1 “Nan adarazi ko nan afeziaba, ia oragh. Kɨ datɨrɨghɨn deravɨra ia geghanam. Kɨ osɨmtɨzitam gamizir puvatɨ.” 2 Ezɨ me a barazima, a Hibrun akam me mɨgeima, me bar nɨmɨra iti. Ezɨ Pol kamaghɨn mɨgei, 3 “Kɨ Judan gumazir mam, nan amebam Silisian Distrighɨn, Tarsusɨn nguibamɨn na bate. Ezɨ kɨ Jerusalemɨn nguibar ekiamɨn ikiava aghungi. Kɨ Gamalielɨn dafarimɨn itima, a en ovavibar arazibar nan sure gamizɨ, kɨ bar deravɨra dagh fo. Egha ia datɨrɨghɨn ami moghɨn kɨ Godɨn gɨn mangasa bar gavgafi. 4 Kɨ faragha gumazamizir nɨghnɨzir gavgaviba itiba, me Tuavir Kamɨn zuima, kɨ me gasɨghasɨsi. Egha kɨ men suigha senbar me ikiava kalabus garɨsi. 5 Godɨn ofa gamir gumazibar dapanim ko Judan kotɨn aven itir gumazir aruaba bar nan arazibagh fo, me dar gun ia mɨkɨmam. Me Judan Damaskusɨn itir en darazi bagha osirizir akɨnafariba na ganɨngi. Ezɨ kɨ ghaze, kɨ gumazamizir nɨghnɨzir gavgaviba itir Tuavir Kamɨn gɨn zuiba, kalabusbar mɨn me inigh Jerusalemɨn izɨva, mɨzaziba me danɨngam. Egha kɨ bizir kam bagha Damaskusɨn ghu.” 6 Pol mɨgɨa ghua, ua kamaghɨn me mɨgei, “Kɨ aruer arɨzimɨn Damaskusɨn boroghɨra zuima, angazangarir gavgavim Godɨn Nguibam ikia bar na gisira. 7 Ezɨ kɨ nguazim girɨgha orazima, tiarir mam na mɨgei, ‘Sol! Sol! Nɨ manmaghsua na gasɨghasɨsi?’ 8 “Ezɨ kɨ an azara, ‘Ekiam, nɨ tina?’“Ezɨ tiarir kam na ikara, ‘Kɨ Nasaretɨn gumazim Iesus, nɨ na gasɨghasɨsi.’ 9 Ezɨ na ko zuir darasi, me angazangarimɨn ganigha, me mɨgɨrɨgɨam baragha deragha fozir puvatɨ, tina na mɨgei. 10 “Ezɨ kɨ azara, ‘Ekiam, kɨ manmaghɨn damuam?’“Ezɨ Ekiam na mɨgei, ‘Nɨ dɨkavigh Damaskusɨn mangɨ. Eghtɨ gumazitam munagh, kɨ nɨ bagha mɨsevezir ingangariba bar, dar nɨ mɨkɨmam.’ 11 Ezɨ angazangarir kam nan damazimning okavizɨ, kɨ garir puvatɨ. Kamaghɨn amizɨ, na ko itir darazi me uan dafaribar nan suigha Damaskusɨn ghu. 12 “Ezɨ gumazir mam, an ziam Ananaias, a God baghavɨra ikiava, egha Moses Osirizir Araziba bar deraghavɨra dar gɨn zui. Ezɨ Judan Damaskusɨn itir darasi, me a mɨgɨa ghaze, a gumazir aghuim. Ezɨ a iza nan gari. 13 A iza nan boroghɨn tugha, kamaghɨn na mɨgei, ‘Nan aveghbuam, Sol, nɨn damazimning ua deragh.’ Ezɨ dughiar kamra, kɨ maghɨra an gari. 14 “Ezɨ Ananaias na mɨgei, ‘En ovavibar God uan nɨghnɨzim gɨfoghasa nɨ ginaba. Nɨ Gumazir arazir aghuibagh amir kamɨn ganɨva, an akamɨn otivir mɨgɨrɨgɨaba baragh. 15 Nɨ an akam akun, egh ganigha oraghizir bizibar gun gumazamiziba bar me mɨkɨmam. 16 Ezɨ datɨrɨghɨn nɨ tizibav zuai? Nɨ dɨkavigh ruegh, an ziamɨn diaghtɨma a nɨn arazir kuraba gɨn amadagh.’ ” 17 Egha Pol mɨgɨa ghua ua kamaghɨn mɨgɨa ghaze, “Kɨ gɨn uamategha Jerusalemɨn izegha, Godɨn Dɨpenimɨn aven ikia God ko mɨgɨa irebamɨn mɨn bizimɨn gari. 18 Kɨ Ekiamɨn garima a na mɨgei, ‘Nɨ zuamɨra dɨkavigh Jerusalem ategh mangɨ. Nɨ kagh nan akam akuntɨma, me a bareghan kogham.’ 