)

1 anantaraM sa tatsthAnAt prasthAya svapradeshamAgataH shiShyAshcha tatpashchAd gatAH| 2 atha vishrAmavAre sati sa bhajanagR^ihe upadeShTumArabdhavAn tato.aneke lokAstatkathAM shrutvA vismitya jagaduH, asya manujasya IdR^ishI AshcharyyakriyA kasmAj jAtA? tathA svakarAbhyAm itthamadbhutaM karmma karttAुm etasmai kathaM j nAnaM dattam? 3 kimayaM mariyamaH putrastaj nA no? kimayaM yAkUb-yosi-yihudA-shimonAM bhrAtA no? asya bhaginyaH kimihAsmAbhiH saha no? itthaM te tadarthe pratyUhaM gatAH| 4 tadA yIshustebhyo.akathayat svadeshaM svakuTumbAn svaparijanAMshcha vinA kutrApi bhaviShyadvAdI asatkR^ito na bhavati| 5 apara ncha teShAmapratyayAt sa vismitaH kiyatAM rogiNAM vapuHShu hastam arpayitvA kevalaM teShAmArogyakaraNAd anyat kimapi chitrakAryyaM karttAM na shaktaH| 6 atha sa chaturdikstha grAmAn bhramitvA upadiShTavAn 7 dvAdashashiShyAn AhUya amedhyabhUtAn vashIkarttAM shaktiM dattvA teShAM dvau dvau jano preShitavAn| 8 punarityAdishad yUyam ekaikAM yaShTiM vinA vastrasaMpuTaH pUpaH kaTibandhe tAmrakhaNDa ncha eShAM kimapi mA grahlIta, 9 mArgayAtrAyai pAdeShUpAnahau dattvA dve uttarIye mA paridhadvvaM| 10 aparamapyuktaM tena yUyaM yasyAM puryyAM yasya niveshanaM pravekShyatha tAM purIM yAvanna tyakShyatha tAvat tanniveshane sthAsyatha| 11 tatra yadi kepi yuShmAkamAtithyaM na vidadhati yuShmAkaM kathAshcha na shR^iNvanti tarhi tatsthAnAt prasthAnasamaye teShAM viruddhaM sAkShyaM dAtuM svapAdAnAsphAlya rajaH sampAtayata; ahaM yuShmAn yathArthaM vachmi vichAradine tannagarasyAvasthAtaH sidomAmorayo rnagarayoravasthA sahyatarA bhaviShyati| 12 atha te gatvA lokAnAM manaHparAvarttanIH kathA prachAritavantaH| 13 evamanekAn bhUtAMshcha tyAjitavantastathA tailena marddayitvA bahUn janAnarogAnakArShuH| 14 itthaM tasya sukhyAtishchaturdisho vyAptA tadA herod rAjA tannishamya kathitavAn, yohan majjakaH shmashAnAd utthita atohetostena sarvvA etA adbhutakriyAH prakAshante| 15 anye.akathayan ayam eliyaH, kepi kathitavanta eSha bhaviShyadvAdI yadvA bhaviShyadvAdinAM sadR^isha ekoyam| 16 kintu herod ityAkarNya bhAShitavAn yasyAhaM shirashChinnavAn sa eva yohanayaM sa shmashAnAdudatiShThat| 17 pUrvvaM svabhrAtuH philipasya patnyA udvAhaM kR^itavantaM herodaM