Acts 6 (SBT1E)
1 Ma zora han, ruoisingei an hong pung bang lâia han, anîngtin an neinun sema han meithâingei rang lunghâng an tho ngâiloi sikin Greek chong mang Judangei hah, Juda Hebrew ngei chunga an chiera. 2 Masikin, tîrton somleinik ngei han iempungei murdi an koibum zita, “Pathien chongril mâksanin anîngtin sum puon jêk kin changin chu dik noni. 3 Masikin, champuingei nin lâia mi Ratha Inthienga asip le vârna dôn pasal sari inthang ungla, an kôm hi sin hih minkol kin tih, 4 Keini chu chubaitho le chongrilin om kin tih,” an tia. 5 Tîrtonngei chong han mipuingei murdi an râiasâna, masikin Stephan taksôn dettak le Ratha Inthienga sip le Philip, Prochoras, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas le Nikolas Jential Juda lei chang Antioch mi an thang suok ngeia. 6 Ma mi sari ngei hah tîrtonngei makunga an minding ngeia, tîrtonngei han an lu chunga kut min ngamin chubai an thoa. 7 Masikin Pathien thurchi inzarin a oma, Jerusalema ruoisingei asân an hong punga, ochai lâia mi tamtak khomin taksônna hah an pomsa zoi. 8 Stephan chu Pathien satvurna tamtak changin le sinthotheinân a sipa, mipui lâia kamâmruoi le sininkhêl roiinpuitak a tho ngena. 9 Hannirese Cyrene khuo le Alexandria khuo renga Juda senkhat (suok renga jôk) Synagog an tia kop sa ngâi ngei le Cilicia ram le Asia rama Judangei an honga, Stephan an hôn khalpuia. 10 Aniatachu Ratha han ma anga vârna a pêka han a hong chongin chu makhal mindok thei ngâi mak ngei. 11 Hanchu, “Moses le Pathien a rilminsiet kin riet,” min ti rangin mi senkhat sum le an methêmin an lei dara. 12 Ma anghan, mipuingei, Upangei le Balam minchupungei an misieta. Stephan hah an minsûra, Judangei roijêkna an tuonga. 13 Mi senkhat a chungroia milak tho rangin an hong tuonga anni han, “Hi mi, hin kin Biekin Inthieng le Moses Balam a rilminsiet bang ngâi. 14 Nazereth Jisua'n, hi Biekin hih set a ta, Moses'n balam mi pêk ngei hah thûl atih, tiin a misîr kin riet!” an tia. 15 Roijêkna muna om murdi'n Stephan hah an enruma, a mâi hah vântîrton mêl angin an mu zoi.
In Other Versions
Acts 6 in the ANGEFD
Acts 6 in the ANTPNG2D
Acts 6 in the AS21
Acts 6 in the BAGH
Acts 6 in the BBPNG
Acts 6 in the BBT1E
Acts 6 in the BDS
Acts 6 in the BEV
Acts 6 in the BHAD
Acts 6 in the BIB
Acts 6 in the BLPT
Acts 6 in the BNT
Acts 6 in the BNTABOOT
Acts 6 in the BNTLV
Acts 6 in the BOATCB
Acts 6 in the BOATCB2
Acts 6 in the BOBCV
Acts 6 in the BOCNT
Acts 6 in the BOECS
Acts 6 in the BOGWICC
Acts 6 in the BOHCB
Acts 6 in the BOHCV
Acts 6 in the BOHLNT
Acts 6 in the BOHNTLTAL
Acts 6 in the BOICB
Acts 6 in the BOILNTAP
Acts 6 in the BOITCV
Acts 6 in the BOKCV