19 “Ezɨ kɨ a ikaragha ghaze, ‘Ekiam, gumazir kaba me uari fo, kɨ God ko mɨgeir dɨpenibar ghua gumazamizir nɨghnɨzir gavgavim nɨn itibar suigha me kalabus garɨgha, me mɨsosi. 20 Ezɨ nɨn akam akurir gumazir kam Stiven, me a mɨsoghezɨ an areme. Kɨ an boroghɨn tughav ikia, uan damazimɨn arazir kamɨn garima a dera. Ezɨ kɨ Stiven mɨsoghezɨ an aremezir adarazir korotiar ruaribar gari.’ 21 “Ezɨ Ekiam kamaghɨn na mɨgei, ‘Nɨ mangɨ. Kɨ saghon itir gumazamizir Kantrin Igharazibar Itiba bagh nɨ amangam.’ ” 22 Ezɨ gumazamizir avɨrim Polɨn mɨgɨrɨgɨaba baragha ghua mɨgɨrɨgɨar kam gami, a Kantrin Igharazibar Gumazamiziba bagh mangasa. Ezɨ Judaba maghɨra tiariba akara, a dagarvasi, “E a mɨsueghtɨ an aremeka! Gumazir kamaghɨn amim nguazimɨn ikian kogham.” 23 Egha me dagarvagha uan korotiaba makurava nguazir mɨnemniaba pɨn da akuri. 24 Ezɨ Romɨn mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanim, uan mɨdorozir gumazibav geima, me Pol inigha uan dɨpenibar ghue. A kamagh deragh foghasa, manmaghɨn amizɨ me kamaghɨn Pol dagarvasi. Kamaghɨn a bizir kam gɨfoghasa, uan mɨdorozir gumazibav keme, ia a fozoregh an azangsɨgh. 25 Ezɨ me Polɨn soroghafariba ikegha a fozoroghasa. Ezɨ Pol gari, Romɨn mɨdorozir gumazir 100plan garir gumazir dapanim tughav itima, Pol an azara, “Romɨn gavman osirizir arazitam, Romɨn kantrin gumazitam damuasa ian amamangatɨ, o puvatɨ? Kɨ Romɨn gumazim. Ia na kotiam gatɨzir puvatɨgha egh na fozoroghasa.” 26 Ezɨ mɨdorozir gumazibar garir gumazir dapanim kamaghɨn oregha, Romɨn mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanim bagha ghua kamaghɨn a mɨgei, “Nɨ manmaghɨn damuam? Kar Romɨn gumazim.” 27 Ezɨ mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanim Pol bagha ghua an azara, “Nɨ na mɨkɨm, nɨ Romɨn gumazimra?”Ezɨ Pol a ikaragha ghaze, “Are, kɨrara.” 28 Ezɨ mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanim kamaghɨn mɨgei, “Kɨ ivezir dafam gamigha, egha Romɨn gumazimɨn oto.”Ezɨ Pol kamaghɨn a mɨgei, “Nan afeziam, a Romɨn gumazim, ezɨ kɨ Romɨn gumazim.” 29 Ezɨ an azangsɨghasava amir gumaziba me kamaghɨn oregha, zuamɨra uarigh ekuigha saghuiamɨn tuivighav iti. Ezɨ mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanir senɨn Pol ikezim a fo, Pol Romɨn gumazimra. Kamaghɨn amizɨ, a uaghan atiatingi. 30 Ezɨ amɨmzaraghan mɨdorozir gumazibar gumazir dapanim bar deragh foghasa, Pol arazir kurar manam gamizɨ, Judaba a mɨgei. Ezɨ a Polɨn senba fɨrigha, Godɨn ofa gamir gumazir ekiaba ko Judan kotɨn aven itir gumaziba bar men diazɨ, me iza uari akufa. Ezɨ a Pol inigha ghuaghira men damazimɨn anetɨzɨ a tughav iti.