yohanavAdIt svabhAtR^ivadhU rna vivAhyA| 18 ataH kAraNAt herod lokaM prahitya yohanaM dhR^itvA bandhanAlaye baddhavAn| 19 herodiyA tasmai yohane prakupya taM hantum aichChat kintu na shaktA, 20 yasmAd herod taM dhArmmikaM satpuruSha ncha j nAtvA sammanya rakShitavAn; tatkathAM shrutvA tadanusAreNa bahUni karmmANi kR^itavAn hR^iShTamanAstadupadeshaM shrutavAMshcha| 21 kintu herod yadA svajanmadine pradhAnalokebhyaH senAnIbhyashcha gAlIlpradeshIyashreShThalokebhyashcha rAtrau bhojyamekaM kR^itavAn 22 tasmin shubhadine herodiyAyAH kanyA sametya teShAM samakShaM saMnR^itya herodastena sahopaviShTAnA ncha toShamajIjanat tatA nR^ipaH kanyAmAha sma matto yad yAchase tadeva tubhyaM dAsye| 23 shapathaM kR^itvAkathayat ched rAjyArddhamapi yAchase tadapi tubhyaM dAsye| 24 tataH sA bahi rgatvA svamAtaraM paprachCha kimahaM yAchiShye? tadA sAkathayat yohano majjakasya shiraH| 25 atha tUrNaM bhUpasamIpam etya yAchamAnAvadat kShaNesmin yohano majjakasya shiraH pAtre nidhAya dehi, etad yAche.ahaM| 26 tasmAt bhUpo.atiduHkhitaH, tathApi svashapathasya sahabhojinA nchAnurodhAt tadana NgIkarttuM na shaktaH| 27 tatkShaNaM rAjA ghAtakaM preShya tasya shira AnetumAdiShTavAn| 28 tataH sa kArAgAraM gatvA tachChirashChitvA pAtre nidhAyAnIya tasyai kanyAyai dattavAn kanyA cha svamAtre dadau| 29 ananataraM yohanaH shiShyAstadvArttAM prApyAgatya tasya kuNapaM shmashAne.asthApayan| 30 atha preShitA yIshoH sannidhau militA yad yach chakruH shikShayAmAsushcha tatsarvvavArttAstasmai kathitavantaH| 31 sa tAnuvAcha yUyaM vijanasthAnaM gatvA vishrAmyata yatastatsannidhau bahulokAnAM samAgamAt te bhoktuM nAvakAshaM prAptAH| 32 tataste nAvA vijanasthAnaM guptaM gagmuH| 33 tato lokanivahasteShAM sthAnAntarayAnaM dadarsha, aneke taM parichitya nAnApurebhyaH padairvrajitvA javena taiShAmagre yIshoH samIpa upatasthuH| 34 tadA yIshu rnAvo bahirgatya lokAraNyAnIM dR^iShTvA teShu karuNAM kR^itavAn yataste.arakShakameShA ivAsan tadA sa tAna nAnAprasa NgAn upadiShTavAn| 35 atha divAnte sati shiShyA etya yIshumUchire, idaM vijanasthAnaM dina nchAvasannaM| 36 lokAnAM kimapi khAdyaM nAsti, atashchaturdikShu grAmAn gantuM bhojyadravyANi kretu ncha bhavAn tAn visR^ijatu| 37 tadA sa tAnuvAcha yUyameva tAn bhojayata; tataste jagadu rvayaM gatvA dvishatasaMkhyakai rmudrApAdaiH pUpAn krItvA kiM tAn bhojayiShyAmaH? 