Acts 6 in the BOKCV2
Acts 6 in the BOKHWOG
Acts 6 in the BOKSSV
Acts 6 in the BOLCB
Acts 6 in the BOLCB2
Acts 6 in the BOMCV
Acts 6 in the BONAV
Acts 6 in the BONCB
Acts 6 in the BONLT
Acts 6 in the BONUT2
Acts 6 in the BOPLNT
Acts 6 in the BOSCB
Acts 6 in the BOSNC
Acts 6 in the BOTLNT
Acts 6 in the BOVCB
Acts 6 in the BOYCB
Acts 6 in the BPBB
Acts 6 in the BPH
Acts 6 in the BSB
Acts 6 in the CCB
Acts 6 in the CUV
Acts 6 in the CUVS
Acts 6 in the DBT
Acts 6 in the DGDNT
Acts 6 in the DHNT
Acts 6 in the DNT
Acts 6 in the ELBE
Acts 6 in the EMTV
Acts 6 in the ESV
Acts 6 in the FBV
Acts 6 in the FEB
Acts 6 in the GGMNT
Acts 6 in the GNT
Acts 6 in the HARY
Acts 6 in the HNT
Acts 6 in the IRVA
Acts 6 in the IRVB
Acts 6 in the IRVG
Acts 6 in the IRVH
Acts 6 in the IRVK
Acts 6 in the IRVM
Acts 6 in the IRVM2
Acts 6 in the IRVO
Acts 6 in the IRVP
Acts 6 in the IRVT
Acts 6 in the IRVT2
Acts 6 in the IRVU
Acts 6 in the ISVN
Acts 6 in the JSNT
Acts 6 in the KAPI
Acts 6 in the KBT1ETNIK
Acts 6 in the KBV
Acts 6 in the KJV
Acts 6 in the KNFD
Acts 6 in the LBA
Acts 6 in the LBLA
Acts 6 in the LNT
Acts 6 in the LSV
Acts 6 in the MAAL
Acts 6 in the MBV
Acts 6 in the MBV2
Acts 6 in the MHNT
Acts 6 in the MKNFD
Acts 6 in the MNG
Acts 6 in the MNT
Acts 6 in the MNT2
Acts 6 in the MRS1T
Acts 6 in the NAA
Acts 6 in the NASB
Acts 6 in the NBLA
Acts 6 in the NBS
Acts 6 in the NBVTP
Acts 6 in the NET2
Acts 6 in the NIV11
Acts 6 in the NNT
Acts 6 in the NNT2
Acts 6 in the NNT3
Acts 6 in the PDDPT
Acts 6 in the PFNT
Acts 6 in the RMNT
Acts 6 in the SBIAS
Acts 6 in the SBIBS
Acts 6 in the SBIBS2
Acts 6 in the SBICS
Acts 6 in the SBIDS
Acts 6 in the SBIGS
Acts 6 in the SBIHS
Acts 6 in the SBIIS
Acts 6 in the SBIIS2
Acts 6 in the SBIIS3
Acts 6 in the SBIKS
Acts 6 in the SBIKS2
Acts 6 in the SBIMS
Acts 6 in the SBIOS
Acts 6 in the SBIPS
Acts 6 in the SBISS
Acts 6 in the SBITS
Acts 6 in the SBITS2
Acts 6 in the SBITS3
Acts 6 in the SBITS4
Acts 6 in the SBIUS
Acts 6 in the SBIVS
Acts 6 in the SBT
Acts 6 in the SCHL
Acts 6 in the SNT
Acts 6 in the SUSU
Acts 6 in the SUSU2
Acts 6 in the SYNO
Acts 6 in the TBIAOTANT
Acts 6 in the TBT1E
Acts 6 in the TBT1E2
Acts 6 in the TFTIP
Acts 6 in the TFTU
Acts 6 in the TGNTATF3T
Acts 6 in the THAI
Acts 6 in the TNFD
Acts 6 in the TNT
Acts 6 in the TNTIK
Acts 6 in the TNTIL
Acts 6 in the TNTIN
Acts 6 in the TNTIP
Acts 6 in the TNTIZ
Acts 6 in the TOMA
Acts 6 in the TTENT
Acts 6 in the UBG
Acts 6 in the UGV
Acts 6 in the UGV2
Acts 6 in the UGV3
Acts 6 in the VBL
Acts 6 in the VDCC
Acts 6 in the YALU
Acts 6 in the YAPE
Acts 6 in the YBVTP
Acts 6 in the ZBP