John 2 (TBT1E)
1 Alu lonyi kochingbv Galili gv banggu Kana lo nyida go rito. Hoka Jisu gv Anv ngv dooto, 2 okv nyida hoka Jisu nyila okv ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwa gokto. 3 Vdwlo anggor ala nga jinya pvkudw, Jisu gv anv ngv ninyia minto, “Bunu gvlo anggor ala kaakuma.” 4 “Ogugo rise ngvdw no ngam mingkwng svgo kaama,” Jisu mirwkto. “Ngo gv dw ngv vjak aatv madv.” 5 Jisu gv Anv ngv pakbu vdwa minto, “Hv ogugo nonua minredw ritoka.” 6 Jius vdwv pvbv doola arwanyu harkak nanvbv, hoka takam pvchwng vkv pwkv go dooto, pvchwng pwkinnv kai ngv isi laajok lvngbv go aajinv vkv. 7 Jisu pakbu vdwa minto, “Pvchwng vdw soka isi lokv pwbing tvka.” Bunu pvchwng lvnggung lo godubv pwbing to, 8 okv vbvrikunamv hv bunua minto, “Vjak isi kvgonyi joklin gvrila nyida nga rigvnv nyi hum jitoka.” Bunu isi a ninyi bvngji toku, 9 hv vjak anggor ala bv ritoku, okv nw hum tvngka toku. Hv anggor ala hv ogolokv aapvnvdw hum nw chimato (vbvritola, isi a joklinnv pakbu vdwv chinto); vkvlvgabv hv makbu rijinv anga goklwkto 10 okv minto, “Nyi mvnwngngv tvngpunv anggor ala alvyanv nga jicho dvnv yikv, okv nyen vdwgv tvnggu dubv tvngro kochingbvku, hv sarchik nvnga jidunv. Vbvritola nonu vjaklodvbv anggor ala alvyachok nvnga doobwng mopv!” 11 Jisu so lamrwpadubv mvnam a Galili gv kana lo riturike bv rito; hoka hv ninyigv kai nama kaatam toku, okv ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv ninyi mvngjwng toku. 12 So kochingbv, Jisu okv ninyigv Anv, achiboru vdwv, okv ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv Kaparnaum bv vngtoku okv hoka lonyi loum go dootoku. 13 So si vngbokunam pumja ridwv nvchibv ritoku, vkvlvgabv Jisu Jerusalem bv vngtoku. 14 Hoka Pwknvyarnvnaam arwng lo svv pioknv nyi, svlar, okv taakw, okv morko lwkmisinv vdwa tvbul lo doodubv hv kaapa toku. 15 Vkvlvgabv hv svnwngsvmin mvnwngnga bangngi lokv dvnggvrila Pwknvyarnvnaam loka charlin toku, svlar okv svv vdwaka; hv morko lwknv vdwgv tvbulla ngora jito okv bunugv morko lokdwng ngv kaayak padubv mvtoku; 16 okv hv taakw pyoknv nyi vdwa minto, “Bunua sokv agumlo bvngroto! ngo abu gv naam a bajar mookubv mvku mabvka!” 17 Ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv mvngpa nyatoku Darwknv Kitaplo mindu, “Ho Pwknvyarnv no gv naam ha ngoogv mvngbiula kumnam si vmv jvbv gudu.” 18 Jius nyi kainv vdwv Jisunyi mirwkla tvuto, “No sum rila dunv vla ngonua ogu lamrwpanam go rila kaatamre?” 19 Jisu mirwkto, “So Pwknvyarnvnaam sum toyak tvka okv ngo alu loum lo sum mvdi jiriku.” 20 “No alu loum lo sum mvdi jitv dunvre? Vla bunu ninyia tvvkato. Sum Pwknvyarnvnaam sum mvdubv anying champi gola nyingkv gobv ripvnv!” 21 Vbvritola Jisu gv Pwknvyarnvnaam vnam si ninyigv ayakka minpvnv. 22 Vkvlvgabv vdwlo nw sinam lokv turkur tokudw, ninyigv lvbwlaksu vdwv nw sum minpvnv vla mvngpa toku, okv bunu Darwknv Kitap okv Jisu ogugo mimpvkudw hum mvngjwng toku. 23 Vngbodvnam pumja lo Jisu gv Jerusalem lo doolwk dvla, ninyigv lamrwpadubv mvnam rinam a kaala awgo nyi vdwv ninyia mvngjwng toku. 24 Vbvritola Jisu atubongv bunua mvngjwk matoku, ogulvgavbolo hv bunu mvnwngnga chintoku. 25 Hoka bunugv lvgabv yvvka ninyia minji sego kaamato, ogulvgavbolo bunugv haapok arwnglo ogugo doopvdw hum atuv chinsu toku.