38 tadA sa tAn pR^iShThavAn yuShmAkaM sannidhau kati pUpA Asate? gatvA pashyata; tataste dR^iShTvA tamavadan pa ncha pUpA dvau matsyau cha santi| 39 tadA sa lokAn shaspopari paMktibhirupaveshayitum AdiShTavAn, 40 tataste shataM shataM janAH pa nchAshat pa nchAshajjanAshcha paMktibhi rbhuvi samupavivishuH| 41 atha sa tAn pa nchapUpAn matsyadvaya ncha dhR^itvA svargaM pashyan IshvaraguNAn anvakIrttayat tAn pUpAn bhaMktvA lokebhyaH pariveShayituM shiShyebhyo dattavAn dvA matsyau cha vibhajya sarvvebhyo dattavAn| 42 tataH sarvve bhuktvAtR^ipyan| 43 anantaraM shiShyA avashiShTaiH pUpai rmatsyaishcha pUrNAn dvadasha DallakAn jagR^ihuH| 44 te bhoktAraH prAyaH pa ncha sahasrANi puruShA Asan| 45 atha sa lokAn visR^ijanneva nAvamAroDhuM svasmAdagre pAre baitsaidApuraM yAtu ncha shShyiाn vADhamAdiShTavAn| 46 tadA sa sarvvAn visR^ijya prArthayituM parvvataM gataH| 47 tataH sandhyAyAM satyAM nauH sindhumadhya upasthitA kintu sa ekAkI sthale sthitaH| 48 atha sammukhavAtavahanAt shiShyA nAvaM vAhayitvA parishrAntA iti j nAtvA sa nishAchaturthayAme sindhUpari padbhyAM vrajan teShAM samIpametya teShAmagre yAtum udyataH| 49 kintu shiShyAH sindhUpari taM vrajantaM dR^iShTvA bhUtamanumAya ruruvuH, 50 yataH sarvve taM dR^iShTvA vyAkulitAH| ataeva yIshustatkShaNaM taiH sahAlapya kathitavAn, susthirA bhUta, ayamahaM mA bhaiShTa| 51 atha naukAmAruhya tasmin teShAM sannidhiM gate vAto nivR^ittaH; tasmAtte manaHsu vismitA AshcharyyaM menire| 52 yataste manasAM kAThinyAt tat pUpIyam AshcharyyaM karmma na viviktavantaH| 53 atha te pAraM gatvA gineSharatpradeshametya taTa upasthitAH| 54 teShu naukAto bahirgateShu tatpradeshIyA lokAstaM parichitya 55 chaturdikShu dhAvanto yatra yatra rogiNo narA Asan tAn sarvvAna khaTvopari nidhAya yatra kutrachit tadvArttAM prApuH tat sthAnam Anetum Arebhire| 56 tathA yatra yatra grAme yatra yatra pure yatra yatra pallyA ncha tena praveshaH kR^itastadvartmamadhye lokAH pIDitAn sthApayitvA tasya chelagranthimAtraM spraShTum teShAmarthe tadanuj nAM prArthayantaH yAvanto lokAH paspR^ishustAvanta eva gadAnmuktAH|