In Other Versions

Acts 22 in the ANGEFD

Acts 22 in the ANTPNG2D

Acts 22 in the AS21

Acts 22 in the BAGH

Acts 22 in the BBPNG

Acts 22 in the BBT1E

Acts 22 in the BDS

Acts 22 in the BEV

Acts 22 in the BHAD

Acts 22 in the BIB

Acts 22 in the BLPT

Acts 22 in the BNT

Acts 22 in the BNTABOOT

Acts 22 in the BNTLV

Acts 22 in the BOATCB

Acts 22 in the BOATCB2

Acts 22 in the BOBCV

Acts 22 in the BOCNT

Acts 22 in the BOECS

Acts 22 in the BOGWICC

Acts 22 in the BOHCB

Acts 22 in the BOHCV

Acts 22 in the BOHLNT

Acts 22 in the BOHNTLTAL

Acts 22 in the BOICB

Acts 22 in the BOILNTAP

Acts 22 in the BOITCV

Acts 22 in the BOKCV

Acts 22 in the BOKCV2

Acts 22 in the BOKHWOG

Acts 22 in the BOKSSV

Acts 22 in the BOLCB

Acts 22 in the BOLCB2

Acts 22 in the BOMCV

Acts 22 in the BONAV

Acts 22 in the BONCB

Acts 22 in the BONLT

Acts 22 in the BONUT2

Acts 22 in the BOPLNT

Acts 22 in the BOSCB

Acts 22 in the BOSNC

Acts 22 in the BOTLNT

Acts 22 in the BOVCB

Acts 22 in the BOYCB

Acts 22 in the BPBB

Acts 22 in the BPH

Acts 22 in the BSB

Acts 22 in the CCB

Acts 22 in the CUV

Acts 22 in the CUVS

Acts 22 in the DBT

Acts 22 in the DGDNT

Acts 22 in the DHNT

Acts 22 in the DNT

Acts 22 in the ELBE

Acts 22 in the EMTV

Acts 22 in the ESV

Acts 22 in the FBV

Acts 22 in the FEB

Acts 22 in the GGMNT

Acts 22 in the GNT

Acts 22 in the HARY

Acts 22 in the HNT

Acts 22 in the IRVA

Acts 22 in the IRVB

Acts 22 in the IRVG

Acts 22 in the IRVH

Acts 22 in the IRVK

Acts 22 in the IRVM

Acts 22 in the IRVM2

Acts 22 in the IRVO

Acts 22 in the IRVP

Acts 22 in the IRVT

Acts 22 in the IRVT2

Acts 22 in the IRVU

Acts 22 in the ISVN

Acts 22 in the JSNT

Acts 22 in the KAPI

Acts 22 in the KBT1ETNIK

Acts 22 in the KBV

Acts 22 in the KJV

Acts 22 in the KNFD

Acts 22 in the LBA

Acts 22 in the LBLA

Acts 22 in the LNT

Acts 22 in the LSV

Acts 22 in the MAAL

Acts 22 in the MBV

Acts 22 in the MBV2

Acts 22 in the MHNT

Acts 22 in the MKNFD

Acts 22 in the MNG

Acts 22 in the MNT

Acts 22 in the MNT2

Acts 22 in the MRS1T

Acts 22 in the NAA

Acts 22 in the NASB

Acts 22 in the NBLA

Acts 22 in the NBS

Acts 22 in the NBVTP

Acts 22 in the NET2

Acts 22 in the NIV11

Acts 22 in the NNT

Acts 22 in the NNT2

Acts 22 in the NNT3

Acts 22 in the PDDPT

Acts 22 in the PFNT

Acts 22 in the RMNT

Acts 22 in the SBIAS

Acts 22 in the SBIBS

Acts 22 in the SBIBS2

Acts 22 in the SBICS

Acts 22 in the SBIDS

Acts 22 in the SBIGS

Acts 22 in the SBIHS

Acts 22 in the SBIIS

Acts 22 in the SBIIS2

Acts 22 in the SBIIS3

Acts 22 in the SBIKS

Acts 22 in the SBIKS2

Acts 22 in the SBIMS

Acts 22 in the SBIOS

Acts 22 in the SBIPS

Acts 22 in the SBISS

Acts 22 in the SBITS

Acts 22 in the SBITS2

Acts 22 in the SBITS3

Acts 22 in the SBITS4

Acts 22 in the SBIUS

Acts 22 in the SBIVS

Acts 22 in the SBT

Acts 22 in the SBT1E

Acts 22 in the SCHL

Acts 22 in the SNT

Acts 22 in the SUSU

Acts 22 in the SUSU2

Acts 22 in the SYNO

Acts 22 in the TBT1E

Acts 22 in the TBT1E2

Acts 22 in the TFTIP

Acts 22 in the TFTU

Acts 22 in the TGNTATF3T

Acts 22 in the THAI

Acts 22 in the TNFD

Acts 22 in the TNT

Acts 22 in the TNTIK

Acts 22 in the TNTIL

Acts 22 in the TNTIN

Acts 22 in the TNTIP

Acts 22 in the TNTIZ

Acts 22 in the TOMA

Acts 22 in the TTENT

Acts 22 in the UBG

Acts 22 in the UGV

Acts 22 in the UGV2

Acts 22 in the UGV3

Acts 22 in the VBL

Acts 22 in the VDCC

Acts 22 in the YALU

Acts 22 in the YAPE

Acts 22 in the YBVTP

Acts 22 in the ZBP