In Other Versions
John 2 in the ANGEFD
John 2 in the ANTPNG2D
John 2 in the AS21
John 2 in the BAGH
John 2 in the BBPNG
John 2 in the BBT1E
John 2 in the BDS
John 2 in the BEV
John 2 in the BHAD
John 2 in the BIB
John 2 in the BLPT
John 2 in the BNT
John 2 in the BNTABOOT
John 2 in the BNTLV
John 2 in the BOATCB
John 2 in the BOATCB2
John 2 in the BOBCV
John 2 in the BOCNT
John 2 in the BOECS
John 2 in the BOGWICC
John 2 in the BOHCB
John 2 in the BOHCV
John 2 in the BOHLNT
John 2 in the BOHNTLTAL
John 2 in the BOICB
John 2 in the BOILNTAP
John 2 in the BOITCV
John 2 in the BOKCV
John 2 in the BOKCV2
John 2 in the BOKHWOG
John 2 in the BOKSSV
John 2 in the BOLCB
John 2 in the BOLCB2
John 2 in the BOMCV
John 2 in the BONAV
John 2 in the BONCB
John 2 in the BONLT
John 2 in the BONUT2
John 2 in the BOPLNT
John 2 in the BOSCB
John 2 in the BOSNC
John 2 in the BOTLNT
John 2 in the BOVCB
John 2 in the BOYCB
John 2 in the BPBB
John 2 in the BPH
John 2 in the BSB
John 2 in the CCB
John 2 in the CUV
John 2 in the CUVS
John 2 in the DBT
John 2 in the DGDNT
John 2 in the DHNT
John 2 in the DNT
John 2 in the ELBE
John 2 in the EMTV
John 2 in the ESV
John 2 in the FBV
John 2 in the FEB
John 2 in the GGMNT
John 2 in the GNT
John 2 in the HARY
John 2 in the HNT
John 2 in the IRVA
John 2 in the IRVB
John 2 in the IRVG
John 2 in the IRVH
John 2 in the IRVK
John 2 in the IRVM
John 2 in the IRVM2
John 2 in the IRVO
John 2 in the IRVP
John 2 in the IRVT
John 2 in the IRVT2
John 2 in the IRVU
John 2 in the ISVN
John 2 in the JSNT
John 2 in the KAPI
John 2 in the KBT1ETNIK
John 2 in the KBV
John 2 in the KJV
John 2 in the KNFD
John 2 in the LBA
John 2 in the LBLA
John 2 in the LNT
John 2 in the LSV
John 2 in the MAAL
John 2 in the MBV
John 2 in the MBV2
John 2 in the MHNT
John 2 in the MKNFD
John 2 in the MNG
John 2 in the MNT
John 2 in the MNT2
John 2 in the MRS1T
John 2 in the NAA
John 2 in the NASB
John 2 in the NBLA
John 2 in the NBS
John 2 in the NBVTP
John 2 in the NET2
John 2 in the NIV11
John 2 in the NNT
John 2 in the NNT2
John 2 in the NNT3
John 2 in the PDDPT
John 2 in the PFNT
John 2 in the RMNT
John 2 in the SBIAS
John 2 in the SBIBS
John 2 in the SBIBS2
John 2 in the SBICS
John 2 in the SBIDS
John 2 in the SBIGS
John 2 in the SBIHS
John 2 in the SBIIS
John 2 in the SBIIS2
John 2 in the SBIIS3
John 2 in the SBIKS
John 2 in the SBIKS2
John 2 in the SBIMS
John 2 in the SBIOS
John 2 in the SBIPS
John 2 in the SBISS
John 2 in the SBITS
John 2 in the SBITS2
John 2 in the SBITS3
John 2 in the SBITS4
John 2 in the SBIUS
John 2 in the SBIVS
John 2 in the SBT
John 2 in the SBT1E
John 2 in the SCHL
John 2 in the SNT
John 2 in the SUSU
John 2 in the SUSU2
John 2 in the SYNO
John 2 in the TBIAOTANT
John 2 in the TBT1E2
John 2 in the TFTIP
John 2 in the TFTU
John 2 in the TGNTATF3T
John 2 in the THAI
John 2 in the TNFD
John 2 in the TNT
John 2 in the TNTIK
John 2 in the TNTIL
John 2 in the TNTIN
John 2 in the TNTIP
John 2 in the TNTIZ
John 2 in the TOMA
John 2 in the TTENT
John 2 in the UBG
John 2 in the UGV
John 2 in the UGV2
John 2 in the UGV3
John 2 in the VBL
John 2 in the VDCC
John 2 in the YALU
John 2 in the YAPE
John 2 in the YBVTP
John 2 in the ZBP