In Other Versions

Mark 6 in the ANGEFD

Mark 6 in the ANTPNG2D

Mark 6 in the AS21

Mark 6 in the BAGH

Mark 6 in the BBPNG

Mark 6 in the BBT1E

Mark 6 in the BDS

Mark 6 in the BEV

Mark 6 in the BHAD

Mark 6 in the BIB

Mark 6 in the BLPT

Mark 6 in the BNT

Mark 6 in the BNTABOOT

Mark 6 in the BNTLV

Mark 6 in the BOATCB

Mark 6 in the BOATCB2

Mark 6 in the BOBCV

Mark 6 in the BOCNT

Mark 6 in the BOECS

Mark 6 in the BOGWICC

Mark 6 in the BOHCB

Mark 6 in the BOHCV

Mark 6 in the BOHLNT

Mark 6 in the BOHNTLTAL

Mark 6 in the BOICB

Mark 6 in the BOILNTAP

Mark 6 in the BOITCV

Mark 6 in the BOKCV

Mark 6 in the BOKCV2

Mark 6 in the BOKHWOG

Mark 6 in the BOKSSV

Mark 6 in the BOLCB

Mark 6 in the BOLCB2

Mark 6 in the BOMCV

Mark 6 in the BONAV

Mark 6 in the BONCB

Mark 6 in the BONLT

Mark 6 in the BONUT2

Mark 6 in the BOPLNT

Mark 6 in the BOSCB

Mark 6 in the BOSNC

Mark 6 in the BOTLNT

Mark 6 in the BOVCB

Mark 6 in the BOYCB

Mark 6 in the BPBB

Mark 6 in the BPH

Mark 6 in the BSB

Mark 6 in the CCB

Mark 6 in the CUV

Mark 6 in the CUVS

Mark 6 in the DBT

Mark 6 in the DGDNT

Mark 6 in the DHNT

Mark 6 in the DNT

Mark 6 in the ELBE

Mark 6 in the EMTV

Mark 6 in the ESV

Mark 6 in the FBV

Mark 6 in the FEB

Mark 6 in the GGMNT

Mark 6 in the GNT

Mark 6 in the HARY

Mark 6 in the HNT

Mark 6 in the IRVA

Mark 6 in the IRVB

Mark 6 in the IRVG

Mark 6 in the IRVH

Mark 6 in the IRVK

Mark 6 in the IRVM

Mark 6 in the IRVM2

Mark 6 in the IRVO

Mark 6 in the IRVP

Mark 6 in the IRVT

Mark 6 in the IRVT2

Mark 6 in the IRVU

Mark 6 in the ISVN

Mark 6 in the JSNT

Mark 6 in the KAPI

Mark 6 in the KBT1ETNIK

Mark 6 in the KBV

Mark 6 in the KJV

Mark 6 in the KNFD

Mark 6 in the LBA

Mark 6 in the LBLA

Mark 6 in the LNT

Mark 6 in the LSV

Mark 6 in the MAAL

Mark 6 in the MBV

Mark 6 in the MBV2

Mark 6 in the MHNT

Mark 6 in the MKNFD

Mark 6 in the MNG

Mark 6 in the MNT

Mark 6 in the MNT2

Mark 6 in the MRS1T

Mark 6 in the NAA

Mark 6 in the NASB

Mark 6 in the NBLA

Mark 6 in the NBS

Mark 6 in the NBVTP

Mark 6 in the NET2

Mark 6 in the NIV11

Mark 6 in the NNT

Mark 6 in the NNT2

Mark 6 in the NNT3

Mark 6 in the PDDPT

Mark 6 in the PFNT

Mark 6 in the RMNT

Mark 6 in the SBIAS

Mark 6 in the SBIBS

Mark 6 in the SBIBS2

Mark 6 in the SBICS

Mark 6 in the SBIDS

Mark 6 in the SBIGS

Mark 6 in the SBIHS

Mark 6 in the SBIIS2

Mark 6 in the SBIIS3

Mark 6 in the SBIKS

Mark 6 in the SBIKS2

Mark 6 in the SBIMS

Mark 6 in the SBIOS

Mark 6 in the SBIPS

Mark 6 in the SBISS

Mark 6 in the SBITS

Mark 6 in the SBITS2

Mark 6 in the SBITS3

Mark 6 in the SBITS4

Mark 6 in the SBIUS

Mark 6 in the SBIVS

Mark 6 in the SBT

Mark 6 in the SBT1E

Mark 6 in the SCHL

Mark 6 in the SNT

Mark 6 in the SUSU

Mark 6 in the SUSU2

Mark 6 in the SYNO

Mark 6 in the TBIAOTANT

Mark 6 in the TBT1E

Mark 6 in the TBT1E2

Mark 6 in the TFTIP

Mark 6 in the TFTU

Mark 6 in the TGNTATF3T

Mark 6 in the THAI

Mark 6 in the TNFD

Mark 6 in the TNT

Mark 6 in the TNTIK

Mark 6 in the TNTIL

Mark 6 in the TNTIN

Mark 6 in the TNTIP

Mark 6 in the TNTIZ

Mark 6 in the TOMA

Mark 6 in the TTENT

Mark 6 in the UBG

Mark 6 in the UGV

Mark 6 in the UGV2

Mark 6 in the UGV3

Mark 6 in the VBL

Mark 6 in the VDCC

Mark 6 in the YALU

Mark 6 in the YAPE

Mark 6 in the YBVTP

Mark 6 in the ZBP